by Morris Tarantella
Zelator Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
We all know it. The
government says it just kills the insects. Some other
branch of that very same government, however, developed
and analyzed just this "Malathion" for .... military
purposes. And I bet you didn't know the fact that
Malathion is a highly psychoactive substance, even small
doses will change your EEG for .... months !
So let us suppose there is
a malevolent and, yes, unearthly higher dimensional
intelligence acting against us humans, and not against
some medflies....
Even if you're not going
to believe the higher dimensional conclusions, you just
can't afford to miss the
even-more-then-spitting-image-style of wit to be found
here! |
The "Then You Certainly Won't Mind Licking Up The Same Amount For Us
Right Now" Award:
to L.A. County Health Department
epidemiologist Carol Ward, who declared to approximately 400
people assembled at a hearing on malathion at Pasadena City Hall
(as reported in the February 16-22 issue of Village View) that:
"Even if a small child went outside
to play the morning after a spraying and licked up all the
malathion in their [sic] backyard, they still would not get
enough malathion into their body to clinically find any
health-related problems".
Let's cut the pathetic time-stalling
surrounding "debate" on the subject of
malathion-spraying, since
"debate" is a clear insult to the innumerable men, women and
children presently suffering the precise same flu-like symptoms,
peculiarly persistent sore-throats, headaches and eye-irritation as
a direct consequence of a renewed spraying which most were
blithe fully unaware of, or unconcerned about.
There is no real
debate over the subject, except the tedious formalism required to
push by legal means against the immovable power-block of
agribusiness and the petrochemical industry (you know, those
wonderful producers responsible for bringing you so many other
spectacular, cast-of-thousands ecological catastrophes on so many
other fronts).
There is no debate, there is no serious question as to the
unacceptable hazard of malathion spraying. We aren't really waiting
for the returns as Henry Voss and the State Department of
Agriculture et al. pretend. What sort of "returns", what further
studies does one need ?!
It's not a question of weighing the
possible "deficits" of malathion spraying against its "relative
merits"; there are no such merits.
It doesn't do what it's supposed
to do in the first place (which is, at bottom, make our ecosystem
safe for agriculture)! It is not even in the best interests of those
special interests (i.e. Western Growers Association etc.) which
insist that there is "no present alternative".
No present alternative to what?
You mean we don't yet have a better
and more efficient way to destroy beneficial aphids, other insects
and parasites that would serve to control the Medfly population and
maintain the natural balance of the ecosystem?
You mean we don't yet
have a more powerful and effective means than surface water
contamination for killing fish and their aquatic-insect food supply?
You mean we haven't found a better way to decimate the honeybee
population, that irreducibly-essential species which is principally
responsible of pollination of our crops in the first place?
You mean
we haven't come up with a neater and more refined way of destroying
the erosion-regulating ice plant and the Olive Tree than by
death-dusting the benign parasitoids that check the proliferation of
scale insects harmful to them?
Okay. But until something more lethal comes along to replace it,
malathion is doing a terrific job.
Do we need returns other than the single most damning testimony of
all, that of the studies concluded on the Saku district of Japan
which demonstrate unequivocally that within a one year interval
after spraying the specific organophosphate known as malathion in
procedures and dosages critically similar to those presently used
over the Los Angeles area, more than 10000 citizens of the affected
population became permanently blinded or visually impaired?
The Japanese government decisively
banned the use of the very stuff we're liberally dumping on
ourselves, and most countries of the civilized world have accepted
the signs of sweet reasonableness and followed suit rather than pay
the clearly posted price in ophthalmological and neurological
What then can "Chief of the Toxic Epidemiology Department of L.A.
County" Dr. Paul Papanck possibly be talking about when as on a
recent cable public access program he defended malathion as the only
presently viable alternative?
What can Robert Atkins, "pest control
expert" of L.A. County Department of Agriculture possibly mean when
he counsels the obligatory continuation in the judicious application
of Ming's death-dust, to avert the unwanted alternative of the poor
consumer absorbing the higher cost of every individual farmer
soaking his orchard floor with privately-purchased pesticide?
The taxpayer is at this very moment
absorbing the cost in any case; and this same taxpayer, in his
complementary form as a human being, is absorbing the unacceptable
price through his very physiology and that of his children.
On top of all this, the disingenuous argument by such "experts"
(merely fronting for the unheard "word" of the anonymous, publicly
unaccountable appointee "experts" in Sac) that all the alternatives
are in any case petrochemical solutions, and that the "high
nutritional quality" of our agricultural products is at stake, is a
blatant sham.
