by Leonard G. Horowitz
from WebMac Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
About the Author
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an award-winning humanitarian
and internationally known authority in public health and
emerging diseases.
His financial interest here is the
world's best-selling silver hydrosol, OXYSILVER™.
He helped formulate
and bring this product to market at an affordable price
in direct competition with the drug industry.
Support from the
sales of OXYSILVER™ help fund the World Organization for
Natural Medicine Foundation's Clinics for Humanity
The Project is
advancing free natural healing clinics in Africa and the
Middle East. |
The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA)
allied with alleged consumer groups is spearheading a propaganda war
against silver hydrosols - trace mineral waters they falsely claim
are “pesticides” and dangerous “nanotechnology.” (1)
This word war closely follows a national publicity campaign
advancing sonically-charged, covalently-bonded, silver hydrosols
that are more useful, competitively challenging, far safer, and less
costly than vaccinations and antibiotics - the major pharmaceutical
weapons used to wage chemo-toxic biowarfare in medicine.(2)
This article responds to special interest groups' efforts to quash
the burgeoning silver hydrosol industry, and this author's work
particularly, from advancing superior alternative preventatives,
treatments, and cures for the world's leading infectious killers.
This debate foreshadows the end of the risky and deadly antibiotic
and vaccination era, leaving behind a legacy of environmental
toxicity and global genocide.
This article is written as an indictment of the genocidal complicity
of certain special interest groups and individuals that direct them,
including those claiming to act on behalf of environmental
protection and the public's interest.
This case study examines how drug industrialists
use the media, and
even alleged “consumer” special interest groups, to misdirect
legislative action, distract and confuse consumers, and effectively
block life-saving innovations from successfully reaching the
This restriction of competition in infectious disease
remediation fulfills the strictest definition of genocide.
Webster's Dictionary defines
“genocide” as:
“the mass killing or enslaving
of people for profit, politics, and/or ideology.”
This controversy began when environmental and consumer groups,
allied with media outlets, heralded a legislative petition filed by
The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) that
demonized certain anti-microbial silver products claimed to be
The organization claimed in its petition and press
releases that all
nano-sized aqueous silver products are an untested
“nanotechnology” that should be classified by the EPA as
“pesticides.” (1)
The lamely liberal CTA, providing the perfect agency for advancing
the genocidal manipulations of the most powerful conservative
monopoly in the world - the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel,
filed the petition without any mention of the scientifically-proven
life-saving benefits of silver hydrosols.(3)
This action closely followed national news coverage of antibiotics
poisoning water supplies internationally,(4) and this
author's publication of suppressed scientific studies evidencing
vaccine contaminations, resulting laboratory-created viral
outbreaks, and gross medical negligence and genocidal malfeasance
triggering the AIDS pandemic. Likewise, new viral cancers and myriad
infectious diseases that silver hydrosols have proven optimal in
preventing, treating, and curing, have come to public awareness in
recent years.(5)
The CTA's press releases encouraged periodicals, such as
Mothering Magazine, to fuel fears over silver “nanotechnology.” (6)
Petition proponents alleged these “pesticides” were unstudied new
“nanotechnology” when, in fact, substantial scientific justification
for their continued successful use in healthcare is easily obtained
over the Internet.
NASA scientists drew on half-century-old
German technology to advance silver hydrosols for water purification
and astronaut protection. The modern products have been medically
scrutinized for decades in vitro and clinically. From accumulating
scientific reviews and clinical studies many experts conclude silver
hydrosols are poised to make risky vaccinations and toxic
antibiotics obsolete.(3) (7)
Can you imagine a world without infectious diseases? Consider an
affordable cure for AIDS and viral-linked cancers. Petition
proponents fail to see this life-saving probability blinded by their
special interests and threatened profitability.
Most insulting and injurious, on their same web-linked pages
heralding CTA's petition, their supporters and co-sponsors (e.g.,
Mothering Magazine) heavily promote antibiotics and vaccines for the
pharmaceutical industry.(6)

Why is Mothering Magazine leading the CTA-directed media assault on
silver hydrosols?
Why isn't the New England Journal of Medicine, or
the science supplement Nature, or even the United States federal
government, heralding concerns about nano-particle-size silver
solutions? (6)
Rest assured the reason has everything to do with the fact that
mothers are the leading decision makers in American families.
In recent years, growing numbers of mothers have awakened to the
unreasonably high environmental risks, myriad side effects, and
excessive costs of antibiotics. More mothers have been educated
concerning the harsh reality of vaccine toxicity and childhood
injuries from mercury, including autism.
Vaccines are responsible for the spread
of cancer viruses including simian foamy retroviruses, SV40, Epstein
Barr, simian cytomegalovirus, herpes B, hepatitis viruses, and even
the transmission of HIV/AIDS via hepatitis B vaccines now injected
into hours-young infants.(8)
In other words, mothers are
the gatekeepers to humanity's bloodstream.
To be fair, Mothering Magazine is not the only negligent source of
information censoring these public health risks. CNN recently
reported news about AIDS's vaccine transmission as it pertained to
presidential candidate Barack Obama's previous pastor, Rev. Jeremiah
Wright, who claimed AIDS was an Anglo-American genocidal weapon.
Executive producers at CNN then contracted with this author to
appear in Rev.
Wright's defense; showing the scientific
evidence upon which this controversial claim is based. The segment
was produced and never aired. It contained the genocidal causes and
suppressed cures for AIDS, including the silver hydrosols. The
interview was censored evidencing, at minimum, a conspiracy of
silence perpetuating genocide.(9)
Lacking responsible journalism and balanced broadcasting, families
have been devastated physically, emotionally, and economically from
preventable and curable diseases linked to pharmaceutical industry
administered vaccines and toxic antibiotics such as
Rifampin and
Isoniazid prescribed for nine months for massive numbers of children
testing falsely positive for TB using the century-old TB-tine test.(10)
With vaccinations come toxic reactions and side effects given little
notice by news sources.
