by Dan Winter
SanGraal Website
A portion of the Draco soul group
’fell to Earth’ in the DACian
origins of Rumania. Uru /serpent -RU-m’an ia...
Is This a Key to the Genetic and Snake Like Root of our "FALL"?
True History for Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby
/ - Paperback
- 257
pages / April 1999
.." suggests that DNA, and the life it codes for at the cellular
level, are "minded."
Quote from
Wingmakers -
"Your planet is of interest to an
extraterrestrial species that you are not aware of at this time. It
is a species more advanced and more dangerous than your average
citizen can imagine. If humankind is destined to be the stewards of
this genetic library called earth, which we so carefully cultivated
and exported to this galaxy, then it will need to defend itself from
this predator race."
(wingmakers - book 1)
Korinna’s Story:
(Korinna Muller)
.... felt her German roots more powerful than her
Rumanian birth. Fluent in German, Hungarian, Rumanian, Italian,
English and Spanish. She hosts international events in Sacred
Geometry and Ananda’s Diamond Light Body training. She connects much
of Europe with her facility with language and tradition. Her husband
died being irradiated by the ’secret societies’ for revealing the
true Rumanian history also of World War II. The book was: "Antonescu",
(he was ghost writer for the signer Dragan European Foundation)- and
also he wrote "The Origins of the Rumanian Language, Literature and
It includes photos - and suggests the DACian
and ’Traci ’- Tracian origins of Rumanian. (See Morningsky on the Orion queen
origin of Mag vs Tak - MagzDak.. see TAK=ORION below) - Traci /
Dragi - Rumanian (including Transylvanian - Hungarian) were the
closest to pure Draco language of this planet. See Korinna’s book
editing: "History of Romanian Literature". (by G.Calinescu, Nagard
Publishers pres. J.C.Dragan, limited edition, English 1988)
Particularly helpful here are the sections tracing the real roots of
St. Germain’s Dracul family blood in Transylvania.
(Her husband was TRAIAN FILIP, author also of "Falsifier of Images"
largely dealing with George Calinescu - original source of ’History
of Romanian Literature’.)
Drag = DR-AG., M-AG, becomes AMYGdala, meaning
’to tower’, being the
mouth of the reptilian brain stem where the juices of kundalini,
tantra, testasterone and bliss are regurgitated feeding the high
bird brain. (URU feeds IBI - serpent feeds eagle, Quetzlcoatel /
SUN-God returns. )
AG= AG-ni. (Source of AGNI / FIRE)
"Uru-An-ia"? - Ro-man, Ru-man-ia...
Sumer / An / Uru’s came for Gold. Then the Romans, the Turk’s, AND
the Russian’s ALL came to Rumania for gold.
The uRu-An’s came to RU-M’ANia because of
gold deposits. Drag / MAG’s needed to follow the Gold. The gold magnetic lines were
fractality food for their wounded soul. After the Templar MAG -
Then the Roman’s conquered Dacia (today ’Rumania’) looking for gold.
(Rumania was at that time called DACIA , DACia comes from DAC, as in
MAG z TAK. Tak = Orion as in AlniTAK, MinTAKa, etc.). Their king was
DECebal, (DAC?) was fighting with Roman emperor Traian. Aryan/ Tryon
is the name of the town in Carolina settled by Daniel Peyseur of
King Louis of France MAG fortune initiating the Rockefellers, ref:
Pandora’s Box, book. Traian - last name of Korinna’s husband, whose
life purpose involved telling the story of Russian Jew’s parasitic
effect on Rumania during and after WW II. In his last novel called "Thalassa"
(TALaban, TALtos, TAL.. see also PTAH-TAAL.. ) ancient name of
Mediterranean, \ was in part the story of early Korinna’s childhood
memories - saving the pregnant VIPER - who gave birth in her hands.
She petted the pregnant snake - massaging it’s envelope unto birth.
Like heart sound peristalsically pumping the snake juice of the
spine to give birth to the Amygdala juices of bliss. When the
serpent feeds the Eagle....
According to the good Antwerp Doctor, the
Mongolian’s (An’s) were
the source of Ashkanazi, and later Bank of England. We wrote about
the MAG Templar origins of Insurance and Banking (usu-ally similar
to the industries of FEAR - piracy / extortion / parasites) as the
ET Drac way of harvesting genepools - on many planets before and
after EA’s Earth.
