1. What evidence that there are Extraterrestrials interacting with
Humans on this planet?
In addition to my own personal experiences, the best evidence that I
have consists of the verbal reports given to me during the 1965 to
1968 time frame by the other men who served with me in the USAF. I,
myself, do not have any physical evidence, photographs, logbooks,
anything printed or written reports. However, over the years, I have
seen several pictures and highly reliable reports published in books
by other authors that showed and reported on the tall whites. The
pictures also showed one of the tall white’s scout craft. One of the
most interesting reports was published by Alan J. Hyneck of project
Blue Book fame. He reported having chemically analyzed material that
was reported to have fallen out from the bottom of a UFO. In his
report, published back in the late 1960’s, (not sure of the exact
date of publication ) he stated that its chemical composition was
similar to the composition of slag taken from an aluminum furnace
that had been heated to approximately 1100 degrees F (I am doing
this from memory and believe that I have the proper temperature).
failed to notice that the chemical composition of that "aluminum
slag" is the same as the composition of modern fiber optics that has
been heated to its melting temperature. Optical fibers have a
chemical composition that is very high in aluminum. If he had
noticed the similarity, he would have had strong evidence for the
existence of UFOs that also pointed the way towards understanding
the construction of their anti-gravity drive power plant. If
American scientists would inspect the sub atomic particles that are
easily created, (such as meson, baryons, etc) to see which ones can
have their path of flight controlled by optical fibers, his work
would have resulted in one of the major discoveries in physics of
all time.
The physical construction of the tall white scout craft and the
white deep space craft is further described in my books. In
addition, in the appendix of Millennial Hospitality III The Road
Home, I describe my theory of physics entitled "Hall Photon Theory".
I believe that it explains why the construction of the tall white
craft allows those craft to rapidly accelerate to velocities greatly
in excess of the speed of light.
2. Can you speak from personal experience?
Yes. My three book series entitled "Millennial Hospitality", and
associated writings, describe in detail my personal experiences at
Indian Springs, Nevada, and my personal interactions with the
white extraterrestrials, whose Base is located in the mountains
north of Indian Springs, Nevada.

Interview on location Indiana Springs - June 19, 2004
3. What was your job and position on the Nellis Base? Please state
the dates.
I enlisted in the USAF in July 1964. After completing basic training
at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, I was trained as a
weather observer at USAF Weather Training School at Chanute AFB,
Illinois. My duties were that of a USAF weather observer during my
entire service in the USAF. In late March or early April of 1965, I
was assigned to the weather squadron stationed at Nellis AFB
at Las
Vegas, Nevada. I was stationed at Nellis AFB from the early spring
of 1965 until May 1967. While I was permanently stationed at Nellis
AFB, Nevada, I was assigned to several temporary tours of duty as
the duty weather observer to the Nellis gunnery ranges that are
located at Indian Springs, Nevada. Temporary Duty meant that I
received extra pay and benefits while serving on the Indian Springs
ranges. However, my chain of command, my pay records, and my mailing
address remained at Nellis AFB. In between my temporary tours of
duty at Indian Springs, I could return to Nellis AFB for duty for
various short periods of time.
For example, I returned to duty at
Nellis AFB for the Christmas holidays of 1965. As described in my
first book, Millennial Hospitality, at first, the other
USAF weather
observers and I shared and rotated the duty at Indian Springs.
However, during the late summer of 1965, and at least twice again in
the very early spring of 1966, in separate incidents, my replacement
weather observers reported being terrified and threatened while out
on the ranges. One was very badly attacked and given a medical
discharge. Another two-man team of weather observers refused to go
out onto the ranges because they reported that they were followed
and harassed when they were out there. After those events, as
described in my first book, a committee of high ranking USAF
officers and government officials was formed and they decided to
send me alone as the primary duty weather observer for the Indian
Springs gunnery ranges, while still maintaining the temporary duty
status with its extra pay and privileges. I was given special
orders, as described in my first book. From that time on, I was
stationed almost continuously at Indian Springs. I returned to duty
at Nellis AFB only for a few short periods of time to rest and take
leave, etc.

map of Indian Springs
On 07 May 1967, I was transferred from
Nellis AFB to Binh Thuy AFB,
Republic of South Vietnam. I was stationed at Binh Thuy from 07 May
1967 until 08 May 1968. I was stationed at Binh Thuy over the
Communist Great Tet Offensive. Having completed my Vietnam tour of
duty, I returned to the U.S. and I was honorably discharged from the
USAF on 08 May 1968 at Travis AFB, California.
4. Were there others besides you that saw the Tall Whites?
Yes, the tall white extraterrestrials were seen out on the
Springs Ranges by many other USAF personnel. These USAF personnel
frequently encountered them at close range in and around the
buildings located out on the various ranges during both day and
night time operations. Encountering the Tall White
at close range was such a shock that they were frequently reported
as ghosts, angels, or as fantastic creatures. For example, weather
observers who saw a group of them standing side by side would
commonly report having seen a radioactive floating horse named
"Range Four Harry." Other USAF personnel would report seeing short
glimpses of the tall whites at close range, and then report having
had a "Missing Time" experience or having had an unusual dream.
5. Were they ever in the company of other military and when?
Yes. As reported in my books and writings, I frequently saw the
white extraterrestrials accompanied by UASF Generals
and other
high-ranking USAF officers.
6. When was your first encounter with these white beings?
In late May of 1965 and early June of 1965. However, it took me many
months to control the shock, the terror, my natural fear of them,
and to accept the reality of my experiences. As described in my
books and writings, for many months I lived in denial of my
experiences, preferring instead to believe almost any other
explanation for what was happening.
7. What message did the teacher give you and how do they wish to
interact with us?
The Tall White female who called herself "The Teacher" explicitly
stated to me that all they really wanted was for people to enjoy
them, while they were here.

Alien hanger entrance |
8. Do you still think they are there?
Yes. I believe that they are still there because the main hanger and
their living quarters were permanent constructions located in the
mountains at the north end of the Indian Springs valley. The
aliens live underground. The main hanger is underground and dug into a
mountainside. It has an ideal location. It allows the tall white deep space craft to easily arrive here on earth, land in front of
the hanger entrance, and to enter and later leave the hanger without
being easily observed and without interfering with civilian airline
operations in the Las Vegas area.
9. Do you believe that there could be other races on Earth and
Yes. In the third book entitled "Millennial Hospitality III, The
Road Home" I describe the second race of aliens that I have
personally met that are here on earth. In my book I refer to them as
The Norwegians. I believe that they are coming here from one of the
nearby stars such as, perhaps, Bernard’s star, which is
approximately 5.5 light years away. They might also be coming from
the next star past Barnard’s star, which is approximately 6 light
years away and located in the same general direction. I encountered
them in Cambridge Wisconsin in 1961, and again in
Madison Wisconsin
in the fall of 1962 and in the very early spring of 1963. They look
exactly like people from southern Norway, except that they have only
24 teeth and slightly webbed toes. Humans, of course have 32 teeth.
The teeth on these aliens have much shorter roots than human teeth,
and they can replace any tooth that they may accidentally lose. This
means that they are not limited to only two sets of teeth the way
humans are. I would think that there would exist some dentists, both
in Madison, Wisconsin, and in northern Europe in other University
communities in the colder portions of the world that could verify
their existence. Incidentally, as described in my books and
writings, the ones that I personally met, had unusually calm and
pleasant dispositions. They seemed to want only to fit into our
society and enjoy life.
10. Why did you write Millennial Hospitality ?
I wrote The Millennial Hospitality series because I want my children
and grandchildren to understand how I felt when I encountered the
tall white extraterrestrials out in the Indian springs valley in