The Majestic Documents Book |
This 8.5 x 11 paperback book of all the original and replica
They have been reproduced with care over the last few years and
faithfully reproduce the font, the words, and the layout
About 200 pages. |
The Special Operations Manual 1-01 |
This manual titled:
Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal
Provides a two color 6 x 9 inch
original format typical of field manuals. It is precisely reproduced
adhering to the originally photographed text.
32 pages. |
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By Steven M. Greer
For the first time
ever, over five dozen top-secret military, government, intelligence
and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories
which disclose the greatest covert program in world history.
This explosive testimony by actual
government insiders proves that
UFOs are real, that some are of
extraterrestrial origin and that
super-secret programs have
energy and propulsion
technologies that will enable
humanity to begin a new
- A civilization without
pollution, without poverty
- A civilization capable of
traveling among the stars
This is not just a story about
UFOs, ETs and secret projects:
It is the story of how 50 years
of human evolution have been
deferred and how these secret
projects contain the real
solution to the world energy
crisis, the environmental crisis
and world poverty. |
The definitive book on
Extraterrestrial Intelligence!
By Steven M. Greer M.D.
Featured in this book: |
The absolute best UFO/ET cases
and evidence
The best US and other government
smoking gun documents related to
An expose of who is maintaining
UFO secrecy and WHY
A thought-provoking overview of
why ETs are here, what are the
implications of disclosing this
knowledge to the world and how
the world will change once the
truth is known
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Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis |
David Hatcher Childress,
Ivan T. Sanderson (Introduction)
Dead the ancients have the
technology of flight? In this incredible volume on ancient India,
authentic Indian texts such as the Ramayana and the
Mahabharata are used to prove that ancient aircraft were in use
more than four thousand years ago. Included in this book is the
entire Fourth Century BC manuscript Vimaanika Vimaanika Shastra
by the ancient author Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated into English
by the Mysore Sanskrit professor G.R. Josyer. |
Also included are chapters
on Atlantean technology, the incredible Rama Empire of India and the
devastating wars that destroyed it. Also an entire chapter on
mercury vortex propulsion and mercury gyros, the power source
described in the ancient Indian texts. Not to be missed by those
interested in ancient civilizations or the UFO enigma. |
Antigravity and the World Grid |
David H. Childress
Is the earth surrounded by
an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy? This
compilation of material on ley lines and world power points contains
chapters on the geography, mathematics, and light harmonics of the
earth grid. Learn the purpose of ley lines and ancient megalithic
structures located on the grid.
Discover how the grid made
the Philadelphia Experiment possible. Explore the
Coral Castle and many other mysteries, including acoustic
levitation, Tesla Shields and scalar wave weaponry. Browse through
the section on anti-gravity patents, and research resources. |
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"Strange times are these in which we live
when old and young are taught in falsehoods school.
And the one man that dares to tell the truth
is called at once a lunatic and fool"
by David Icke
Excerpt from Chapter 7
"Knights of the Sun"
The Sicambrian Franks
later lived in an area west of the River Danube and settled in
Germania (named by the Romans after the Scythian 'genuine ones') and
their centre was Cologne. It was from the time of King Meroveus, who
was named Guardian of the Franks in 338,that this line became known
as the Merovingians.
These were the sorcerer
kings who were noted for their esoteric knowledge and magical powers
which they inherited from the underground bloodline streams of
secret groups and initiations. Francio, the founder of the Franks,
claimed to be a descendant of Noah and his ancestors once resided in
ancient Troy. I think myself that the story of Noah is symbolic of
the reptilian crossbreed bloodlines which survived the flood and
afterwards returned the dove and the olive branch (Semiramis-Nimrod)
to power.
Descendents of Noah = human-reptilian crossbreeds, or at
least those who have interbred enough to maintain that genetic
structure. The French city of Troyes, where the Templars were
officially formed, was named by the Sicambrian Franks after their
former home. The City of Paris was established by them in the 6trh
century after they became known as the Merovingians and it was named
after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. It was the
relationship between Prince Paris and Helen of Sparta which
supposedly caused the Trojan War in which the Trojan Horse
infiltration assured victory for the Spartans. Both the Trojans and
the Spartans were offshoots of the same Aryan and reptile-Aryan
The Merovingians established the city of Paris on a major
vortex point and used an underground chamber there for their
rituals, including human sacrifice to the goddess Diana. Here, kings
in dispute over property would settle the issue in combat. Meroveus,
the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, followed the Pagan goddess
cult of Diana, another symbol for Isis/Semiramis. This is not
surprising because the centre for Diana worship was at Ephesus in
Asia Minor, not far from the alleged site of Troy. The location of
the ancient underground chamber in Paris where the Merovingians
worshipped and sacrificed to the goddess Diana is now called the
Pont and Place de L'Alma and it is still, by design, an underground
chamber. On the site today is a road tunnel and it was here that the
car of Diana, Princess of Wales, crashed in the early morning of
Sunday, August 31st 1997. Another offshoot of the
Scythian-Sicambrian Franks-Merovingian bloodline emigrated from
northern France and Belgium in the 12th century to become the famous
'Scottish' families and some of these were the ancestors of Diana,
Princess of Wales.
The Merovingian king, Clovis, had the iris , or fleur-de-lis, as his
royal emblem, a flower which grows wild in the Middle East. It is
also known as a three-pronged lily and it was used to symbolize
Nimrod or rather the reptilian bloodline of Nimrod. In Latin it
means small sword and it became the symbol of the royal bloodline of
what is now France and this was because in ancient Sumer the
reptilian bloodline, as passed on trough the female, was symbolized
by a lily. Hence the main reptilian gene carriers were given names
like Lilith, Lili, Lilutu and Lillette. Another version is Lilibet
or Elizabeth and this is why the present British Queen is called
Elizabeth (El-lizard-birth) and was known to her family circle as
Lilibet. She is a major reptilian gene carrier who produced a major
reptilian full-blood called Prince Charles. Both are shape-shifting
reptilians, a fact that will be supported by later evidence.
So is
the Queen Mother, formerly Elizabeth (El-lizard-birth) Bowes-Lyon.
The fleur-de-lis is an ancient symbol and also represents the twin
phallic pillars of 'lilywork', as described in Kings 7:22. Today you
will see the fleur-de-lis used around them, and in churches. It is,
appropriately, on a public gate to the White House in Washington,
another home of the bloodlines. The three-leafed shamrock in Ireland
is likewise an ancient symbol of the bloodline and the word shamrock
comes from the North African term: shamrukh. All these symbols
relate to the three horned depiction of Nimrod in Babylon and to
other esoteric principles. Other Merovingian symbols were the fish
(Nimrod again), the lion (Leo, the Sun, authority), and the bee.
Three hundred golden bees were found on the burial cloak of King
Childeric I, the son of Meroveus, who died in the 5th century. Bees
are an ancient symbol of the Love Goddess (Semiramis) and symbolised
royalty in Egypt. They also focus on the Queen Bee, symbolic of
Isis/Semiramis. |
Alice in Wonderland
and the World Trade Center Disaster |
by David Icke
Since that horrendous day
of September the 11th 200, the people of the world have being told
the Big Lie. The official story of what happened on 9/11 is a
fantasy of untruth, manipulation, contradiction and anomaly.
David Icke has spent well
over a decade uncovering the force that was really behind those
attacks and has traveled to 40 countries in pursuit of the truth. He
has exposed their personnel, methods and agenda in a series of books
and videos. |
Therefore, when the
attacks came, it was easy to recognize the Hidden Hand behind the
cover story of "Bin Laden did it". Icks takes apart the official
version of 9/11 and the "war on terrorism" and shows that those
responsible are much closer to home than a cave in Afghanistan.
He explains why 9/11 was planed and to what end. It is vital to
maintaining our freedom, and to the memory of those who died and the
loved ones left behind, that the light shines on the lies and deceit
behind September 11th.
Icke also places these
events in their true context as apart of an agenda by hidden forces
working behind the puppet politicians to create a global fascist
state based on total control and surveillance. But it doesn't have
to be like this; it does not have to happen. We can change the world
from a prison to paradise and, as Icke explains, the power to do
that is within you and within us all. |
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The Universal
Seduction - Vol 1 & 2 |
The information presented in the two volume set THE UNIVERSAL
SEDUCTION may frighten or annoy you.
Wait until you hear what is really going on behind our backs by the
American and World Governments. Learn the truth about the Federal
Reserve Bank, The Government's involvement with E.T's,
The Secret Societies that control America - and so much more.
This is a 2 volume set. |
The name "Angelico
Tapestra" represents a group of collective writers comprised
of world recognized authors, investigative journalists,
mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and scholars.
So many scenarios go unreported by the mainstream media and much is
swept under the rug by the U.S. and other world governments.
Because we -- as perceptive and informed humanitarians -- love our
fellow brethren, we must exercise our consciences and inform mankind
about the facts of life...
It is virtually guaranteed that every aspect of your present day
reality will be indelibly transformed after reading these volumes.
Back Cover - "click"
on photo to enlarge |
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Blindsided: Planet X Passes in 2003? Earthchanges! |
By Mark Hazlewood
Mark Hazlewood, author of Blindsided Planet X Passes
in 2003? Earthchanges, addresses the highly controversial
relationship between the myriad of records from science, religion
and prophecy, all relating to the effects of the cyclical passage of
our tenth planet. Explore with him, the cause of so called Ice
in relationship to Pole Shifts, believed to be the
direct result of the electromagnetic gravitational interplay among
the planets in our solar system. Learn of the Mastodons and Rhinos
who were eating fresh tropical vegetation in Siberia, only about
3650 years ago and the reason for their sudden and dramatic deaths.