From Hancock’s book: "Heaven’s Mirror"
Korinna went to be near the
Draco star map at Ankor complex in
Cambodia with Anana. There Mantak Chia (m-AN -from- TAK means
ANunaki from Orion / TAK - Snaking Tantra thru the spinal orbit
work), directed her to the ritual of drinking King Cobra live snake
blood then it’s gall bladder. With this she was able to see the
vision and memory of the snake line. The reptile there is close to
the universal shape shifter skill of what makes DNA able to ’worm’
itself into any shape. (Book: ShuffleBrain, also - Cosmic Serpent by
Jeremy Narby)
We were trying to see why the portion of the
DRAGON blood line ’fell’, became Draco / Sumerian, and
became NEPHILIM (to fall). In
the process suffering such indignities as being the "God’s" behind
the scenes eating the live human glands sacrificed in the Central
American - Teotihaucan - Pyramid of the Sun , etc.
The origin hi
Dragon lineage, were the MAG’s of the Orion queens.
They were the power DNA of the Orion sector. She saw that the Draco
warriors became over zealous in their war on the chalk planet. My
interpretation is that a green beam emerged from a nuclear like
blast they caused which put an ARROW thru a portion of the Draco
soul group. She saw this chalk like planet which had been the source
of the green beam splitting the brain and heart of the wounded
Draco. This rang of the "Green Stone" book in the MAGdalen story,
and the Green Stone made of Jade used by Mayan.
Korinna saw was that a small portion of the fierce Dragon
family blood line, was wounded in some rather permanent way by an
arrow which split both the brain and heart hemispheres. She saw a
green beam emitting from a conflict they over-did. I speculated the
conflict may have been nuclear, like the Enlil AN blast ’pillar of
salt’ they (the An’s), blew up & made desert of Sinai (Sodom and
She said the portion of the Dragon soul group which broke off,
became DRACO - fractionated, and un-ensouled, and ’fallen’, and
became our genetic ancestors (Sumer),
was only a tiny part of the
Dragon line, but enough to become the chief parasites of our planet
for millennia. And as John Fox said, you learn most about a body by
studying it’s parasites. She said the Dragon Queen’s leadership of
the majority of their soul group, regarded those fallen DRACO as
terribly sad, and not-retrievable. Reminding me of how many times
Max the Drac healer in Hawaii had to attempt successful near death
experience. (The geometry of successful memory thru death requires
accurate braid compression in DNA worm - a sequence of recursively
superposeable symmetry turns - well mapped by those who drew the
steering they saw during dying.).
I had long believed that this the process of becoming
FALLEN among this Dragon remnant DRACO bloodline, was a loss of
skill to make the glandular passion fire or implosion in the
recursion steering it takes to make DNA self entwine / braid (worm)
enough to implode.& ensoul. (ref: ../superDNA , and ../magneticx ).
This story was critical because it explained what destructive URges
those URU brought here (SUM-UR-IA , SUMER means dragon in Celtic ).
It explained the parasitic side of the moment of conception of our genepool. Those UR or AN Dragon’s (morph animation to Sumerian
Goddess from Draco at ../lion path ), needed Gold powder to shore up
their loss of implosion (AGni fire) in the DNA - literally blood
ignition. (Adam and EVE, ISIS and OSIRIS were borg’s they made
crossing our ancestral DNA to make gold mining slaves).
Korinna’s story helped me see WHY the DRACO’s highly telepathic
wholesale slaughter of our best NAVY Seal’s at
DULCE was by those
WHO HAD 2 HEARTS each. When a heart is split, it no longer can
implode, turn inside out, and produce FIRE / IMPLOSION / perfect
COMPRESSION / COMPASSION. ("Charlie" the head DRAC running
bumps into what prevents his own DNA from steering the deca-delta
time chair like the EMPATH of a simple human teenager. Empathy being
the implosion making symmetry of FUSION in the EKG.)
She said that there was one hope for them :
the Drac queens our
ancestral EVE / Mother. She felt their racial sadness with intense
grief. She said a beam of purest fusion energy held in love, from
the HEART OF THE SUN - would be hope and healing for their broken
soul pod. She said the great women of the Solar Shaman’s had the
capability to steer that great healing SOLAR beam at the source of
our own collective egg, to heal them. And in this process, we might
do the soul retrieval for our own primal racial re-mothering. ../solarshamans
I had thought the fallen Nephite Drac’s would be toasted genetically
by the Sun’s fire during Solar maxima, like all vampires DNA heats
during compression. Instead, how rich it is that Solar maxima
steered by our racial awakening into pure fractal feminine re-fuse-ing
receptive love, could turn that rapt-or into rapt-ure.
