by Daniel V. Boudillion
Spanish version
Boudillon Website
This report presupposes two very outlandish things: that there are "aliens",
and that some people (occultists) have "magickal powers."
It is not
the point of this report to prove whether or not there are such
beings or powers. What is known is that there are people who believe
that there are such beings and believe that they have such powers.
The crux of this report is based on what people believe, which may
be very different from the way things really are. Please bear
this in mind.
This report also recounts some very curious behavior on the part of
a number of people. These behaviors and events actually did take
place and are fact. However, the supposed results of these events
are entirely subjective and entirely in the realm of belief.
It is
not my purpose to try to prove or disprove the beliefs of the people
involved. It’s what they did (and do) because of these beliefs that
interest me.
I first became curious
about a possible connection between the "grey aliens" of
popular UFO culture and the activities of certain occultists
after seeing several of UFO investigator Ray Fowler’s books
on the recommended reading list of a satanic website. In an
idle moment I had done a Google search on Ray’s book,
The Watchers II, and one of the
spots that listed it - much to my surprise - was the recommended
reading list of a satanic group. (It is not my moral judgment that
this group is satanic, the group itself calls itself satanic.)
I found this both disturbing and inexplicable - for what reason
would a UFO book be included in the curriculum of a satanic
group, and why Ray’s book in particular? I emailed Ray and asked him
if he had any insight into the situation, but he was as perplexed as
I was. And there matters rested for a year or so until additional
information came into my hands, information that may indicate - much
as John Keel himself believed (Mothman Prophesies) -
that occult activity may be an ingredient of the "grey alien"
The pictures below bear a resemblance and may hold the key. The
first picture is a drawing made by occultist Alistair Crowley
of an entity he had invoked repeatedly in 1918 and called "Lam."
The second picture is a composite drawing by Ann Direnger
(Contact of the 5th Kind - Imbrogno) of an "alien" type
reported throughout 1980’s in the Hudson Valley.
Having noticed the
similarity, I proceeded to investigate the connection.
Purpose of the
It is the purpose of this report to investigate a similarity and
possible connection, and particularly answer the question:
"For what
reason would a UFO book be included in the curriculum of a satanic group, and why
Ray Fowler’s book
The Watchers II in particular?"
Aleister Crowley
The Englishman
Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) was one of the
most notorious occultists of his day, and perhaps of modern times.
Self-styled as "The Beast 666," he went out of his way to
live up to it with his sensationalism and self-promotion. He wrote a
number of textbooks on ceremonial magick, most of which are still in
print today.
He also founded and was head of a number of occult
fraternities. In short, he exerted a significant influence on occult
circles that has continued to grow dramatically, long after his
Amalantrah Working
In January through March of 1918 Crowley began a series of
magickal workings called
the Amalantrah Workings in
furnished rooms in Central Park West, New York City. These were a
performed via Sexual & Ceremonial Magick (his spelling) with the
intent to invoke certain "intelligences" to physical manifestation.
In actuality, the workings typically manifested as a series of
visions and communications received through the mediumship of his
partner, Roddie Minor.
Be that as it may, at least one such "intelligence" was
brought into physical manifestation via the Magickal Portal
they created. (A portal in this context is a "magickally" created
rent in the fabric of time and space.) The entity that came
through is the one pictured above left. Crowley maintained
the picture is actually a portrait and drawn from real life. This
entity either called itself "Lam," or was named "Lam"
by Crowley. Either way, he considered it to be of
interdimensional origin, which was the term then for
extraterrestrial. In communications with Lam, the symbolism of the
egg featured prominently.
Crowley included the portrait of Lam in his Dead
Souls exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919.
In that same year it was published as a frontispiece labeled
The Way to Crowley’s commentary to Blavatsky’s
The Voice of the Silence.
Beneath the picture was the following inscription:
"LAM is the Tibetan word for
Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth,
the specific title of the Gods of Egypt, the Treader of the
Path, in Buddhistic phraseology. Its numerical value is 71,
the number of this book."
Other than this, there is no commentary
extant from Crowley upon the subject of Lam except for
material published by disciples such as Kenneth Grant.
Interestingly, Crowley gave the drawing to Grant in 1945.