Find out more about the
reasons for our weather variations, directly related to the
drastically escalating solar flare activity and why this simply
cannot be blamed on so-called Global Warming. Hear about the
connection between our Sun and the changes now taking place all over
the world and understand why we can expect many more dramatic
effects to take place, as our tenth planet approaches.
Look into the visions of prophets throughout the ages who foresaw the
effects possibly coming with this current cycle of celestial
interaction. The Bible calls this planet Wormwood
and St-John gives a detailed description of what we may very well
experience and perhaps very soon.
Attempts to keep this information from becoming public knowledge,
still continues to this day. There may not be warnings broadcast by
public officials over the TV. A knock on the door from government
workers of your city or state, saying it is time to evacuate, may
not be forthcoming. There are just too many people to deal with and
they have not prepared any places or resources for you.
Though the ongoing suppression of this information is extensive, it's
easy to imagine that a conspiracy as large as this one would have
significant leaks that escape attention and become obvious
confirmations, even sometimes innocently by official personnel. The
following images, extraordinarily enough, are from a classic
Diagrams Of Our Solar System Include The Dead Twin Sun And the
10th Planet - a.k.a. Planet X
("click" on
photos to enlarge)
(The New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia
Published by H.S. Stuttman Inc. Westport Conneticut
1987-89 Edition. Easy to dig up from many public libraries and
universities, are diagrams found in a 26-volume encyclopedia set
- the 1987 edition of The New Illustrated Science and Invention
Encyclopedia, published by H.S. Stuttman, Westport, Connecticut,
USA. Search for this by Library of Congress # Q126 and Dewy
Decimal # 503.21) |
The continuing attempts to cover up X fall short when matter of fact
evidence is found in respected and credible publications like this.
The piece of writing accompanying this diagram was discussing the
purpose of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes. Clearly shown on the
diagrams are our sun's dark twin Dead Star and Planet X,
a.k.a. Niburu.
There is a sufficient quantity of evidence from a number of scientific
and historical disciplines - particularly from the application of
plasma physics to the study of the solar system, but also from the
geological record of planetary catastrophes and magnetic polar
shifts - to make it virtually inconceivable that there will not be
major Earth changes within a matter of months or, at most, within a
year or two.
These days, the majority of us, through our cultural beliefs are
expecting "something big". Many, sense on some level that we need to
make changes in our lives. Some, who have learned of this celestial
passage, or feel on some level that major earth changes are already
happening, have begun to make physical survival preparations. As you
delve deeper into this subject and connect this with other changes
taking place in all of us, you will begin to perceive an
extraordinary event unfolding. |
To get
information about this book "click"
Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes |
By James M. McCanney,
Today we are finding the
remnants of ancient societies the world over, with some thousands of
feet under the ocean's surface. Huge cities existed in South America
long before the so-called Ice Age or the alleged
crossing of the Bering Strait by early hunting tribes. Recently, a
mastodon was dug from the barren tundra of Siberia. It died and
froze so quickly, that it was still standing on all fours with
undigested tropical plants in its throat. Under two miles of
Antarctic Ice Cap lies the unfrozen Lake Vostok. |
What we are learning is
that ... the history that is being taught as "standard knowledge"
is totally wrong. There is a tremendous effort in some sectors
of modern society to keep the truth of our real past from being
Whether this is your first
introduction or you are a veteran to this field, this book contains
one of the most complex and far-reaching topics that you will ever
encounter. Thousands of extremely talented scholars have spent their
entire careers researching in and around the subjects that are
affected by the topics covered in this book. It affects every aspect
of every discipline from astronomy and planetary geology to
paleontology and biological evolution, from the history of man and
politics to the origins of religion.
The "key" that this book offers is a time tested scientific framework
that gives a firm direction to understand our past, present and
future. It is backed by a person who "has been there", and can stand
up to the onslaughts of a room full of angry resentful astronomers
and pompous NASA space scientists. It is not a
"fluffy" book that simply repeats over and over with different catch
phrases that a given theory explains everything you ever wanted to
know, but with no substance. This book gets into the details of how
the solar system works, and why you will see and experience certain
phenomenon ... the "Earth Changes". These are explained so the
average person will understand the theory and principles.
The overdue replacement of NASA's "Dirty Snowball Comet Model"
with Professor McCanney's Plasma Discharge Comet Model,
marks the downfall of traditional astronomical theory and the
introduction of the true understanding of the history and
development of the world.
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