by Brian L. Crissey, Ph.D.

from ClaudesCommentary Website





Original image 2001

On Sunday, August 19, 2001, a very interesting crop formation appeared (see illustration, left) within a wheat field near Wherwell, Hampshire, England. It appeared on the grounds of the Chilbolton radio telescope facility, a site of some previous interesting formations.

If the new one is not a hoax - and there are ways to definitely find out, which are underway - then its implications are profound - we are engaged in public two-way communication with nearby off-planet intelligence, and everything needs to be reassessed.

This article reviews what the public should know about this crop formation and its implications.


Ground Rules

Before we launch into details, facts, and analyses, let us first set down the ground rules - what to expect from those who will participate in this debate. I am reminded of economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who once said,

"When faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof."

Many people have carefully constructed houses of cards that will collapse when it is accepted that we are in communication with off-planet intelligence. Overnight they would be non-experts, spokespersons for outdated, self-serving, incomplete understandings. These people, such as those at SETI, the tax-supported Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, are desperately working on their proofs that they don't have to deal with this issue.


They have no real desire to actually find ET intelligence that doesn't come in by radio waves from some remote star cluster, for that is how their budget is constructed.


No Proof is Allowed

The established truth defenders will allow no proof that undermines their truth, so as we expose their lies, do not put too much emphasis on precision, footnotes, and logic. It will make no difference. Everything that can be presented will be debunked. No proof will be allowed. All film is doctored.


All witnesses are crazy. Land a flying saucer on the White House lawn and it will be a Steven Spielberg publicity stunt. There is not enough time left to convince anyone who refuses to recognize the truth when they see it. As Einstein said, "We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility." So we will do our best and go forward, regardless of the debunkers.

Okkam's Razor

There is a useful principle that scientists use when it serves their interests to do so. It is called Okkam's Razor, and it boils down to accepting the simplest plausible explanation - bring in no excess baggage. In practice, however, it often means accepting the alternative that requires the fewest changes in your preset opinion, which may be fundamentally flawed in many ways.


In this article we will appeal to Okkam in the way he intended, viz., we will look at alternative interpretations of the Chilbolton formation and choose as our working definition of the truth the explanation that fits the available data in the cleanest, simplest way.

The 1974 SETI Transmission

This story begins with Frank Drake and Carl Sagan and their jointly designed message to the stars, which was broadcast with a power of a trillion watts into the heavens November 16, 1974, from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, where Frank Drake was Director. He authored the so-called Drake equation, exposed as a fraud in the pages of Contact Forum in 1996. (See Sagan's Cosmos Revisited.)


The equation tried to prove that we are in effect alone in the universe, because any life that might be out there is too far away to get here, and civilizations don't live long enough to contact each other. Careful examination of Drake's flawed assumptions showed that the model merely mirrored his a priori opinions and was not an unbiased tool for assessing the likelihood of contacting ET intelligence.


It is fitting that Drake is now Chairman of the Board of the SETI Institute.


It is important to know what part of the field the players are in.

The Arecibo Message

The Arecibo message can be represented as a simple graphic array consisting of 73 rows of 23 columns each. (See illustration below). Each cell in this matrix is either on (1) or off (0). Prime numbers were selected for the dimensions of the matrix, numbers which might be easily guessed by any intelligent radio-reading recipients.


The ons and offs were simple shifts of the signal between two frequencies in the 2,380 MHz band. It took three minutes to send the message in a narrow beam 2 arc-minutes wide, which is roughly 1/15th the diameter of the full moon.

The beam was aimed at globular star cluster M13, some 22,800 light years away and consisting of some 300,000 stars in the constellation of Hercules. Now, 27 years later, the beam is 158 trillion miles away, in an ever-expanding beam that is now 95 million miles wide. In another 22,773 years or so, it should get to its target, and if the residents there, if any, respond immediately by radio signal, we should expect the reply in the year 47574.


The message in the Chilbolton field did not come from M13 by radio waves.


