by T.K. Satsang

Member of The Veritas Group

August 31, 2020
Telegra Website

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Features of a real pandemic

with honest politicians
Features of a staged pandemic

with corrupted politicians



Characteristic group 1 of a real pandemic

• In a real pandemic, many millions of people worldwide would die from a proven pathogen that causes disease. 1

• A real pandemic is characterized by people who are really ill, in whom the alleged contagious pathogens can be arrested and thus it can be proven that people died because of these pathogens. 2

• In a real pandemic, people near and far would suffer or die from it. Suffering from a cough, runny nose or a cold are not ailments that make a real pandemic. These are just harmless symptoms that have appeared every year and for thousands of years with the onset of spring.

• Doctors' offices would have to be full and doctors in hospitals totally overloaded.

Characteristic group 1 of a staged pandemic

• In a staged pandemic, one knows from experience and observations during the last declared pandemic that there is not a single person who dies from the alleged pathogen, but that normal and natural deaths are made into pandemic victims.

• Accident victims, cancer patients who have not had an operation, and patients who have died of liver failure, kidney failure, other diseases or even old age are included in the falsified statistics.

• Unsuitable, even unauthorized, test methods are used to infer an infection in tested people, for example, an infection with corona viruses. You just cheat. 3

• No respondent is able to say with certainty that people actually died from the alleged pathogen, or possibly from incorrect treatment by the doctors or from other causes.

• The media claim dramatically and mostly with images without real context, victims and scenes that do not exist.  4

• If one were to look at the official statistics, one would find that there is no excess mortality compared to other years5

• Doctors' offices and hospitals are empty. Emergency hospitals set up with taxpayers money, which are supposed to pretend to the population that they are doing everything to counter the danger, are never used.

• Fewer deaths than normal times because people see a doctor less often. 5

Characteristic group 2 of a real pandemic

• After a detailed examination of the facts, the government is certain that the declaration of a pandemic was actually necessary.

• All reports are checked for truthfulness and discussed with experts.

• The files of the federal and state governments are available to everyone for inspection.

• It is strictly ensured that none of the advisors to the crisis team have any financial or personal interests in having a pandemic declared.

• Everyone pulls together and gives everything so that the embarrassing fiasco of the swine and bird flu (which never existed) does not repeat itself. It ensures that the interests of
the WHO are not represented again, as was the case with the fake pandemics of the past. Everything will be done to prevent the pharmaceutical industry and Bill Gates from filling their pockets at the expense of the people.

Characteristic group 2 of a staged pandemic

• The government is always informed that a pandemic is being declared before a pandemic is declared. It is a planned pandemic. The basis of the pandemic is not the pathogen, but the financial interests of certain groups. 6

• No facts are checked, but you simply follow what was previously agreed in the simulation game. 6

• Independent experts are not interviewed and are not part of the crisis team. You use your "amigos" and let them send horror messages into the world at regular intervals in order to frighten the citizens.

• The media are fully in the hands of the pandemic makers and only report what they are allowed to report. The media have become pathetic vassals of the established.

• The real experts are scandalized by the prescribed nonsense and are immediately made implausible by the press on behalf of politicians, mocked and thus "sidelined".

• So-called false experts step up to the scene, spread lies and do conditioning persuasion. 10

• In order for the false pandemic to be a resounding success, lock-downs are staged, the same lies are repeated over and over again, and an even more dangerous and gloomy future is promised. Everyone is locked up, including the healthy and not just the sick. 7

• All measures are directed against the people and aim to meet the personal interests of the pandemic makers. The greed for even more money makes you forget everything else.

• The local economy is being destroyed. Global companies such as online mail order companies, financial investors, pharmaceutical giants and communication platforms make billions of dollars in a short period of time. 11

• One promises "salvation”. This salvation is generally characterized by the distribution of toxic, often unchecked drugs, often approved in a fast-track process, and vaccines with counterproductive effects.

Characteristic group 3 of a real pandemic

• The 'crisis managers' are doing everything possible to end the pandemic as early as possible.

