by Anthony Gucciardi
November 6, 2011
NaturalSociety Website

Through the mass genetic modification of
nature via GMO crops, animals, biopesticides, and the
mutated insects that are created as
a result, mega biotechnology corporations are threatening the
overall genetic integrity of the environment as well as all of
As the production and consumption of GMO crops continue to soar, it
is becoming increasingly apparent that consumers worldwide are
unknowingly participating as ‘test subjects’ in a massive experiment
on the long-term effects of GMO crops and ingredients.
In fact, nearly
93% of U.S. soybeans are genetically
modified in order to resist powerful weed-killers that were found to
be killing the actual soybeans as well as the weeds. So it turns out
that the weedkiller was actually strong enough to kill the soybeans,
yet it is considered safe for consumption.
After the genetic alteration, these
powerful weed-killers now simply drench the genetically modified
The Dangers of
GMO Crops, Biopesticides, and the Threat of Mutation
Besides the weed-killers, GMO crops themselves are also endangering
your health even without pesticides.
Shockingly, a
review of 19 studies announced that
consumption of GMO corn or soybeans may lead to significant organ
disruptions in rats and mice - particularly in the liver and
kidneys. The researchers also mentioned that GMO soybean and corn
varieties contribute to “83% of the commercialized GMOs” that you
may currently be consuming if you purchase conventional produce.
Following current trends, genetically modified food products will
makeup the majority of the future food supply if a change is not
Statistics show how GMO crops and ingredients have skyrocketed
in even the past few years.

Of course organ disruption is not the
only side effect of GMO consumption, or even the most startling.
threat to nature, your body, and the entire ecosystem is what is the
most concerning.
Genetically modified mosquitoes,
funded by the owner of
500,000 Monsanto shares
Bill Gates, were recently
unleashed into the environment to freely interact with regular
insects. Of course the release was toted as an amazing method of
combating the growth of the mosquito population and the subsequent
spread of disease.
The study involved about 19,000 genetically modified mosquitoes
which were released in the Grand Cayman Islands over a 25-acre area
for four weeks.
In addition to the genetically modified mosquitoes, other insects
actually developed mutations in
response to
Bt exposure - a toxin used in GMO crops as a
biopesticide. As many as 8 populations of insects have developed
resistance as a result, with 2 populations resistant to Bt sprays
and at least 6 species resistant to Bt crops as a whole.
So not only are the crops causing
mutations, but as a result biotech scientists are now even further
modifying Bt to be even more potent. In tests, however, the insects
still were able to mutate and resist the disease.
Just as the scientists did not expect the insects to mutate to the
point of complete immunity, there may be many other consequences as
a result of GMO crops and biopesticides.
And for what?
The very same study also took time to mention how alternative and
sustainable forms of organic farming should be utilized. The study
concludes that:
Alternative organic, sustainable methods of farming provide a
realistic alternative, independent of reliance on agrobiotech
This is why nations around the world are banning and uprooting GMO
crop fields, thereby putting an end to the genetic manipulation of
the planet before the proverbial roots of genetically modified
creations dig too deep.
Hungary has led the charge,
destroying 1000 acres of maize
found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds. Peru has also passed
a monumental 10-year ban on GMO foods.
Through spreading information and speaking out, GMO crops and
biopesticides are being phased out and even banned in some
countries. Even small amounts of activism can result in major
geopolitical change.