Cult of
Since Crowley’s time, several occult groups and individuals
following in his footsteps have claimed to have intentionally and
successfully contacted "Lam." Most notably, Michael
Bertiaux in the 1960’s followed by a group of O.T.O
initiates in the 1970’s. (The O.T.O. is the Ordo Templi
Orientis, a Magickal order run by Crowley.) These
individuals consider "Lam" to be a trans-mundane or
extraterrestrial entity and claimed remarkable success in their
invocations - if they are to be believed.
Following the success of these contacts, interest in occult circles,
especially Crowleyian ones, gathered considerable steam. In 1987,
Kenneth Grant, the generally acknowledged successor to Crowley,
went so far as to formalize the Lam Workings into something
called the Cult of Lam.
To quote from Grant’s Typhonian O.T.O.
"The Cult [of Lam] has been founded
because very strong intimations have been received by Aossic
Aiwass, 718’.’ to the effect that the portrait of Lam
(the original drawing of which was given by 666’.’ to 718’.’
under curious circumstances) is the present focus of an
extra-terrestrial - and perhaps trans-plutonic - Energy
which the O.T.O. is required to communicate at this critical
period, for we have now entered the Eighties mentioned in
The Book of the Law.
It is Our
aim to obtain some insight not only into the nature of Lam,
but also into the possibilities of using the Egg as an
astral space-capsule for travelling to Lam’s domain, or for
exploring extra-terrestrial spaces in the sense in which O.T.O.
Tantric Time-Travelers are exploring the Tunnels of Set in
intra-cosmic and chthonian capsules.
Members of the O.T.O. who feel strongly attracted to this
Cult of Lam are invited to apply for participation therein.
It is open only to Order members. They should contact Frater Ani
Asig, 375’.’ of the Sovereign Sanctuary, O.T.O. and submit a
formal, typewritten and signed acceptance of the conditions of
Working outlined here.
It should be understood that proficiency in the magical formulae
of this Cult does not necessarily comport eligibility for
advancement in the O.T.O., its parent Order."
Concurrently, a manuscript called "The
Lam Statement" was circulated among O.T.O.
initiates with a view to "regularizing the mode of rapport and
constructing a magical formula for establishing communication with Lam."
Who is
It is interesting to note that since Crowley’s time, in
occult terms at least, Lam is considered a class of entity
rather than an individual being.
When one invokes Lam, they are
invoking an entity of that type, rather than a specific being. For
occultists operating along O.T.O. lines, the idea is to invoke these
Lam entities through Magickal Portals (intentionally
created rents in time and space) into physical manifestation on
planet earth. Why this is desirable is not always so clearly stated.
(It often appears that within Crowleyian circles the working rule is
often: "If Crowley did it, I want to do it, too.")
Michael Bertiaux, a Lam contactee and invoker of note,
viewed Lam as the "subterranean burgeoning of Lucifer-Gnosis."
Considering that Gnosis means an intuitive knowing, this
would mean that knowing Lam is to know a welling-up from the
unconscious of an inner knowing of Lucifer. (The Occult being
the occult, it is important to bear in mind that occultists at least
may not necessarily see Lucifer as the devil, but rather as a "light
bringer" who fell to earth.)
Bertiaux goes on to say that Lam is the natural mode
of human evolution in the present Aeon - indicating that to him and
his followers this Lucifer-Gnosis is the appropriate path of human
spiritual growth at this time.
Crowley termed the intentional cultivation of spiritual
growth the "Great Work."
And the Great work for Crowley,
"...involved precisely the
establishment of contact with non-human intelligences."
Intelligences such as Lam. Using
the language of Crowley’s time, certain non-human intelligences such
as Lam were what we today would term "extraterrestrial."
A Portal
It is generally agreed within occult circles that Crowley
intentionally opened a portal of entry via magick ritual in the
Amalantrah Workings which allowed the likes of Lam
and other similar entities a passageway onto the earth-world.
The rift "in-between the spaces of the stars," created by the
Amalantrah Working, created a gateway through which Lam
and other extra-cosmic influences could enter the known universe,
and most particularly, our earth-world.
According to
occultists involved in such things,
the Portal
has since
Babylon Working
According to occult lore, the Portal was further enlarged by
a Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder and rocket fuel scientist named
Jack Parsons, and Scientology and Dianetics founder L. Ron
Hubbard in 1946, facilitating - so it is said - a monumental
paradigm shift in human consciousness.
