by David Hatcher Childress
What is the World Grid? How can it be it mapped? What does it do?
Why should we be concerned about it? What does it have to with
In my many travels around the world in search of lost cities and
ancient mysteries I have often wondered if there was some link
connecting many of the ancient megalithic sites. Some years ago I
discovered that there was no such thing as a coincidence. If the
placement of ancient sites was no coincidence, what then was the
overall organizing principle for the carefully laid out world wide
Are megalithic sites laid out on a grid? What is a grid anyway?
According to my large and trusty Webster's dictionary, a grid is " a
network of uniformly spaced horizontal and perpendicular line,
specifically one used for locating points (as on a map, chart or
aerial photograph) by means of a system of coordinates."
In other words, we are speaking about an intelligent geometric
pattern into which, theoretically, the Earth and its energies are
organized - and possibly in which the ubiquitous ancient megalithic
sites are also positioned.
What we are speaking of is fundamentally different from longitudinal
and latitudinal lines that we are so familiar with from conventional
geography. Proponents of the Earth Grid theory suggest that the grid
lines are actually of a more basic nature than the more arbitrary,
later conventions of cartography.
However the familiar image of the Earth as a globe girded in a
lattice of longitude and latitude lines helps us understand what an
Earth Grid, based on more primary energy lines, might be like. I say
"energy lines" particularly, because one of the most consistent
observations readers will encounter in this book is that the
geometric pattern of the Earth Grid is energetic in nature. And that
this Earth energy, organized into a precise web, was once, and can
be again, the source of a free and inexhaustible supply of power,
once empowering older civilizations of high technological
achievement. Most Grid theorists state confidently that this Grid
technology can be reclaimed again---today.
While UFOs are a very controversial subject, which may contribute to
its perennial popularity, some theorists claim that there is a
fundamental relation between UFO phenomenon and
magnetic-vortex-gravity anomalies in the Grid.
This subject will be
discussed in the book.

Mapping the World Grid, was popular in the Middle Ages
and many
techniques are still used by the dowsers of today.
Furthermore, gravity is as complex a subject as UFOs and the World
Grid. Ask your average man on the street if he knows what gravity
is—-most likely he will say, "Of course! Everyone knows what gravity
is. That's what keeps my feet on the ground!"
Even though gravity is an apparent physical principle defining life
on Earth, it is still beyond the understanding of even the most
intelligent scientist. No one has yet satisfactorily explained
gravity. Is gravity a manifestation of energy from the Earth,
connected with the Grid? If so, can we use certain points on the
Grid to master gravity? Are UFOs defying the Earth's gravity field,
using some sort of anti-gravity? These are all pressing questions.
Perhaps by observing UFO phenomena, we can deduce certain
engineering principles in operation in the Grid.
Already the Grid seems to implicate two fundamental realities of
physical life: gravity and energy. In the pages that follow, you'll
be treated to some of the most advanced and exciting theories on the
World Grid.
Contributors to this volume approach the Grid from diverse
professional and philosophical points of view. The result is a
compilation of views (the first, and possibly definitive) of the
Grid that spans the poetic to the mathematical.
For example, professional anthropologists Bethe Hagens and William
Becker's chapter, "The Planetary Grid System," gives a thorough
overview of the geometry and geography of a unique World Grid model
they call "EarthStar". Bruce Cathie, author of four books on the
harmonics of the World Grid, presents a fascinating mathematical
probe into the Grid incorporating Einstein's Unified Field Theory;
Cathie comes up with some most surprising conclusions.
Richard LeFlors Clark, Ph.D., discusses gravity vortex areas around
the Earth that have been exploited either secretly by governments or
by amateur scientists for the purposes of levitation and
anti-gravity. He warns that you may become "permanent space debris"
if you wander into one of these areas at the wrong time!
Richard Leviton presents the Grid as a interactive spiritual
workshop for the purposes of aligning human with planetary energies
through the "megalithic temple." The Earth Grid is seen as a living
hologram of the organization of the solar system, intricately linked
with the life and destiny of human beings.

