The finding of one of James
Churchward's Mu books gave the band its name and their
obsession with this fabled lost continent. Anglo-American explorer, James
Churchward, who later termed himself 'Colonel' was a close friend of
Auguste and Alice Le Plongeon. This French doctor and his wife
had propounded the theory of the sunken lost civilization of Atlantis
in the later part of the 19th when all manner of occult and
theosophical speculation was rife.
Although they had done legitimately useful work in discovering and
photographing ancient Mayan cities that had been lost in the jungles of
Central America, the Le Plongeons' theories were based on fanciful
and widely inaccurate translations of Mayan texts alongside all manner of
pseudo-historical and scientific hokum. They had a Queen Moo who
ruled over the ancient Mayan civilization and the couple went on to
construct an ever more elaborate 'history' for Atlantis and
created a sub-culture of 'occult' writing that continues to this day.
It seems that Churchward wanted an ancient civilization of his own,
and using Le Plongeon's doubtful methodology set about 'discovering'
one. His findings were set down in the five main volumes of the Mu series published during the 1920s and 30s.
According to author Churchward - Lemuria or Mu - was
about 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide, a beautiful tropical paradise
like the Garden of Eden.

1. The Lost
Continent of MU
2. The Children of MU
3. The Sacred Symbols of MU
4. The Cosmic Forces of MU
5. The Second Book of the Cosmic Forces of MU
The basic premise is that by
studying various ancient texts Churchward had discovered the
existence of a long lost continent with an advanced civilization that 60,000
years ago had sunk below the Pacific Ocean after a cataclysmic earthquake.
There were 64 million people who died in the sinking, and that it dated back
over 50,000 years. The Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Islands are the
remaining mountain peaks of the lost continent.
Precise detailed maps of the lost continent of Mu and
were found on stone tablets from Pre-Inca Ica, Peru, by
Dr. Javier
Cabrera, engraved in stone and photographed by Robbert
Charroux. United Nations diplomat
Farida Iskoviet, assistant to United Nations President Adam Malik,
came to
Maui in 1972 and researched Lemurian ruins and
history and concluded that they were real. One of Hawaii's leading
authorities on Lemurian research was Sgt. Williard Wannall
from Army Intelligence in Oahu. He reported that ruins of a
submerged Lemurian city was between Maui and
Oahu. It was a Top Secret
project in Naval Intelligence in 1972.
Volume #1
-- The Lost Continent of Mu -- set out Churchward's
theory utilizing a "vast knowledge of science, ancient art and history,
mythology and the occult" to recreate the splendor and doom of this
hidden antediluvian world. The Garden of Eden was not in Asia but on a
now sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. The Biblical story of
Creation came first not from the peoples of the Nile or the Euphrates
Valley but from this now-submerged continent, Mu - the
Motherland of Man.
Volume #2 in the series is The Children of Mu -The
strange, true story of the pioneers of Mu. According to
the back cover, "Sixty-three million people lived on the now lost
continent of Mu over 200,000 years ago. . The children of Mu became the most influential people on earth...America was one of the
first colonies of Mu...Mu had an incredibly sophisticated
government, flowering of culture and scientific technology." Much of the
Lemurian civilization lived in homes with transparent roofs.
They were free from stress and disease lived to be hundreds of years
old, developing their E.S.P. abilities through nearly 40,000 years of
societal practice and experimentation. With that many centuries of
evolution, the Lemurians gained their reputation or
telepathy, astral travel and teleportation - making land vehicles
unnecessary. They were primarily socially a vegetarian, agricultural,
outdoor, organic culture that worked in harmony with nature and the
land, having little use for scientific technology.
During that time, they had to build their shelter, make their own
clothing, gather their own food, make their own tools, and provide for
each other without getting into any argument or projecting any
negativity toward each other.
Volume #3 in this series is The Sacred Symbols of Mu,
"the strange, true story of the occult origins of ancient and modern
religions." The book says that "all religions have a common origin in
Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu. Evidence of this original
religion dates back 170,000 years ago. Osiris (who lived 20,000
BC) and Jesus taught identically the same religion. Both learned
from this ancient book. Moses
condensed the forty-two questions of the Osirian religion
into the
Ten Commandments. The Lord's Prayer is to be found in The
Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu. Jesus condensed the text
to suit the languages of his day. And the Last Words of Jesus on the
cross were in the language of Mu --
unknown in Palestine!"

Volume #4 is The Cosmic Forces of Mu and
mocks the sacred cows of modern science and reveals that biological
evolution is a myth, that there is no such thing as atomic force, that
all disease can be conquered by using appropriately colored light rays,
that the Earth's temperatures and seasons have become inalterably fixed
in their present state and that the earth cannot be hurled off into
space or drawn into the sun.
Volume #5, Second Book of the Cosmic Forces of Mu,
and Churchward continues to draw conclusions from the ancient
documents and lore of Mu to present some startling
revisionist theories about the age of the Earth, the nature of mountains
and volcanic processes, and the Ice Age and Flood.