• You "prescribe” sensitive, goal-oriented and comprehensible measures.

• You reject everything that is pointless or even counterproductive.

• One uses medicines sparingly. You avoid creating fear in the population.

• One observes the course of the disease very closely and decides on the basis of the severity of the individual cases and the frequency of the observed symptoms.

• You keep and publish relativized figures and honest statistics.


Characteristic group 3 of a staged pandemic

• Everything is being done to keep the pandemic going. In the second step, the pandemic makers become pandemic breadwinners.

• It is not crisis managers with technical expertise who lead confidently through the pandemic, but only lackeys of big business without any technical expertise.

• You change rules and requirements just as the pandemic makers need to fit the concept.

• One insults the critical, freedom-loving population who fight for basic rights, calls them Nazis, virus deniers or Reich citizens. They publish wrong figures, is amazed at the power of the masses and plays down the unwanted opinion of the people. 12

• One does not shy away from any pointless and counterproductive measure. The main thing is that you can earn money with it.

• In these times, politicians trample on people's fundamental rights. The citizens feel like they are in a dictatorship.

• The politicians, the so-called self-proclaimed medical experts, the bought statisticians, the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry stick together and all pull together.

• There are so many harmful drugs being prescribed and treatments used that are very often fatal, only to create victims that can then be attributed to the virus. The pandemic makers generate their own victims by inappropriately overtreating, which there never would have been without the staged pandemic.

• You often contradict yourself because you are completely overwhelmed by constantly having to lie. You "lash out” desperately because you realize that you have been exposed. The contradicting statements of the ringleaders testify to this.

• You only publish "adjusted" and often even wrong statistics. One avoids relative numbers, and only publishes and claims absolute numbers. All just to keep the fraud going for as long as possible. 13

• Many citizens have "smelled a rat”, they are dissatisfied with the crisis management and are going to the barricades. You feel cheated.

• Most communication platforms are forced to censor private opinions and statements. Accounts will be deleted without warning. 14

Characteristic group 4 of a real pandemic

• The population is aware of the seriousness of the situation. The impacts are getting closer and closer. Everyone is now afraid of dying and panicking. Hamster buying begins to take place. Many wish they were far away.

• Testing is unnecessary because everyone can tell when they are sick.

• The government intervenes and tries to calm the situation down. They try to mitigate overreactions of the citizens with suitable and empathic measures. They really try and show strength.

• Many citizens are proud of the government representatives and are helping to bring the pandemic to an end quickly.

• Everyone is allowed to express their opinion and is heard. The media are open to everything and report critically


Characteristic group 4 of a staged pandemic

• People no longer understand what is happening around them, because nothing actually seems to be dramatic. Nothing is really different than usual.

• The people who trust the government believe in the legality of the measures and are sure that the politicians will do everything possible to protect them.

• The people who have lost confidence in the governance rebel, but it is very difficult to get through. The psychology of the masses is difficult to understand. 8

• There are also hamster purchases. This time they fight over toilet paper or ravioli in a can.

• Citizens who were previously innocent become informers and even wear a mask in bed at night.

• It is claimed that there is no excess mortality. In truth, however, only those who would have died earlier, or even fewer people than before, die.

• One criticizes those who do not want to participate and who made the right decision. As an example I cite the clever Swedes.

• The pandemic makers, buy entire states as comrades-in-arms and are successful at it. Money makes almost anything possible. 9

• Many do not understand why you are no longer allowed to visit your loved ones in the retirement home, why you are not allowed to travel and why governments are ruining the world economy. There are suicides because of loneliness.

• Two camps are created. Everyone is afraid. The majority for the alleged deadly pathogen, even if it has never been proven to exist. Others face the consequences of inappropriate action. Many begin to ask critical questions and thereby become outsiders. Critics go to demonstrations without a face mask.

• The government does not try to calm the situation down, but imposes penalties for non-compliance with the nonsensical regulations.

• The pandemic makers stir up fear in the population and keep preaching the same thing until it has burned itself into the minds of the open people.