Such claims are merely more vile dust,
thrown in the eyes of a public which isn't encouraged to know the
content of official studies that have clearly shown for decades that
the nutritive content of domestic agricultural products has steadily
declined below acceptable levels with the use of ecologically
addictive, petrochemical additives.
This is not, then, nor has it ever really been, a "debate". One
could say that it is actually just another manifestation of the
given power structure disingenuously using the forum of debate to
stall any intermittent opposition which may randomly filter through
its blanket propaganda coverage; one could say then that the
"contention" over malathion spraying is once again answerable to the
reductio ad absurdum of short-sighted profit motivation.
indeed to a degree and in any given case this is partly true. But it
must be recognized that there is at the same time something much
more inexplicable going on here. At the same time it has to be
admitted that we're standing before the countenance of a greater
For it is only too apparent (if bewildering to the powers of
explanation committed to rational motive) that those who officially
uphold the virtue of malathion spraying, having even more access
than the general public to the damning information, nonetheless
persist in the face of their own toxification and that of their
children; even going on the motivational assumption of sheer
self-interest, it is well-known even by these public promulgators
that the safety of the relatively well-to-do isn't ensured merely by
virtue of the fact that the target areas for spraying tend quite
curiously to concentrate on the less affluent districts, since they
must also realize their statistical vulnerability in the long-range
due to the drift of "toxic wind" and ultimate, communal sharing of
the tainted food-product.
(Should you find the demographic
differentials related to zones of spraying "class-coincidental", you
may be unaware that both Disneyland - the secular religion of choice -
and the Crystal Cathedral - the entertainment-religion of choice -
were both granted immune-status by the state for otherwise being in
the designated compass of the spray-zone).
Since, then, the very beings who defend this malathion "method"
(perhaps because they stand to profit by it) are also equally
vulnerable to its mortal complications and in an even better
position to be aware of that fact, we have to reconnoiter; we have
to take another look.
Even the explanation of self-serving in
the ordinary, greed-and-profit sense isn't enough to account for the
sheer irrational fervor and indeed demented glory with which the
malathion-apologists stoutly close ranks in the face of every
reasonable dissuasion! There is something else going on here,
something below the surface of every reasonable and conventional
interpretation tending to collect around the standard, motives of
We may begin to glimpse the deep character, the subterranean -indeed
ehthonic- nature of this mystery (which is, in its ultimate aspect,
exactly what we're confronting) by marking that the organophosphates
of which malathion is currently the most notable member were
originally developed by the military for purposes of chemical
warfare; the efficacy of organophosphates is located in their
profoundly toxic effect on the immune and nervous systems. Does this
begin to sound familiar?
According to the report of Michele Sampogna (also in the February
16-22 issue of Village View) the military has already done the
extensive toxicological studies and examinations we're allegedly
"waiting for" in the sacred halls of the sad-Sac capital, and
diagnoses were all perfectly satisfactory in consonance with
military purposes:
a Department of the Army study from '76 shows
conclusively that behavior can be significantly disrupted at low
dosages of malathion
indeed a '69 report by the Annals of the
NY Academy of Sciences anticipated the military finding by years in
concluding that limited low-dose malathion exposure was capable of
producing changes in EEG (electroencephalogram) patterns lasting as long as three months,
without the kind of additive reinforcement we are delivering to our
systems with repeated exposure.
(Cf. the Mind/Brain Behaviors
article re brain-wave patterns on page 15 of this issue)
Depredation to the immune system is a familiar refrain; indeed the
notorious HIV virus associated with AIDS and related maladies is
considered an opportunistic bug (developed through what source?)
that takes full advantage of the large-scale, long term weakening of
the immunological response generated down the decades through a
systematically decayed environment.
A general populace weakened at the very
foundation of its health, is the most vulnerable kind of populace;
the long term decrease of the health-curve is also directly
associated with the dimming of vital magnitudes of attention
necessary for the maintenance of social and intellectual alertness,
the proper development and maintenance of the minimum faculties of
mind, of critical awareness etc.
(Consult again our T-Bird review of
Wizard of Oz in Issue 2, September '89, and consider in relation to
that "pesky Medfly" -as it's so hypocritically called - the words of
the wicked witch of the West, i.e. "send my insect ahead to take the
fight out of them").
Indeed the general psychological malaise that fuels this mysterious
assault, while not comprising the actual cause, is based on an
equation that has "caught on" in a mindless sweep of the overall
populace, i.e. the equation that implicitly trades the proper
valuation of one's irreplaceable physical immune patterns for the
abstract or coldly ideal "immunity" which money is supposed to
purchase. This psychic abstraction, this cancerously autonomous
outgrowth of the normal and reasonable functions of the conceptual
mind, has taken such fierce hold of the general imagination that it
reigns without question and with irrational insistence even amongst
those who aren't and never will be in a position to satisfactorily
test the proposition.
