The "Lost Tombs" Revisited

"Success Has a Thousand Fathers ..."


Part III

So, what are these peculiar "signs at Abydos" - just "tricks of fallen plaster" according to the Egyptologists - actually trying to tell us? Hieroglyphs are supposed to be a written language, so what do they literally say ..?

According to one expert, the "Abydos Glyphs" actually translate to--

"... It was decided in antiquity to replace the five-fold royal titulary of Seti I with that of his son and successor, Ramesses II. In the photos, we clearly see "Who repulses the Nine Bows," which figures in some of the Two-Ladies names of Seti I, replaced by "Who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries," a Two-Ladies name of Ramesses II. With some of the plaster that once covered Seti I’s titulary now fallen away, certain of the superimposed signs do indeed look like a submarine, etc., but it’s just a coincidence ...

"... In the term "...the Nine Bows..." This does NOT refer to "salute" (as in "Neufs Saluts"), but "bows" as in archery....sort of "l’arc du tir ý l’arc" (I am using a translation program here, so I hope this becomes clear...;\ ) The "Nine Bows" refers to the 'nine traditional enemies of Egypt', so an alternate (though not literal) translation of the phrase is: "Who repulses the Nine [Enemies of Egypt]" [emphasis added] ..."

Again, warmest regards --

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Member, American Research Center in Egypt,
International Association of Egyptologists
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Special Studies

Apparently lost on everyone was the small matter of another remarkable "coincidence" represented by these Glyphs ... their precise translation ...

If the actual text (in the "over written" hieroglyphic model) indeed says something even close to what Katherine Griffis-Greenberg says it does "[Ramses II] ... Who repulses the Nine [Enemies of Egypt] ..." - isn’t it remarkable that the old/new hieroglyphic symbols making up that particular text--

Just by "chance" ... happen to look exactly like a series of modern war machines - that any Pharaoh would have given half of Egypt for... to "repulse the Enemies of Egypt!?"

In a black & white, higher-resolution, non-doctored version of the same Abydos panel (taken by another tourist, Bruce Rawles, in 1992 - above), this extraordinary (and I would bet, heretofore unrecognized) "self-referential coincidence" - represented by this Ramses II "titulary translation" - is even more apparent:

A panel whose directive specifically refers to keeping out ("repulsing") the traditional enemies of Egypt ("the Nine Bows") - and then features the astonishing depiction of at least four artistically-precise, instantly recognizable war machines of the 20th century (click image right) fully capable of accomplishing the task:

the infamous "helicopter" (top left) ... an unmistakable "tank," complete with gun barrel (top right - and, see also color M1A1 "Abrahms" comparison, below) ... a sleek "jet fighter" (middle right) ... and something looking suspiciously like Luke’ís anti-gravity "land speeder," right out of "Star Wars" (bottom right).

The Egyptological argument - that we are merely seeing "random, fallen plaster ..." creating this illusion in our minds - is simply untenable at this point, not only because of this incredible linguistic "coincidence" - but because of another statistical impossibility as well:

We’re not just seeing one "illusion" here ... we’ve got at least four ... four very sophisticated representations of four different types of the same "impossible" technology (20th/21st Century war craft) - all grouped together on one panel.

The granddaddy of all "statistical improbabilities!"

In my opinion, if this all can be dismissed as "mere coincidence" - then the Pyramids themselves (by this reasoning) must be "merely" the product of a freak Saharan sandstorm!

Finally, there is one last feature apparently first noticed by the owner of another Website, also presenting the "mysteries of Abydos": Lumir G. Janku. Even though he ultimately takes the point of view of the majority of Egyptologists - that the glyphs are nothing more than "tricks of light and plaster" - Janku himself seems troubled by one "niggling" detail...

"There is one aspect of the inscription which is puzzling. The temple in Abydos (or Abdjou, as the location was called by Egyptians), is quite a remarkable edifice, especially as far as the quality of glyphs is concerned. They are all very precise and as far as I can judge, there’s no trace of sloppy workmanship anywhere in the temple, bare the above inscription. The temple was build by Seti I and finished by his son, Ramses II, during an era of classical revival. The obvious corrections on the inscription in question are thus seemingly out of place ...

One of the Egyptologists, in responding to the French inquiries, makes passing mention of the central "problem" in all this--

" ... why is Abydos the ONLY place where they are supposedly represented? NO archaeological evidence has been found to support the existence of any of these items [elsewhere] in ancient Egypt. This includes evidence of helicopters, computers, etc., in tomb paintings ..."

The answer is: he’s wrong! First - I would like to thank Peter Uwira, in Austria, for some of the following, remarkable information ...