• The politicians betray the people and behave abysmally selfish. The voice and the well-being of the citizens no longer counts. They encourage division. They implement restrictive measures.

• The measures implemented cause a large number of deaths. The pathogen accounts for none.

• The world's secret leaders, the super-rich and the pharmaceutical industry have taken control without the public noticing.

• The population is in conflict. Very few people still know who to believe and what is happening. The citizens have lost track.

• Anyone who believes in what the government says has learned nothing from the past. The criminal plan worked.



1 - Since there are no pathogens that cause disease, i.e. no infectious agents, there can be no real pandemic. To date, there has not been one true pandemic.


Behind the "Spanish flu", from which many millions of people are said to have died, was certainly not an ominous pathogen (at that time we did not speak of viruses in the current sense), but most likely the insane multiple vaccinations that the soldiers were given and the fact, of course, that the war had ended.


Millions of agony conflicts were resolved almost at the same time. The perplexity of the doctors led to the deaths being attributed to an invented pathogen.


This is what happened with swine flu, bird flu, SARS, MERS, EBOLA, AIDS, ZIKA, MEASLES and many others.

2 - Evidence should be provided analogically to the four Henle-Koch postulates. See article: Corona facts "Myth refuted! Henle-Koch's postulates "

3 - Here: The Drosten PCR test. Inappropriate, not validated, stigmatizing and deceptive in its testimony. See the Corona Facts article: "About baseless virus claims, worthless corona tests and the unsuccessful search for noble intentions." (Part 1 and 2)

4 - Images of many coffins lined up are circulating on the Internet. It is said that this is the situation during Corona in Italy and is warning citizens. In truth, they are pictures of coffins that were ready for the victims of the spectacular shipwreck off the island of Lampedusa.

5 - Today it is assumed that around 30% of all deaths worldwide are due to incorrect medical treatment and the side effects of medication.


Over-medication, is the order of the day with SARS-CoVid19 and the completely nonsensical and almost 40% fatal long-term forced ventilation, confirm this.


See also the respective updated corona facts statistics "Analyzes, graphics CoVid-19"


6 - If the facts had been checked in 2020, there should never have been a pandemic claim. So they probably really just followed a secret plan.


See information about the simulation game "Event 201" initiated by Bill Gates which took place in Nov. 2019. The fiction from back then became reality in spring 2020.


Please watch the one-hour video from the Swiss "Express Zeitung”.

7 - Currently, this is the second wave, which nobody can really claim, since there were no comparable events in the past? Only connoisseurs of universal biology can know, in contrast to orthodox medicine, that there will indeed be a second wave.


Whenever many people in the collective, unpleasant situations or periods of time that have prevailed over several weeks or months, disappear, i.e. when these purely subjectively felt, conflictive events dissolve pleasantly, a biologically meaningful adaptation of the tissues and the psyche to this new phase of life takes place.


In the conflict-active phase, in which one is not satisfied with one's existence, for example, many people fall into lethargy and are dissatisfied. In this phase the organism optimizes itself, i.e. it adapts itself. This usually takes place through the breakdown or build-up of tissues.


Exactly this adaptation is reversed if a different life situation prevails. The prophecy of the pandemic makers that a "second wave" (my suggestion for the undefined year 2020) is rolling towards us is not based on these findings, but represents pure fear-mongering.


The findings of universal biology can be used to explain, for example, why a "first cold wave" with a cold and cough must generally occur after the winter season or during carnival season. The first sunrays of the year help many people out of the "winter blues".


At the latest, the fun that one experiences during the carnival time also ends the last conflict event. Whoever turns this into a Corona pandemic is a fraud. Right, Dr. Streek?


See also: The Corona Facts article "Myth disproved!

8 - All great statesmen, but also dictators of the 20th century, have studied the psychology of the masses and act accordingly. Anyone who wants to make a difference will find that the masses, i.e. the people, cannot be inspired or moved to anything with examples from history, clever sayings and logical evidence.