Creating a grid is
essential in any map making
Harry Osoff discusses the controversial and totally
mysterious U.S. Navy "Philadelphia Experiment", and relates it to
the Grid structure and governmental research cover-ups. He thereby
strengthens the view of secret governmental research into the areas
of anti-gravity and the World Grid. Then Barbara Hero gives a
musician's understanding of the Earth in her chapter, "International
Harmony Based Upon A Music Of Planetary Grid Systems."
Other topics in the book include discussions of the electrical
genius Nikola Tesla and the "Star Wars" plan, the mysterious Oregon
Vortex, acoustic levitation of stones, and more. Nor do we take
ourselves so seriously that we can't relax and have a little laugh
from time to time. Thus, the back of the book has chapters on
anti-gravity patents, Newspaper Headlines, The Anti-Gravity File and
even Comix.
What are we to make of all this seemingly wild conjecture? The
reports of our Grid theorists certainly go against the grain of
modern scientific views. And they draw upon information which is
often times subjective at best, and certainly controversial. Grid
theories challenge the very basis of our physical world view. Nor do
they all agree with each other. However, major innovations in
science often come from seemingly "crackpot" speculation. I leave it
to the readers to decide which theories fit best into their own
reality structure.
Personally, now, as I continue traveling around the world, I regard
with a more thoughtful eye the complex of ancient temples, cities
and mounds. While I may not agree with, or totally understand, all
of the theories presented in this book, each one has illuminated for
me in a special way the reality that the Earth is a unified living
planet, and that we as humans have a special and responsible place
within this total environment.

Planetary Grid

U.S. patent drawing for Dymaxion map
R. Buckminster Fuller did a great deal of work on the world grid. He
copyrighted his "dymaxion" map in 1946.

Crystalline planet

Planetary Grid System

The Planetary Grid System shown on the reverse side was inspired by
an original article by Christopher Bird, "Planetary Grid," published
in New Age Journal #5, May 1975, pp. 36-41.
The hexakis icosahedron
grid, coordinate calculations, and point classification system are
the original research of Bethe Hagens and William
S. Becker. These materials are distributed with permission of the
authors by Conservative Technology Intl. in cooperation with
Governors State University, Division of Intercultural Studies,
University Park, Illinois 60466 312/534-5000 x2455.
This map may be
reproduced if they are distributed without charge and if
acknowledgement is given to Governors State University (address
included) and Mr. Bird.

Earth crystalline energy grid
The so-called Russian Grid, treating the earth as if it were a
gigantic crystal.

Computer simulation of molecule C60; a hollow sphere. It can hold
other atoms.
Note similarities in grid concepts with this computer model of a
carbon molecule.

David Zink's map of megalithic sites and other features from his
book The Ancient Stones Speak,(Dutton, 1979).
The Planetary Grid System
Some of the significant features of the
major grid intersections:
(1) Giza,the Great Pyramid
(3)Tyumen oil
field, USSR
(4) Lake Baikal, USSR, many unique plants and animals
(9) Hudson Bay, present location of north magnetic pole
northern British Isles, Maes Howe, Ring of Brodgar, Callanish
(12) Mohenjo Daro—Rama Empire culture
(13) Xian Pyramids, largest in the
(14) southern Japan, "Dragon's Triangle," great seismic
(16) Hamakulia, nearby lies Hawaii, scene of high volcanic
and earthquake activity
(17) the sophisticated canal civilization
of Cibola
(18) Bimini, the site of huge "man-made" walls
underwater, discovered in 1969, the date that Edgar Cayce had
predicted that evidence of Atlantis would be discovered
Algerian megalithic ruins
(21) megaliths at Axum, the Coptic
Christian center in Ethiopia
(25) Bangkok and Ankor Wat
Sarawak, Borneo, site of ancient megalithic structures
(28) Pohnpei
Island, Micronesia, site of the megalithic city of Nan Madol
Lima, Peru, boundary of the Nazca Plate, Pisco, the Candlestick of
the Andes & the Nazca Lines
(40) Gabon, West Africa, natural atomic
reactor in operation about 1.7 million yearsago
(41) Zimbabwe with
its ancient mines & structures
(44) the Maralinga Atomic Test Site,
which also has megalithic ruins
(47) EasterIsland and its
(62) German underground Antarctic base?
The ten "vile vortices" originally taken from
Ivan T. Sanderson.
these ten areas, theoretically, magnetic-gravitational anomalies
take place. Nicholas R. Nelson, in his book, Paradox (1980, Dorrance
& Co. Ardmore, Penn.), believes that these vortex areas are
entrances to other dimensions.
Such "doors" to other dimensions
would account for strange disapearances and mysterious vanishings.

More illustrations from Paradox, Nelson sees the earth as an
Icosahedron. Below is an enlargement of the Bermuda Triangle
vortex area, one of the supposed "vile vortexes".
Here we see how other dimensions or parallel worlds can
connect with the earth, theoretically at the ten hypothetical
vortex areas of the earth.

This illustration is from the book Genesis de la Cultura Andina
(Genesis of the Andean Culture) by Carlos Milla Villena, published
in Peru.
It shows the "grid line"-mathematical relationship of the
megalithic remains of
Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, with those in Cuzco,
Peru and Vitcos, brief capital of the Incas in exile, as well as the
point of entry into Peru that Pizarro and his conquistadors took
during their conquest.
Also on the grid line is Cajamarca, where the
conquistadors captured the Inca Atahualpa and so sealed the fate of
the Inca Empire. Were the Incas, or perhaps an earlier culture aware
of the world grid?

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