This Magickal working was
called the
Babylon Working, and like the
Amalantrah Working on which its ritual was patterned, it was based
on ceremonial sex magick.
Together they,
"endeavoured to ... incarnate a
physical aspect of Babylon, the Scarlet Woman of
the Book of Revelations (17:3-6). They believed that Babylon was
the herald of the new Age of Horus, and that Revelations was the
understandably negative interpretation by those of the dying Age
of Osiris."
The gist of it was that Parsons
desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the "Whore of Babylon," and
invest it in a human being. The idea was to create a child in the
spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it
into a human womb. When born, this child would incarnate the forces
of Babylon, which they considered to be a good thing.
(Although Crowley had previously written the somewhat
hilarious book
Moonchild - concerning a similar experiment -
he wrote in a letter: "Apparently Parsons and Hubbard
or somebody is producing a moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I
contemplate the idiocy of these louts.")
In any event, the rites were duly performed as written from January
4th to 15th of that year. It is not known if a
spiritual child was enwombed from them. What is known is that the
Magickal Portal first created by Crowley, and which
originally let Lam into the earth-world, was reestablished
with considerable intensity by Parsons and Hubbard.
From the diaries of the participants, it is also clear that they
were not as adept as Crowley in the closings of portals. What they
seemed to have accomplished was the drastic enlargement and ripping
of an existing Magickal Portal and the subsequent non-closure of it.
Perhaps the rip they created was not possible to close.
In any
event, the modern UFO era began exactly a year and a half later
on June 24th, 1947, with
Kenneth Arnold’s
sighting over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State.
The "grey aliens," slight-bodied, big-headed, large-dark-eyed
manikin creatures are primarily an American phenomena. And, it is
interesting to note that all the Lam workings were done in
Reports of these UFO-associated entities became prevalent in the
1980’s and made the big time with Whitley Strieber’s book
Communion. The "greys" appear eerily similar to Lam,
with the exception of Lam not having the large insectoid wraparound
eyes reported of the "greys."
However, there are variations of these
small manikins that very much resemble a Lam. See the second
of the two pictures at the top of this page. This entity is a
composite of a variation commonly seen in the 1980’s. Rather than
grey, its skin tone is clay-white and the facial features are
different. In fact, the resemblance to the Lam pictured by
Crowley is virtually exact.
Also and perhaps most significantly, Kenneth Grant, head
of the current O.T.O., states that:
"Lam is a Great Old One whose
archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants."
It would seem from this official
Typhonian statement that the current invokers of Lam are
absolutely clear that Lam and the grey-aliens are one.
I am not an expert on Satanism, nor do I intend to be. However,
there are some reasonably obvious things I have gleaned.
First, Satanism is not a
unified movement like Christianity or Islam. It is comprised of
individuals with their own distinct ideas about what it means to
be a Satanist.
Second, to some it is a
religion, to some a philosophy, to others a magickal path.
Third, there is usually a
thread of magickal interest in most Satanists of most types.
And, where there is an interest in
magick among Satanists, it is almost universally an interest in
Crowleyian derived Magick.
Back to the
The questions that initiated this investigation and report were:
What possible connection is there between the "grey aliens"
of popular UFO culture and the activities of certain occultists &
for what reason would a UFO book be included in the curriculum of a
satanic group, and why Ray Fowler’s book
The Watchers II
in particular?
Question One
Based on face value of the evidence, a theory could be constructed
that not only are the Lams "grey aliens," but that the
arrival of the "grey aliens" in American UFO culture was facilitated
solely by the magical workings of Aleister Crowley and later
disciples working in his footsteps.
There are official O.T.O. groups
today, such as the Cult of Lam, that are dedicated to
invoking the Lam entities into the earth-world.
According to their
literature, not only is contact with non-human entities an integral
component of spiritual growth, but the "Lam Consciousness" of
Lucifer-Gnosis is the "natural mode of human evolution in the
present Aeon." Thus these grey-alien/Lam entities are deemed
worthy of invocation into the earth-world on behalf of the interests
of humanity’s evolution.
According to the face value of the evidence, one could also theorize
that the Magickal Portal that Crowley created in the Amalantrah
Working brought through the first of these beings. However, the
Portal constructed was properly closed. In contrast, when Parsons
and Hubbard did their similarly constructed Babylon working
involving the opening of the same Portal, either they ripped the
portal beyond ability to be repaired and closed, or it was enlarged
beyond their ability to close it.
