by Dan Winter
ImplosionGroup Website
of the psyche, illusions of grandeur, acute feelings of
depression and separation from the ’unenlightened’
world, non-identity without full cognizance of source, a
desire to exit the current incarnation, and yet not be
fully oriented to direct transition of incarnational
acknowledgement to Simoen and Maia and to
who wrote in Theta States (warning of risks associated
Mono Atomic Gold Powder/Manna |
from John K.:
I believe that you and Dan would be quite interested in
Mr. Icke’s View on
Lawrence Gardner. But most
importantly - Especially for Dan is this link:
The Biggest Secret - Interview 1
Before I came across the supporting information, I had always
been Suspicious about the current Push for Everybody to take the
White Powder.
I wonder if you have ever seen the movie Dark Angel; typical
American Action sorta movie.. These extra-terrestial Giants With
Fair hair, Tall and Dark looking characters come down from space
with the specific reason of collecting Human Endocrinal
Secretions, They have these devices on their wrists which shoot
out and Inject their Victims with a white milky Serum, then
another tube comes out and Sucks the Endocrinal Secretions from
the Pineal Gland...
Because they can’t produce their own... NATURALLY. Well
Metaphorically speaking this may be what is happening..
Sir L.G has always talked about the art of Extracting
the Telomorase Enzyme and other Secretions (Secrets.) from
Human organisms, (Young Woman just after puberty have the
highest concentration of this Star-Fire in their
Ovaries.) He has always played down and De-mystified the whole
Vampiros Fear and Forever Praising The Draco (Dragon) and their
role as the Saviours of the people, I am yet to hear him give
people any self-empowering Information on the power to
Control or Empower them-selves and I have Spoken to him and
Heard him talk on many occasions.
If people are increasing their Secretions without the Psyche or
Control To direct them, It will superconduct/ Magnify their
Fear, They will be destroyed or Milked from their Astral Demons
from Lower Astral Dimensions, The Physical contact is
un-necessary, Our Current Day Science has proved that the 4th
Dimension is Non-Local. Just seas of Energy’s. (The Red Lion by
Maria Szepes is a very interesting book.)
Who we are (Individuality.) and where we Sit (Cosmic Oneness -
Unity of all things...) can help to protect ourselves.
hi Dan,
"have found your latest articles VERY interesting (ref-to
genehome and
america’s spiritual destiny)
things are really cuming to a head.....even more sooo I and
others I know have recently seen what may be an equivalent to
the "contrails"
been sprayed from unmarked (military) aircraft. This is in north
coast, NSW Australia.
Anyway, nasty infection and flu like things seem even more
prevalent than normal. The article on the DNA hacking
viral and fungal infections makes me suspect that the lo end
ET’s have been collecting our DNA thru abduction, covert medical
experiments etc... they want to be able to do what we can
without heavy metal technology... Not only do they want our DNA
for themselves, they want to fuck it up for us so that we lose
these abilities...... genetic food, dead water, dead air and now
contrail released? biological agents to hack up our DNA!
I have found the Beck Zappa and colloidal silver one of the best
ways to counter these pathogenic invaders. I have been thinking
of making colloidal gold, Would this have any similar
effects to monoatomic gold? Also do you have any info on
the illuminati ritual supposedly being held in the Great Pyramid
over the eclipse?
thanks for your inspiration" Vincent
Answer from Dan Winter:
to Vincent:
short term electrostatic seeding of auric & dna implosion by
external means such as:
- gold
- gold colloid
- microhydrin (gold symmetry at ANU level inside
dodeca clathrate water cage)
can be useful but present hazard
of addictive disempowerment to glands learning to pump
magnetism internally eventually leading to borg status
(chloridian turning anikin to darth vader)
solution is any ecstatic/bliss activity where glands
become convinced they self generated the necessary electrical
inertia. (symmetry map to ekg implosion / ’sepher yetsira’ /
sufi dance...) which is the essence of critical mass in general
and psychological exercises for gold usage at: (below)
3D ’Heart of Gold" symmetry animation
dan winter
Interesting that Marty Wuttke
reports that alcohol addicts lose their addictions with clinical
permanence when they learn the flexibility to get a nice harmonic
cascade balance alpha and theta harmonics in their brain waves. It
worked so good in addiction programs that Medicare had to stop
paying for the biofeedback that did it. (Appears the feds have
interest only in maintaining the vicious circle of addiction, cf
Marty Wuttke, Clayton, GA.)
Now we have Thoth commenting that balancing brain harmonics
into the theta range was a specific key piece of the Egyptian
initiatory rituals. What we learned of the addicts is confirmed in
spiritual initiation: addiction was a substitute for ecstatic
process. The goal to achieve theta alpha balance was a waveguide
to ecstasy. Remember, ecstatic is a name for the CHARGE of "ECK"
(book: "Waves of Eck"), in STASIS or stillness.