Appeals to reason remain ineffective and the laws of logic have no influence. Anyone who wants to make a difference has to be inspired by the feelings of the masses, but they themselves also have to be able to change people's feelings. One must be able to combine fundamentally contrary ideas or beliefs.


Preferably with clear pictures and fonts. Because these have the power to neutralize the internalized false beliefs.


The head becomes free for the apparent reason and one recalls the experiences. The makers of the corona pandemic seem not only to have learned from the defeats of the past, but also to have understood the psychology of the masses, because they are well on their way to realizing their perfidious plans.


This is only possible if you understand how the crowd "ticks” and use that knowledge against them. Precisely in this looming success of the lousy criminals, there is also the chance to suffocate him. Unfortunately, the "truths” of the pandemic makers are still recognized by far too few people for what they are - as brazen lies.


See the book: "The Psychology of the Masses" (La Psicologνa de las Masas) by Gustave Le Bon ISBN 978-3-86820-026-3"

9 - Very good examples are the extremely high subsidy payments and debt relief due to the Corona crisis, which the IMF recently awarded the member states.


It's just strange that only those countries were taken into account that sell the fake pandemic in their country as a reality. Belarus was offered 92 million dollars by the WHO, provided that the restrictions would be introduced as in Italy. And later he was even offered almost $ 900 million from the IMF.


He received nothing because President Lukashenko, according to his own statements, refused to be bribed. (My personal comment on this: It's actually a little different).


Here is the link to his speech.

10 - In 2020, during the alleged corona pandemic, it is once again precisely the experts who have already been active in the past in the context of the staged swine flu and avian/bird flu and who at that time primarily distinguished themselves through their false stories.


Names like Bill Gates, Prof. Drosten, Anthony Fauci and the epidemiologist and statistician Neil M. Fergusonare regularly uncomfortably present during pandemic times.


Organizations such as the WHO, the RKI, the CDC and above all the Johns Hopkins University play vicarious agents and are certainly not involved again and again by chance and sometimes even play a leading role in the fraud.


The press always played along. Pandemics with many millions of deaths have been alleged at regular intervals. So far always without any resounding success. In 2020, the strategy changed and became downright dictatorial.

11 - The company Amazon, the world's largest retailer, Facebook with the most user numbers, earn a golden egg during pandemic times. Financial investors have their pockets full to the brim.


Thanks to the pandemic, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos from Amazon and Marc Zuckerberg have already had up to 50 billion dollars credited to their accounts in 2020. The middle class goes to ruin as intended, i.e. "according to plan".


It is noteworthy that hardly any resistance arises.

12 - As observed during and after the large-scale demonstration on Aug. 1, 2020 in Berlin.


The estimated 70-100,000 demonstration participants on Aug. 1, 2020 in Berlin were consistently and identically reported to have been attended by 17-20,000 participants by the mainstream media.

At the same time, the synchronized reporting turned peaceful people who demonstrated for their basic rights, their right to self-determination and freedom into Nazis, alu hat wearers, "covidiots" and criminals.

The Berlin Senator for the Interior is currently making the decision to ban the Querdenken demo in Berlin, which has been approved for August 29, 2020.


This decision makes it clear to the last believer that the basic rights only exist on paper and that politicians and their background forces intend to replace the democracy system in a quiet room with a dictatorship.


The reason that Nazis, virus deniers and citizens of the Reich should not be offered a platform and that it is only about people's health is fake and rather ridiculous in view of the fact that counter-demonstrations are allowed.


That gives hope that all is not lost.

13 - The number of corona cases, which is supposed to increase, illustrates this.


The absolute numbers can only be increased through the false-positive results generated by the unsuitable Drosten test and through an increased number of tests. However, the relative numbers show exactly the opposite.


That's fraudulent.


There is no such thing as a pandemic and there has never been a pandemic.

14 - In the Corona year 2020, this is actually the usual practice used by Facebook, WhatsApp and Co. Facebook is one of the main beneficiaries of such crises, which answers the question of why.


Many people therefore switch to alternative communication platforms.


The increase in the number of users during the current corona pandemic of currently not yet censored platforms such as "Telegram” clearly proves this.