December 2008
ProjectCamelot Website

Photo courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
As many of you know, we have a very gifted person posting an
amalgamation of information that he has compiled regarding 2012 and
what he terms as a 'Nexus Event" coming in the next few years.
He began posting to our Project Avalon forum a few weeks ago and his
posts have been converted into an ebook pdf which you can
here (13.7 Mb).
The research he has done in addition to his 'contact' information
has led him to the idea of the need for a worldwide gathering in
which large numbers of people meditate, play certain music and
gather around sacred key power places around the globe on a yet to
be determined day and time.
The objective is to unite in uplifting humanity from the limitations
the Matrix that surrounds us and guide our planet into a golden
As a synchronicity, we have been brainstorming a very similar type
of event, with several of our sources and contacts. Such an event
will include the Mayan and Hopi as well as indigenous peoples from
all areas of the globe, ground crew members, and awake and aware
youth of all ages.
We encourage you to add your name and email address to our growing
list of participants, by sending an email to groundcrew@projectavalon.net
with the words THE GATHERING in the subject line. We will keep you
informed on our progress in creating this event.
In his own words:
I was born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1973 and I'm a resident of
Republic of Macedonia. I specialized in computer science and worked
as a computer expert in Macedonian Telecom until recently. At the
present, I'm a chief editor of the magazine "The Sixth Sense" that
covers topics related to meditation, Kundalini energy, astral
projection, remote viewing, telepathy, aura, clairvoyance,
psychometrics, psychokinesis and much more.
At the age of fourteen,
I became interested in Yoga and Buddhism. Inspired by all the
incredible powers that yoga masters had demonstrated as a result of
long years of practicing meditation, I started figuring out the
mystery of their way of life. I became attached to all of the
human's psychic abilities, but particularly to the extraordinary
ability called astral projection.
I felt hunger for the knowledge
and I was determined to get it. Thus, I meditated six hours a day
and started to discover my inner potentials. The new world that was
opening in front of me made me realize that the reality was not what
it seemed to be, but something completely different.
In my spare
time, I give classes to hundreds of people who want to develop their
extraordinary senses.
Nexus 2012
by Astral Walker
ProjectCamelot Website
This summary comes from a 332-page
document from a
Project Camelot/Project Avalon forum.
Much of this knowledge has been suppressed, changed, or rewritten
and “spun” out of context by a group sometimes known as “the elite”
- in order to keep the bulk of humanity unaware of what is really
occurring as we approach the year 2012.
ASTRALWALKER has done a remarkable job of presenting information
Earth Changes
Crop Circles
The Mayan Long Count
Astral travel (with instructions on how to)
viewing (with instructions)
Seeing while blindfolded (with
instructions for the student)
Hollow Earth (and hollow planets –
with multiple pictures)
Consciousness and its effect on the planet
The Illuminati or “Elite” and their control agenda
Possible safe
places during earth changes
How we can influence and change
the future – for the better
The many included links worked at the time they were first posted.
The full document is provided free of
charge and without obligation. It may be passed on free of charge
but includes absolutely no resale rights and can be
here (13.7 Mb).
Part 1 - Unknown energy comes our way
Hello everyone!
I would like to share a few thoughts and conclusions with all of you
who want to listen about my research on the 2012 scenario. I will start with the ancient Maya knowledge…

Deep in the center of the Milky Way there is a
Black Hole, which the
scientific community called Sgr.A. (Sagittarius A*).
The Mayans called it
The Tree of Life and it was passed to them that
in the centre of the galaxy, a point known as “Hunab Ku” exists and
it’s a location from where consciousness comes.
There is a high possibility that the black hole in the center of the
Milky Way represents a portal into a higher Universe, which
possesses completely different reality.
The “Ones” that left the knowledge to Mayas, insisted that “Hunab
Ku” is the Consciousness that organizes all matter and antimatter.
The “ancients” insisted that we understand the message that the Hunab Ku runs everything that happens in the Galaxies and acts
through periodical extreme powerful explosions of Consciousness
Energy from the galactic center.
On the other hand, the “Ones” that left the knowledge to the Mayas
clearly pointed out that the Time actually flows in a circular
manner or in cycles.
The “thing” which is very important for all of us currently present
on earth in this time, which, according to the Gregorian Calendar is
January 2009, is that the “ancients” had delivered a message through
Mayan Long Count Calendar that on a date in the future, which
matches the Gregorian Calendar on
21 Dec 2012, something
extraordinary will happen – the life on earth will face Evolution!
The latest input generated from our friends from the stars, via crop
formations, suggest that indeed, there will be a cosmic alignment
between the earth, sun, and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy –
Hunab Ku.
According to the mainstream science, we have already passed the
closest point of crossing with the galactic equator in 1998, and
that is why the scientific community has disagreements about this
wide spread idea of the cosmic alignment on 21 Dec 2012.
Some of the scientists have stepped forward with the statement that
precession is moving the winter solstice sun further form the
galactic equator. That means that it will not be in exact alignment
on Dec 21, 2012 and that in this moment, we are actually at a point
which is 78 light-years away from the galactic equator, and we are
moving further away from it.
This logic is good, but there is a missing input. And that missing
input that is coming to us, via crop design messages, is suggesting
that there will be indeed a precise cosmic alignment, as the result
of so far unseen changes in the Matrix of our solar system.
If the Matrix of our solar system would remain the same and our
solar system would stay as it is and by default, this scientific
conclusion would be totally correct.
But… the
CROP CIRCLE MAKERS are showing us that… it won’t.

Just for the record: The sun entered the galactic equator during the
Winter Solstice of 1980 and everything would stay by default and
have completely cleared the galactic equator on the Winter Solstice
of 2016.
The years between 1980 and 2016 is called
the Galactic
Alignment zone or era-2012.
If we remove our shields and belief systems, we can clearly see that
something extraordinary is happening all around us.
The Matrix is
changing because we are influenced by new energies from the Galactic
Center. The proof is everywhere.