Vaccine-injected proteins and genetic
pieces from bacteria, viruses, and many species of animals killed to
create inoculations containing foreign DNA, RNA and proteins
commonly trigger autoimmune diseases in humans. Certain cancers
develop following these
human blood contaminations as detailed
extensively in the scientific literature.(11) Yet the
truth regarding this ongoing pharmaceutical genocide remains
unattended and censored.
Throughout this medical madness, aptly called “iatrogenocide” (i.e.,
mass murder in medicine by doctors granted license to kill)
Mothering Magazine has appeared as a legitimate source of balanced
investigative journalism for parents questioning the vaccination
One can now see how this trust has been
Mass Media
Things are not always as they appear.
Sometimes the people you think are most
trustworthy stab you in the back when least expected, commonly when
money is involved. Such is life in the world of drug dealers
pharmaceutical industrialists influential as
media advertisers.
Lift the curtain on this staged “nanotechnology” controversy and you
will see the pharmaceutical industry funding this conspiracy as a
manipulative reaction to their threatened trade in infectious
Certain periodicals, such as Mothering Magazine, have
historically prostituted for pharmaceutical pimps promoting mass
deception, shielding widespread antibiotic and vaccination
intoxication, and now illusions about insufficient testing of
hydrosolized silver.
Typically this “silver bullet” is fired as a life-saving last resort
in cancer and AIDS clinics; after all hope in recovery is lost using
prescribed and failed antibiotics. Why silver hydrosols are not used
first speaks to this organized crime against humanity and conspiracy
to put profits before people in critical care and urgent need.
If this truth is too distasteful for you, consider Mothering
Magazine's advertising, and CTA's tacit support, for
environmentally-damaging antibiotics, and vaccinations containing
mercury, aluminum, corpse preservatives formaldehyde and formalin,
MSG, carcinogenic DNA and RNA, and microbial proteins prompting
autoimmune diseases. The growing list of new diseases attributable
mostly to vaccine intoxications is staggering.
All of this is advertised and
journalistically encouraged by Mothering Magazine's editors
who claim to be “conscious” “consumer advocates.” (1)(6)
Novartis advertisements are prominently displayed beneath CTA's
“nanotechnology” warning reprinted verbatim in Mothering Magazine
and other alleged “public interest” periodicals.
Synchronous with CTA's filing, and Mothering's frightening fraud,
Novartis was heralding its purchase of U.S. hospital antibiotic
maker Basel, in a drug deal that laid a global “pipeline” for the
international flow of vaccines, according to London's MarketWatch.
The Swiss drugmaker Novartis,
“said it would pay as much as $400
million for a closely held U.S. maker of antibiotics to fight
hospital-acquired infections, and also outlined its pipeline of
vaccines under development.” (12)
It is disgusting and despicable that in
places where chemo-toxic antibiotics and surface disinfectants are
used most, in hospitals, nearly 15% of patients develop infectious
diseases they did not have before checking in.(13)
This fact alone should prompt reasonably
intelligent people to indict the petro-chemical-pharmaceutical
cartel for fraud, malfeasance, and genocide.
Comparatively inexpensive silver hydrosols compete directly with
disease-induction industry.
These hydrosols can be used to
replace toxic surface disinfectants as well as antibiotics. They can
effectively prevent and treat troublesome
MRSA infections, They are,
therefore, direct competitors to Novartis's most profitable products
placing a huge hospital money-market at risk.(3)
Novartis reps claim their future antibiotics will be similarly
effective against MRSA. In the meantime,
What about the thousands of
people ailing and dying of MRSA now that the silver hydrosols could
Shall we prohibit these people from benefiting, based solely
on the CTA's “pesticide” petition and accompanying propaganda?

Novartis officials claimed their
developing antibiotics would remedy, sometime in the future, the
resistant strains of germs that kill “more than 100,000 people
annually in the U.S. and Europe.”
If you knew a company or industry was about to murder 100,000 people
for profit this year, would you remain silent?
Beyond their life-saving history and clinical capability, silver
hydrosols are helping awaken people to their victimization through
pharmaceutical industry manipulations.
From malaria and tuberculosis to the flus and viral cancers killing
millions of people globally, scientific studies conclude silver
hydrosols offer the greatest hope for curbing and curing infectious
diseases at the sole expense of the world's leading drug dealers.(3)
It is urgent for intelligent and responsible people to
diagnose this organized crime and take action in disseminating this
life-saving information.
Only this can counter the genocidal
manipulations of the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel.
Genocide Defined
The most urgent example of medical-pharmaceutical genocide involves
the ongoing attack on natural healing products and practitioners.
The ideology of special interest groups
representing the pharmaceutical cartel says natural cures and
alternative treatments, including silver hydrosols, must be
demonized (i.e., libeled) and/or regulated to oblivion. The drug
lords have successful done this for nearly a century. Certain
natural cures are suppressed, condemned, and all need to be
controlled according to federal regulators legislatively influenced
by drug cartel bribes.(14) (15)
Multi-national drug industrialists have infiltrated every natural
and nutritional healing art, science, and organization putting small
enterprises and family herb stores out of business. Stifling
legislation administers the knockout punch.
For example, Health Canada, part of the drug cartel's global
Gestapo, allied with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration
(FDA), recently banned colloidal silvers from being sold in stores
throughout Canada. An organized defense against this genocidal
legislation, “C-51,” was mounting at the time of this writing.(16)
As more natural nutritional healing products, and other alternatives
to meds are banned, or exclusively acquired by the drug cartel;
small natural healing businesses are quashed, less people have
access to life-saving cost-sparing remedies, more people die, and
the genocidal drug-industry-monopoly thrives.
Globally, pharmaceutically-enslaved people and nations are falling
from this scam called “standardization legislation.”
This is
technically a multi-national RICO scam called “Codex
Alimentarius” sourcing from Germany and Britain. This
corporate fascist agenda puts drug company profits before people
needing nutrients, real food, and pure water to survive and thrive.(14) (15)
Big Pharma views everyone as targets, potential drug addicts,
prey, or competition. Companies that produce Inexpensive cures for
diseases like AIDS, virulent flus, and cancers are high on the
cartel's hit list.
