by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
November 20, 2010
NaturalNews Website
Proponents of
Senate Bill 510 - the Food 'Safety'
and Modernization Act - keep trying to claim that we need the FDA to
protect us from tainted eggs, lettuce, onions and spinach.
On the surface, it seems like a
reasonable argument: No one should ever die from unsafe food in
America, right?
But to accomplish a net reduction in deaths, you'd need to grant
power over the food supply to some organization that actually
respects human life... and the FDA is not that organization. In
fact, as we have documented here on NaturalNews over the last seven
years, the FDA is responsible for far more deaths of Americans than
all the terrorist events in the history of the world - combined!
How is that so?
How the FDA
has killed millions of Americans
Well, for starters, the FDA has a long and rather dubious history of
keeping dangerous, deadly drugs on the market even after it knows
those drugs are killing people.
The FDA has even gone out of its way to
ignore critical evidence about dangerous drugs in order to appease
its Big Pharma clients and keep those high-profit drugs selling
while people are dying.
To see one example of this, look at the history of Vioxx - a drug
the FDA kept on the market while it racked up well over 60,000
deaths according to the
FDA's own scientists!
As Dr David Graham said in an interview,
"The FDA is responsible for 140,000
heart attacks and 60,000 dead Americans. That's as many people
as were killed in the Vietnam War. Yet the FDA points the finger
at me and says, Well, this guy's a rat, you can't trust him,'
but nobody is calling them to account. Congress isn't calling
them to account."
If you want more evidence of the FDA's
outrageous disregard for human life, look at
the agency's handling of the drug Ketek.
Or check out how the FDA kept the liver-damaging drug Rezulin on the
market while diabetic Americans were dropping dead.
The FDA's own scientists have repeatedly accused the agency of
engaging in routine
intimidation of scientists who try
to call attention to dangerous products.
censors natural remedies that could save lives
On top of all that corruption and fraud leading to negligent deaths
caused by the FDA, this agency also censors the scientific truth
about natural remedies and nutritional supplements that could save
millions of lives each year.
The FDA won't, for example, allow
vitamin D supplement companies to tell the truth about how vitamin D
prevents cancer or how vitamin D prevents the flu and
makes seasonal flu vaccines obsolete.
The FDA also won't allow any supplement companies to tell the truth
about their natural remedies for preventing or even reversing
diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer and more.
In doing this, the FDA is complicit in the deaths of at least
250,000 Americans each year. According to the groundbreaking 2003
medical report
Death by Medicine, by Drs Gary
Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith,
783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional
medicine mistakes.
The FDA has a hand in at least one-third
of those deaths, mostly from its willful corruption and fraud in the
world of deadly pharmaceuticals, which have proven to be
far more deadly than terrorists.
If you do the math on all this, you are forced to reach some
startling mathematical conclusions:
The FDA is more dangerous than
all the terrorists and terror events in the history of the
United States.
The FDA has killed more
Americans than the entire Vietnam War.
Even more than that, over the
last 20 years the FDA has killed more Americans than the
total number who died in World War I, World War II, the
Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and even the Civil
War - combined!
The FDA is the single most
deadly agency that has ever existed in the history of the
United States. It is responsible for more body bags, more
funerals, more pain and suffering than even the Department
of Defense!
The FDA does not value human
life. It has no compassion for real people. It is driven by
politics and money, and it answers to the demands of
powerful corporations who
control its agenda.
So now, let me get this straight.
With Senate Bill 510 we are going to
hand over control over the food supply to the most nefarious,
corrupt and deadly agency that has ever existed in the history of
the United States of America?
FDA could
outlaw all raw vegetables
The FDA has killed more people than the CIA, FBI, ATF and DEA
This agency is technically responsible
for the negligent homicide of countless American men, women,
children and senior citizens. It has stood by and allowed
modern psychiatry to drug our children
into violent behavior. It has censored the truth about nutrition and
natural remedies, and it has enforced a campaign of nutritional
ignorance among the American people, making sure that virtually all
competition to Big Pharma's patented drugs is completely wiped out
(or criminalized).
FDA has criminalized your raw milk,
turning farmers into felons. The FDA once ordered the burning of
recipe books containing stevia recipes as part of its effort to
outlaw this natural sweetener (in order to protect
aspartame profits).
And now the U.S. Congress wants this agency in charge of your food?
What madness is this?
We're going to take the largest killer in the history of America and
give it the power to control the growing of foods, the saving of
seeds and even the operations of small family farms?
Can you imagine what the FDA is going to do with that kind of power?
Trust me: It won't be pretty. It may even be fatal. I can just see
this agency outlawing all vegetables unless they're irradiated. They
might outlaw raw food and require all food be pasteurized. They
could ban not just raw milk but even raw broccoli.
Sound crazy? Sure it does!
But so does the idea of raw milk being
criminalized in America, too. America was raised on raw milk. What
do you think Thomas Jefferson drank at his farm? What do you think
kept the pioneers alive in the harsh Midwest winters?
If the FDA can outlaw raw milk, they can outlaw anything.
And Senate Bill 510 would give them all
the power they need to do this.
Never give a
psychopath explosives
It's a dangerous deal with the devil, of course. Handing the FDA
power over the food supply is like giving a violent psycho access to
military-grade explosives. The net result can only be catastrophic
and deadly.
I'm all for the idea of "safe food," but not if it involves taking
the most dangerous government agency in the history of America and
putting it in charge of the way we grow food, store seeds, harvest
crops and package food products.
Do we need to "modernize" our food creation systems in America? Sure
we do, but not at the cost of making us all victims of a dangerous,
corrupt and downright disastrously managed U.S. Food and Drug
And besides, virtually all the contamination of food we're seeing
today is due to factory animal farming runoff. That's where e.coli
comes from, by the way. E.coli is an intestinal pathogen and plants
don't have intestines. It can only be
harbored in animals.
So the problem with our food supply is not that the FDA doesn't yet
have enough power; it's that we have abusive, cruel and ridiculously
unclean factory animal farms operating in America that are
contaminating the vegetables.
If you really want to clean up the food
supply, just crack down on the factory animal farms and let the
veggie growers get back to work doing what they do best:
Growing healthful, nutrient-rich
vegetables that help keep America healthy.
Take action now to
stop S.510
Your voice needs to be heard on this issue.
The vote on this bill has been delayed
until after the Thanksgiving recess, so you have more time to oppose
this dangerous legislation.
Call the Capitol Switchboard and
ask to be directly connected to your Senator's office:
You can find other contact
information for your US Senator at
Other petitions on the 'net
where you can voice your opposition to this bill include:
Take action NOW to protect our food,
seeds and crops from the deadly control of the FDA.