Bill Morgan
PrahLad Website
I do not know what the statistics are
but it seems that there are a lot of volcanoes going off lately. An
at least two very gigantic earthquakes in the past week or so.
Having done a good deal of reading at
scalar scientist
Tom Bearden, I cannot help but
wondering if any of this earthquake and volcano activity is being
cause by the new scalar electromagnetic superweapons called "Longitudinal
Wave Interferometers," or "Tesla Howizters."
According to Bearden the covert development of these devices, in at
least 10 countries, began decades ago, especially in Russia, whose
scientists were more able than those in the West to think outside
the box of conventional electromagnetic theory, a theory which is
incomplete. Scalar electromagnetics restores certain equations which
were thrown out along the way to "make things simpler," and
announces the amazing fact that what we call the vacuum of space is
actually an ocean of energy.
The energy is there in incredible
abundance once you know how to tap it. Energy which could change the
world for good, and also energy which can be made into fantastic
weapons. Weapons such as no warrior has ever dreamed of in his
wildest imagination.
A longitudinal wave interferometer is easy to build. It's just two
special antennae and a computer that connects them. The
all-important software, the "know-how," is the only difficult thing.
Where the two scalar beams cross each other is called the
"interference zone," and in that zone a dazzling array of effects
can be produced, so many that it boggles the mind.
And these longitudinal waves can go
right through the earth! So that you have pure action-at-a-distance.
Two of the things that can by done by manipulation of the wave at
the interference zone are making earthquakes at a distant spot, and
making volcanoes erupt. A previous Secretary of Defense, William
Cohen, even confirmed that these kinds of weapons were in
In 1997 he stated:
"Others [terrorists] are engaging
even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the
climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use
of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious
minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can
wreak terror upon other nations...It's real, and that's the
reason why we have to intensifier [counter terrorism] efforts."
- Defense Secretary William
Cohen, 1997
This was 37 years after Soviet Premier
Khrushchev had announced the Longitudinal Wave Interferometer
to the world saying:
"We have a new weapon, just within
the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak, which is so
powerful that, if unrestrainedly used, it could wipe out all
life on earth. It is a fantastic weapon."
In fact so fantastic it can create
earthquakes and make sleeping volcanos erupt.
Here is an amazing description by Tom
Bearden of how a Tesla Howitzer could induce an
"Here's how you initiate a very
large earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient fault zone
of set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in
the "diverging" mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks
on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by
the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get
crystal mechanical movements).
"Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures
well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point,
the rocks yield and one or both sides "slip" and move rather
sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone.
"Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily
penetrate right through the earth and ocean at will, and so the
"interference zone" focus can be inside the earth or beneath the
ocean, at will.
"Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the
volcano is still slumbering, down where the hole in the plate
has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of energy in the
magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep
within that volcano, underground, will cause an eruption. Build
the energy slow, and the eruption will likely be much larger."
In another mode the howitzer can create
"cold explosions" where instead of causing huge energy to be
released huge energy is sucked out. A number of these cold
explosions have be witnessed, especially by commercial pilots, where
they create a gigantic mushroom cloud of mostly water vapor rising
miles into the sky.

Yugoslav Earthquake
followed by Cold Explosion

example is the Iran Quake of 1997.
It was 7.4 on the
Richter scale and aftershocks of as high as 6.0 were expected
but there were no
aftershocks. It was also at an anomalous depth.
Bearden says that with 100%
certainty certain rogue groups including the "Yakuza" (Japanese
mafia) are possessing these devices have be waging a weather war on
the United States, and perhaps other places, moving fronts around
with their giant movable areas of heat and cold.
In the correspondence section of Cheniere.Org Bearden responded to a
reader's question,
"Do you have any indicators that
the Yakuza (or someone else) is behind the recent spate of
quakes and volcanoes, especially the quakes in Alaska?"
"No indications directly as yet. So far, just the fact that it
seems to be the most powerful quake ever to hit the U.S. Also,
it damaged the pipeline in Alaska (800 miles long pipeline) that
carries 20% of all domestic U.S. oil. The pipeline is shut down
now, and I haven't a picture yet as to whether the damage is
just minor or substantial. Note we previously discussed (several
times) just how vulnerable that pipeline is.
"We also know (100% certainty) that the Yakuza and
Aum Shinrikyo have indeed been
engineering our weather, etc. since 1990, having leased the
scalar interferometers from the Russians (from the KGB, who
control and use all such Russian weapons), on site in Russia at
the end of 1989...
"So if it is the Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo, one can possibly add
a couple of recent volcano eruptions as possible candidates to
their list.
"So a shadowy picture of possible Yakuza activities and
involvement does emerge, but not yet with enough certainty to
state it as such." - November 5, 2002.
If you can cause an earthquake you can
also set it to, say, bring down a single buildings, of pair of
buildings. It may be that
the collapse of WTC twin towers was
actually the first major scalar attack in world history. Because in
a certain mode the waves at the interference zone can cause metal to
soften, even to melt. If so, the planes crashing into them were
merely a cover story to cloak the fact that the Tesla Howitzer
had been used.
The existence and proliferation of these scalar weapons is an
immediate world emergency. A mishap with one of these devices could
wipe out all life on earth. They could disrupt the scalar wave
balance between earth and sun in such a way that would cause massive
solar disturbances and storms, completely frying the earth.
When they invented the Bomb, people worked hard to "Ban the Bomb",
but this time the "Bomb" is held in such super secrecy that the
People have no idea at all of the threats they are under and the
complete vulnerability of any particular point on earth.
If the Government really wanted to get
people whipped up about the war on terrorism they should simply step
forward and tell the People about these weapons and what they can
do. They cannot do that because it would be an admission that every
square inch of the country was vulnerable to these
action-at-a-distance weapons, that there is no longer any such thing
as National Security, and that we are all just sitting ducks
That's a hard pill to swallow but
swallow it we must.
Perhaps that's the way human history ends, a bunch of criminal gangs
and rogue groups fighting it out with such weapons as even the gods
would envy.