Whether you like it or not, or know it or not, you are being
targeted for enslavement and premature death through
petrochemical-pharmaceutical intoxication.(17)
With this background you may be better able to discern what
Mothering Magazine is really doing publishing this:
Nano-Alert - Groups Demand that the EPA
Take a Closer Look at Nanotechnology
Because of its antibacterial properties, nano-silver is
currently added to numerous products including clothes, personal
care products, electronics, toys, and baby products.
The effects of
nano-sized silver are
not fully understood, however, the material is known to be much
more toxic to aquatic organisms than regular silver. The EPA has
recognized nano-silver as a pesticide, but no further action has
been taken to regulate its use.
The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA)
and a coalition of consumer, health, and environmental groups,
such as Greenpeace and the Center for Food Safety,
submitted a legal petition demanding that the EPA:
regulate these
nanotechnology products as new pesticides
require labeling of all
assess health and safety
data before permitting marketing
analyze the potential human
health effects, particularly on children
analyze the potential
environmental impacts on ecosystems and endangered
To read more, including a list of
products containing nano-silver, visit NanoAction's website at

Now persons reading this CTA news release in
Mothering Magazine,
and elsewhere, will surely decide that the nano-sized silver mineral
waters pose serious risks.
Contrary to this yellow press, silver hydrosols may not even be
correctly classified as a “nanotechnology” since the criteria for
such a determination have not yet been established.
Clearly, with silver hydrosols, we are not dealing with
self-replicating nano-machines that take over bloodstreams. Nor are
we dealing with a product that could eventually wipe out whole
species of environmental bacteria.
This notion, central to the CTA's
propaganda, is absurd considering modern microbiology's capacity to
culture and mass-produce germs of all kinds.
Organizations Sporting Genocide
So what have we here challenging the public's trust?
Mothering Magazine's promotion of
the CTA's petition is the second time this author has recorded this
magazine's skirting while sporting pharmaceutical genocide. This
corporate-directed “activism” is typical of an “Astroturf”
Sports fans know what
Astroturf is. It looks green
and natural, like it has grassroots, but it is really fake and
chemical. It is laid out before the big game, and professional
players run all over it.
For more than two decades “professional players,” like Barbara
Loe Fisher (image right) and Kathy Williams, directors of the
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC),
an “Astroturf” organization, have been promoted by Mothering
Magazine as providing a “non-profit public service.”
Ms. Fisher's greatest accomplishment, history records, is the NVIC's
sponsored passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
of 1986, that once-upon-a-time she bragged was a personal
achievement. More recently, admitting she “miscalculated,” she
appeals to governing officials and consumer groups for more money
bolstered by her steadfast denial that her “Act” exemplifies
pharmaceutical genocide.
Censoring her organization's founding member, and this author's
testimony before her group's earliest annual meeting, today Ms.
Fisher justifies her own impotence and leadership in a
conspiracy-of-silence she insists is required for ineffective
“diplomacy.” Her deadly diplomacy, as America's leading “vaccine
safety advocate,” is promoted by Mothering's propaganda; all
benefiting the drug cartel.(11)
As insiders anticipated, following Fisher's law's passage, the
Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services systematically
gutted the program and made it highly adversarial to injured
Each claim brought by parents of
vaccine-injured children was fought by taxpayer funded government
lawyers and hired physician experts - pharmaceutical industry
prostitutes - who are medically-licensed to kill. Compensation has
been denied to the vast majority of vaccine victims ever since. The
law actually shielded all vaccine makers from civil liability,
placing the economic burdens of vaccine injuries directly on the
damaged families and American taxpayers.
Today, Ms. Fisher's organization encourages donations to extend this
injurious legacy through its main function - to collect vaccine
injury statistics that drug-industry-influenced health officials
admit is more than 90% missing!
Rather than institute a legitimate
injury data collection system, prostituting officials render the
entire genocide surveillance over to incompetents, like Fisher. Each
justifies incompetence and impotence against the drug cartel as a
significant “service.”
Despite her years of observing this perverse and pervasive
vaccination genocide from behind closed doors, Ms. Fisher still
maintains, with Mother Magazine as her mouthpiece, that
vaccines are generally good and their drug-makers are generally
trustworthy. She concludes, despite a few bad vaccine lots, mothers
should get their children vaccinated.(11)
In a hostile [f]akeover, Fisher ousted the organization's original
grassroots organizer, Marge Grant, by pirating the names and
telephone numbers of vaccine-injured parties responding to Grant's
appearance on national television in which she appealed to parents
to help her stop the genocide.
“They are to blame,” Ms. Grant said
of Fisher and another NVIC Past-President, attorney Jeffrey
Schwartz who worked for “Mr. Health” - Florida Rep.
Paul Rogers
who led the legislative passage of America's most ambitious,
least successful, and most deadly mass vaccination program - the
1976 swine flu fraud.
Rogers then crafted the legislation
eliminating victim compensation for injuries sustained in that
He was subsequently rewarded by the
industry with a position on the board of directors of Merck, Sharp &
Dohme, the world's leading vaccine maker, according to a Gannet News
With Astroturf agents and agencies acting like this, allegedly on
behalf of the “grassroots” and “consumer protection,” nobody
assertively/effectively confronts the real enemies -
the drug companies.
The CTA's
Nonsensical “Nanotechnology” Petition
The large Astroturf entity called the International Center
for Technology Assessment (CTA)
sourced this anti-silver “nanotechnology” initiative.

Persuasion graphic
posted by the CTA to induce fear
by fraudulently
implying that silver hydrosols are,
“nanotech machines...
capable of repairing and replicating themselves.”
The CTA credits the
U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program
for this graphic
contribution to their fraudulent fear campaign.
Downloading and reading their 4-page
“Executive Summary” titled “Legal Petition Challenges EPA's Failure
to Regulate Environmental and Health Threats from Nano-Silver”
provides clear understanding why this second petition is as lame as
their first.(18)
Giving these petitioners the benefit of doubt, a stretch given their
alliance with highly untrustworthy agents and agencies as evidenced
here, their petition is clearly self-serving and drug-industry
profiting. Otherwise it is nonsensical.
