Jan 24, 2010
NanoTransformations Website
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I am writing these thoughts because they have been on my mind for
awhile. I am inspired to put them down after returning home from
seeing the new Hollywood film called “Avatar.”
I realize that the hundreds of Nanotransformation members that
frequent our website come from every walk of life. Conservatives and
liberals alike have been infected by strange new and emerging
anomalous diseases.
Reactions to this film may vary.
Outside your window this Christmas, it seems like the rest of the
world goes walking on by as normal, ignorant of the silent changes
taking place in the “world of the very small.”
Out of sight, out of
You may feel alone and isolated.
You may be afraid and terrified.
You may be itching and confused.
The human species is driven primarily by the
reptilian brain.
The frontal lobes (flight-simulators) do not allow our species to
process and plan data in a complex way. We first must have strong
evidence that there is a problem (or a pandemic) in order to take
action. We almost require a “crisis” or we simply cannot manage.
Thus “crisis management” becomes a truism.
Our species is rather young. Our knowledge of
microbiology is
frankly, remedial at best.
Because we cannot comprehend cause-and-effect data in a complex way,
we have created organisms that could potentially destroy the human
race and change the face of the planet forever.
In fact the main occupation of
Big Pharma and Big Agro is to make sure that you do not understand the
extent of the alteration of the Integrated Membrane Protein Pathways
(IMP’s) so that you will continue to buy a three dollar pill that
carries the following disclaimer:
If you alter or re-purpose a single protein pathway to perform tasks
that it was not meant to perform, you can knock the whole biological
machine out of balance.
What does this have to do with Avatar, the movie?
The movie takes place on the planet of Pandora. It is a world of
phosphorescent plant life and tree-size mold spores that form an
interconnected world of unity and consciousness. It is PanGaia. Life
is abundant and obviously connected. All the inhabitants of this
world understand this connectedness in a deeply experiential way.
This connection is obvious.
The dream-world phosphorescent glow of the Pandora home planet is
deeply meaningful to anyone who has done research into
sensing. Here is our previous article and video on quorum sensing
called Exactly How Bacteria Kills You.
This is related to
morgellons disease in that anyone who has been
infected with the disease and dives into the research discovers how
deeply connected all life is at the very foundation or Shrub of
Plankton-like phospho-luminescence is caused by bacteria, as
Bonnie Bassler reveals at TED 2009. It happens when all
the bacteria communicate “every-one-all-at-once” and decide to
Again, the kingdom of Avatar was a living phosphorescent world that
was alive with bacteria, molds, fungus, shrubs and at the Great
Center, the Tree of Life itself (see below video).
Gaiam Theory of Morgellons
Fibers of the Tree of Life and Knowledge
Man Becomes Plant
Bonnie Bassler has studied that
phosphorus bacteria use quorum sensing. She is trying to find ways
to make bacteria STRONGER, because she believes (correctly) that we
come from bacteria.
We are the vehicle for bacteria and
micro-organisms... they “built” us:
But, what many people generally
don’t know is that bacteria also do all these amazing, fantastic
things. In fact, we mostly don’t get sick. Most often, bacteria
are keeping us well.
- Bonnie Bassler
With this in mind... it appears obvious
that genetically modifying the “stuff” that helped build “us” is
risky business.
This is one of the many faults of fundamentalist genetics and the
Big Pharma conspiracy to hide the implication of
epigenetics from
the masses. Most of you who think you are sick with morgellons are
experiencing the effects of
GMO foods and
Agrobacterium combined
with “Biowarfare gone Wild.”
For more information on Agrobacterium by world defining geneticist
Mae Wan Ho, see:
Agrobacterium and Morgellons Disease - A GMO Connection?
Mae Wan Ho warned everyone
about the use of Agrobacterium and it seems that her predictions are
coming true. With a vengeance.
It is the combination of these two things that are causing the
itching, biting, knawing discomfort that result in unexplained
dermopathy. Much of this process is happening within your internal
biofilm and is accidental. It was not exactly planned out by all of
the greedy corporations and GMO crop builders. This pandemic is
likely a combination of several badly planned experiments and
bio-products that combined with several other badly planned
experiments and bio-products.
Frontal lobes... We need bigger ones.
In 2010 please move AWAY from the central medical dogmas
(below video).
It’s the
environment stupid!
“You cannot solve a problem using
the same thinking that caused it.”
– Albert Einstein.
You will NOT find any answers for this
disease using conventional thinking. It is simply too complex for
the reductive thinking that drives the
Darwinian approach within the
current medical establishment.
They simply do not know enough about proteins, their integrative
pathways and the resulting
signal transduction. These people are
school children. Literally...
The size of this pandemic, this global “nanotransformation”, will
only be known in years to come, perhaps decades if we survive this
initial wave: Be ahead of your time.
The solution lives in Light Therapy and the methyl-group supplements
(epigenetic stabilizers and modifiers).
7.82 FAR
Visible light
Full spectrum
Meditation and
These are to name a few.
