by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
May 27, 2010
NaturalNews Website
Alliance for Natural Health, a
nonprofit organization committed to protecting access to natural and
integrative medicine, has recently come up with a Congressional bill
designed to stop government censorship of truthful, scientific
health claims about natural foods and herbs, and restore free speech
to natural health.
The Free Speech About Science Act
also known as HR 4913, will allow manufacturers and producers to
reference peer-reviewed, scientific studies that highlight the
health benefits of a particular food or herb that they grow or sell.
For too long, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
have blatantly censored the truth about food, herbs and dietary
supplements. These government agencies are supposed to be protecting
public health and well-being, but they accomplish precisely the
opposite by actively censoring the truth about natural products and
working to keep the public ignorant about the health benefits
of nutritional products.
It's all part of the plan to prop up the
profits of
Big Pharma by eliminating the
Current law
restricts health claims to drugs only
The FDA says, ridiculously, that only pharmaceutical drugs are
capable of preventing or treating disease.
Even though this is scientifically
false, the agency has structured the rules to categorize anything
that treats or prevents disease as a drug. So if you eat walnuts,
and those walnuts lower high cholesterol (which they do), the FDA
declares your walnuts to be "drugs."
Existing law dictates that if anything is advertised as providing
health benefits without the FDA's approval, it's automatically
considered to be an "unapproved drug", even if it's a common,
everyday food like walnuts, cherries, grapes or oranges.
Amazingly, references to peer-reviewed scientific studies are not
allowed to be made by companies without permission from the FDA
because the agency considers this to be an illegal health claim. So
if you sell walnuts, and your website merely links to published
scientific studies that describe the cholesterol-lowering benefits
of walnuts, then you can be threatened, arrested, imprisoned and
fined millions of dollars by the FDA for selling "unapproved drugs."
If you flee the country, you can be then be listed on INTERPOL as an
international fugitive wanted for "drug offenses."
This is exactly what happened to Greg
Caton, who was recently kidnapped from Ecuador by
U.S. agents working on behalf of the FDA,
brought back to the USA against his will, and sentenced to federal
prison where he remains to this day.
The FDA thinks
walnuts are drugs
If you're skeptical that what I'm saying here is true, take a look
the warning letter the FDA sent to Diamond
Food, Inc. back in February concerning the health claims
the company had been making about its walnuts.
Diamond Food, Inc., a large producer of nuts and nut products, had
put some information on its website about the health benefits of
walnuts (which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids).
Some of this information included the
following statements (all of which are verifiably true):
"Studies indicate that the
omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts may help lower
cholesterol; protect against heart disease, stroke and some
cancers; ease arthritis and other inflammatory diseases; and
even fight depression and other mental illnesses."
"[O]mega-3 fatty acids inhibit
tumor growth that is promoted by the acids found in other
"[I]n treating major depression,
for example, omega-3s seem to work by making it easier for
brain cell receptors to process mood-related signals from
neighboring neurons."
"The omega-3s found in fish oil
are thought to be responsible for the significantly lower
incidence of breast cancer in Japanese women as compared to
women in the United States."
All of these statements are true and
have been demonstrated in various scientific studies about omega-3s.
In fact, the University of Maryland has
complete reference page about the benefits of
omega-3s that verifies the statements made by Diamond
Food. Sixty-five different scientific studies are cited on that
reference page alone!
But apparently the FDA has little concern with truth and science,
because the agency wrote in its warning letter to Diamond that,
"[b]ecause of these intended uses,
your walnut products are drugs... they are not generally
recognized as safe and effective for the above referenced
It goes on to say that,
"they may not be legally marketed
with the above claims in the United States without an approved
new drug application."
When all was said and done, Diamond was
essentially coerced into removing virtually all the truthful
information about the health benefits of walnuts from its website in
order to stay in compliance with the FDA's ridiculous demands.