We presented in two other papers, the model which suggests that
ecstasy is achieved specifically as a wave alignment which looks
like a caduceus. What it does is to create a "spin path to the zero
point". This way the very high frequency and spin dense waves of
"the matrix" or "nexus" or "zero point" (the word GOD also fits
nicely here), can be connected in an orderly spin path down into the
wave lengths our awareness normally bumps into without fasting and
cave living.
Another way to look at it, is the collective unconscious resides in
the info compression which your PC calls fractal. It is the
only compression which makes information so infinitely shareable
that passing the files around becomes literally free of energy cost.
Fractal data is packed when your heart learns the skill to arrange
it’s long wave sound and voltage in PHI related donuts or fields
(Lo-Phi or Love for short). This embedding algorhythmn is the
inviting and fractally attractive skill we call "learning
compassion". Importantly, the recursive, self-aware nature of
this wave turning inside out through center by fractal implosion is
the leverage to bend spin by being and creating center. Laymen’s
terms for leverage to bend spin would be: "BEING GOD".
Physics, desperate to avoid emotion, uses words like quantum
operator, wormhole, fractal attractor, and
prime mover. (Since before "Sentics" and my work, there was no
wave mechanics for emotion. Pity, since emotion turns out to be
quite clearly the most interesting and potent wave mechanic around.)
In effect, the skill to arrange waves in 3D PHI nests (pents, dodecs
etc.), is the only wave spin gets permission to implode. This is
because as we have explained many times elsewhere, only adding and
multiplying wave interference, gets spin BETWEEN wavelengths, and
thus down the ladder of geometry into implosion. Otherwise, the spin
becomes self canceling, and no pressure or awareness density
can convene. Or, in the Language of Blazing Tattles... where there
is flame, WAVES HAVE AGREED! PHI or the Golden Mean is
the essence of wave agreement and love. In this sense,
romantically, implosion is our best connection technology.
The subject of this paper is the hazards associated with
inventions which use this knowledge of the geometry of implosion.
Not that this knowledge of how to implode is not wonderful. It is of
course the solution to getting electricity from gravity, we are
writing the equations. (PHI optimized scalar waves are the magnetic
monopole to link gravity Einstein missed, and the solution to
his inability to visualize the infinite implosion of black holes and
time distortion.) It is also the solution to ecstasy and addiction.
Deepak Chopra’s lab seems to have bought our presentation,
it’s merely a separate checkbook needed to buy the lab. And of
course, implosion technology is the solution to global
rapture. So of course, everyone is now on the bandwagon, designing
TECHNOLOGY for ecstasy. (We have professors and inventors
converging here like a fractal attractor, all most welcome.) And
this is good, rushing in where angels fear to tread got us bombs,
and progress. So we rush.
We should proceed, but let’s be self aware. At the door to the
ritual meeting tent, the elder says: well come in and enjoy to look
at the central flame with all of us, just please leave at the door
before you enter, any imagination that you would ever again care to
have a secret thought. Some hesitate at the door, and say perhaps I
should prepare, others rush in.
The physics of implosion technology is that by connecting
harmonic pressure nodes between all wavelengths, it effectly breaks
down all barriers. This is good to the extent that some symmetry is
shareable between all systems. This is bad if there are some systems
which just haven’t achieved the symmetry discipline to become
shareable. In psychological terms, this is called, preparing to
The psychodynamic of still point access, and awareness doorway
through death is exactly the same physics. Get enough coherence and
spin density, then awareness will extend like an eyeball through a
pipe, through the light speed barrier. But massive coherence is ONLY
possible (as we have discovered in EKG and EEG work), when the
harmonics are recursive, or self-embedded, or PHI based, or
self-aware. This is because large numbers of harmonics cannot exist
in the same focus in ratios based on TWO, only in ratios based on
Massive PHI coherence is the only door through the speed of
light, and therefore time (as simple relative spin), since it is the
practical terms, this means that only DNA braided recursively by
LOVE in the EKG makes it through death, the nexus, the still
point, rapture.. etc.
Schauberger caught the spin going down implosion, and made
electricity from mineral water vortex. The Alteans got
atmosphere nestled about Mars and Earth, by tuning
planetary magnetic implosion (gravity), by using stone dolmens as
lens for magnetism to make fractals of planet grids. If we hadn’t
forgot that geomantic technique, we might still have a chance to
keep our atmosphere today! (Too much gravity: no biology, too
little: no atmosphere. The tightrope is danced with dolmenic grid
Now here is where we get to the hazards part. Gold only
occurs on planets where the magnetic lines are fractal enough to
birth gold veins. This is because gold is the most fractal of
atomic elements. Fractal magnetism is the birthplace of gold,
just like gold then made soluble in the blood, creates fractal
"tunneling". Those hastily selling stock in a company to make
gold powder manna, the immortality "bullet", do need advice.