Technically, the CTA
is attempting to coerce the
EPA into clarifying
and broadening its definition of “pests” and “pesticides” to include
all microorganisms - fungi, bacteria, and viruses - as well as all
chemo-energetic methods used intentionally to kill or control them.(18)
The EPA's current definition of “pesticide” is overly broad and
somewhat vague in that it says these life forms “can” be considered
“pests” but may not be.
The limiting condition appears to be whether
or not the agent used to kill or control the “pests” is a “drug.” If
it is, then the microbes are not considered “pests,” just pathogens
suitably controlled by expensive and toxic pharmaceuticals. This way
the drug industrialists are happy; they can continue selling toxic
anti-microbials without labeling them pesticides.(19)
How many doctors do you know who would prescribe pesticides for
their patients? How many people do you know who would knowingly
consume pesticides?
The fact is, this is done all the time with fluoride used to poison
rats and hamper human reasoning through water fluoridation,
allegedly done for dental caries (not dying population) control.(20)
When teachers encourage children to swish their mouths with
rinses to kill oral germs, should the EPA's consideration of the CTA's pesticide petition extend to requiring informed-consent for
the oral use of a pesticide rinse? Or is this simply child abuse?
When “pest” control in municipal water systems calls for chlorine or
bromine applications, will citizens be warned their waters contain
Furthermore, if the EPA defines silver hydrosols as pesticides, they
could not exempt other heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum
used to control germ contaminations in vaccines and other medical

Then there is the issue of silver-mercury dental fillings. The
American Dental Association (ADA) has successfully stalled
amalgam prohibitionists from accomplishing anything seemingly
sensible given mercury's heinous toxicity.
Will the EPA require the ADA to promote
dental fillings as “pesticide plugs” to please the CTA?
Thus, considering the above examples, if the CTA's petition is not
trashed as absurd, it can only be defended as a genocidal
contrivance of the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel.
Gross Criminal
Distraction & Negligence
Distraction is an effective behavioral ploy. It is the main mission
of Astroturf organizations. Distractions are often used in
healthcare to manage patients.
Dentists, for instance, shake patients'
cheeks to distract injection-recipients and reduce their pain
perception. By focusing attention on nonsense, like a magician's
“slight of hand,” CTA officials and allied groups, distract people
from much more serious heavy metal poisonings (e.g., mercury and
aluminum). The public is defrauded into neglecting lethal
neurotoxins pouring into humanity's blood-stream and water supplies
from vaccinations and dental amalgam fillings.
Gross criminal negligence is evidenced by the time children receive
the full schedule of prescribed vaccinations. Then their accumulated
injected mercury level far exceeds the Environmental Protection
Agency's (EPA's) toxic dose limit.(21) It certainly
is not wise to poison people or the environment! So what the CTA and
its allies have neglected by their silver “nanotechnology”
distraction, is the genocidal poisoning of the population and
To further discern genocidal motives, Mothering's closest link to
the aforementioned press release was, at the time of this writing,
an article titled “Green Our Vaccines.”
It heralded a,
“Rally for Autism intended to
get Congress to eliminate mercury and other toxins from
vaccines; study the link between autism and vaccines; allow all
children affected by vaccine-induced autism to file with the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP); and
re-evaluate the vaccine schedule.” (23)
All noble causes!
But look behind this
curtain of distraction and deception to find true-blue turns to
How do you “Green Vaccines?” (by fertilizing
Astroturf?) How do you
“eliminate... toxins in vaccines” when major ingredients include neurotoxic and immune suppressive mercury and adjuvants that are
toxic by intent.
Simply read the formulas side effects as
per the manufacturers' own admissions in the Physicians' Desk
Reference (PDR) and on their Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS)... Duhhh...
Patty O'Mara, Mothering Magazine's Publisher and Editor,
who claims to be a spiritually-liberated and intelligent vaccine
reformer, can not have simply overlooked:
the active ingredients in all
vaccines are called “toxoids” made from applying toxic
chemicals, like formaldehyde, to break down germ bodies
releasing foreign RNA, DNA, and proteins derived from
bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, chicken embryos, bovine
fetal serum, monkey kidney tissues, and cow pus for smallpox
vaccine, each injected into the human body under the guise
of “public health.”
These vaccine ingredients are said to
have been made less toxic, as was radioactive fallout from testing
weapons of mass destruction at one time. Mercury in fillings was
alleged to be safe at one time as well, as was
No manufacturer or expert can honestly claim the main toxoid-poisoned
ingredients in vaccines are “non-toxic.”
That would be absolutely
the stabilizers and sterilizers
in all vaccines include, besides mercury, aluminum that is
linked to Alzheimer's disease and other dementias,
formaldehyde and formalin used by undertakers to preserve
corpses, phenol and polysorbate 80, both chemical toxins and
suspected carcinogens, MSG, which is also
neurotoxic, and
the 'side effects' from vaccines
and prescribed meds are the leading cause of death in the
United States.(26)
our nation inoculates the most
women, infants, and children per capita, yet maternal and
child disease and death rates are reprehensible - genocidal
- in America, the worst among all developed nations.(27)
Ms. O'Mara misses and dismisses these
facts and connections between toxic vaccinations and ungodly
morbidity and mortality statistics.
As detailed below, Mothering Magazine's trustworthiness is shot by
its own poisonous deceptive (mostly pro-vaccine) propaganda. Their
linked web pages demonstrate their conflicting interests and support
for genocide.
Here, for example, are a few of their
vaccine advertisements:
Immunization Today
Official vaccines in
California Hep A, B, Tetanus, TB Test...
a website offering 'Quick Walk in & Out to the Largest
California Traveler Vaccine Center.'
Here for only $20, you can get a
doctor to prescribe for you every type of toxic vaccine
currently available, plus the TB test, (another genocidal
injectable producing scores of false positives and “required”
intoxication with antibiotics Rifampin and Isoniazid for nine
(9) months. This toxic “pubic health” prescription causes blood,
liver, and nerve damage in more than 25% of poisoned children
after only two months.(28)
“Order Flu Vaccine Now” you are told by Mothering Magazine
adjacent text that reads, “Safe, Gentle, Organic,” and a picture
of a model mother bathing and cuddling her baby. This link takes
you to a “split-virus preparation” of “FLUVIRIN"®
Influenza Virus
Vaccine alleged to be sterile (but mistakenly assumed to mean
Get this weapon of mass destruction ”Fast and
The drug giant Novartis grants you
free online ordering here “for the 2008/09 season.” (29)
industrialists have obvious economic incentives to
target silver hydrosols - the greatest threat to the
drug cartel in history.”