So when science discovers the amazing health-promoting and healing
abilities of natural, whole foods, you are not allowed to actually
tell people about it. If you do, those foods automatically become
unapproved drugs, according to the FDA, and they are subject to
seizure. This is how the FDA enforces nutritional ignorance across
The agency is actually an ANTI-EDUCATION
group of knowledge destroyers who want the American people to remain
ignorant of the health benefits of natural foods and supplements.
flip-flop on the walnut issue
What's interesting about this recent Diamond walnut case is that,
back in 2004, the FDA (sort of) approved
a request made on behalf of the California
Walnut Commission to include information about the
benefits of walnuts for lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk
of coronary heart disease.
The petition to the FDA included references to scientific
information that backs these claims (which were largely rejected by
the agency), but it did allow a modified version of the claim to be
made that included the phrase "Supportive but not conclusive
research shows...".
Some other details included a reference
to eating a diet low in saturated fat.
But in the Diamond case, the FDA decided to launch an all-out attack
on true health claims about walnuts, despite comprehensive evidence
that they are extremely beneficial to your health in many
scientifically-proven ways.
The FDA does
not believe in nutrition, period!
It's important to note here that the FDA believes there is no such
thing as any food, vitamin, herb or supplement that has ANY
beneficial effect on the human body.
Sadly, this outrageously ridiculous and
indefensible position has become the law of the land in the USA.
All foods are inert, the FDA claims. And the vitamins,
minerals and phytochemicals in those foods have no effect on your
body. This impossible belief is what the FDA continues to maintain
as "scientific" fact.
But it's obvious to anyone with a couple of brain neurons still
firing that the FDA's position is pure madness. Of course foods have
beneficial health effects on the human body!
Foods contain more than mere calories...
they are storehouses of
phytochemicals and nutrients that
have medicinal effects on the body.
The FDA is
good at giving lip service
It's important to note that a new drug application is not the only
way certain health claims can be made.
Similar to how the California Walnut
Commission issued its request, producers and manufacturers can
request permission from the FDA to make certain health claims about
products, and the agency makes it sound as if it is more than
willing to approve such claims as long as proper evidence is given.
But in reality, no matter how much
evidence is provided to back a set of claims, it's almost never
enough for the FDA to actually approve them.
Omega-3s are one of the most
studied nutrients in recent years, but the FDA apparently considers
all this research useless. It hides behind all kinds of legal mumbo
jumbo in defending its position to reject credible science about the
health benefits of omega-3s. To anyone paying attention, it's
becoming abundantly clear that the agency is completely irrational
in the way it approaches the regulation of health claims and the
definition of a "drug."
Based on its track record of how it handles truthful health claims,
it's also clear that the FDA doesn't actually care about the truth.
The agency has decided that only drugs prevent and treat disease,
and that's the end of it. So only those companies that complete its
expensive drug application process will be granted permission to
make health claims - and the only organizations with the funding to
do this are drug companies!
It's sort of like the old floating witch test: Throw the suspected
witch in a pond. If she floats, she's a witch and gets burned at the
stake. If she sinks, she wasn't a witch... may she rest in peace
after drowning. The test is rigged for failure by the "authorities."
And yes, the FDA's assault on dietary
supplements is a metaphorical witch hunt.
FDA threatened
cherry growers in 2006
Of course this isn't the first time the FDA has gone on a witch hunt
to stop health claims from being made about healing foods. Back in
the FDA demanded that 29 companies
cease making claims about the health benefits of cherries.
Of course all the claims were true and backed by scientific studies,
but this didn't matter to the FDA or the FTC, which acts as the
enforcement arm of the FDA.
The agencies threatened to take action
against these companies if they didn't comply with removing the
health claims, indicating that they would even go so far as to seek
a court order to seize the products that were in violation.
An interesting fact about this case is that many of the scientific
studies that supported the health claims being made were funded by
none other than the USDA, another arm of the U.S. federal
government. Talk about a bureaucratic failure!
All of this seems almost too crazy to actually be true, but it's all
quite real, I assure you. It happens all the time.