Globular Cluster M13
in Hercules

The content of the message provided basic information about human life on Earth - which planet we are on in our solar system, what we generally look like, how tall we are, how many of us there are, the kind of instrument we sent the message with, the basic chemical building blocks of our genetics, and the helical spiral structure of our DNA.


Mirror Image of the 1974 Arecibo Message (Left) and its Interpretation (Right)



Components of the Original Message

As can be seen in the illustration, the Arecibo message (see illustration, below) begins with a definition of the binary number counting system, the most basic of all counting systems. To count in binary, count as you normally would, but skip over any number that is not entirely comprised of ones and zeros.


Thus it's not 1,2,3,4,5... It's 1,10,11,100,101...

The Chemical Codes

The Arecibo transmission in its original orientation included accurate codings of the binary number system along the top, followed by the atomic numbers of primary elements of life, Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Phosphorus. Next is the chemical composition of the nucleotides that make up our DNA. The number in each column counts its presence in the nucleotide.


Rumors that there were errors in this section of the transmission, intended to trip up hoaxers, are unfounded.



Following this area is a representation of DNA's double-helical structure, and below it is a stick figure representing the human being's form.


On the right side of the human figure is the binary number that counts the human population on Earth, and on the left side is the binary number that represents an average human's height.


Below the human is a representation of our solar system, with the sun at left, and the nine planets stretched out beside it. The third rock from the sun is elevated, indicating which one we occupy. At the bottom of the array is a representation of the Arecibo radio telescope and its diameter.


For a good explanation of this code, see The Arecibo Message Decoded.

The Recent Events

The recent formation at Chilbolton is only the most recent of a series of interesting patterns that have occurred there. Either the hoaxers find it a convenient pallet, or the previous patterns might be relevant to an on-going stream of information.


A review of the events there is in order.


1999 Chilbolton Crystal Formation

In 1999 a beautiful crystalline shape was found in the Chilbolton field. An artist's rendition of it appears at the left. Some thought is was just fractal geometry, one of a series of crop formations that have exquisitely demonstrated some of the beauties of recursive algorithms.


But in light of the following discussion on Silicon, it is not outside the realm of possibility that the pattern has something to do with crystalline structure of some form of Silicon.

2000 Chilbolton Circle Formation

In 2000 a symmetric pattern of multiply interlocked circles appeared at Chilbolton (See photograph below). Some thought it was merely crop grafitti, but in light of the possible interpretation of the Chilbolton Code, it may be important to observe that in the same place where the Arecibo signal had a representation of the instrument we used to broadcast the signal, the Chilbolton pattern has a simplified binary representation of something that has similar characteristics to this 2000 formation.



It is possible that the received pattern may reference back to this design, which in turn may be a representation of a technology beyond our knowledge, an advanced method of communication, perhaps, or even a device for making crop formations.

2001 Chilbolton Face, August 13

A week before the Chilbolton Code formation appeared, an eerie face image appeared in the field, not far from where the Code was to appear. (See illustration, left.) From ground level it looked like an undecipherable mess. The image was created almost like a newspaper photograph, with dots in various sizes giving an impression of depth when viewed from a distance.



When a helicopter passed overhead, the image became perceivable. It is an odd image, vaguely reminiscent of the infamous Face on Mars. (See illustration, above right.) Both images seem basically rectangular. If the bottom of the Chilbolton Code refers to the 1999 formation for more detail, the center of the Code, where one can see what appears to be a large-headed humanoid, may refer to the near-by face image for more detail.


If this is the case, then the senders of the message sent along a snap shot.

Quality of the Formation

Crop formation researcher Paul Vigay has visited the formation and had this to say:

"The actual quality of the [Code] formation on the ground was remarkably good. However, it did appear to have been flattened in terms of a grid -- i.e., going across the formation and down the formation.


The nearby 'face' formation was more elaborate in terms of the ground lay, as each individual circle appeared to have been swirled separately to the rest of the formation, indicated by a smooth swirl of crop around each circle, instead of being brushed across the formation, forming pathways between each circle.


However, both formations would represent an immense effort required in order to portray what we see in the field and from the air. To create either within the constraints of a few hours of darkness is extremely impressive irrespective of their origin; terrestrial or extra-terrestrial."