By now you probably get the picture. So
I will not cite the half dozen other corporate conflicts-of-interest
linking Mothering Magazine to the drug cartel's expanding genocide.
Mothering Magazine's primary nano-silver reference site is
Here their beef
has nothing to do with silver nano-particles used in water
to kill
humanity's greatest plagues. The web domain only deals with self-replicating nano-machines that pose justifiable risks to life.
Look at this organization's sponsors! Among them credited for
contributing the persuasion graphics is the
U.S. Department of
Energy (DoE) Human Genome Program.
Why would the DoE, that represents the interests of the
International Atomic Energy Commission - a group of pro-nuclear
prostitutes for the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel, be given
stewardship of humanity's DNA? Because DNA is, above all, a (bio)energy
Anglo-American industrialists direct the DoE to misdirect science
away from electro-genetics as previously reported by this author.(30)
Nanoaction.org, thus, advertises for the world's wealthiest genetic/eugenocidalists.
Do you think the CTA and their corporate fascist affiliates might be
seriously interested in stopping the trillion-dollar GMO industry
heavily employed in the creation of new antibiotics and
vaccinations? Not really, but they put up a good “activist” front
funded by defrauded consumers and lame environmental protectors.
Do you think they wish to have their corporate sponsors and
advertisers cease and desist modifying, manipulating, then patenting
the most dangerous and profitable pathogens in history? Not on your
life! It's too risky for them to rock that boat.
Alternatively, they rail mightily against silver hydrosols -
greatest threat to the drug cartel in history.

Besides hydrogen
fuel, H2O
can provide hydro-electricity.
Suppressed technology
can tap the energy in ocean waves and river flows.
It is far more
environmentally-friendly than burning fossil fuels.
Add to these
suppressed Tesla technologies for free energy.
These options are
available right now, contrary to propaganda, for far less cost and
virtually no risk.(31)
NanoAction - A
The CTA's claim that silver hydrosols are “pesticides” is a
Allegedly, their top priority is “Global Warming & the Environment”.
Yet, they make no mention of the petrochemical-pharmaceutical
cartel's most feared and suppressed alternative energy resource -
Water - nearly the only ingredient in silver hydrosols.
energetically-enhanced with silver, may hold the capacity to
super-conduct energy and advance superior hydrogen fuels for
sustainable living without reliance on fossil fuels.
The alchemist-astrologer-physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) -
widely regarded as the father of toxicology - wrote,
"[a]ll things are poison and nothing
is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be
Water, too, can be deadly if you drown
Contrary to the CTA's propaganda, silver has been viewed favorably
and reliably for its health benefits throughout history.(32)
It is classified, as is copper, as a transition metal and trace
mineral. Both elements are present in natural spring water.(33)
The fact that silver is not considered an essential micronutrient
required for enzyme function, as is copper, certifies zero regarding
silver's essential utility in the body.
Intelligent researchers now propose
silver shares a common cell transport mechanism with copper,(34)
and gains its reliability in reducing risks of infectious diseases
from energetic mechanisms involving, like,
DNA electrogenetics
membrane electrochemistry (35)
molecular polarities (36)
cell signaling involving photons of light
phonons of sound (30)
These packets of energy have
increasingly proven to be DNA's primary stimulants and
communication/cell-regulation signals.
Since silver is among the
most potent electron conductors, it may function energetically,
particularly when its hydrosol is hydrosonically programmed, as a
DNA stimulant.(30)
So silver hydrosol electrochemistry
and energetic conductivity may be used for more than killing
pathogens and making antibiotics and vaccinations obsolete.(2)
Questioning the legitimacy of alleged silver nano-particle toxicity,
a University of Wisconsin research review shows silver
“nanotechnologies” have exceptionally low toxicity versus
exceedingly high efficacy for reducing patient risks and preventing
and curing infectious diseases.(2)
Now advanced beyond simple silver colloids containing large, small,
micro-fine, and even nano-sized particles, the modern
covalently-bonded silver hydrosols contain nano-sized Ag+ atoms
The only known side effect of silver hydrosols used responsibly,
which is clinically and sparingly, is the rapid and dramatic
detoxification that occurs after taking as little as two teaspoons
if you are not well hydrated. This is called a “healing crisis”
(medically-termed “Herxheimer reaction”) typically associated with a
transient headache, malaise, and sometimes fever and skin rash in
heavily intoxicated and infected persons. (3) (22)
Using silver hydrosols with new zeolite advances that provide the
safest and most powerful heavy metal
chelation and
clathration available, yields optimal practical detoxification
for consumers as well as patients.
How Silver
Hydrosols Work
The Electro-mechanics of Germ Killing
Silver has multiple mechanisms of
anti-microbial impact.(47) It disrupts critical
operations in microorganism metabolism.(48)
Most often germs are damaged by
oxygen-silver molecules' attraction for side groups on biological
molecules that are negatively charged.(47) These include
sulfhydryl, carboxyl, phosphate, and other charged groups
distributed throughout germs. This binding action changes the
molecular structure of these important macromolecules, rendering
them useless to the microbe.(49)
Silver also attacks multiple sites within the cell to suppress vital
functions such as membrane transport, cell-wall synthesis, RNA and
DNA synthesis and translation, protein folding, and electron
transport, important in generating cell energy.(47)
Additional studies show silver hydrosols cause mitochondrial
permeability changes in cells associated with the release of certain
proteins from the intermembrane space triggering planned cell death.(48)
Water molecules carry germ-killing nano-silver particles into cells
where they are most needed and effective against modern pathogens,
such as
"Most authorities agree this
respiratory pathogen is a laboratory creation spread by
accidental vaccine contaminations or worse - intended
Mycoplasma infections are primarily
responsible for most chronic respiratory ailments and recurring
flu-like illnesses circulating today. Mycoplasma infections
cause chronic low thyroid function, low body temperature,
chronic fatigue, and other ailments." (17)
All tolled, silver hydrosols inhibit germ growth and reproduction.