There is a high possibly that in the moment of the alignment in
1998, there was some kind of activation in the center of the Sgr A*.
As far as we can stretch out our current understanding of the
dynamics of the Universe, it was some kind of Aetheric portal
opening from where an unknown form of energy entered into the Milky
Way and is now traveling this way.
Also for the record, the center of the Milky Way is
26.000 Light
Years away from us, and in normal conditions it would take the same
time period to reach us if the energy is moving with the speed of
Light. That means that this Aetheric plasma energy is moving with
speed that is way beyond our current perception and understanding.
As “ETs” clearly delivered in few of their crop designs, we will
“visually” see this phenomenon from earth on 13 Dec 2012.

Now let’s get back to that 1998 alignment.
The second alignment and
very important for us is not going to happen by continuing on the
same course away from the galactic center, but it’s going to be
about the increasing of the mass of our star, increasing sun’s
energy output and also extreme gravitational pull and then as a
secondary result a change in the earth’s nominal orbit.

Why all this didn’t happen in 1998 and why this second alignment, I
have no clear answer.
Why this is the case, I can not say… but I can
conclude that in most cases what we consider logical and what
perfectly fits our understanding of the cosmic reality, in most
cases turns out that has nothing to do with the true Aether’s logic
and how the Creator manages this Universe.

Also I have to mention that the downloaded data in the crop field
depicts a passing of a huge celestial object larger then Jupiter
close to Pluto’s orbit.

You do not have to be knowledgeable in astrophysics to determine
that the planets will experience extreme gravitational pull from two
sides - the sun and the massive passing celestial object at the edge
of our solar system.
There is a clear depiction that as result of
this, our solar system will experience a split. In other words, our
solar system will never be the same.

Please take into consideration that this info was never designed for
spreading fear but to inform humanity about the real situation and
how we, as human beings, can play our own part in this complicated
cosmic scenario.
At the bottom line, we, as many other races in the Universe, are
multidimensional beings, and our essence continues to exist after
our permanent departure from our biological bodies and this plane of
The ETs also delivered that on this date a bright comet will also be
visible on our sky and there will be a New Moon.
On 21 Dec 2012, 11:11 AM Universal Time
(that people refer to Zero
Time Point), our sun and our planet will be at perfect alignment
with the Galactic center.
It is interesting that on the same day, when the ecliptic of our
solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, the sun should
be at its solar maximum!
According to the scale of mass expansion… we are talking about
extreme solar maximum!
Let’s get back to the Maya records.
The “Ancients” considered the date 21 Dec 2012 as a date of rebirth…
beginning of a New Era which is the result of crossing the solar
meridian through the galactic equator and the alignment of earth
with the center of the Milky Way. In any case, let’s start to
analyze from an astronomical aspect what will possibly happen around
the date that Mayas determined as a last in their Long Count
Despite the fact that there are 1443 days left, our world
is starting to experience unseen, extreme and rapid
climate changes.
The number and intensity of those “natural” catastrophes increases
rapidly. The scientists recorded extremely
unusual behavior of our
Sun which directly influences all the planets in our solar system.
Not to mention that there is evidence that in the atmospheres of the
planets in our solar system,
there is a drastic change and that
there is evidence that planets for some unknown reason are
experiencing increases in mass.
Are the strange energetic emanations from the center of the Milky
Way detected by Dr. Scott Hyman the real cause of so visible changes
that are occurring in our solar system?
−The Mayas would clearly say: Yes!
They will also say that colossal emissions of “an unknown form of
energy” will arrive from the center of the Milky Way, which will
change the fundamentals of the physics of our world, new material
and immaterial conditions for life, which will last till the end of
the next cycle.
On 21.12.2012 according to the ancient Maya records, humanity will
enter into a New Era of Higher Consciousness. It is interesting that
at this moment all that are present on the planet are experiencing
more or less a shift in Consciousness.
In 2012 we all have a chance to transcend the old ways and to learn
to live in peace and harmony with all the rest that exist in the
That process of the rebirth to half-etheric beings, according to the
input that was generated from the pictograms in the crops all over
the world, but mostly in the UK, will start somewhere between 13-21
Dec 2012 (The End of The Fifth sun) and it will be complete on 28
March 2013 which in fact is the end of the sun-Venus calendar and in
the same time the start of Sixth Sun.

During this process from the direction of the center of the Milky
Way cosmic rays will arrive which will bring the
final DNA
reprogramming of life that exists in this solar system.
That is why
it is extremely important that we all pay attention to the messages
that are coming in the crops.
Part 2 - Earth bombarded with gamma rays
After so much input in this
issue, we can conclude that during this event, our planet
will be bombarded with the most deadly gamma rays ever found
emitting from the Milky Way galaxy, 3.5 trillion electron

The Crop Circle Makers are showing us that we
will be exposed to this gamma ray stream at least for few
months when the reprogramming of our DNA will take place.
We all know that the other planets in our solar system
are also being affected by Global Warming too.
we already know that most input we are getting from the
leading mainstream media is
false and the human factor is
not the cause of those extreme changes.
It becomes
obvious that
our Star has much to do with the Global
Warming, but this is just a local influence. The evidence is
pointing that our sun itself is influenced by the galactic
equator where trillions of electron volts are spewing out of
the dark rift.
Physicists had found an evidence for
highest energy photons ever detected from Milky Way’s
Equator. That much direct radiation is believed to be
extremely lethal and has strength to destroy all organic
For the record, the Black hole located in the
center of Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated mass of
over 1 trillion stars, and it is believed to be over 2
trillion miles in diameter. Many leading astro and quantum
physicists also believe that super massive black holes are
spinning at unbelievably high rates due to their
overwhelming mass.
But what does this have to do with
humanity’s future?
In the Milky Way, which is an
active galaxy, our solar system cyclically moves above and
below the galactic plane. As stars and planetary systems,
including our own, approach this galactic plane, the
gravitational influence increases, which disturbs the
stability of each planet including earth.
passage to the densest portion of the gravitational plane is
the direct cause of the devastating cycles and pole shifts
that we see recorded throughout history. This cyclic nature
of our solar system as we move through the Milky Way is
precisely on what many ancient civilizations based their
calendar systems.
The Mayans themselves described
what they referred to as “The Dark Rift” or the “The
Galactic Plane”. As we are exposed to the energies of the
galactic gravitational plane, we will continue to experience
severe whether, geological effects such as earthquakes,
tsunamis, hurricanes and volcanic activity, with increased
frequency and intensity.