For more, see The Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message' Formation.

2001 Chilbolton Code Formation, August 19

The Chilbolton Code formation looks very much like the one broadcast by earthlings in 1974, but there are some differences.

As mentioned earlier, the image of the Arecibo Telescope has been replaced by a totally different pattern, and the human has been modified by a stick figure that, while humanoid, has a far larger head.


The building block elements now include Silicon, atomic weight 14, in addition to the original elements listed.



There is now an extra strand on the right side of the DNA double-helix, and another, less obvious, change is in the binary coding of the number of nucleotides in DNA itself (in the center).


Human genome has 4,293,917,614, or nearly 4.3 billion nucleotide sequences, while the mystery genome sequence has 4,294,966,190, or 1,048,576 (one million) more nucleotide sequences than human DNA.


Finally, the diagram that depicts our solar system has been replaced with another that still has nine worlds, but planets 3 through 5 are lifted, and the last is drawn larger than the others or perhaps represents multiple moons.


The fact that Jupiter's moons are highlighted in a special diamond shape (see illustration below) should actually give SETI a way out of their self-created embarrassment.



They have been saying for a while now that there is water and heat on Europa, and that some of the other Jovian moons are good candidates for life.


Perhaps they are right about this, although they may still be surprised to find something there beyond algae.

If the Code is real, and if the lifting of a planet in this series indicates inhabitation by intelligent life, and if the Code is talking about our solar system, then it may be saying that life exists on Earth, Mars, and the moons of Jupiter. Regarding the possibility of life on Mars, Hungarian scientists in September, 2001, announced that they have found evidence of living organisms on Mars, based upon analysis of 60,000 photographs taken by the Mars Global Surveyor probe.


The three-man team said the pictures showed evidence of thousands of dark dune spots, similar to organisms found near Earth's South Pole, in craters in Mars' snowy southern polar region. These spots indicate that on the surface below the ice there are such organisms which, by absorbing solar energy, are able to melt the ice and create conditions of life for themselves. (See Hungarians Claim Evidence of Life on Mars.)


If any life exists on mars, then the possibility of more advanced life there, perhaps below the surface to avoid meteorites, is greatly enhanced.



The oceans beneath the crusty exteriors of several Jovian moons could hold the raw materials required to sustain life, according to a recent study.


Observations from NASA's Galileo probe indicate that sister satellites Callisto, Ganymede and particularly Europa have subsurface oceans with more saltwater than Earth. The research is published in the June 15, 2001, issue of Science.


For more information see Possible Life on Jupiter's Moons.


As the Arecibo message was sent in linear sequence, one bit after the other, there is no given rightness or wrongness to the mirror image of the transmission. The mirror image was printed in Carl Sagan's Cosmos and in many other textbooks, and yet the original orientation (right) is used in the field at Chilbolton.


Whether one interprets the code from right to left or left to right is entirely up to the receiver, and anyone who claims to know the orientation used by off-planet civilizations is clearly speculating.


To the right is the Arecibo original message, in its intended orientation, with the population block to the right of the figure.

The Alternatives

There seem to be four primary alternative explanations for all this, to which we can apply Okkam's razor: pranksters, conspirators, Earth energies, and non-human intelligence.


Let's look at the assumptions required for each one in a little more detail, now that we have reviewed the evidence.


  1. Doug & Dave Hoax

    To fit this hypothesis to the data, we have only to assume the following:


    • Local persistent pranksters, known locally as Doug and Dave, have for years been repeatedly invading the perimeters around the Chilbolton observatory, in the dark to conduct dangerous, outrageous and pointless pranks, blindly crushing plants in precise designs according to complex designs that reflect esoteric understandings of the binary number system, chemistry, nucleotide sequences of DNA, variable-dot image representation, and astrophysics.


    (I won't argue with anyone who chooses this alternative, for as Confucius said, "To argue with a fool shows that there are two.")