Thus while the publicly-magnified media
darlings amongst the wealthy parade the pseudo-immunity and
contingent "insularity" of their accounts and their yachts, their
properties and their paid panderers, the admiring mass toxified into
a stupor of passive consumerist-envy sits oblivious amidst a
whirling pall of death-dust and squanders the last sputtering ember
of precious attention on that Lotto ticket, dreaming the deep dream
of sad identification with the high-stepping Antichrists of this
Remember our September '89 review of Batman, in which we expressed
our amazement at the reviewer who didn't recognize why the crowd
being poisoned by the Joker didn't simply turn on him?
Remember our
curiosity at how such willful blindness could miss what was a clear
intention of the movie-makers to depict, i.e. that the near-stuporous
crowd was so distracted by the paper money floating toward it
through the befouled air that it totally failed to notice, and
frankly could have cared less to know, just who was manically
extinguishing its life through this lethal parade?
Indeed, in consideration of the -largely unremarked-prescience of
the Batman film, we should recall what was printed up in our
September review re the way in which the Joker pulled off his
systematic decimation of the populace... remember?
Remember how it was the synergistic combination of one compound with
another that did the trick, in perfect eluding of the linear and
reductionist probes of the medical and scientific communities
officially anointed to "solve the puzzle"? Remember how it was
Batman alone who detected the diabolic, "nonlinear" methodology?
Consider, in such case, that the real hazard of malathion is
identified as its synergistic interaction with the pollutants and
polycyclic hydrocarbons found most abundantly in the befouled
atmosphere of Los Angeles (which, of all places to experimentally
spread the carpet of malathion, is therefore the least likely,
certainly the least safe, and is unaccountably in the face of just
such detractions the most intensified target of concentration!).
By what standard does this make "sense"?
Certainly not by the standard of safety, health, the well-being of
the greatest numbers.... As a "test population" of another kind,
such spraying in the least recommendable area of the state makes
more sense.
To stop such "paranoid" thoughts, those in charge and
those appointed as apologists to shield those in charge should be
able to explain to us this "action", this concentrated urban program
which is the height of illogic in the context of any genuine good
Grin and Bare
Face it: all the ingredients seem to be here. There must be a reason
Batman was the biggest movie of all time.... we have the death dust,
the amplification of killing force by synergistic combination with
zinc, lead, benzene etc., we have the Mardi-Gras parade distraction
of the fool's-dream "Lotto" which contributes virtually nothing to
the coffers of education as advertised, we have the deaths-mask/hebephrenic
grin of the multiple apologists whose own sickly hue and crumbling
countenances belie the upbeat tidings they'd purvey...
With all the ingredients present, does
this then imply the semi-paranoiac assumption that there is indeed a
Joker, a deliberate sinister intelligence or diabolic purpose
orchestrating the whole unimaginable event?
Need we assume then that all this isn't
just the combined ignorance and blindered self-serving greed of
special interests having a smaller (or more "narrow") version of
"the good" functioning as the particular carrot in front of their
runaway cart? but instead must we subscribe to the unthinkable
thesis that behind all this lurks a malevolently comprehensive
intent, a genocidal will ?
Should this idea seem simply unacceptable if on no other grounds
than that it generates cold wild fear in the pit of the stomach, and
an animal's uncomprehending terror at the sudden gratuitous presence
of some unidentified predator lurking in the once-homey woods, well
then we should at least be more aware than we are of a confirmed
psychological truism that has gotten under-credited in recent years
since we've become fashionably less "Freudian"; but ol' Freud had a
point in his discovered principle regarding the existence of a
"Death instinct", Thanatos, which was the functional and
contemporaneous counterpart of Eros or the Life instinct.
How soon we forget (or want to forget) that the death instinct
healthfully held in proper balance with the life instinct as the
simple domesticated principle of elimination, organically operating
in unison with the "pleasure principle" of assimilation serving Life
can grow anomalous, take on a runaway independence precisely like
cancer cells with just the slightest tilting of the balance toward
an inertial or retrogressive trend. Yes, the principle of Thanatos
can become so practically autonomous, given the proper conditions,
that as a psychological reflex it can seem virtually personified. It
can seem to take on the deliberateness and purposive drive of an
actual personality, a self-consciously willful agent.