Back to the movie Avatar.
In the end, Pandorian tribal authorities have the “bad humans”
escorted (voted) off the island with their proverbial tail between
their legs. They were sent back to earth, which was already an
environmental wasteland, destroyed by the same adolescent thinking
that got them kicked out of paradise in the new galaxy.
In the case of our REAL planet earth, there is no Pandora for us to
move to. There is no way to export our current adolescent madness to
the stars. More importantly, nobody is going to escort us somewhere
else for bad behavior, because there is nowhere else to go folks.
This is LIVE. This is not a drill.
Most politicians, corporations and activists do not see through the
eyes of an actual morgellons sufferer or “stealth virus” sufferer.
(Unless they themselves finally get the disease, which is starting
to happen more and more).
The big decision makers also do not see through the eyes of a
If they did, things like Copenhagen and the “mixed media propaganda
machine” would change radically.
The argument over global warming and the climategate fiasco is all
smoke and mirrors blocking something smaller, and much more
insidious happening underneath the surface of all biology. People
Alex Jones seem justified that people like James Cameron are
here to make films (like Avatar) in order to numb humanity enough to
be enslaved by a global corporation. In his apparent position of
“sovereignty at all cost” tossing out Yoda with the bathwater.
I have removed Alex Jones and other such conservative
constitutionalists from my email list, because these guys are in
denial that something HUGE is happening to the world environment.
The complex diseases now emerging are not ALL slow-kill depopulation
conspiracy agendas. Many of them are, but the problem is more
complex. It has gotten more complicated, and much of it an accident
related to Agrobacterium and free-roaming gene swapping. This is
also called autonomous vectoring. Translation: End of the World as
You Know It.)
You better HOPE what Bruce Lipton
says about epigenetics is correct.
There are no other alternatives.
In summary,
the GMO issues have gotten far more complicated than
Left or Right. We need to move beyond tribalism and stop seeing the
delicate ecosphere of planet earth as some sort of “wilderness to be
conquered.” Adolescent I tell you! What we face is epi-political.
We are witnessing, in our lifetime, a genetic hybrid of several
Genies that have gotten out of the bottle.
The reasons why they got out no longer matter.
These are not the kind of Genies that can be put back in the bottle.
Biowarfare-gone-wild. (Mostly
insect delivery systems combined with slow kill
for population control and for medical profits... it is a
natural twofer)
Agrobacterium-gone-wild. (Mostly
for GMO foods and BT Corn, not to mention the natural
buffers between man and the soil ribosomes that have been
modified beyond repair, and biofilm is swapping genes with
diseases of everykind (including weaponized bacteria)
located inside the human body
But there is hope. In some ways this is
all good news.
These new and complex emerging diseases are necessarily going to
force man back to the Garden of Pandora. There will have to be some
sort of collective acknowledgement and agreement about the
interconnectedness of all things, and the wholistic Integrated
Protein Pathways that we all have in common.
The alternative is to die.
There will be a rebellion against biological reductionism and Big Pharma. The alternative is to become slaves. (And then Die).
Some people, who still have a fraction of their frontal lobes in
tact, will start to demand wholeness. They will demand a
re-examination of the suppressed science of signal transduction and
pleomorphism from the position of epigenetics. They will demand
Whole food, Whole water, and Whole air. They will demand respect for
all DNA, all stem-cells and all life.
If we do not GROW UP fast... If we do not learn to understand
how all biological organisms are connected... the signal-to-noise
ratio will grow too much for our body (and the earth’s body) to
The phospholipic cellular integrity of both the human
bloodstream and the Earth’s bloodstream will be compromised. The
bioacoustic habitat of our only home will be lost to yet another of
Creators great experiments.
This is biological fact.
This is not a left wing right wing conspiracy.
Like the biology of quorum sensing that allows an entire forest
(like aspen trees) to communicate all-at-once, or a phosphorescent
coral bacterial community to glow “all-at-once” and outshine the
dark night - the world situation must also be approached “everybody
all at once.”
“Only everybody-all-at-once can
change the current chaos.”
- Adi Da
Not Two is Peace
Overunity signal transduction will never
be realized by the masses if we do not escape adolescent tribalism.
Big Pharma will win if we do not signal everybody-all-at-once. This
is something that the
constitutionalist sovereigns do not care to
understand. They want to make it about
Avatar the movie was not some liberal left wing chatter blaming the
Marine Corp for the worlds ills. No Praise, no blame.
It was about a violent species growing some frontal lobes in the
heat of battle, and making another choice.
I know a lot of sovereign libertarians who are ex-marines. But I
also know some
ex-marines who are environmentalists.
Neither side will help us survive the global “nanotransformation” of
planet earth.
Either the “Epigenetic Revolution” will cause humans to take action
“everybody-all-at-once.” Or we will fail to outshine (with our
“spiritual phospholuminescence”) the dark underworld we have created
for ourselves. If we make that choice, we will enter into the 6th
mass extinction.
How about you?
Are you ready to
think beyond your genes?