  2. Covert Government Conspiracy

    To fit this hypothesis to the data, we have only to assume the following:


    • The covert international world government, seeing that the UFO cover-up is breaking down and is about to expose them as bald-faced liars, is now using black-budget high technology to create these crop formations so as to set up the ufology movement for a big fall, thus ensuring that the covert government controls the eventual contact with off-planet intelligence and is able to decide for the rest of us what side we will ally with and what deals we will strike.

      Somewhere in the discussion here, it must be observed that recent (July 31, 2001) scientific research published in a refereed journal finds that the node-lengthening characteristics found in the crops inside circular, non-hoaxed crop formations vary directly according to the distance from the center of the formation.


      These characteristics, which indisputably differentiate between hoaxed and authentic formations, would suggest that a technology of some sort has been used. Whether it is black-budget humans or black-space aliens using the technology is another question. For more information, see Scientific Studies "Confirm Crop Circles Are Made By Balls Of Light."


    (I won't argue with anyone who chooses the interpretation that a covert government conspiracy is behind all this, either, but it must be remembered, as S. Gilbert once said, "From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.")


  3. Gaian Dreams

    To fit this hypothesis to the data, we have only to assume the following:

    The Earth is a living being known by some as Gaia. She breathes through lungs of Amazon rain forests, and her lifeblood flows in veins and arteries we call rivers and oceans. When she gets hot she puts up clouds to cool herself. When she gets sick, such as when rabbits overpopulate, her immune system kicks in by creating a population explosion of coyotes and hawks.


    Gaia may dream, and with the power of the mind being what it is, Gaian dreams may manifest in reality, swirling into beautiful radiance in fields of wheat. This hypothesis seems to me to fit the data better when the patterns are circular, symmetrical and full of beauty. It is harder for me to conceive of Gaian Earth energy dream patterns replicating 27-year-old binary signals sent out from radio telescopes.


  4. Communication with Non-Human Intelligence

    To fit this hypothesis to the data, we have only to assume the following:


    Non-human intelligent life is contacting us.


    1. Flesh-and-Blood Alien Beings

      In this interpretation, beings not unlike ourselves are responding to us. These beings may have gray skin, big heads, and small bodies, but they are living three-dimensional animals, like us. Perhaps they absorb nutrients through their skins. Perhaps they breathe in using one side of their lungs while they exhale using the other side.


      Such beings probably have finite life expectancies, as we do. But they would be physical, and would be similar to us in many ways, giving us some hope that we could find common ground on which to share information. They would use technology to travel through space to visit us.


      Being more advanced, such beings might be expected to know how to be invisible, how to pass through solid walls, how to collect, examine, tag and return specimens of Earth species such as Homo sapiens, while erasing human memories of such events. It can be inferred that such beings do not intend to destroy humanity, because they have had the opportunity and they have not done so.


      Perhaps the are waiting for us to do it.


    2. Higher-Dimensional Beings from HU-2



      Harmonic Universe #

      Density Type



      Carbon-based biology physical matter-1



      Carbon-Silica-based biology physical matter-2



      Silica-based biology Etheric matter



      Crystalline liquid-light based biology Pre-matter



      Standing wave pattern flame or fire body Ante-Matter

      From Ashayana Deane: Angelic Realities, Granite Publishing 2001


      In this interpretation, science has a lot to learn, being stuck in three dimensions plus time, whereas reality is comprised of a prolifically populated 15-dimensional time matrix, collected into five sets of three dimensions each called harmonic universes. (See chart, above.)


      Earth, being relatively Neanderthal on a cosmic scale, resides in Harmonic Universe One (HU-1), where science rules and life is based upon carbon-based organic chemistry as we know it.


      The next higher harmonic universe is called HU-2, where life processes are based upon Carbon-Silica-based biology. HU-3 is inhabited by Silica-based biological beings living in etheric matter. HU-4 is inhabited by crystalline liquid-light beings existing in Pre-Matter, and HU-5 is occupied by pure-energy beings living in Ante-matter.