Thus if we want to preserve ourselves from the vertiginous
possibility that there is indeed some literal personality planning
all this ecological and immunological mayhem with cyanic malevolence
simply for the sake of it, we may take a better look at the
explanation afforded through the standard psychological model built
upon a presiding principle, i.e. that of Thanatos.
We can suppose that, past a certain point of "accidental" toxicity
the invisible shift in ratios through the balanced biochemistry of
our systems induces a silent and subtle downswing in the proportion
of Eros to Thanatos.
The internalized toxicity gradually
translates out as degenerative brain-wave patterns, unhealthy ratios
of metabolism and consequent psychological Change with a progressive
fascination for the inert, the mental taxidermy of arrested motion,
the psychic formaldehyde of perfectly predictable and reliable
In this way,
we can assume a general unconscious
"possession" by the spirit of Thanatos without resorting necessarily
to the unthinkable
this preserves our ability to contemplate
the whole subject in the full measure of its mind-boggling
Lords of
We must tell you from the initiated perspective, however, that in
the higher orders of psychic organization the principle of Thanatos
has its quite conscious representatives and embodiments. As you have
learned to a degree through our essays (...Positive/Negative Realms
Beyond This World Issues 3-4, October-November '89 etc.) the higher
and more uniformly integral dimensions of being to which both
positively and negatively oriented personalities (of a sufficient
threshold degree of organization about their respective poles) can
graduate, establish the functional basis for linking the given
consciousness-system to the affective unity of an organizational
Archetype or comprehensive, psychic value; this is why things seem
to polarize out into what we of this lower-dimensional, admixed
undergraduate zone tend to identify as the "oversimplifications" of
Good and Evil etc.
Far from being oversimplifications, these archetypal patterns
comprising the character and quality of the respective worlds
existing through the higher dimensions, offer a very efficient and
comprehensive means of ordering the particular functions with which
the principals in question must work so as to assimilate the further
"lessons" of their density.
Thus in the higher Negative realms of 4th and 5th density, for
example (corresponding respectively to our Astral and Mental realms)
the beings of that polarization personify the principle of Thanatos
and purvey their collective influence, where they are able, amongst
the vulnerable realms functionally "below" their station such as
The reason this is necessarily so, has to do with the fact that the
higher densities of existence above ours are more "conscious" (i.e.
intrinsically more conscious, for our own 3rd density has the
potential for being aligned with variably-more-or-less
Being more conscious, they are more comprehensive,
and tend to resolve all diversity of perception into a compassing
unity (or operative Intent of totalizing character).
Cabal Access
There is, for example, a reason why we often seem to detect the
approach to a more constitutionally paranoid, conspiracy-riddled
domain whenever we near the subject matter of "occult" or
higher-dimensional studies. This tendency-of-perception has served
as the basis of much humor, and much discrediting, with respect to
the topics of "secret orders", "occult societies" etc. (cf. the most
recent book of Umberto Eco regarding the Order of the Knights
Templar, or the classic Illuminati series of Robert Anton Wilson
that anticipates Umberto's work by nearly two decades).
The source of the persistently
"conspiratorial" sense, however, can be located in the fact that as
we approach "occult" subject-matter we approach, at least
indirectly, the domain of the Astral which is the operative source
of most "occult" matter, the studies of (especially Western)
societies etc.
And the Astral, to uninitiated consciousness
particularly, induces a "paranoidal" apprehension owing to its
higher and deeper unity, the fact that it functionally draws things
of diverse perceptual nature into the common bond of conscious
resolution, subsuming everything to the atmosphere of a Single
suprapersonal Intent.
The vague or acute paranoia often felt by those who smoke hashish or
marijuana is indeed attributable to the subtle "leaking in" of
Astral magnitudes of consciousness, causing things to imperceptibly
organize and conspiratorially unify through the psychic and symbolic
quickening which accompanies the more inclusive ranges of awareness.
This received sense of paranoia has its active counterpart, however,
in all those forms of Consciousness functioning in and from the
higher planes which support a unitary and comprehensive outlook.
When a unitary and comprehensive outlook seems to be looking in on
us in our unaccustomed state of heightened or vivified receptivity,
we feel a disconcerting awareness, an overriding consciousness
somehow posed over against our ordinary and less intense fragmentalism of cognition; yet the active aspect of such an
awareness integrated into the higher-density values of overt
Void-unity, actually does function with an informing Intent and
pervasive purpose which is overwhelming and disconcerting to the
ordinary 3rd density levels of consciousness.