True enough, ultimately if we do not live on magnetically fractal
(geomantic) land (where magnetic lines look like rose petals
nested), and if we do not eat fractal (or spin dense) food, THEN WE
ARE LITERALLY DEAD. (In the specific sense that life is recursion,
and evil is live, el-into-eye-of phi, spelled backwards.) So yes,
obviously if your choice is irradiated chemical brocolli with spin
dead pasta and carcinogenic oil, OR fractal GOLD POWDER MANNA, you
say, here’s my check, I’ll take the pill. GOLD is fractal, I heard
if you eat the fractal wormhole, you live forever.
Where is the fine print here.
Reading fine print, means, accessing spin in and out of fractal
compression. (Certainly what the alphabet was designed to teach,
ref: each letter is infinitely fractal and recursive and a spin path
in and out of a fractal rose, from every symmetry perspective
consumed. See Animations.)
Interestingly, as we look at the hazards of eating the gold as a
fractal, we will at the same time be looking at the hazards of:
- Phi base sounds
implosion technology
- Phi based biofeedback
- premature kundalini
you get the flavor.
The physics are easy to understand, you get toward the centroid of
massive magnetic fractal worms, if you try to touch without an
orderly spin path in to that zero point, your finger will get
burned. (Even if the story of the surgeon’s finger burned touching
the hearts firing center, is only a fairy tale, I still like it.) In
order to take advantage of the spin which lightning offered to
protein in primal soup, only those ready to enter a new axis of
symmetry’s best recursion survived into DNA, the rest (the vast
majority), flew apart.
Sounds like our headline quote again here: fractionation of the
personality. Supposing you take a computer bus line, and
accelerate the megahertz orders of magnitude, without first checking
the discipline of the master oscillator, and the switching sharing
rate of the nearby memories. It is pretty easy to take a low baud
rate machine and turn it into trash if you crank up the speed
without attention to how well organized is the internal sharing
architecture. The architecture which permits best sharing, is always
the most compressed. Compression is never perfect until the symmetry
is PHI.
SO.... if you take too much wormhole tunneling in the blood
induced by gold powder, you do suddenly hear all your ancestors
at once whispering to you out of what is now THEIR DNA. The
Yes, this compression problem is also at the same time the
universe’s most interesting file sharing problem. Now, if we were to
call in a networking consultant, he would tell us that in order for
four billion people to share a file all at one time, everyone would
have to agree on every change made. This seems tricky.
What would be a sharing routine which would allow all of us to agree
on every change made to our central file? We can’t even agree on
which ET is really behind our government, Andromeda or
Orion. (Look how long it took the feds to understand the
Grays were NOT allies...)
How shall we resolve this squabble over the sharing of genetic
memories in our cubbyhole in the galactic petrie dish? If we do
good, maybe the angels will promote our children. If not, for which
galaxy shall we serve as manure?
Here is the essential issue. How do you recognize a truly
shareable thought, so that you can hold it like a candle flame to
immortality? You were wandering down the alley of your life, and
one time in a billion, you do indeed trip over a shareable thought.
At that moment generally you feel a definite tingle. (I do.) What
happens is a wormhole forms, and your light speed got another douse
(dose) of lightning. Enough of this, and sure enough, there
you are never having to die, because your filing cabinet never needs
the unshareable filtered out again. When you can string pure
shareable (Pure principle) thoughts together, one after
the other like an eternal golden braid, then suddenly, you are
eyeball to eyeball with GOD and VERY immortal. Pure principle, pure
recursion, pure self-reference/awareness, pure shareability, pure
love, and what makes it through every wormhole are all exactly the
same thing.
The file sharing trick is solved ultimately and always, by
the laws of symmetry. Congress hasn’t repealed them, because
congress hasn’t discovered them. Take symmetry operations
(the alphabet), to heart, and what do you got? A fractal. As
above so below, I am that I am, and all that. How does this
translate in how to share under pressure? The heart braids pressures
best by turning inside out. This happens when fear changes to
love, resistance to sharing, in the shape of the breath wave.
Fear resists spin (a mind or recursion killer). Anger jerks the
spin up sharply. (Sentics here). Love is a wave whose maximum is
.618 into the duration of the wave. This is true of how to breathe
and how to touch in order to love.
So the advice was (something like going to ritual as if to a lover)
to prepare yourself as if you were about to die, before you took
gold powder, or stood in the implosion sound, or touched the
fractal magnetic monolith. In epileptic terms this is called
"Petit Mort": "little death" (RAPT-SURE). If you die a little
bit, that is prepare yourself a little bit each day for the no
secrets, everything is shared mode, then it won’t sneak up on you
all at once leaving you clueless... eyeless in gaza. Those who get
the most out of near death experiences, are those who with
gentle comfort and self confidence, enter the stillness with their
eyes open and their memory working. This is only possible with a
clear mind, unfettered by panic, and surrounded with intention.
