by Melissa Smith
The following is a
review by Melissa Smith of Graham Hancock's presentation
as given
during his book tour in June 1996.
Mr. Hancock gave a very insightful explanation of the lost
secrets of the Sphinx. Most of Mr. Hancock's
evidence came from an astronomical view with many excerpts from
historical and ancient texts. Mr. Hancock showed through slides the
exact connection between the pyramids, the Sphinx and the stars. It
was actually amazing. He showed that in 10,500 BC the alignment of
the heavens clearly lined up with the
Giza Plateau; even the location of the Hall of Records
was in perfect alignment with the stars.
What would most of the Egyptologists think? Probably the same
information that has made them famous and has paid for their grants.
Mr. Hancock pointed out that some of what Egyptologists hold as
solid fact has little solid scientific evidence to back it.
To name a few:
-- That
Chephren had the Great Pyramid built for him but no burials
(including a mummy and funeral inscriptions) have been found inside
the pyramid.
-- That the Sphinx is really a representation of Chephren
because of the hieroglyphic inscription of one letter of Chephren's
name in the stone tablet in the front of the Sphinx.
Egyptologists inserted the second syllable in the translation of the
ancient texts without really knowing what it is supposed to mean.
-- If the pyramids were built for 'egomaniac' pharaohs, why is
the third pyramid smaller than the other two? Is it that that
particular pharaoh was not as great as the other two? Why wouldn't
the architect try to build as a fantastic one as the others?
-- And on and on and on...
Mr. Hancock's
explanation of the
Sphinx and the pyramids make the orthodox Egyptologists
look like fools and pseudo-archaeologists. Although Mr. Hancock
had a sarcastic tone whenever he referred to the Egyptologists and
their theories, he was not knocking their research or research
abilities. He is just quite upset about their lack of openness to
new ideas.
In a way, the Egyptologists have lost their scientific validity by
not practicing the scientific method. The best part of science
is that nothing should be written off or excluded until it can be
disproved. I thought that scientists were supposed to have open
minds, after all... most of what we use and see on this planet
started out as someone's thought or hypothesis. If science were for
the close minded, I wouldn't be writing to you via computer.
Obviously Mr. Hancock and
Mr. Bauval's theory is a little more than just an educated
Mr. Hancock said a good saying:
"Egyptologists find facts
to fit their theories when they should be making theories based on
the facts."
After a short question and
answer period,
Mr. Hancock invited us to a private screening of the"
promotional" video sent to him by a team of researchers from Florida
State University. The video opens with a man's silhouette in a dimly
lit tunnel leading under the Sphinx. This man,
we find out as he reaches the bottom, is Dr. Zahi Hawass, the
Chief Inspector of the Giza Pyramid Plateau [ the same Dr. Hawass
that kicked John West and Rudolf Gantenbrink out of
Egypt for conducting similar research]. Dr. Hawass turns to
the camera and whispers: "
Even Indiana Jones will never dream to be here. Can you believe it?
We are now inside the Sphinx in this tunnel. This tunnel has never
been opened before. No-one really knows what's inside this tunnel.
But we are going to open it for the first time." The film
continues with a sort of laser light show on the the Giza plateau,
complete with strobe lights and techno-like music. Or as Amargi
called it: 'Disco Giza'.
The seven minute film also briefly credits and mentions the research
conducted by Hancock and Bauval, West, and the
prophecies of
Edgar Cayce [I thought Hawass disapproved of their
research]. The film ends with a supposed deep and insightful
question if the Sphinx should be opened at all or if
its secrets should remain a mystery.
Obviously this video is meant to generate hype for the project and
money for its producers. It is quite ironic that the video [backed
Dr. Hawass] promises to show its viewers "... a chamber which
will be opened tonight, live, for our television cameras" when
Dr. Hawass
kicked John West out of Egypt for, according to a quote from
the Egyptian Press, "... installing endoscopes in the Sphinx body
and shooting film for all phases of the work in a propagandistic but
not scientific manner."
Hmmmm.... I guess staging a multimillion dollar live opening of the
Sphinx on television and referring to the popular icon
Indiana Jones is not propagandistic or unscientific according to
Dr. Hawass.
I'll have to remember this when I pursue my graduate studies in
Although Mr. Hancock introduced many interesting points, I
think that his main concern with the project is the code of ethics
involved. Anthropology is one of the few academic studies that has a
code of ethics. This ethic includes not destroying your site and
most importantly, the sharing and publishing all of your research.
If the Florida project continues, Mr. Hancock fears that the
research information will not be made available to all, but only to
an elite few - the wealthy and powerful. This is perhaps the
greatest injustice.
Before I go, I remembered something interesting from Hancock's
talk. He told us how Hawass was fired from his Chief
Inspector's job because
a statue of Chephren went missing. Of course,
Hawass got his job back but Hawass did make an interesting
statement in the Egyptian press. He says that when he opens the
doors to the hidden chamber beneath the Sphinx he expects to find a
statue of Chephren.
Mr. Hancock did not actually say this the following but it was
implied (and the whole room got it) that perhaps the missing statue
would somehow turn up inside the newly open chamber (ie. tampering
of the chamber before the televised opening).
When Mr. Hancock announced if there were any questions, a loud
(preaching-like) voice shouted something to the effect of "You have
nothing to worry about Sir! These Halls are protected...those who
are not allowed in will perish. A higher force is watching out"
Mr. Hancock nicely said, "That would be nice if its true but
we have to do something in this physical world".
As for the audience... the person who took the photo of the gate in
the shaft extending from the Queen's Chamber was there [BTY, the
slide clearly showed a slab in the shaft with two round metal
handles on it] and Amargi recognized many people that would
probably prefer to remain secret (no not movie stars).