Because ... in 1898, in a tomb at Saqqara (located about 40 miles south of the Giza Plateau), a curious physical object was discovered (see photo - above). It baffled the archaeologists who found it, who could only approximate the date of its internment (before radiocarbon techniques), as "about 200 BC."


As the Wright Brother’s public experiments in "heavier-than-air" flight were still almost a decade away, there was no general comprehension as to the potential nature of this object. So, it was labeled "wooden bird model," and routinely relegated (like a lot of other stuff!) to the basement of the most famous Egyptological Museum in the world, in downtown Cairo.

Three quarters of a century later, in 1969, a famed Egyptian - Dr. Khalil Messiha, chanced upon the model ... still in its dusty box in the Cairo Museum basement. His preliminary analysis - that, this could be a model of an ancient aircraft! - so electrified the Egyptian government, that a special panel of "distinguished scientists" was convened study this one object.


Their conclusion: that the model incorporated some extremely sophisticated aerodynamic features (such as "a reverse dihedral wing ..." similar to several modern aircraft" - see drawings, left).

Based on the results of this remarkable, official study, it was decided to set up that Summer - the Summer of the First Apollo Landing on the Moon! - a Special Exhibit in the Museum on the entire subject (contrast this response to that of the current generation of Egyptologists, including Hawass, and their continually dismissive reaction to anything "anomalous" - including, the mysterious "glyphs at Abydos" ...).

The location of the Exhibit: the most prominent place in the entire Museum, in the coveted Central Hall itself.

So, the little model (in its own glass case - see above) became the centerpiece of the Exhibit ... if not the entire Museum (for awhile ...) It was even clearly labeled: "ancient model airplane!"

Then, recently ... it vanished. Just like that. And no one seems to be able now to find it - or, the official Egyptological Committee Study which brought it to such prominence ...

Now, why do you suppose that is? (Obviously ... this is another job for Fox!)


But that’s not all ...

A quarter of the way around the world, over the last hundred or so years, other archaeologists have repeatedly found small trinkets they term "insects," buried with their former owners in a variety of Central and South American tombs. In truth, the objects far more resemble the wooden Egyptian model found at Saqqara (!) - though they are significantly smaller and, of course, are made not of wood, but of precious metals - primarily gold.

Which meant that they were sacred objects - possibly connected with "the gods."

As near as one can reconstruct the history, it was Erich von Daniken - author of the 70’s best seller, "Chariots of the Gods?" - who first suggested that these "gold insects" (some with delta-shaped wings - see image, above) didn’t resemble true insects at all; I mean, what insects come with an unmistakable vertical stabilizer?!

These "insects," in fact, do look far more like some kind of manufactured, technological artifacts - like, in fact, "miniature jet fighters!" - than anything from the zoological kingdom here on Earth.

Not satisfied with archaeological conclusions (or speculations) based on mere "appearance," several years ago two German scientists/engineers familiar with von Daniken’s decades-old suggestion - Dr. Algund Eeboom and Mr. Peter Belting - decided to approach the problem from complimentary directions: statistical research and aeronautical engineering.

Eeboom began a comparative historical/archaeological assessment: comparing all known copies of the Central and South American "insects" found in the tombs, with the biology and morphology of real insects. And he discovered that most of the trinkets were, in fact, insects - with the distinguishing characteristic that, in the models, their wings (like the real thing!) were joined to the body on top.

The "plane-looking" artifacts (the ones with the inevitable vertical stabilizer), by contrast, distinguished themselves by having their wings attached on the bottom of "the craft" (see close-up, left).

Thus, the ancient cultures Eeboom studied, demonstrably knew (and could skillfully model) their bonafide insects "true to life" ... as opposed to the handful of technological-looking "artifacts" that had also been discovered.

The conclusion, according to Eeboom’s impressive statistics: the ancient craftsmen really meant for their miniature "airplanes" to look like ... airplanes!

Peter Belting approached the problem from a "hands on" point of view: he actually built scaled-up (but otherwise precise) models of the ostensibly "miniature aircraft" (image, below left) - and then attached propellers and jet engines (image right). And they flew!!

At the August, 1997 meeting of the " Ancient Astronaut Society World Conference," gathered in Orlando, Florida, the two researchers presented their independent findings on the "insects."


Those assembled literally cheered when Belting’s model (powered by a small jet engine - right) successfully took off on video ... flew a set of complex aerodynamic maneuvers ... and then came in for a perfect landing - all with a model airplane built as an exact match to a tiny gold trinket found in an Incan grave ... dated minimally to over a thousand years ago!

Then, in case anyone still doubted, Belting and Eeboom took everyone out into the parking lot of the Orlando Florida Mall (note the light pole, below!) ... and once again, put the "thousand-year-old" (if not far older ...) jet-powered aircraft through its paces for the astonished crowd - this time, live ...

(Continued in Part IV)