      All the entities we know of as ETs, astral spirits, angels, archangels, and the like, live and proliferate in these various harmonic universes. The higher universes can see down into the lower universes. The originators of the Chilbolton Code formation, identifying themselves as having a Carbon-Silica-based biological system, are most likely our neighbors from HU-2.


      This fascinating cosmology has been popularized by Ashayana Deane's Voyagers series of books, which many people consider to be one of the highest, clearest, most detailed sources of cosmological wisdom and insight on the planet at this time.


The Official Word from SETI

The SETI Institute, led by Frank Drake, who has proven that we are alone, has prepared their excuse for not dealing with the Chilbolton Code.


In their words, they see "no evidence for an other-than-earthly origin of the formation." They have five clear reasons why this is so. We will let them express themselves and then discuss their positions one at a time.


(For the full SETI position, see Is the Latest Crop Circle a Message from E.T?)


  1. SETI Reason 1:


    "The aliens, if they've received this signal, would obviously be aware of our capability to send and receive high-frequency radio. After all, they would only know of the 1974 transmission by receiving it. And, of course, they've made a point about radio by leaving their message next to a radio antenna. So why would they resort to an extraordinarily crude method of "replying" - carving simple messages in our wheat? Why don't they use radio? The wheat graffiti only conveys a handful of information - roughly the equivalent of a few sentences of any text.


    They could convey far more, in a matter of seconds, by radio. If radio isn't their thing, why don't they simply leave a copy of the Encyclopedia Galactica on the doorstep of either the farmer or the radio observatory? They could arrange for a radio blast sufficiently powerful to reach every FM or TV set in a hemisphere, which would quickly convey far more information, and to everyone at once.


    After all, if they're carving wheat, they're clearly visiting. If they're not fond of radio, they could leave information on paper, as a CD, or in whatever form is convenient. Any such scheme would convey orders of magnitude more information than a wheat carving.


    Surely aliens who can come to Hampshire are sophisticated enough to offer us more information bits than one can find on a fortune in a Chinese cookie."

    Response 1:

    It may be preposterous to assume that advanced civilizations that have survived for long periods of time have not yet learned that when an advanced society suddenly barges into a primitive society, the primitive society gets killed by disease, shock, cultural collapse and chaos. Civilizations that survive long term will be benevolent, compassionate societies.


    Historically, warlike civilizations live short, violent lives. Visiting ETs can be expected to be sensitive enough to Earth's universally recognized right to evolve on its own that they would shrink in horror from SETI's unevolved and uncouth suggestion that they blast into everyone's TV sets and leave CDs on doorsteps. The message in the Chilbolton Code is of the exact same order of complexity as the message sent - simple, direct, easy for common folks to understand, if they wish to.


    It is not forced down anyone's throat. It is basically saying, "Copy, Roger! Do you read me?"


  2. SETI Reason 2:

    "How come they look like us? Hollywood aliens always look pretty humanoid, but this is an anthropocentric conceit. Visit the local zoo, and you'll find critters that share 3.5 billion years of evolution and a lot of your DNA. But they don't look like you - they look like fish, or alligators, or..."

    Response 2:

    It may be preposterous to assume that intelligent life everywhere in the universe must derive only from slime and take an independent path to a random end. More likely, the moment that any life-form becomes advanced enough to travel in space, it does so, leaving its seed wherever it chooses to do so, and genetically engineering what it pleases, thus dominating the apparent choice of appearance.


    There are strong intelligence-enhancing reasons why we have two legs, two eyes, two arms, etc., as do other relatively intelligent beings on this planet like the mountain gorillas. If we can genetically engineer corn to kill Monarch butterflies, then surely ETs can mold local life-forms to reflect their own chosen characteristics, such as a humanoid appearance. It would be much more surprising if intelligent life everywhere were radically different from us in general appearances. The Star Wars bar scene may be much less likely than the films ET or Close Encounters.

    It is also instructive, especially for fundamentalists who prefer their Bible straight-up to review Genesis 1:26 in the original Greek:

    • "And the elohim [plural] said, ' Let us [plural] make the Adam in our [plural] image, after our [plural] likeness...'"

    • What's with the "we" business?