As we penetrate the densest
portion of the galactic plane and experience the full
gravitational effects, we may witness unprecedented solar
flares, unexpected meteor showers and unfortunately
geographical Pole Shift.
Part 3 - SUPER WAVE Dr.Paul LaViolette
Perhaps if we want to understand things that are coming, it should
be useful to look at the work of the scientific genius Dr.
He is currently president of the
Starburst Foundation
interdisciplinary scientific research institute. The primary goal of LaViolette’s expeditions was search for evidence of increased levels
of cosmic dust in the Ice Core Records which matches the last Ice
One thing which is relevant for the 2012-2013 Nexus Event is that
Starburst Foundation discovered that at least two superwaves
with the strength to generate a New Ice Age are traveling our way
from their place of origin distance around 26,000 Light Years –
Galactic Center of the Milky Way.
It’s likely that our solar system is already experiencing the
invasive energy from the Galactic equator. Recent observations have
shown a dramatic increase in gamma ray energy in the Galaxy’s
equator which will be in maximum during the alignment with our solar
system on 21 December 2012.
It is my belief that at the end of the 2012 we can expect a hit of
at least five superwaves with the power to cause a New Ice Age and
they are traveling this way with speed higher then the speed of
Light, from their starting point, distant 26,000 Light Years
away - the Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
When he was asked how he did it, he said that he simply knew where
to look.
He responded that in the same time he was conducting his
scientific research, he also conducted a thermal and detail study
and analysis of ancient myths, traditions, manuscripts, maps,
drawings and coded messages on the walls of most ancient temples.
While Dr.Paul LaViolette was searching for some extremely important
lead in the ancient records and myths, he also conducted complicated
research and measurements in the field of Astronomy, worked on new
theories in astrophysics, and spent much time on studying Pulsars,
Evolution Cosmology, etc.
He noticed that in the Western
Zodiac, Sagittarius is pointing
towards Scorpion, and it become clear to him that this is extremely
important because it contains a hidden message that is thousands of
years old.
He discovered that the arrow of the Sagittarius is placed there to
point directly at the center of the Milky Way.
In the Western Zodiac there are two arrows.
One of the arrow is
located in the northern hemisphere – Sagittarius and points or shoots
out of the galactic center while the other one is located in the
southern hemisphere – Sagittarius and it points or is shooting
directly into the galactic center!

Way… this is heavy information, if you are aware what is coming in
When you analyze that, you can clearly see that the arrow of the
Sagittarius is indicating an explosion day and the arrow of the
Sagittarius is the result of that explosion.
In other words, the
cosmic rays.
Can core samples give us solid evidence if a similar explosion
happened before? Yes. In the Beryllium10 graphs that indicate
cosmic rays’ density, the strikes in the earth’s atmosphere we can clearly see peaks.

There is one very large peak around 37000 years ago which
corresponds according to what we know, to the extinction of the
If you look in the ancient myths of
Hopi Indians,
Incas, Mayas,
Vedas and others, you can see that they are talking about Ages and
races which once existed and became extinct at certain times.
So these cosmic ray peaks seem to be climate triggers for an Ice Age
or for an extremely warmer Age. Basically the large explosions appear every 13000 - 26000 years.
From the recording of similar events happening in other galaxies, we
can calculate that those cosmic rays are traveling around the speed
of light. But this is questionable; the speed could be faster in
some major explosions.
This is not impossible when we know that in the case of the Milky
Way center there is a Super Massive Black Hole which, with its
extreme gravitational power, is pulling a huge amount of cosmic dust
and gas towards the central point, and when the process reaches its
culmination, boom… there is an explosion so powerful that it
releases visible beam “Jets” that consist mostly of ionized gas and
Cosmic rays that were traveling at such high speed can to a certain
point explain the phenomena of frozen mammoths and other animals
with food in their mouths just as something unpredicted and sudden
happened on a global scale without any warning and caused an Ice
However, if we summarize this, the message in the Western Zodiac
indicates that on this trajectory date, a galactic center energy
creation event becomes visible!
In our case it will be right after the appearance of the New Moon on
December 13th 2012, which also can mean the start of extremely huge
catastrophic effects for our planet.
Strangely, the
ancient Hopi Prophecy says:
There will come a time, when a blue star will appear in the sky...
Its light will shatter the darkness of the night... This blue light
will bring a wind... A wind like that has not been seen on earth for
a long time... The blue star will bring a fire... This fire will be
so bright and hot that it will transform the matter of the
The blue light from this star is a signal that the
fourth world is ending... The blue star will cause the oceans to
rise and top up towards the land, flooding the world... Almost all
living things will physically perish in this great catastrophe.
Since we can’t see the galactic core by reason of its intervening
dust clouds, most of the blue light from the galactic core explosion
will come from the cosmic ray electrons emitted from the core.
During their 26,000 light years’ journey to us, those powerful
cosmic ray electrons would continuously generate and beam forward a
bluish light.
Soon after they become visible for us on 13 Dec 2012,
the superwave cosmic rays will start to penetrate the protective magnetic field of
our solar system.
It will impact our sun and all the planets in our solar system,
causing severe bad weather and natural disasters, a shift of the
magnetic and geological Poles which we all know where all that
At the moment of flip-over (Pole Shift) the gravity which holds the
water in oceans will no longer be able to sustain equilibrium
(balance) and that water no longer controlled by stable gravitation
will escape on one side which means nothing else but a New Global
That will trigger Tsunamis few miles high, a tearing apart of the
continents, ashes from the volcanoes and wind like no other seen so

This will happen when the precession of the earth ends on
21.12.2012, (it takes 25,765 years to complete): the rotation will
come to a stop, and when that happens on the surface, the ones that
survive till then will experience what ancient records describe as
“heaven and the earth switch places and the next day the sun
rises on a different side”.
The ancients left clear warning about this event, thousands of years
ago. We have to stop be ignorant!
But what about the sun?
The friendly “ETs” or the “Visitors,” if we can call them that,
despite the fact that there is a high probability that they have
been here longer than our race, clearly had drawn on
22 July 2008 in
a huge crop field in Avebury Manor/UK that our sun will go through
expansion in the mass and that will swallow Mercury and Venus.