They rapidly cause massive die off of pathogens leaving normal human
cells intact.
Opponents concern that silver hydrosols may prompt widespread
environmental contamination leading to microbial resistance to
silver is farfetched due to the multiple ways molecules of
oxy-silver disrupt pathogens' ability to survive.
Single spontaneous mutations of germs
are rare, occurring once per 100,000 cell divisions. So the
likelihood of multiple mutations happening in the same generation of
microbes is extremely unlikely because an organism would need to
mutate simultaneously in several ways within one generation to
escape the silver hydrosol's lethality.(47)
For this same reason, unlike antibiotics, many different functions
of germ cells are disrupted by silver hydrosols such that they carry
exceptional broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.(47)
Because they are extremely active in small quantities, silver
hydrosols are generally more efficient and far less toxic than
traditional antibiotics.
For certain microbes, as little as one
part-per-billion of silver may be effective in preventing cell
growth and development.(47)
Removal of silver hydrosols from the body occurs readily; unlike
colloidal silvers that contain much larger particles. Water carries
oxy-silver molecules out of the body mostly in the stool, sweat, and
This broad spectrum germ-killer has impressed doctors enough to
command a price of $100 per ounce in cancer clinics according to
third party insurers and suppliers of pharmaceutical grade silver
hydrosols. Dramatically reducing this price for use by the general
public, as is now happening, is highly responsible in this Age of
Currently, in AIDS patient care and cancer treatment centers, silver
hydrosols are being administered to patients alone or in combination
with various antibiotics.
They are particularly useful in critical
care situations combating multiple antibiotic resistant germ
strains.(49; 50; 51)
Energetic Creative Nature
As mentioned, contrary to the CTA's
propaganda, silver hydrosols are not yet classified as
“nanotechnology.” They are more properly classified as medicinal
trace silver mineral waters. Healing medicinal waters have been
recognized for millennia.
A superficial
understanding of water, and water resonance, is
required to comprehend the potential role hydrosonically-charged
silver mineral waters can play in healthcare.
The body is made mostly of water. Beyond the body, water has been
found in deep space according to NASA scientists.(40) As
reasonably informed people know, water transforms into three
physical forms - ice, liquid, and gas. All three states have been
photographed in space and space rocks.
Water is considered sacred by advanced cultures, and revered as part
of the “Triune God” in Genesis (1:2), water is viewed by theologians
as far more than a “universal solvent.”
It is the “Creative Juice” of the
cosmos, engaged in forming, restoring, and sustaining everything in
the universe.(39)
Despite efforts by some members of the scientific community to
defame microcrystal water researchers and their photography,(41;42)
images reveal water's link to “higher consciousness” and
“spiritual awareness.”
This is evidenced by clear images seen
molecular clusters of water.(43; 44)
An example is shown below, an
ultra-sound-like fetal image is apparent in a sample of “The Breath
of the Earth™” - an ingredient considered energetically purgative
and restorative in
Oxysilver™, a leading silver hydrosol formulated
and marketed by this author. (45)

Add silver to this energetically-conductive “Creative Juice” and you
create an increased superconductive hydrosol.
This water can be
programmed using,
spin vortices
magnetic fields
...to transmit certain frequencies (e.g., hydrosonic resonance).
applications impart special hexagonal structuring to water clusters,
that have been proven to yield extraordinarily high
oxidative-reductive potentions (ORPs) producing dramatic increases
in cell hydration, oxygenation, and nutrient absorption.
Besides these healthcare benefits,
homeopathic attributes are commonly imparted into water to relay
special “healing potentials,” much like the sunlight is known to
cure infantile jaundice and ultraviolet light is used to kill
water-borne pathogens.(2)
In summary, this unique combination of energized water, oxygen, and
nano-size silver particles provides rapid detoxification, healthy
oxygenation, increased cell hydration, and even a “LOVE frequency
vibration” when 528Hz harmonics is incorporated into the
triangulated (i.e., tetrahedron-shaped) water molecule according to
pilot investigations.(46)
These “programmed” waters are destined
to serve important roles in healthcare regardless of the persecution
leaders in this multidisciplinary field receive.

Ethical Issues
Raised by Silver Hydrosols
Genocide is the central ethical issue raised by the CTA's petition
against silver hydrosols.
Their effort to officially misclassify
silver hydrosols for the purpose of regulating a
scientifically-proven human lifesaver is demonic. Their self-serving
campaign mainly benefits the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel to
the detriment of people suffering and dying needlessly.
By a bipartisan overwhelming vote of the House of Representative of
the State of Oklahoma, legislators recently informed the United
States federal government to cease and desist certain genocidal
mandates, and reasserted State and personal sovereignty under the
Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
action rebuked federal regulators' overstepped powers.(52)
Likewise, federal agencies, including the FDA, FTC, and CDC, must be
bridled to cease and desist aiding, abetting, and/or tolerating
pharmaceutical-industry-instituted genocide.
Withholding proven cures, as in the
infamous Tuskeegee experiment, is
not ethical.(53) This shall not be tolerated with silver
hydrosols either.
To do so would be highly unethical,
grossly negligent, and overtly criminal.
“Thou shall not kill.”
Thus, this advancing special interest
group effort to compel a federal ban on life-saving silver
hydrosols, condemning masses of people to death, is a direct
violation of human decency, ethical conduct, and scientific
This analysis provides urgent information for intelligent
decision-making impacting world health.
It is written in defense of silver
hydrosols - natural cures for infectious diseases that have been
suppressed for decades in an organized (RICO) conspiracy by drug
companies to sustain their genocidal manipulations and medical
monopolization of healthcare.
As this report and analysis evidences, this prohibition of
beneficial silver hydrosol therapeutics is largely accomplished
through psychological warfare engaging media propaganda as an
indoctrination weapon.(54)
“There are none so blind as those
who will not see.”