    • Why have we papered over this interesting choice of holy words and made a singular male God out the text?

    • Whose idea was that?


    There are many scholars today who believe that a revisioning of the Bible is in order, going back to the most ancient of roots and re-examining our true origins. We may be the ETs. Zecharia Sitchin, in particular, (see The 12th Planet, for example) has championed the idea that humankind derives from an ET origin.


    If so, then it should not be surprising that we are indeed made in their image.


  3. SETI Reason 3:

    "A very important point if you think this is a returned message: The 1974 signal was aimed at the cluster M-13, which has hundreds of thousands of stars. Of course, M-13 is 25,000 light-years distant, which means that the message will not reach its target for another 250 centuries. Clearly, the crop circle can't be a response from any of M-13's inhabitants; they haven't gotten the message yet. But what about a random, Milky Way star that might be in the 'beam' of the Arecibo message? Couldn't they have overheard the transmission, and offered this clever carving in reply? No.


    The Arecibo beam at 2,380 MHz is about 2 arc-minutes, which is roughly 1/15th the diameter of the full moon. That's an extremely narrow beam. Imagine shooting an arrow through a giant space in which ping pong balls are hung by threads. The ping pong balls are many miles apart. How long would the arrow have to travel before it accidentally hit one of these balls? This is analogous to the situation of the Arecibo message, moving in its tightly focused beam through the spaces of the Milky Way.


    The chances that it has hit another solar system in the 27 years since its broadcast are one in 50,000, approximately. If you make the reasonable assumption that the aliens cannot travel faster than the speed of light, then they must lie within 13-1/2 light-years to have received this message and responded. The chances of a star system within the volume of space filled by the beam out to this distance is closer to one in a half-million!


    In other words, it's highly, highly unlikely that any star system has yet been exposed to the Arecibo message.


    This is an important point, as it is quantitative and not dependent on any other assumptions about this crop circle: no other star systems could have yet received this transmission.


    And incidentally, the odds that a nearby probe could have intercepted it are even smaller!"

    Response 3:

    The evidence that SETI ignores supports the contention that ETs have been with us on Earth, probably since our conception as human beings. There is a tremendous volume of reliable, consistent experiential data that strongly suggests that there is an ET presence on Earth, and that it has been studying us closely for centuries, perhaps even culturing us. They may be our parents.


    Thousands of people have encountered what seem to be extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. Alien abduction is now commonly accepted by the populace (outside the SETI walls) as something that really goes on. If the ETs study us as intently as they seem to, would it then be surprising that they know about SETI and the message that was sent? It is in every copy of Cosmos, and it is in every broadcast of the "Cosmos" series on TV. It is in almost everyone's memory banks somewhere. It is not a secret to anyone interested in humanity's emergence into cosmic consciousness.

    It is plausible that the ETs, with their patience wearing thin with the cover-up, and with continuing human degradation of this beautiful planet, have chosen this simple, gentle method of speaking to the open-minded people of the Earth, while still respecting our right to ignore it all and go on with our illusions. Thus no intrusion, just preaching to the choir.


    And why did they wait so long to respond? Perhaps, just like SETI, we weren't ready to listen as a people.


    Alternatively, they may have been trying to communicate for years, but the self-serving official cover-up has kept a lid on the pertinent information.


  4. SETI Reason 4:

    "The biochemistry information in the crop circle is the same as the Arecibo message, although the DNA seems to have an extra strand and a somewhat different number of nucleotides. It has also been noted that silicon is now indicated as part of the biological construction kit, although this element, while popular in science fiction, is rather poor at making the complex molecules required for life. Still, it's remarkable how similar the aliens' biology is to ours, even to the point of sporting a helical DNA molecule.


    They also use the same number of sugars and bases that make up human DNA to construct theirs. But it's remarkable (but undoubtedly a sign of a boo-boo on the constructors' part) that the silicon mentioned above doesn't figure into the formulae of any of these alien DNA components (this point was made by Randy Wiggins.) In addition, keep in mind that of the hundreds of possible amino acids, only 20 are used for earthly life. In other words our biochemistry is somewhat specific.


    How curious (and unlikely!) that theirs would match ours so closely!"

    Response 4:

    If human genetics has been altered by ancient space travelers, then it would be very strange if human genetic makeup were not very similar to that of our parent ETs. There is something about Silicon that is being conveyed in this message. It is not clear at all that Silicon must play a role in the DNA. But it is clear that it plays some important role.


    Dr. William Levengood, who has pioneered the biochemical assessment techniques that differentiate real crop formations from hoaxes, has found anomalous deposits of Silicon, silicone, and silicates in real crop formations. In one such formation, a layer of extremely pure, micro-crystalline white silicon was found in an 8"-wide layer 4" under all the affected plants, with no visible soil disturbance to show how the hoaxers put it there. The Silicon was of a purity and crystalline structure that was previously unknown.


    Furthermore, plants that grew in soil containing this white powdery silicon displayed a 300% to 400% growth in biomass, compared to control plants. The seeds taken from plants that grew in the real formations looked fine, but showed a 40% decrease in seed weight and were dry inside. But, when planted, they germinated and grew tremendously fast, with a deep, lush green color and robust health, compared to control plants. There is something going on with Silicon, and true scientists would respect these clues and examine the real data instead of concluding that it cannot be, therefore it isn't.


    That is just bad science.


  5. SETI Reason 5:

    "Finally, the whole matter of crop circles fails the baloney test, as Sagan would put it. They can be easily made by people interested in creating a stir (you can read a nice description of both crop circles and their construction, as well as a claim by experts in the field, as it were, that they could replicate the new grain graphics, at circle-makers.)


    And of importance, there is a lack of convincing physical evidence that anyone else has made them. You might also wonder why, despite its ample supply of wheat fields, the U.S. is almost never the target of this type of alien graphic: nearly two-thirds of all crop circles are in England. We also note that Chilbolton was the location of other crop circles in 1999 and 2000. Why would aliens resort to a signaling system that conveys so little information and can only be used during the two-month growth season, and then only at night?


    We are also informed by Chilbolton that these recent glyphs appeared (as so many do) after a weekend."

    Response 5:

    Andy Rooney, in his inimitable style, once said, "I've learned that to ignore the facts does not change the facts." SETI, by ignoring the data, sees what it wants to see. That does not change the facts. Apparently, since SETI knows that all crop formations are easily made hoaxes, then there is no reason to
    actually look at any of them, such as the illustration to the left. This image of the beautifully precise 409-circle 6-Julia-set formation that appeared overnight is not what any sane person would call "easy to make."


    There is ample evidence to suggest that there are energy fields and vibrations involved here that are ancient in nature and beyond the current understanding of science. These energies in some way seem to center around the ancient sacred sites of England such as Stone Henge and Silbury Hill.


    There may be Earth energies that are used in making the formations, and these energies might be easier to manipulate where they are stronger. The selection of England for the most spectacular formations is probably more a function of Earth energy fields than it is political power or available cropland. There have been crop formations and snow formations and mud formations all over the world, all year around.


    The ones in England are only the most spectacular.


Occam's Razor

So how does Occam's Razor fit into all of this?


We have the Doug & Dave hypothesis, with a really big fish to swallow. And we have the covert government hypothesis with an almost-as-large fish to swallow, and we have the ET contact hypothesis, which is easy to swallow, but has huge implications for SETI's budget, among other things.


So if we want to choose the hypothesis that most easily explains the data, then we conclude that we are probably talking with off-planet intelligence. If, however, we wish to choose the hypothesis based upon which one minimizes the number of changes the establishment needs to make, then clearly it's all Doug and Dave.


So decide which camp you're in, and the outcome follows.

If it's real, what might it mean?

If the Chilbolton Code is real communication with off-planet intelligence, then what do we learn from it?


For one thing, the "Roger, Copy" nature of the message indicates that they speak the same mathematics as we do. That's comforting. The presence of Silicon in the list of important life-related elements is very interesting, and more research should be done on the Silicon-related phenomena around crop formations.