Part 5 - Basic Input About Solar Storms
It is well known that the surface of the sun pumps up huge amounts
of heat and light into space.
From time to time, those huge explosions become solar storms and
travel to our planet. When those solar storms hit upon the earth, in
most cases they do not have fatal effects on the living forms, but
the dense energetic grid, which makes our lives and our existence
simpler, can easily serve as conductor or channel for the
destructive solar storm energy, and it can completely neutralize our
electrical systems.
We have to take into consideration that even before 21 Dec 2012, our
sun is already exposed to the influence of the strongest
gravitational force that exists in the center of the Milky Way.
Also there is some data that
Shadow Government is using some kind of
plasma weapons to bombard the sun, using
HAARP and Tesla Technology;
I personally think that the Elite is really doing this, but the main
cause is the gravitational influence from the Sgr A*.
NASA and
Shadow Government are hiding information from us. They have
technologies centuries ahead, tested in secret underground military
bases around the world.
But we have go on with what we have and try to understand this
before it’s too late.
As a matter of fact, even without 2012 in the next 10 years there
will be
NWO on this planet, and it will not be a nice place to be
Anyway, the thing will go worse and worse, the sun will burn hotter
and hotter like never before because the gravity from the central
belt of the galaxy its already doing its “magic.”
This gravitational pull and exchange of energy is also coming
through some minor cosmic rays that are already hitting our solar
system. But make no mistake, those minor cosmic rays are not
comparable with the proportion of the Nexus - a Storm of Superwaves
that is coming.
The things that I’m presenting are just like that, parts of natural
cycles, and it is better that they are understood in that way.
Without fear, without panic, and without prejudices. Nature is not
like this or like that… It simply is.
It must become clear to everyone that the Universe is bigger than us
and our lives. We are only transit phenomena, although a part of the whole cosmic
reality. This is neither good nor bad. It simply is.
Shadow Governments are expendable. But we are not expendable, and we
are going to prove it!
Let’s go further: The cosmic dust and gas that will arrive at the
end of 2012 into our solar system with the coming of the Nexus–Superwave Event will cause our sun to start to behave like a
T Tauri
T Tauri stars are stars surrounded by a thin cloud of interstellar
gas and dust which induces that they become highly bright because of
continual coronal activity.
In the end they become strong emitters of cosmic rays! In case of
our sun where the solar flares (used to) occur 1-10 times in a
one-year period, at the moment of the
Superwave Event they will
start to appear frequently on the sun’s surface...
But let’s see what the friendly “ETs” have to say about the 2012
event through their complex crop designs around the world. The crop
pictograms clearly show an astronomical event that will happen in
late 2012 or early 2013, close to the end of the current sun-Venus
calendar or in between–the arrival of some kind of cosmic rays from
the Galactic Center.
The people of earth for the first time in a long time period will
have an opportunity to visually see in the sky the coming of cosmic
rays from the galactic center exactly on Dec 13th 2012 when New Moon
and some Comet will be aligned with the galactic center.
It becomes obvious that those rays from the galactic center will
arrive periodically according to their size and strength. The last
and the biggest cosmic ray of all from the “Nexus –Superwave Event
(Unknown Form of energy that travels our way),” will finish the
reprogramming of the DNA of the organic life forms in this system.
It will arrive exactly on 28 March 2008, when officially is the “End
of the sun-Venus Calendar,” and the beginning of the “Sixth Sun!”
What does this mean?

At the heart of the transformation of humans on earth is an
evolutionary movement brought into play by galactic forces and
celestial movement.
This involves the bathing of our Planet and the
biology upon it in gamma ray energies projected from the Galactic
Center. This bio-cosmic event has been anticipated throughout
humanity’s presence on this Planet and appears in the cultural
records of many peoples as the Perennial Wisdom. The perennial
wisdom describes the triumph of compassion and intelligence over
violence and ignorance.
This is to be achieved by the
actual transmutation of human genetic
material, our DNA, when it is bathed in galactic light emanating
from our own sun, acting as transducer of the Galactic Center
itself, passing directly through the earth and along the axis to the
Pleiades Star System.
The emergence point of this event in time is recorded as December
2012. Ultimately, it is love in its personal application as
compassion and its universal manifestation as creation, which both
guide and characterize the advent of the noosphere. The ordained
celestial movements are transforming homo sapiens DNA to the DNA of
Homo noosphericus.
That is the desire of love and the intelligently designed outcome of
Our collective success in Universe is
assured by love’s intention for the success of humans - its intended embodiment of divine intention in time - in all
dimensions and universes!
Let’s put some light to the pictogram that appeared in Avebury Manor
on July 15, 2008. The pictogram is a clear depiction of our
planetary system on 23-24 Dec 2012, two or three days after the End
of the Long Count Calendar – December 21, 2012.

It is a clear selection of two groups:
One group consists of thin circles and depicts the orbits of
Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars and Pluto.
The other one with bold circles consists of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune.
“They” insist that we pay attention on two things:
First: the first anomaly is in Pluto’s orbit, which clearly depicts
that this heavenly body will be influenced by outer gravitation from
some passing body, planet or comet.
Second: the second anomaly is splitting in two groups. Can this be
understood as separation of our solar system in two groups, as
result of extreme sun’s activity in combination with some extreme
powerful gravitation of passing body or comet?
The message is perfectly clear – it’s our solar system on 23-24 Dec

All this would not be so significant if 7 days after, on 22 July an
update didn’t appear.
And what was on it says absolutely everything we need to know! It indicates huge geological changes and movements in our solar
system as a result of sun’s expansion in mass and strong
gravitational pull from outside.
Have a look at the update
and see for yourself.