It is revealing that the mainstream
media has not heralded silver hydrosols as a scientific breakthrough
in infectious disease control; as a medically proven way to boost
natural immunity and defeat humanity's greatest microbial enemies.
NASA put men into space decades ago relying on this yet to be
officially designated “nanotechnology” because it proved safe and
effective in assuring water purity and astronaut immunity.
Pharmaceutical genocide best explains why silver hydrosols have been
so seriously neglected, and now heavily targeted, by Big Pharma's
media prostitutes.(54) The greatest nemesis to their
most profitable products - vaccines and antibiotics - is pure water
containing a trace amount of silver.
Why endorse or prescribe expensive antibiotics that produce
mutations in germ populations, environmental degradation, and water
pollution when silver hydrosols outperform all antibiotics without
serious risk, and at a fraction of the cost?
Why accept
risky vaccines creating “herd” immunity (as in “sheeple”)
after science has shown a far safer and more effective alternative
Imagine a world without infectious diseases and endless drug wars,
like the War on AIDS and the War on Cancer?
Not if the CTA, on behalf of drug dealers, can help it!
1) Introduction to NanoAction: Tiny
Technology, Significant Risk NanoAction • A Project of the
International Center for Technology Assessment •
www.nanoaction.org, 660 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE • Suite 302 •
Washington, DC 20003 • 202.547.9359
2) Oxysilver was officially launched on Wednesday, March 12,
2008, on Coast-to-CoastAM with George Noory interviewing Dr.
Leonard Horowitz. Immediately after the show www.oxysilver.com
became the world's most trafficked website as reported by
several search companies including 3websurfer blog. See:
“oxysilver.com for health... On Google Trend this morning people
are searching for oxysilver.com.” Link to:
3) University of Wisconsin - Madison, Nanoscale Science and
Engineering Center. A review of the scientific literature on
Silver Nano-size Particles, http://www.nsec.wisc.edu/NanoRisks/NS--SilverParticles.php
4) DONN J., MENDOZA M., and PRITCHARD J. AP Probe Finds Drugs in
Drinking Water. Mar 10, 2008. Associated Press Writers. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8VADOP80&show_article=1
5) The author's evidence on the iatrogenic origin of HIV/AIDS
gained national publicity when presidential candidate Barack
Obama's previous minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, cited the
author's text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident
or Intentional? before reporters at the National Press Club on
April 28, 2008. See: http://len.healthyworldblog.com/ev/Symptom_of_a_Rigged_Election.htmlhttp://len.healthyworldblog.com/ev/Symptom_of_a_Rigged_Election.html
6) Staff writers. Activism Alerts, May 2008: Nano-Alert: Groups
Demand that the EPA Take a Closer Look at Nanotechnology.
Mothering Magazine online: http://mothering.com/sections/action_alerts/may2008.html
- nanohttp://mothering.com/sections/action_alerts/may2008.html
7) Scientific references and discussion in this regard is
available on the website www.oxysilver.com.
8) Horowitz LG. Horowitz: On Vaccines. Sandpoint, ID:
Tetrahedron, LLC, 1998. See: http://www.healthyworldstore.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=130
9) YouTube posting: CNN AIDS Genocide Wright Report. Link to:
10) Horowitz LG. Case study in the public health menace of TB
skin testing. Medical Veritas 4:2007;1505-1509. View at: http://web.mac.com/len15/iWeb/healthyworld_media/Blog/4A629332-B69B-428A-9A92-E6A1B9964396.html
11) Horowitz LG and Martin J. Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola -
Nature, Accident or Intentional? Rockport, MA: Tetrahedron
Publishing Group, 1998. See: http://www.healthyworldstore.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=25
12) Goldstein S. Novartis to buy U.S. hospital antibiotic maker
Basel drugmaker also highlights vaccines pipeline. MarketWatch
Last update: June 4, 2008. Link from Mothering Magazine
originally present was later pulled. See: http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/novartis-pay-up-400-mln/story.aspx?guid=%7B76B9FA31-E6EA-4215-92C4-E2B8AB19BC3E%7D
13) Mulholland SG. Creed J and Dierauf LA, et al. Analysis and
Significance of Nosocomial Infection Rates Ann Surg. 1974
December; 180(6): 827–830. See: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1343803
14) FDA regulations are advancing to “harmonize” with Codex
Alimentarius legislation targeting all foods and botanicals used
nutritionally for standardization. This globalist effort heavily
supports the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel. Here is their
official website: http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/index_en.jsp
15) HealthFreedomUSA.org and GlobalHealthFreedom.org sponsors
Natural Solutions Foundation exposing Codex Alimentarius for
what it really is - a genocidal RICO scam. See: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=157
16) For Canada's consumer reaction to regulatory genocide see:
17) Horowitz LG. Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic
Warfare. Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group. June,
2001. See: http://www.healthyworldstore.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=24
18) The CTA's Executive Summary of the silver nanotechnology
petition is available through their website” http://www.icta.org/template/page.cfm?id=218
19) The EPA's broad definition of “pesticide” is available
online at: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/about/
20) Donahue J. The great fluoride scam. Available online at:
21) Geier MR and Geier DA. Thimerosal in childhood vaccines,
neurodevelopment disorders, and heart disease in the United
States. J Am Phys and Surgeons. Spring 2003;8:1;6-11. Available
online in pdf format: http://www.jpands.org/vol8no1/geier.pdf
22) The Jarishch-Herxheimer reaction occurs following microbial
cell die off, but was originally observed following mercury
poisoning (i.e., “treatment”). See: http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/3161.html
23) See Mothering Magazine's link to Talk About Curing Autism:
24) Brewitt B. Vaccines, adjuvants and potential toxicity -
Letter to the Editor, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients,
Nov, 2003, available online: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_244/ai_111271897
25) Phillips A. Contradictions between Medical Science and
Immunization Policy. Published in numerous places worldwide
including: http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/vaccine_awareness/contradictions.htm
26) Mercola J. Drugs and Doctors May be the Leading Cause of
Death in U.S. Mercola, Take Control of Your Health
Newsletter.January 15, 2003. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2003/01/15/doctors-drugs-part-two.aspx
27) The Associated Press. US Among Worst in World for Infant
Death. Sunday, November 11, 2007. Available online at: http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2007Nov11/0,4670,SavingtheSmallestUSPicture,00.html
28) Pro vaccine advertisment linked in Mothering Magazine:
29) Novartis vaccine advertisment linked in Mothering Magazine:
30) Horowitz LG. DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral. Sandpoint,
ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2004. See: http://www.healthyworldstore.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=20
31) Dalton A. Revolution as hydrogen-fuel cars roll off
production line in Japan. Scotsman.news.com. 17 June 2008.