Intention directs the bioplasmic streamers like waveguides for
arrows through wormhole songlines.
So now, let us look at the reports of those brave souls who sat for
many minutes in high decibel PHI sound chord environment (with many
thanks to Ray Flowers). When I first did the math to synthesize five
pure PHI harmonics on the Korg M1, 5 seconds did me in. My heart
hurt. I felt vulnerable. The physics is that indeed PHI ratio phonon
geometry makes wormholes to the core of matrix in the room. This
however, serves the evolution of the personality only if.....
("...it was a nice wedding, but was the Genepool SERVED?...") If you
make a credit card phone call to GOD, it is not a good investment
without a plan for the direction of the conversation. Or what do you
DO with all that bandwidth, when your modem technology explodes to
infinite connectivity. If you were susceptible to distraction as a
thrown softball curving unpredictably in the wind, how much more
awry you can go as a supersonic missile with a faulty aiming device.
Our friends here consistently did report the vulnerability
feeling, in the presence of PHI sounds. This makes total
sense, as indeed the protective sheathing onion skinning the
personality, becomes instead transparent as the pressure envelopes
between spheres become totally interpenetrable in the presence of
perfected implosion pressure geometry. It is literally the physical
geometry of no barriers, no separateness, no secrets.
In my very subjective perception, other reports of more transcendent
like experiences came frequently from people who had less trouble
with secrets in their lives.
Interestingly, Ray reports things happening with digestion in
a high percentage of those who had intense sustained PHI chord
experiences. Of course diet was discussed as a variable. But he is
convinced that the reports of digestive effects were too universal
in the many he shared the experience with. The reports suggested a
kind of constipation, followed by diarrhea. Indeed, implosion is
yang, centripedal, and hard making.
Clearly much work needs doing regarding PHI harmonic scales.
My general belief is that indeed they will be useful for human
transformation and ultimate connectivity. I continue to encourage
our friends, Ray Flowers, Professor Wayne Kirby (UNCA
Music Dept.), Roy Wooten Profession Musician and Instrument
Designer, and David Van Koevering partner to the Moog
interests, to learn from our research and move in their own
directions. I believe we all need permission to make mistakes
together. However, as in any shamanic initiation, there will never
be a totally mechanical (non recursively self-aware) substitute for
intention and guidance.
In my view, you cannot effective make sacred space unless you know
what it is and what it is for. The adage which says: "where there is
flame, waves have agreed", is a good description of PHI sound
environment. The psychodynamic is again reminiscent of where people
may be forced to agree when their emotions have not processed their
separateness. In other words, the form of agreement is worthless
without the heart of agreement.
William Buehler, arranges people in a tree of life geometry
in the room. They enter a dream/meditative space together
intentionally, and then report their experiences. These are then
of where they were seated on the "tree of life". The point is, this
is an example of an appropriate preparation for lightning. The
proteins prepare to be struck by lightening, by ASSUMING THE
POSITION. Then the pent/dodec can be spun up wratcheted in DNA.
How do we assume the position, as a markabbah gold geometry sonic
aura rings the room?
Another way to view the emotional psychodynamic of the situation is
almost romantic. Suppose a young person suddenly finds themselves
the object of the intense love of a more emotionally mature person.
Love is recursion, the turn inside out self to other, of
points of view. As a result there is a projection which says here I
suddenly am given the love which trusts my pure intention. The
problem is, if I even subconsciously do not trust my own pure
intention, then the extra momentum added by crushing love, is to
further test the purity of my own intentions. The cliché which truly
describes this situation is, if you do not love yourself enough,
you cannot receive more intense love from another than you have for
yourself. Trying to disobey this law of symmetry, results in
the same fractionation or over-messianic tendencies of personality.
Translating this into how to approach PHI in sound, or
Gold in the blood, we may get clues. Both are a wave spin
path to zero point, or touch to the grail. Both are encounters
with fractality. How do you place a label on a new record album
which says, do not play this Phi Decade Chordal music until you love
yourself and trust your pure intention?
If your new PC suddenly opened a "window" onto all the pictures in
GOD’s mind, would you have a clue on how to sort? This is how your
own DNA will look to you if you enter a perfect sonic braid.
A gentle way to start was to measure the change in testube DNA’s
helical wrapping tightness, as affected by EKG coherence
during compassion. Sure enough, the change was measured. (At my
suggestion, Glen Rein & Rollin McCraty at Heart
Math.) It is a little more invasive perhaps to play High decibel
PHI harmonics among friends sometimes who have not even been
introduced. What is wrong with this picture. How shall we tell our
teen agers that a sonic or capacitance envelope of the proper
harmonic geometry, will be the most potent catalysis for intimacy.
This could effect beer sales.