In the below, we might ask ourselves - how is this ability to ’shape
shift’ the waves - a snake like skill.
Intro note from Dan here regarding WHY perception / focus steers
waves: Waves will always be directed or bent toward the center of
what is fractal or recursive or self embedding. Human perception as
focus requires wave alignment and thus establishes recursion/embedding geometrically among the waves in order for them to
converge or phase align non-destructively - Which is to say:
bringing waves into focus for perception8520/ is identical with the
process of making them recursive / fractal / implosive.
Corollary to: ’only love bends the light, therefore only love
we have:
’only perception embeds the waves, so only focus steers the light’.
(ref: How does INTENT steer waves? , and ref: URi Geller work
proving human focus measurably reduces radioactive half life
(radioactivity in essence is loss of the bond of
self-reference/embedding ).
GNN: Conscousness Field Affects
Thoton Universe, Consciosness Unifies All Fields
Simply Looking At Something Affects It: Quantum Theory Demonstrated
, From The Weizmann Institute (An IBI-URU institution?)
by Ananda
February 2001
February 26, 1998
--One of the most bizarre premises
of quantum theory, which has long fascinated philosophers and
physicists alike, states that by the very act of watching, the
observer affects the observed reality. In a study reported in the
February 26 issue of Nature (Vol. 391, pp. 871-874), researchers at
the Weizmann Institute of Science have now conducted a highly
controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons is
affected by the act of being observed. The experiment revealed that
the greater the amount of "watching," the greater the observer’s
influence on what actually takes place.
The research team headed by Prof. Mordehai Heiblum, included Ph.D.
student Eyal Buks, Dr. Ralph Schuster, Dr. Diana Mahalu and
Vladimir Umansky. The scientists, members of the Condensed Matter
Physics Department, work at the Institute’s Joseph H. and Belle R.
Braun Center for Submicron Research. When a quantum "observer" is
watching Quantum mechanics states that particles can also behave as
waves. This can be true for electrons at the submicron level, i.e.,
at distances measuring less than one micron, or one thousandth of a
millimeter. When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously pass
through several openings in a barrier and then meet again at the
other side of the barrier. This "meeting" is known as interference.
Strange as it may sound, interference can only occur when no one is
watching. Once an observer begins to watch the particles going
through the openings, the picture changes dramatically: if a
particle can be seen going through one opening, then it’s clear it
didn’t go through another. In other words, when under observation,
electrons are being "forced" to behave like particles and not like
waves. Thus the mere act of observation affects the experimental
findings. To demonstrate this, Weizmann Institute researchers built
a tiny device measuring less than one micron in size, which had a
barrier with two openings. They then sent a current of electrons
towards the barrier. The "observer" in this experiment wasn’t human.
Institute scientists used for this purpose a tiny but sophisticated
electronic detector that can spot passing electrons. The quantum
"observer’s" capacity to detect electrons could be altered by
changing its electrical conductivity, or the strength of the current
passing through it.
Apart from "observing," or detecting, the electrons, the detector
had no effect on the current. Yet the scientists found that the very
presence of the detector-"observer" near one of the openings caused
changes in the interference pattern of the electron waves passing
through the openings of the barrier. In fact, this effect was
dependent on the "amount" of the observation: when the "observer’s"
capacity to detect electrons increased, in other words, when the
level of the observation went up, the interference weakened; in
contrast, when its capacity to detect electrons was reduced, in
other words, when the observation slackened, the interference
Thus, by controlling the properties of the quantum observer the
scientists managed to control the extent of its influence on the
electrons’ behavior. The theoretical basis for this phenomenon was
developed several years ago by a number of physicists, including Dr. Adi Stern and
Prof. Yoseph Imry of the Weizmann Institute of
Science, together with Prof. Yakir Aharonov of Tel Aviv University.
The new experimental work was initiated following discussions with
Weizmann Institute’s Prof. Shmuel Gurvitz, and its results have
already attracted the interest of theoretical physicists around the
world and are being studied, among others, by Prof. Yehoshua
Levinson of the Weizmann Institute.
Tomorrow’s Technology
The experiment’s finding that observation tends to kill interference
may be used in tomorrow’s technology to ensure the secrecy of
information transfer. This can be accomplished if information is
encoded in such a way that the interference of multiple electron
paths is needed to decipher it.