Thus where we begin to detect the tell-tale sense of "conspiratorial
meaning" in approaching "Rosicrucianism" and "Masonic" subject
matter etc., we are in fact sensing the presence of an overriding
Design, a far-connecting Purpose which efficiently proceeds from the
Intelligence of a higher-density Being (and which, in Its reflection
upon 3rd density low-integration consciousness, takes on the subtly
reverberant sense of a "furtive", hidden manipulation masking its
magical connection of impossibly-disparate events and elements).
Here then is no "evidence", no testimony or data that you can take
with you in your next "debate" at the state capital. Initiated
understanding can't furnish you anything of "merit" in the confines
of what's culturally and "scientifically" acceptable, so for
practical purposes we must maintain the life-affirmative end of the malathion argument as if we were dealing with reasonable and
knowable magnitudes. But we are not, and you know that we are not.
We are indeed receiving more than just an incidental "push" from a
purposive and single if hidden intent allied with the principle of
Thanatos, and so quite consciously -even gleefully- taking up (as
pure personification) the "cause" of Thanatos-in-itself. With this
form of pervasive (if invisibly-operating) consciousness there is no
"other" objective, something of self-oriented interest which the
employment of that principle serves. The personality of Thanatos is
sufficient to itself, and constitutes its own diabolical
No, there is no further "hard data" of an acceptable kind that we
can hand you on your thankless way to Sac for the millionth time,
but we can "let you in" on the real secret re the actual and
mysterious depth, the incomprehensible extent of the dementia we can
give you practical insight into the actual magnitude of the
difficulty, and the real Reach of the instigators.
They Really Do
There is indeed an alliance with Thanatos of a quite conscious and
supernormal type originating from the "Astral" sphere of things,
just as there is an alliance with Eros/Agape of an equally conscious
if benignly oriented type taking its point of departure from the unific clarity and comprehensiveness of the Higher Realms.
And you need to know the actual
magnitude, the true measure and proportion of the "problem", for
otherwise you'll sell the issue short from the ordinary low-level
perspective and fail to take proper account of the necessary factors
involved, thereby remaining essentially "unarmed" no matter how many
facts you have gathered to your bosom.
In order to be on equal
footing with the true "dimensions" of the dilemma, you must
understand that in a very real and functional (if insidiously
invisible) sense, the Evil Bugs in this scenario are not the
Mediterranean fruitfly.
Initiated understanding can't give you any more "hard data" of the
conventionally acceptable type, but it can certainly suggest to you
that you ought not accept such conventional data as the limit of
your comprehension. When you come to the source of initiated
understanding, you do so in expectation of a knowledge that can give
you a more comprehensive view of the terrain, one which you may not
be able to use to persuade the state legislature but which you can
certainly employ to personal benefit.
So for what it's worth, initiated
understanding can let you in on the actual extent of the "damage";
it can apprise you of the real urgency of the situation, though no
"authority" of proper standing will ever listen to you fortified
with this kind of data: yes the malathion poison is a wholly
negative influence, it is as bad as all that and more, it has no
redeeming features, it is Deathshead in a dark helicopter being
dumped on your children's heads regularly, and it is combining with
atmospheric toxins not only in the conventional "chemical" sense.
is forging an elemental compound which distorts the etheric
"curtain" patterning your very life-centers.
You're being
systematically "de-pranaized", and the surplus of deleterious
positive ions accumulating through your glands and nodes is only
physical stress-symptom of a multidimensional mayhem being
perpetrated on us all.
You can't take this in evidence to Sacramento either, we suppose,
Have any of our readers noticed a very curious phenomenon
appearing lately (right after the most recent malathion-spraying) in
the sky?
A peculiar phenomenon of a partial or total rainbow-like
halo appearing around the sun, or occurring in fast-travelling
sections in parts of the sky at variable distances from the sun?
anyone seen this odd, vaguely metallic quasi-"rain-bow" phenomenon
which is strong in the dull-to-intense orange red and yellow
spectrum, tinged slightly with violet at the opposite range and
peculiarly lacking the middle green range?
If few have seen it we wouldn't be
surprised, for stranger still to tell this odd rainbow-harbinger can
virtually only be seen when wearing sunglasses!
Without sunglasses
it is all-but-invisible so that while, as happened to us, we stood
pointing up at the sky not too long ago through tinted lenses at an
obvious oleaginous band widely wrapped around the sun, several
joggers passed by and, looking up toward where we pointed, saw
This was during a dry Santa Ana
condition. Has any of our readership encountered
the published
"Fatima" predictions, warning of the future changing of the
atmosphere through pernicious chemical combinations of an
irreversible character?
Do any of our readership remember the Hoffman glasses in They Live