The mass of the sun is much bigger, and the planet Mercury and Venus
are completely burned.
From the left side we see a huge object (number 10) approaching that
is probably Planet X which has strong gravitation which is
influencing Pluto’s orbit and then a new moon and bright comet from
the right side.
Expansion of the sun is obvious, together with the swallowing of its
two closest planets. Mercury and Venus are completely burned by the
sun. If this pictogram is correct, our solar system will never be
the same!
The final part
2012 Nexus Event
Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!
Astralwalker’s friendly suggestions and useful Leads:
There are high indications that climate change will increase, to the
extreme, as we approach the end of the Fifth sun - 21 Dec 2012.
This will be a natural result from the exposure of the maximum
gravitational pull which comes from the
Sgr A* and from the passing
celestial body that is close to our solar system and which, as
presented in the crop data, will intercept in 2012 an area close to
If the galactic core which is in the center of the flattened
disk has gravitational power to hold stars and planetary systems
distant to 50,000 light years in each direction, you better believe
that it has power to do much more.
The stellar disk of the Milky Way is around 100,000 light-years in
diameter and to hold all this together and to maintain the spin, it
takes extreme power. As we stated before, this engine is the Super
Massive Black Hole, and Hubble Telescope discovered that this is the
case also with most of galaxies. In fact they are starting to find
them everywhere but… it’s a huge space, everything is possible.
Anyway, it will soon become obvious that the climate is out of
control, and more and more “surprises” will start to appear.
Tornados, Cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes, shifting in the
planetary magnetic balance, tsunamis and you name it whatever else,
that will eventually lead to a shift in the magnetic polarity of the
earth’s energetic grid and finally to a shift in geological poles.
It starts to become clear to more and more people what Pole Shift in
the geological aspect means.
It means new Global Flood, tearing apart of tectonic plates, sinking
parts of continents, rising of new land, deadly CMEs etc.
Not to mention the sun, which by “coincidence”, will go through Pole
Shift again, which so far, as far as we know, was doing it every 11
years. The last Pole Shift was in 2001, the next one is in 2012.
This “Elite” knows what’s coming, but it will not inform people. The
analysis from the world’s political and military strategies has
shown that vast chambers are built as well as huge prison camps.
That means that there is a strategy that major parts of the human
population will be wiped out by the events that are coming. Also the
actions of some ongoing programs in the background are indicating
that a selective part of 1/6 of the human population will be taken
to underground world.
Everyone that will be taken down,
whether if it is by force or by
free will, will have to go through
By the Microchip injection, you have ended your choice. Once the
Microchip is in the body, they can wirelessly control the subject,
his health status, behavior and eliminate him if they consider it
Despite having been ridiculed by the whole world, this
1977 Vrillon
message is authentic. You can not expect the same Shadow Government
to announce the authenticity of the messages when it has been
conducting extremely clever cover up projects for at least 60 years.
The message is authentic, and it’s your choice to believe if it is
genuine or not!
Full 1977 message transcript:
This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the
Galactic Command, speaking to you.
For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to
you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and
sisters all over this, your planet earth. We come to warn you of the
destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to
your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster
which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.
This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the
planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time
of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers
are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their
judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come
All your weapons of evil must be removed.
The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a
part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show
yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to
live together in peace and goodwill. So wake up. Don’t be afraid to
do something because if we do not do, we will loose not just our
bodies, but our planet and our souls.
Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to
pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to
accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live
in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.
Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar
Galactic Command, speaking to you.
Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides
operating in your world.
They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and
will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.
Your inner divine self will protect you from this.
You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you
what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth.
Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you
will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution.
This is our message to our dear friends.
We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched
our lights in your skies.
You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and
around your earth than your scientists admit.
We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light
and will do all we can to help you.
Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with
the ways of your planet earth.
We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We
are now leaving the plane of your existence.
May you be blessed by the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos...

We are also in the middle of a spiritual conflict, the Dark Side is
deceptive and powerful but it’s the wrong option. First thing is to
reject the system. Video files like
Zeitgeist 1 and 2 and similar
provide a lot of clues on what is going on.
As I was saying earlier, this
ruling Elite or
Shadow Government is
afraid of what is coming this way.
With the last wave that arrives
on 28 March 2013 they will all pay for what they did because against
the will of the creator no one can go.
Many things. But mostly, to stay alive till the arrival of the first
few beams. They will become visible on Dec 13 2012, and the first
one will arrive after 8 days exactly on 11:11 when the alignment
will take place.
− After the arrival of the first few beams from the Galactic center,
we are safe.
They will be strong enough to clean the astral plane, and afterwards
it doesn’t matter even if we lose our physical bodies. We are safe.
The Nexus will clean all the dirt in it.
Advice 1:
If things go as they will, don’t go to the underground facilities
that will be offered to you. It’s better to stay outside than to
hide underground. The Way Down leads to New World Order – distorted
idea that stretches all the way back to ancient Atlantis.
Advice 2:
Around the World a certain percentage of people are more or less
informed about the 2012 scenario, and they constantly check the new
info about 2012. They connect with each other through what is called
“survival groups”.
This and similar Forums on the Web are doing great Job in informing
the people. It’s the only thing we can use to communicate. But they
will introduce some major internet restrictions soon, so I do not
know how long we can surf on this huge library of knowledge and
Advice 3:
Follow the input that comes from the crop circles. Through them all
the safe locations will be shown. It is up to every one of you to
choose if you will believe in those messages or not. Whatever you
choose, it’s your choice and the benefit or consequences is yours.
The divine creation will make sure that the right info reaches every
one who is worth it, but the choice is yours.
Advice 4:
In the past they also were facing similar events. They build huge
arcs to be safe themselves.
Here is a video where they are:
Noah's Ark in Australia
Perhaps those locations will be of some use to us, but the one in
Australia does not count anymore, because (according to the
channeled data) in the moment of the heaviest gravitational pull
from the sun, most of the continent will break and sink under the
According to Channeling info:
As far as Europe is concerned, whatever scenario takes place, it
will be under deep water. There will be tearing apart of the
tectonic plates in the region of Ex Yugoslavia, Adriatic Sea, Italy,
and down to the middle of Africa.
In fact two tectonic plates will break on the same line.

The Euro-Asian and the African Plate.
There was some channeling that New York City will have nuclear blast
in 2012. Whether this will really happen remains to be seen. We
really don’t rely on channeling, but there are people that are
really gifted.
We are hopping that the following channeling is wrong… but.
The Queensland’s coastal cities will be flooded, and only the
central regions of Queensland along the inner area of the mountain
range together with a part of New South Wales will remain.

The breaking line of the continent is between Adelaide (Port
Augusta) and Normanton on the other side of the continent, Central
and Western part of the continent will sink down, the coastline of
Eastern part will be flooded, the mountain range will redirect the
coming water towards Indonesia, just enough a part of land to stay
in one piece and intact.

There are other places that are safe, but most of those will
probably not sustain suitable climate, because after this Global
Warming process we are facing
Ice Age in most parts of our planet.
That is why they build the
Underground World. It’s already 90%
operational, but if the Norwegian politician is correct it has to be
finished by the start of 2011.
So, for all of you who will read this
- wake up!
And do what your heart is telling that is moral and right to do.
Advice 5:
Do not ever allow yourself or your child to be
injected with vaccine. Not ever and not at any cause. I will not comment further
on this.
Advice 6:
Under “certain circumstances,” I left the physical body before the
beams had arrived? What now?
In this moment the
astral space of this planet is not safe “if I may
say that” and not many beings can leave it safely. There is a high
chance (we have to be open to all possibilities) that most of the
population with the coming events, after leaving the physical
bodies, will come directly to the astral dimension.
The adjustment of the consciousness has to be done as soon as
possible. I would not recommend entering dark tunnels with the light
at the end. This could be easily one more
manipulation from the
multidimensional entities that are not friendly to us.
If you are
not sure, do not get “friendly” with any entity before the beams
from the galactic center arrives.

There is a possibility that, on
the astral plane, huge ships will be
parked, with a plan to use their advanced technology to trap as many
consciousnesses they can, the same consciousnesses that were
previously in human bodies, and then to cut their awareness, to put
them in dream-like awareness so they will not know what is going on,
(believe that they have technology and the skills to do that) and
then to put them inside the energetic containers, transport them to
other systems and finally put them in other bodies so the
manipulation and the explanation of the generated energy field
called aura, which is a result of the fusing of our consciousness
with the energies in the surrounding space, can continue.
That is why it is advisable to have physical dislocation to zones
that have multidimensional
portals above the ground, places with
strong and dense positive energy. Put in simple words – places on
the physical plane where the astral dimension is safe and secure.
I know that all this is probably hard to swallow for most of you,
but it’s happening. For few of you, still open minded, the Shield
that is keeping our consciousness attached to this planet is
weakening and with the right determination can be penetrated and
consciousness can escape.
Leaving in any direction means infinitive choices, but I recommend
redirecting your astral body directly towards the center of the
Milky Way, high speed astral flight in that direction and
intercepting the beams that are coming this way.
It the only place that I’m sure it’s safe!
Please remember all this before they remove this from the net!
If your astral skills are not so good, try to stay awake in the
astral plane and avoid any tunnels, vortexes etc. in the astral
plane. Resist any outer pressure from anyone over there to enter
into craft, portal etc. and wait for the Nexus to arrive.
If you stay while in the astral dimension, you will soon get used to
this new density, and if that happens, don’t wait, but leave this
planet and go directly to the directions of the center of the
The moment one of the beams of the Nexus touches you, you are safe!
Should we be afraid?
No. The Cosmic reality is bigger that we are. We are on the start of
the change which is natural culmination of things. We should fear
ignorance and prejudice. Only the true knowledge will set you free, and it will be there for you when
you need it the most.
Are we on a door of something extraordinary? I believe Yes. All our troubles will soon be over, and soon we will
exist fully conscious on a higher density and become aware of our
true nature and the true nature of all things in the Universe.
What else is smart that we do? Look back to your lives and see where obstructions are and where you
find unpleasant mark. Fix the mistakes that you have made, be brave
to apologize where you need to and to ask for forgiveness where you
need to.
From every enemy in your life try to make a friend, or if that isn’t
possible, make effort to gain a neutral relationship with that
person, which will automatically lead to disintegration of long-time
generated mental energy. Remember, we are all connected. We just don’t see it because of this
five sense limitation we have.
Should we be joyful that we are
present here in this moment in time, just before the end of a long
cycle? Yes. If you look with the eyes of your common sense and intellect,
you see Pole Shifts, unavoidable catastrophes as a result of natural
cosmic conditions and laws.
But if you look with the eyes of your
heart, the picture looks different and deep inside yourself you know
that in the end, everything will be Ok.

Something about the future? Stay awake.
Follow the path of Love and the universe will open its
paths that will take you to safety. Just open your heart and listen
where it points.

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much
PAIN but still time. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION.
Conduit CLOSING [bell sound]"
What can we do?
Much PAIN but still time.
It was not yesterday, it is not in the future… it is now that we
must step forward, unite and do what we as humans can do, to protect
Gaia from the evil that is upon her
What do we have to do before it’s too late?
I believe the first steps for all humanity is to awake, to stop all
conflicts, to unite, to start rejecting the ruling system, to become
aware that our world is changing and so are we, to come together and
to discus what we have as a solid evidence of coming events, to
become aware that the ETs are warning us about the expansion of our
star and that cosmic beams are coming towards us from the galactic
center in 2012.
We have to do this, people…we have to get together
and solve this out before its too late…
First : Ancient knowledge and sacred sites
The ruling Elite knows all about this ancient knowledge and has put
obelisks on the exact locations around the world to gain their evil
acupuncture results. Those places are very important for human
beings who are on the side of Light because they can be utilized to
stop the evil of our planet and to unleash the healing process of
our planet.
The statistics is showing that our planet is dying, the leading
media are suppressing the catastrophic percentage of dying species,
and every month more and more are gone, and more and more death
ocean zones are appearing. The climate is almost out of control, so
we have to take steps, now.
The only way out of this is through unity and team work, so I
believe it is smart that people create a map of all sacred places
that are part of the true ancient planetary grid. We don’t even have
to go very deep into this mathematical knowledge; it’s enough if we
look for the location of every ancient sacred site on every
continent and start marking the spots, draw lines toward others and
find new ones that were in the shadow before.
Once the new planetary
acupuncture map is finished we can proceed further.
Second: Geomusic
Another peace of the puzzle, I believe, can be extracted from this
info: James Paul Furia, geomusic expert. I will explain about him
shortly, but let’s continue further.
Third: Synchronized Global meditation on sacred sites
The next step, which I believe is smart to do, is a gathering of the
people who feel and resonate with this idea and purpose, in these
ancient sites, which are part of the planetary energy grid. It is
better that most of the people have already experience in the
meditative arts and altered states of consciousness.
There are many
who can lead the group meditation, and they should organize the
group and explain the basics and the purpose that we try to
accomplish. When thousands of people come to one of the locations
marked using the Code, they will all have to sit and have to enter a
state of inertia and stillness.
In fact this will work only if
millions gather on the same day and at the same time – adjusted to
time zones, and all tune to this psionic field of our planet with
the focus to make a change.

And it will work!
On the sites we also have to assemble some audio equipment.
Then the
audio engineers can press the play button so the music according to
the latitude and longitude of their exact geographical location can
be heard by the meditators loud and clear. See the work of James
Paul Furia – fusing geomusic with geomathematics of the ancient
sacred sites.
The exact audio frequency will generate the vibration that all
meditators will soon tune to, and a powerful field of clean mental
energy will manifest as result of that. At this point this force can
be focused.
In other words, with previous experience in meditation and helped by
the precise audio frequency that will activate the pineal gland, the
group will be able to tune into the same wavelength, to materialize
a clean psychic force in the surrounding space. We have to have the
best of science and the best of esoteric knowledge to achieve this.
The balance between the intellectual power and spiritual power: The
key lies in the middle of those two.
Once you can see it in your
consciousness, you start to understand its dynamics and you tune
into this new frequency. Nature recognizes this and it’ll start to
help you, and you become a channel of Divine Plan.
This has to be done on every spot of the planet. The audio engineers
will create the correct musical file that corresponds for every
place in the continent. I think, at least 7 places in one continent
are minimum for us to accomplish this.
The best ratio is 7000 people on 7 biggest ancient sacred sites on
every one of the 7 continents.
In other words: 777
The balance to… you know which mathematical number and which

But, that’s not important. We have to gather as many people as we
can. The more come, the better. This 777 ratio will surface in the
end because simply, in this holographic universe, everything is
defined by numbers and codes.
We just have to remember that everything is energy.
We are energy, and we are flowing in the ocean of energy.
If done the way it should be, we can change the state of the four
elements and a lot more. Only if we understand this on time. Every
thought contains energy. Imagine if we can do this on planetary
We do not need guns to defeat evil, we just have to stop accepting
evil as part of our reality. Now let’s get back to Mr.James Paul
Furia - geomusic expert!
Geomusic is a formula,
connecting geometry with sacred sites, earth
measures and music knowledge
Inspired by the research of Carl Munck, researcher and composer
James Paul Furia demonstrates a relationship between the notes of
the musical scale, the locations and shapes of hundreds of ancient
monuments, and the exact distance and location of stars, planets and
Furia combines the art of music, mathematics, astronomy, the study
of the pyramids and ancient cultures revealing stunning correlations
between color, frequency, physics and consciousness.

His program reveals a glimpse of the interconnectedness of
everything in our reality reflected in our awareness, our ideas, how
we express ourselves and shape the world around us.
In the link
below you can see a video file of his work. He is a musician and
composer, but he has some extreme powerful leads that humanity can
use in the constructive purpose if one understands and utilizes the
true meaning between sacred geometry (the correct location on the
planetary grid) and the sacred sound.
I also have a friend in Canada who is an audio engineer and who is
building something remarkable on the same geomusic formula
principles as respected James Paul Furia.
His work also included using high-tech to induce controlled ESP and
out of body experience. Astral excursion that can be used to bring
important input from the higher planes of existence.
And to be
functional every time when this technology is used.

But this is just a small range of his ideas.
He is targeting something on a planetary scale, something that has
to do with the correct planetary locations found by Carl Munck in
his work known as The Code. So we have a few top audio engineers,
who understand the purpose and can create the necessary audio
frequency which is needed.
Let’s go on…
Using the best of what the pineal gland can provide, a single group
will have to convert this energy into a clean Light.
A strong beam
of blue-white light, filled with creative emotions of love and
harmony and directed as protection of GAIA, will have to penetrate
the earth’s surface and reach the highest point in the earth’s
Remember the research of Japanese scientist Dr.
Masaru Emoto who discovered that crystals formed in frozen water revealed
changes when specific thoughts were direct towards it.

We carry extreme natural mental strength, but we are just programmed
from the social system not to use it.
People just have to break the old belief systems to pieces, remove
all chess figures and start from the empty board. To start from the beginning. Unfortunately it has come to that. But we can still do it.
Much pain, but still time…
Let’s proceed …
This energy is similar to one that you experience on major concerts
when thousands people are singing as one.
You can feel the power that is generating in the surrounding space.
In places that are part of the planetary grid, where there will be
no people who are introduced to those arts, it will be enough that
they all sing the same song loudly and as one.
The song has to be emotional and noble and to generate the most
divine emotions of the person. The only difference from the
previously mentioned concert experience is that you are not singing
for fun, but for the survival of earth and the protection of the all
life that exist here. Anyway, the Nexus is coming for sure, but we
have lot of work to do before it arrives. And no one else can do it
for us.
It just doesn’t work that way. Therefore, to achieve this, I believe
we have to do this: This beam of light, visible in the consciousness
of the few thousands human beings who are meditating in the same
place, will have to connect to all the other locations on the planet
where other groups of human beings will be in deep meditation. If
done properly, every group will feel an emotional and telepathic
connection with every other group, and in the end, all groups will tune into one giant
rhythm of conscious energy.
As previously explained, this has to be preformed at the exact same
time no matter the time zone you are in. First as described before,
the audio engineers have to play the music sound according to the
latitude and longitude of the exact geographical location. Then
after an hour or so, they all have to tune to Schuman resonance and
to start influencing the reality of the four elements. Please
remember we can use technology to generate sound or light but it is
the most divine inside our beings that will save us and our planet.
Many of you are still asleep, and you are of the opinion that we
don’t have to do anything… that everything will work out by default…
but that’s wrong. There is much that we have to do and in such a
small period of time.
The awakening is quickening, and the Dark Side is aware that very
soon the critical mass of people will start to see through the
clouds of their deception. That is why they are in hurry to break
the economy around spring 2009, to cause problems on a global scale,
and normally send the military to solve the problems they caused
themselves, and that’s how it will started with the primary goal –
“NWO” one world ruling government which will wipe out 5/6 of the
current population, small group on the top, and all the rest as
slaves and turning this planet to a really dark place.
That is why we have to start preparing and grouping now. Tomorrow
will be too late. Today is tomorrow. If we do not act today,
tomorrow is difficult to be seen.
But the Divine Intelligences are
watching us, waiting for us to grow, to remember, to understand and
to solve our puzzle.