The use of the same basic nucleotides suggests that we are related, or that there are a limited number of combinations of things that actually work well, or perhaps both. The humanoid figure suggests that the senders of the code are not unlike what thousands of reliable persons have reported seeing. The apparent size of this being is 3'4", if one uses the same mathematics that we used in the original transmission.


This should be of comfort and solace to abductees and contactees, who have long been abused by blind experts. The population item decodes into 21.3 billion, a large population by our standards.

  • What does it count?

  • The population on their planet?

  • The intelligent beings in our solar system?

  • The future population of the Earth?

If the code-senders are from this solar system, then we can conclude that Earth, Mars, and Jupiter's moons have intelligent life.


This should make the Dunes and Hoagland fans happy.

A Very Interesting Point

Red Setter, a research biologist has made a very interesting contribution to the discussion, an observation that he made only after intensive personal research stimulated by the odd DNA images in the Chilbolton Code formation.


He notes that:

"The central part of the Chilbolton pictogram shows that a DNA double helix as found on Earth, with 10 base pairs per turn, has been replaced on one side by a novel single-stranded helix with just 6 bases per turn. I had to work hard for several days, to discover that the single-stranded helix with 6 bases per turn refers to 2', 5'-linked RNA or DNA, as opposed to the normal 3', 5' variety.


This is known to hardly any molecular biologist, and I found out only by making an accurate model. ...There is no other plausible way of constructing a 6-fold helix as indicated. [published research] shows that 2', 5'-linked RNA will form double helices, but prefers to remain single stranded.


[Other research] explores the use of 2', 5' RNA as an antiviral drug; it seems we have been exposed to such strange molecules in the past, and have evolved an interferon-RNAase L system against them."


"Recall that origin-of-life experiments in the 1980s by Leslie Orgel, found that RNA would often polymerize into two different forms, namely 2', 5' versus 3', 5'; and it was a mystery to chemical evolutionists why 3', 5' was favored on Earth. Note that many abductees remain ill with chronic fatigue, which generally includes a high level of RNAase L; just as if their immune systems have been activated by contact with 2', 5' RNA.


The clear implication is that 2', 5' RNA may represent an alternative system of genetic coding to 3', 5' RNA or DNA as found on Earth; and that the makers of the Chilbolton pictogram wished us to understand that fact. Whether a secret band of elite scientists could hoax such a result seems doubtful; since 2', 5' nucleic acids are mentioned rarely in the literature, and nowhere does it say that they form a single-stranded helix with 6 bases per turn.


That I found only recently, by painstakingly constructing an accurate model."

So what do we make of this?


We conclude that there is significant scientifically verifiable content in the Chilbolton Code formation that is unlikely to have been placed there in the dark either by pranksters or by covert government agents, because the information is new and almost unknown. Perhaps Silicon is involved in the process by which the genetic encoding choice is made. It plays a role somewhere.


Clearly there is room for much more serious thought here, and it calls for much more than an off-hand dismissal by SETI and the world of traditional science.


Rishia O'Neill once remarked, "We have forgotten more as a species than we have learned." Such may really be the case, if our forgotten history involves an on-going relationship with off-planet personalities and cultures.


As we begin to sort out the meanings and implications of the Chilbolton Code, we may be starting a collective process of remembering, as a species, much that we have long forgotten.


And as these memories begin to surface on their own, it is likely that most people will say, "Well, I knew that all along!"


From the simple twisting of grass in an English field we are led to conclude that we are not alone in the universe, and that off-planet intelligence is communicating with us. This basic fact will totally revise our worldviews, and our paradigms. We need now to rebuild our knowledge base, integrating into it the missing information.


We no longer know who we are, how we came here, or what our relationship is to those who are sending us codes in fields.


One thing is certain: Whatever intelligence is capable of making these communications is advanced beyond us, and we can be sure that they do not live in a throw-away competitive society on a world of racial hatred, wars, pollution and dying species.


Step one for this entire world may be to get our own act together, so that we can speak as a planet, with pride, and as Earthlings, emerging into cosmic consciousness.