In either case,
the Portal -
according to the evidence - has remained opened ever since to
all manner of interdimensional entities to ingress upon the
earth-world at will. The Parsons/Hubbard working effectively opened
the world to the modern UFO entity situation. And, based on the
Lucifer-Gnosis construct, O.T.O.-style occultists have continued
to pull further interdimensional entities through this rip or
unclosable portal.
Of course, Kenneth Grant’s statement noted above ("Lam is a
Great Old One whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO
occupants") is the final proof that the Crowleyian occultists fully
believe that they are indeed invoking "grey aliens" into the
Cents for John Keel
Noted UFO/Fortean researcher and author John Keel felt that
much of the paranormal situations he investigated, such as the "Mothman,"
were at root due to occult activity of some sort. And it looks like
he was on to something.
Interestingly, part of the ritual for invoking Lam, or
Lams, is to begin by meditating on the eyes of Crowley’s Lam
To quote
Kenneth Grant:
"To gaze into the eyes of this
entity is to invite potent contact. One feels an immediate
sensation of lightness, of weightlessness, and then a sensation
of falling... of being sucked into a vortex...."
Sound familiar? It is well known among
UFO investigators that the eyes of the "grey aliens"
have a powerful effect on the witness. Witnesses often feel like
they are being sucked into their eyes. They also invoke deep
feelings of fear.
Grant continues with instructions:
"The eyes will enlarge and will suck
in [your] consciousness until there arises a sensation of being
within the entities head." (Again, this is presented as a good
In any event, the first gate of
consciousness is obviously through the eyes. And thus one who would
meditate upon the eyes of a portrait of such a entity will indeed
begin the process of opening a portal within themselves to the
In other words, you don’t have to be a trained occultist to
raise hell in yourself, which is also one of Keel’s contentions.
Two Discussion
Why would Ray Fowler’s
Watcher series be recommended by
Satanists as part of their curriculum?
First, most Satanists
have an interest in magick.
Second, the kind of
magick is almost always Crowleyian magick.
Third, a significant
portion of the Crowleyain world feel that invoking Lam,
or Lams, is a necessary part of moving human
evolution ahead.
Fourth, Lams are
the occult label for "grey aliens."
Fifth, the most
comprehensive books on the habits and idiosyncrasies of the
"greys" are Ray Fowler’s Watcher series.
If you want to know all about the "greys,"
you read Fowler.
"Grey Aliens" are
Lams, and were first contacted via magickal ritual by
Alistair Crowley. Further magickal ritual along similar
lines created a situation where direct access for these entities
to the earth-world was established. Certain groups and people
believe this to be beneficiary to humanity, and continue to draw
these beings into the earth-world through magickal ritual via
the original access point.
Satanists are involved in Crowleyain Lam
invocations and recommend Ray’s books for their extensive
content on the habits and idiosyncrasies of the "greys" (Lams).
It is now clear why Ray Fowler’s books were recommended
reading. This part of the puzzle, and the primary reason I wrote the
report, has been solved to my satisfaction.
The secondary question raised by investigating the first (do
"aliens" or "lams" actually exist) is a far different matter.
People’s actions are objective, but the motivations are based on the
subjectivity of beliefs. What one person believes to be "reality"
may not be in the least "real" to another.
At a certain level - and for the purposes of this report - it does
not really matter if these beings and powers are objectively "real"
or not. What is significant and of pertinence here is that many
members of the occult community (O.T.O./Crowleyian) do indeed
believe these beings and powers to be "real" and govern themselves
accordingly. They spend considerable time attempting communication
and invocation of them.
They believe it is for the benefit of us
all, although if this were generally known, I would think it would
be a point of some considerable debate.
Lam Lore
According to O.T.O. chief Kenneth Grant:
Lam is known to be a link
between the star systems of Sirius and Andromeda.
Lam is the gateway to the Void.
Its number, 71, is that of "NoThing", an apparition.
Lam, as a Great Old One, whose
archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants.
Lam has been invoked to fulfill
the work set afoot by Aiwass; as a reflex of Aiwass.
Lam as the transmitter to AL of
the vibrations of
LA via MA, the key to the Aeon of Maat.
Lam is the occult energy beaming
the vibrations of Maat and may proceed from that
future aeon.