"The presence of an eavesdropper,
who is an observer, although an unwanted one, would kill the
interference," says Prof. Heiblum. "This would let the recipient
know that the message has been intercepted."
On a broader scale, the Weizmann Institute experiment is an
important contribution to the scientific community’s efforts aimed
at developing quantum electronic machines, which may become a
reality in the next century. This radically new type of electronic
equipment may exploit both the particle and wave nature of electrons
at the same time and a greater understanding of the interplay
between these two characteristics are needed for the development of
this equipment. Such future technology may, for example, open the
way to the development of new computers whose capacity will vastly
exceed that of today’s most advanced machines.
This research was funded in part by the Minerva Foundation, Munich,
Germany. Prof. Imry holds the Max Planck Chair of Quantum Physics
and heads the Albert Einstein Minerva Center for Theoretical
Physics. The Weizmann Institute of Science, in Rehovot, Israel, is
one of the world’s foremost centers of scientific research and
graduate study. Its 2,400 scientists, students, technicians, and
engineers pursue basic research in the quest for knowledge and the
enhancement of the human condition. New ways of fighting disease and
hunger, protecting the environment, and harnessing alternative
sources of energy are high priorities.
Magnetic Components of Brain Activity
From: Ken MacLean
27 Mar 2001
Dear Dan:
Got this while reading an interesting, but sometimes bizarre paper
on the internet, from some group called the "Chicago Research Institute Group." Well you know how that goes! But
there is an interesting bit I copied that you may have an interest in. I have added my own emphasis in larger
type. I can tell you one thing, I sure would
like to get hold of that 6-minute video! -- Ken MacLean
Chicago Research Institute Group: Magnetic Components of Brain Activity
Let me continue. I already discussed the importance of the magnetic
component of brain activity in studying and monitoring brain
processes and functions accurately and precisely. Further research
by our Russian colleagues has also shown that with proper parallel
computing algorithms, one can plot three-dimensionally the magnetic
field configuration and spatio-temporal time-varying fields of the
midbrain’s thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, pituitary
and pineal functions in real time!
This is unprecedented, because it shows that, as we all here have
learned in our Hermetic Gnostic Order’s teachings, the so-called
"Cave of Brahma", Dr. N’s favorite "hang-out" (laughter), is indeed
the magnetic and acoustic resonance chamber, its shape being a
topological complex analogue of an ellipsoidal, prolate spheroid and
a torus. In American lingo, I think that is called, a doughnut
inside an egg? (Laughter) May I have the cine film strip please?
Thank you. (Short film showing computer graphics is shown).
This shows a real-time plot of the nested magnetic fields around my
own head. This piece of research was a little favor from a British
colleague that likes to work nights. They call it the "Dracula
Shift" (laughter). The white lines of the overall contour, the green
the Hypothalamus plus Thalamus field, the red the Hippocampus plus
Amygdala cycloid-shaped field (semi-circular), and the dumb-bell
shaped blue is the Epyphisis (Pineal) and Hypophysis (Pituitary)
combined fields. I wrote this algorithm myself with the help of
Professor Penrose -- another unofficial favor - to map the magnetic
fields using both the SQUID sensor helmets and a special helmet
designed by Dr. Z having Delta-T and Delta-Wye transforms, having
specially designed magnetic coils and sensors. This way we could
pick up Pico and Nanogauss fields (billionth of a Gauss). The
combined information is displayed here in three-dimensional coloured
graphics. Notice the external white-lined shape is like an egg.
Inside, almost at the centre, is the toroidal shape of the
Hippocampus-Amygdala combined fields, the red contours. The central
tube-like "sausage with trumpet-like open ends" looks like what?
Anyone? (Chorus: "An Einstein-Rosen Bridge!") Right! (This is
probably the tube that runs through the toroid, and its exit points
grow out in the shape of a trumpet. This can also be seen by looking
at the FOL pattern. Also, Dan Winter has a great graphic of this on
his website.)
The blue-green combined field of the
Thalamus-Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Pineal glands forms a sausage, like
a mini hyperspace tunnel, about 7cm long. The screen image is
magnified, but the actual side is about 7cm, (reflecting) the normal
brain size.
Let me pause as minute. Can we replay that part? Thanks. Notice how
the overall geometry is an ellipsoidal prolate spheroidal cavity
containing a sub-space of a toroid traversed by a hyperbolic,
non-linear Einstein-Rosen bridge. Again, in America n lingo, "an
egg-shaped cavity containing a doughnut crossed by a sausage". What
do these nested fields look like to you, dear friends? (Cross talk
and comments). A topological analogue of a relativistic, locally
curved space-time locus around a solar system. Of course! What else?
A space-time torus with an Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting its
median points!
There, ladies and gentlemen... there is the scientific proof that the
motto of our Order, the dictum of the ancient sages, "As Above, So
Below ... As Within, So Without" is scientifically and neurophysiologically correct and precisely so! These shapes, which
you all recognize as hyperspatial four-dimensional plots, are indeed
magnetic-acoustical resonance chambers. Notice that these amazing
geometries are the synergistic effect of the magnetic fields of
these six organs surrounded by the ventricles, under the roof of the
choroid plexus and corpus callosum. Notice what happens if I
subtract the field of even a single organ, let’s say the pineal
gland. See how it changes the entire structure? And, if I add the
contribution of the mamillary body, it only widens the tube, right?
And if we add the field from the reticular formation, the master
circuit network, relay and switchboard of the brain where all waves
are originated, what do we get? Next frame, please? We get a tunnel
merging with the main ellipsoid al field. In the screen, it is the
orange coloured grid.
To summarize, what is our Mid-Brain or
Inner Cavity? It is a
relativistic spatio-temporal cavity with local enfolded hyperspatial
bridges that undergoes harmonic resonances to magnetic and
acoustical stimuli. The implications are almost astronomical, if I
may use the term, because a model and mechanism based on this novel
scientific information implies that our human brain is in reality
none other than a biological space-time energy transducer. As such,
it creates not only space, but also time. Our ancient Chinese
ancestors maintained that "the Tao was in our head", in other words,
all the Universe was in our head! My own inference from this study
is that space and time are essentially biologically modulated,
perhaps even formulated, for my equations show that possibility.
Should this intuitive scientific insight be correct, then it would
demolish physics, biology, philosophy and theology in a single,
clean blow.
Incidentally, I showed this filmstrip and discussed my theory and
equations with Professor Penrose, who seemed interested at first,
but very politely declined any further comment or association with
me thereafter. I think he realized the impact of this novel
theory. He is still convinced that quantum mechanics is the answer
to explain brain functions and consciousness. I disagree. I think it
is General Relativity and Unified Field a la Einstein, pure and
simple. Quantum phenomena is not the cause, but merely the effect,
and creation is not statistical. It is wholeheartedly deterministic,
not left to chance, but to precisely formulated potentials, not
fields. The potentials are the cause, the fields are the effects. In
simple terms, pure magnetism and sound are the potentials. Electricity is the field. Magnetism and sound do not "travel" as
such, for they are inherently enfolded in space and are everywhere.
It is the disturbance that travels. On the other hand, electrical
charge, hence electricity, does travel, because it needs a physical
medium. It is obvious that we still don’t understand either
magnetism or the true nature of sound. (Emphasis mine).
Addend from Dan:
Here, clearly what is needed to complete the above
model for getting the brain’s MAGnetic worms thru light speed,
multiply connected, and time penetrating - is simply the now proven
understanding (Greg Hodowanec, Bill Ramsey) that waves of resulting
capacitance or charge (gravity - see below) DO travel faster than
light speed. And that this push thru the super-luminal is precisely
triggered by embedding them in a PHI recursive pine cone. /pineal /
....consider "the possible gravitational effects of charged
electrical capacitors after studying the work of the great
Michael Faraday the so called father of electricity. It is a little known
fact that Faraday made the following profound statement as far back
as the late Victorian age : ’Electrical capacity is to gravity as
inductance is to magnetism’. .....If Faraday is correct then the
energy stored in the capacitor is in the form of a GRAVITATIONAL
field much like the magnetic field of an inductor....... Townsend
Brown also found that the force generated by charged capacitors was
directed towards the positive plate; that is to say weight reduction
only occurs when the positive plate is upside to the negative plate.
.... If the negative plate is above then the device increases in
weight. ...... the ’Biefeld-Brown effect’ in the general study of electrogravitics."
"ParaSETI- ET Contact via Subtle
Energies" by Gavin Dingley
Nexus Magazine Dec 2000
Note from Dan:
If only they had realized that it is the arrangement
of the capacitive fields into concave vortex like array WHICH
GRAVITY EFFECT OF CAPACITANCE. "Gravity is capacitance gone