Online at: http://news.scotsman.com/latestnews/Revolution---as-hydrogenfuel.4190564.jp
32) National Academy of Sciences. “Silver”. In: Drinking Water
and Health (Volume 2), 1980, pp. 102-106. See: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309029317&page=102
33) Taher MA., Puri BK, Kalik AK, et al., Fourth Derivative
Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Silver after
Preconcentration with the Ion Pair of
2-Nitroso-1-naphthol-4-sulfonic Acid and
Tetradecyldimethylbenzylammonium Chloride by Microcrystalline
Naphthalene or Column Method -1-naphthol-4-sulfonic. CROATICA
CHEMICA ACTA CCACAA 75 (1) 25¿39 (2002)
34) See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper
(35) Muñoz-Rojas D, Subías G, Fraxedas J. et, al. Electronic
Structure of Ag2Cu2O4. Evidence of Oxidized Silver and Copper
and Internal Charge Delocalization. J. Phys. Chem. B, 109 (13),
6193 -6203, 2005. See: http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/abstract.cgi/jpcbfk/2005/109/i13/abs/jp044493w.html
(36) Munoz-Rojas D., Subias G., Fraxedas J., et al., Electronic
structure of Ag2Cu2O4. Evidence of oxidized silver and copper
and internal charge delocalization Journal of physical
chemistry. 2005, vol. 109, no13, pp. 6193-6203. See: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=16681331
(37) Photons of light influence resonance and reactivity of
elemental silver in crystalline structures such as glass and
water. See: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/457759/photochromic-glass.
38) Horowitz Op cit., 2004.
39) Horowitz LG. Walk on Water. Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron
Publishing Group, 2006. See: http://www.healthyworldstore.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=125
40) Zolensky ME. et al., Water found in space rock. NASA News.
Sept. 7, 1999. See: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap990907.html; See
also: Staff. NASA announces discovery of evidence of water on
Mars. www.SPACE.com, June 25, 2000.
41) Stephen Lower (the name suits him as having a lower IQ) has
condemned the “pseudo-science” of structured water, as he
completely neglects conducting a scientific literature review of
his own. He claims to be an educated chemistry professor now
making a name for himself here ignorantly bashing structured
water investigators and proponents. See: Lower S. Water Cluster
Quackery The junk science of structure-altered waters. See:
42) Lower S. More Lower trash is found in the Gallery of
water-related pseudoscience Junk science in the marketplace.
See: http://www.chem1.com/CQ/gallery.html
43) Turova, VV. and Jun'koa VM, Bogatyreva VM, et. al.
Structured water in partially dehydrated yeast cells and at
partially hydrophobized fumed silica surface. Journal of Colloid
and Interface Science Volume 283, Issue 2, 15 March 2005, Pp.
44) Emoto M. Love Thyself: The Message from Water III by Masaru
Emoto ... Hardcover: 240 pages; Publisher: Hay House; 1st Hay
House Ed edition (September 1, 2007) Love Thyself -http://www.hayhouse.com/authorbio.php?id=34845.
(45)Horowitz LG. “The Breath of the Earth”™ A microcrystalline
photographic analysis of lava-heated steam from the Big Island
of Hawaii. Internet published. See: http://www.steamventinn.com/breath_of_the_earth/
(46)The most advanced silver hydrosols today are vibrated and
“programmed” with resonance frequencies of sound and light.
Photons and phonons (i.e., packets) of light and sound,
respectively, are used to charge the silver water to relay
healing messages that can stimulate or tonify biological energy
system. Water and silver are both electrically and energetically
The 528Hz frequency of sound and light are congruent. Both are
found at the heart of their electromagnetic frequency spectrums.
The color light green at the center of the rainbow is also
associated with the center of your heart chakra in Oriental
medicine and Buddhism. This precise frequency is reportedly used
by many of the world's leading genetic biochemists to favorably
impact, even repair, damaged DNA. See: http://www.lovetherealdavincicode.com.
47) Gibbons B and Warner L. How nano-size silver in water works.
MDDI August 2005. See: http://www.devicelink.com/mddi/archive/05/08/005.html
48) Almofti MR, Ichikawa T, Yamashia K, et al., Mitochondrial
impact of Silver Science: Silver Ion Induces a Cyclosporine
A-Insensitive Permeability Transition in Rat Liver Mitochondria
and Release of Apoptogenic Cytochrome c. J. Biochem, 2003, Vol.
134, No. 1 43-49. See: http://jb.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/134/1/43
49) Li P, Li J. Wu C et. al., Syergistic antibacterial effects
of Beta-lactam antibiotic combined with silver nanoparticles.
Nanotechnology 16 (2005): 1912-1917. See: http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0957-4484/16/9/082/
50) Edwards-Jones V. Antimicrobial and barrier effects of silver
against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Journal of
Wound Care, Vol. 15, Iss. 7, 01 Jul 2006, pp 285 – 290. See:
51) Shahverdi A, Fakhimi H, Shatverdi S and Minaian V.
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine , Volume 3 ,
Issue 2 , Pages 168 – 171. See; http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1549963407000469:
52) Staff writer. Oklahoma declares Sovereignty! Free Republic
Online, Jun 14, 2008. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2031217/posts
TRIALS. Humane Medicine Health Care. Volume 8 Number 1, 2008.
54) Clarence M. Ron Paul 2008: RICO suit filed against ABC,
MSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times,
Wall Street Journal. Open Democracy Online: