by Vittorio Di Cesare and Adriano Forgione (HERA magazine, Rome, Italy)
From then, they were not
to be seen by the public. Only the photographs taken by the Maltese
researcher Dr. Anton Mifsud and his colleague, Dr. Charles Savona Ventura,
remained to testify the existence of the skulls and prove…their abnormality.
Books written by the two Maltese doctors, who since our first day in Malta
helpfully provided us the necessary documentation for our research,
illustrate a collection of skulls that show peculiar abnormalities and/or
pathologies. Sometimes inexistent cranial knitting lines, abnormally
developed temporal partitions, drilled and swollen occiputs as following
recovered traumas, but above all, a strange, lengthened skull, bigger and
more peculiar than the others, lacking of the median knitting. The presence
of this finding leads to a number of possible hypotheses. The similitude
with other similar skulls, from Egypt to
South America, the particular
deformity, unique in the panorama of medical pathology referred to such
distant times, (we are talking about approximately 3000 BC)
could be an exceptional discovery. Was that skull a result ancient genetic
mutation between different races that lived on that island?
The skulls were all found in the
Hal Saflienti hypogeum,
where a sacred well was dedicated to the Mother Goddess and where also the
small statue of a sleeping goddess was found, associated to a relic with a
snake inscription on it. The skulls were brought out of their box one at a
time. Among these, all very interesting, was the one we were looking for.
The cranium showed a very pronounced dolichocephalous, in other words, a
lengthened posterior part of the skullcap, besides the lack of median
knitting, technically named "sagitta". This last detail has been considered
"impossible" by medics and anatomists to whom we turned, not having (as far
as known) analogous pathological cases in international medical literature.
It is a characteristic that emphasizes the anomaly of this finding with the
result of producing a natural lengthening of the cranium in the occipital
area (not due to bandaging or boards as used in pre-Colombian
civilizations). We believe that the discovery of this skull and the like at
Hal Saflienti isn't accidental.
Perhaps the skulls
found in the hypogeum and examined during our visit to Malta, belonged
indeed to these priests. As mentioned before, they present an accentuated
dolichocephalous, which is particularly the center of our analysis. The long
head and drawn features must have given a serpent-like appearance,
stretching the eyes and skin. Lacking the lower part of the exhibit, we can
only speculate, but the hypothesis can't be far from reality, a reality
worsened buy the fact that such deformities certainly created walking
problems, forcing him…to slither! The lack of the cranium's median knitting
and therefore, the impossibility of the brain's consistent, radial expansion
in the skullcap, did so that it developed in the occipital zone of the
cerebellum, deforming the cranium that looked like a single cap from the
frontal and occipital area. This must have certainly caused the man terrible
agony since infancy, but probably enhanced visions that were considered as
being proof of a bond with the goddess.
We shall discuss this detail further on. Meanwhile, it's worth the while to emphasize that one of these skulls showed unequivocal signs of surgical intervention in the occipital area. The outlines of three small holes, made in the occipital bone called inion, had time to cicatrize, therefore the patient survived the operation although such intervention surely would have undermined his motorial faculties. But there is more. A fair part of the 7000 skeletons dug out of the Hal Saflienti hypogeum and examined by Themistocles Zammit in 1921, present artificially performed deformations.
Why such persistence in
tormenting one's own body? Was there any connection between the tribal
rituals and the men of the lengthened cranium? Could it be possible that, as
in other cultures, successive populations tended to deform their infant's
heads in order to make them similar to this race of "serpent priests"? In
Malta, all this was practiced by a mysterious populace that erected gigantic
temples to the Mother Goddess between 4100 and 2500 B.C. The presence of
these skulls might be that of the last exponents of the most ancient
sacerdotal caste that built the megalithic temples and, never having blended
with the local populations, had continued reproducing through the
millenniums within familiar unions (as was the usual practice among the
elite) and consequently impoverished its genetic patrimony until inevitable
pathologies manifested, finally disappearing.
The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos. It's interesting to note that Emery writes:
Therefore, what occurred in Malta is also reflected in Egypt. It's noticeable that in Lower Egypt, the pharaoh's symbol is a bee named "Bit". It isn't coincidental that Malta's ancient name is "Melita", which derives from the Latin word for honey. Malta's symbol was also a bee and its hexagonal cells. Melita has its origin in "Mel" or "Mer" that in Ancient Egypt was the name attributed to the pyramids.
Besides, the English term, "honey" is strictly related to the original name of Helliopolis, which is "ON". It is an interesting correlation that in Egypt, the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi". "Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, not Egyptian, deriving from the Babylonian term for the sun, that is "Shamash". This proves that the Shemsu Hor came from the fertile half-moon area. An umpteenth correlation is the fact that this sacerdotal long-skulled caste disappeared in Egypt, as in Malta in the same period, which is between 3000 and 2500 B.C. Who writes is convinced, although, that a third nucleus was present in the Euphrates zone, becoming part of the Arian stock known as Mithans, who the Egyptians called "Naharin", "Those of the Snake" (from Nahash, snake). The Mithans, who occupied a part of the Kurdistan area, were Abraham's people, whose description is analogous to that of the Shemsu Hor made by Emery (fair hair and robust build). The "serpent priest" tradition originates in the Middle East, with its foremost center right in Kurdistan, where at about 5000 B.C. the matriarchal culture of Jarmo represented the mother goddesses as divinities with faces of vipers and lengthened heads.
These divinities will successively be associated to the "fallen angels" or Nephelims, that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls in which is written:
It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period. Its members were considered as "half-gods" for the knowledge they possessed, just like in Egypt with the Shemsu Hor. Analogous viper-faced statues of mother goddesses are found in the land of the Nile, dating back exactly from the archaic period of the Shemsu Hor. It can be therefore concluded that these serpent-priests were the most ancient race that first occupied the fertile half-moon area (particularly Anatolia and Kurdistan) and Egypt (following migrations dating back 6000-4000 B.C.) until reaching Malta to disappear around 2500 B.C. but this culture survived in the Middle East and probably included one of the most famous and yet mysterious pharaohs of Egypt. It concerns the Mithans and the pharaoh Akhenaton.
What had determined such an immense catastrophe? Perhaps an earthquake or the subsiding of the calcareous platform on which Malta stands. However, we know from the Leningrad Papyrus, (a hieratic scroll dated 1115 B.C. conserved at the Hermitage museum) an Egyptian document composed around 2000 B.C., dating back to the XII dynasty, that a serpent populace was destroyed by a "star falling from the heavens". Only one survived on an island "destined to be completely submerged". What is this strange fable? Was it the record of a catastrophe that destroyed a particular Mediterranean region? The myth also connected the serpents to the figures of Mother Goddesses such as Tanit, Innanna, Isis and Eve. They are feminine divinities that carry the baton of a culture to which the snake brings wisdom, medical, scientific and esoteric knowledge. But a doubt arises: couldn't these serpents rather be human beings of strange physical form, perhaps even a handicap? Mythology is full of weird beings that often seem more likely clinical cases than true divinities. For example, Cecrops, the mythical founder and first king of Athens, according to tradition, was born from the soil and his appearance was half human and half serpent.
According to others, he came to
Attica from
Egypt and built the Acropolis, diffusing the cult of
Zeus and Athena. Pythia
(or Python) was a priestess of Delphi, taken by Apollo, who pronounced
oracles. She took her name from Python the snake, killed by Apollo
and believed to be buried under her temple. The woman enunciated the
verdicts sitting on a sacred tripod set on the mouth of a natural gorge,
from which vapors exhaled and communicated them to an assistant priest (said
prophet), whom in turn transmitted them to the postulant. But let's go back
to Malta. Even Saint Paul shipwrecked in the Maltese bay that still bears
his name, dealing with a snake that bit his foot. In reality, in the days of
Saint Paul, the first century A.D., these animals didn't exist in Malta. So
it's strange that such a reptile bit indeed this Holy man. This legend may
well be interpreted in a different, simpler manner. The serpent was the last
priest of the Great Goddess left on the island, whose thaumaturgic power was
threatened by that of Paul, obliged to dismantle what was left of the last
pagan bastion of the great Healing Goddess.
by Adriano Forgione from Atlantis Rising Magazine - Nș 43