Millions of taxpayer dollars are spent
trying to reclassify food as drugs, censor truthful health claims
and rid the market of safe, healthy items like raw dairy products.
Meanwhile, drug companies are fraudulently marketing dangerous
chemical medications that injure and kill millions of people every
year around the world.
But these chemicals are, of course,
"generally recognized as safe and effective" by the FDA.
Cherries and walnuts, in other words, are dangerous. But
statin drugs, antidepressants and
rat poison blood thinners are all backed and approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration.
snacks are 'heart healthy'
Like almost everything else the FDA does, there's a double standard
in the enforcement of health claims.
Over at
the Frito-Lay website, there are a
whole lot of ridiculous health claims being made about Frito-Lay
snack foods that the FDA doesn't seem too concerned about.
Statements include the following, which are in reference to "how
much good stuff goes into your favorite snack":
"Good stuff like potatoes, which
naturally contain vitamin C and essential minerals. Or corn, one
of the world's most popular grains, packed with Thiamin, vitamin
B6, and phosphorus - all necessary for healthy bones, teeth,
nerves and muscles."
Too bad all these ingredients are fried
at really high temperatures and can't be considered "healthy" by any
stretch of the imagination. The page goes on to claim that its
frying oils are filled with "good fats" that help to lower
cholesterol (seriously, I'm not making this up).
Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo,
gets away with marketing its junk food snack products as healthy,
making all kinds of ludicrous claims about them, but walnut and
cherry growers are the target of FDA investigations about labeling
The message? Raw natural foods and non-processed fruits and nuts are
bad for you, but fried snack foods, dead foods and processed foods
are incredibly healthy. In opposition to all common sense,
this is the position the FDA now maintains.
Things are seriously out of control.
The Life Extension Foundation has also written about the
madness of this situation. Read "FDA
Says Walnuts are Illegal Drugs".
The Free
Speech About Science Act
There is some good news, though. My friends over at the Alliance
for Natural Health have come up with a solution to take back our
freedom to tell the truth about the health benefits of natural
products. It's called the Free Speech About Science Act, or
HR 4913.
You can read the entire legislative text of the bill at
the following link. The bill is
only seven pages long, and you can read it fairly quickly if you
want to.
Here's a quick summary of its primary
objectives with some added commentary:
Food producers and
manufacturers, dietary supplement makers, and any others who
sell or market natural health products will no longer be
restricted from referencing and citing independent and
respected scientific research that highlights the health
benefits of natural products. (Current FDA guidelines are in
violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, which
prohibits government restrictions on free speech, even those
that relate to natural health.)
Referencing valid research will
no longer convert food and dietary supplements into
"unapproved drugs" in the eyes of the FDA.
Only legitimate research may be
referenced, and guidelines for what is considered legitimate
include studies that are conducted in accordance with sound
scientific principles (because natural health is not in
opposition to science; science actually supports the healing
properties of foods and supplements).
The FDA and FTC will still be
permitted to go after fraudulent claims, but they will no
longer be able to censor the truth about healing foods and
Help end FDA tyranny
against food and supplement companies
As it currently stands, most Americans are unable to make
responsible, informed lifestyle decisions about foods and
supplements because truthful information is restricted by agencies
like the FDA and FTC.
Mainstream society is flooded with drug
advertising making all sorts of false claims, but true claims about
natural products are routinely censored.
It's time to put a stop to this FDA madness, and one way to go about
that is to support the Free Speech About Science Act. Every
American deserves access to the truth so that he or she can make
informed lifestyle choices, and you can help make that happen by
supporting this bill.
The Alliance for Natural Health has created a convenient
legislative portal by which you can contact your Congressman and
urge support for the bill.
In the meantime, keep on buying (and
consuming) natural foods, medicinal herbs and truly natural
supplements, because that's where the real medicine in our world is
found. The FDA can try to censor the claims about healing foods, but
they cannot stop your body's own innate healing process from being
activated by those foods.
Eating healing foods, in other words, helps your body heal whether
the FDA approves or not.