014 - Dan Salter and others

Dan Salter is a retired Air Force career man, E9, master sergeant, who was involved in the extraterrestrial issue for many many many years.


He later, after leaving the Air Force, was recruited into the super secret National Reconnaissance Organization, or NRO. During which time, he worked specifically on extraterrestrial matters and the retrieval of extraterrestrial vehicles and the management of this subject. he had a ’cosmic’ top secret clearance.


Top secret cosmic compartmentalization, which he states, no U.S. president, to his knowledge, has ever held.





014-A  Master Sargeant Dan Salter - U.S. Air Force, Chief Master Sergeant - NRO
(discusses ’cosmic’ clearance, UFOs, ET’s particalization)





014-B  John Maynard - Military Intelligence Analyst Ret. - DIA
(discusses NRO, taking on more UFO responsibilities)





014-C  Master Sargeant Dan Salter - U.S. Air Force, Chief Master Sergeant - NRO
(discusses Eisenhower’s desires for organization, and how they evolved, pause, discusses a UFO that was targeted and hit by U.S. military in the late sixties)