So, there is hope…
We have to step forward, not with guns, not with their ways, but
with higher consciousness, with transcendence of the Law of
Attraction, with visualizing that we no longer want any evil in any
form or shape to be part of our reality.
If two argue and fight, and
one realizes that the fighting is useless, no matter what the
opponent is saying, the words do not reach him/her because he
stepped out of it and has erased this person from his/her life
permanently. It’s a plastic example, but that’s how simple is if we
awake and do this.
The higher Divine does not expect from us to get guns, that leads to
the Dark Side; it expects from us that we awake, that we remember,
understand, transcend and evolve and stop the Dark Side.
Make no mistake; the Dark Side is aware of what is coming, so if we
DO NOT DO THIS, it will probably be over for most of us and our
planet before the Nexus arrives. That is why they are trying showing
us the way through the crop messages.
I hope you people will have wisdom and clear sight to see what I’m
I believe that, this is what we, as humans, have to do, with all my
heart and all my soul.
Once more,
Once the beginning time is set according to all time zones, the
planetary group meditation can begin. It can not be done at first.
People have to practice this many times before reaching a
satisfactory level. We have to ask the audio engineers to construct
the sounds for every place so that we all can tune into the higher
harmonics of Gaia. So we have to do this now. Before the audio files
are ready, it can be practiced with one melody that has pure
emotions but it has to be played the same in all the world and at
the same exact time, no matter if it is the day or night in the time
zone you are in.
Then the people have to visualize the blue-white beam
materializing above them towards the highest point of the earth’s
atmosphere and penetrating down through the surface to the inner sun
that is in the center of Shamballa.
The meditation has to proceed with connections to all other groups
around the world. That is why most of the people have to know all
the spots where energy will be coming and connecting. So we will
build a wave of thought-sound-light energy filled with positive
emotions that will also penetrate into the space attracting similar
Once one rhythm of consciousness is established, people have to
visualize earth flowing in this energy, and all the evil fading away
from here. To just visualize everything that you believe is causing
harm in every form and shape, to use mental effort to make it
transparent, and slowly fading to total disappearance and the planet
is left into Light.
The GAIA is alive and if we do this, it will respond back. Also
the crop circle makers and others will respond to the signal. We
have to understand the importance of this, people.
I believe that we can stop the Evil that is upon our planet with the
power of our feelings, and that is the ultimate message that Nature
and our higher brothers and sisters are trying to tell us. I believe
that only then we will be truly ready for the evolution as a race
that awaits us at the end of Dec 2012.
We have to stop seeing blackness everywhere we look, and we have to
start seeing our selves as living fire of Love, Intelligence and
In a Hologram, the whole pattern is whole and complete in itself. If
you take any little portion of this whole out, and examine it
closely, you will see entire pattern repeating itself again and
again to infinity.
Anywhere in this pattern, if we change one little aspect of the
Hologram, that change will be reflected throughout the entire
The only question is – how can we do that?
Global Meditation
Fusing our consciousness into oneness and changing the fundamental
fractal structure of the planetary matrix.
All the physical matter, everything we have around us, is the result
of a frequency...
If we gather together all around the world and at the same time, if
we tune into one stream of consciousness, we can manage to amplify
this frequency and change the structure of the matter.
In other words we can change this reality…
We have to provide some more time for the planet and the life that
lives here. They are crushing the economy already, which means its
already starting.
I believe it’s our responsibility to step forward, to unite and to
act now. Not with guns or violence but with Higher Consciousness.
The pictograms have shown us the way.
Dear friends, I believe that this is the ultimate message that we
have to understand and to learn how to apply it!
To date, more then 20,000 genuine crop circles have been delivered
in sites across the world. Some of the crafts were taken down by
Star Wars Laser weapons. Someone is risking much to get this
information to us. They wouldn’t bother to risk coming to our plane
of existence just to draw beautiful pictures in crops if everything
were to solve by default.
That is why I believe that it’s essential
that we start performing planetary meditations.

This is the “Checkmate Move” ETs are referring to. I hope we will be
able to put down our belief systems and understand this before it’s
too late. We have to rediscover our hidden potentials and to
understand the connection between our thoughts and the structure of
the matter!
They are showing the fractals, the geometry, the STRUCTURE OF THE
And if done as it should be -IT WILL WORK! I’m aware that this is a
process that it will take time. But I’m also aware that we do not
have much of it.

"They" insist that we pay attention to fractal geometry. From my
point of view this download is solid. The data is real, and it is
alarming of possible 2012-2013 catastrophes if we do not do
something about it!

From the bottom of my heart, I believe that planetary meditation is
just a start.
It will start as test or experiment, but it will soon transform into
something surprisingly powerful. It will change the reality of this
world, our planet will start to vibrate with light, and even the people who will walk on the street will feel the
In any case, I have achieved what I came here to achieve. I have
delivered the message. I hope we will have strength to resolve our
differences, to unite as ONE and to show
our true DIVINE NATURE that is hidden deep inside every one of us.
It is time that we make the final turn…
Are you with us?
We are all ONE. There is no race, no competition, no leaders, and no
hierarchy. We are all equal and we are all part of the same
consciousness. We are all connected and we can change this reality
if we start tuning into Oneness.
So please, join us, let’s start with synchronized planetary
meditations, and let’s transform this planet into a place of Light!
We are all Light and Fire of the Divine Creation.
That is what I
feel deep inside my heart and what I know for sure…