The Merovingian
Dynasty was a
Frankish dynasty considered the first French royal house.
It was the first major political authority which rose out of the
ashes of the dying Roman Empire in Europe. It was
named for Merovech (fl. c. 450), whose son Childeric I
(d. 482?) ruled a tribe of Salian Franks from his
capital at Tournai. His son,
Clovis I, united nearly all of Gaul in the late 5th century
except Burgundy and present-day Provence. On his death the realm was
divided among his sons, but by 558 it was united under his last
surviving son, Chlotar I. The pattern of dividing and then
reuniting the realm continued for generations. After the reign of
Dagobert I (623?639), the authority of the Merovingian
kings declined, and real power gradually came to rest in the
hands of the mayors of the palace. In 751 the last Merovingian king,
Childeric III, was deposed by Pippin III, the first of
Carolingian dynasty.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Clovis I was the first important ruler of the Merovingian
Dynasty and is considered the founder of the French State.
He became Chieftain of the Salian Franks in 481. In 486, he
defeated the last great Roman army in Gaul and went on to defeat
many minor princes, kings and tribal chieftains to form the
first Frankish Kingdom.
Clovis I married in 493 to Clotilda (475 - 545),
later St. Clotilda, daughter of
Childperic, King of the Burgundians. |

Clovis I |
The Merovingian Kings
The Frankish Kingdom was split up among Clovis' sons, and was
temporarily united several times during the next two centuries when
a single heir survived; notably during the reigns of Clothaire I,
Clothaire II, Dagobert I and Clovis II.
Life in the Sixth Century
Germanic tribesmen living close to the North Sea tended to have fairly
large timber houses supported by four rows of posts that divided the
house into three rooms. The family lived in the centre room, while a
smaller room on one side was used for storage and a larger room on
the other side was used to house the animals whose body heat helped
warm the living quarters. From this arrangement comes the story that
"the people lived in the barn" or that "the cattle lived in
the house."
Further inland, people tended to inhabit dwellings that were supported
by upright posts but without interior supports. These dwellings
varied in size from 20 feet X 12 feet up to perhaps 25 feet square.
Long, narrow buildings about 12 feet X 25 feet housed the cattle
while smaller structures 12 feet square were used for storage. Some
of these smaller storage buildings were partially underground.
The main crops were barley, wheat, oats, peas and beans. Crop rotation
was practiced, and fields were improved by adding limestone and
manure. Depleted soil was abandoned and new land brought into use
using the slash and burn technique. Simple scratch ploughs pulled by
oxen were most common, and they didn't actually turn the soil. Grain
was left attached to the hay and was roasted slightly to preserve
it. Grain was separated from the hay as needed and ground using
simple hand grindstones. Once ground, flour was used to prepare
porridge and flat bread. Grain was also used to make beer.
Cattle were very important and were an indicator of wealth. Pigs,
sheep, goats, horses, chickens and geese were also kept. Every
portion of the animals was used either for food or for the
production of clothing, shelter and utensils. Wild animals were
hunted and killed for sport and to eliminate nuisance animals. Wild
animals are thought to have made up less than 5% of the total
animals used.
Iron was produced using small, crude but effective charcoal furnaces
made of earth. These ovens held about a liter of ore, and only 200
grams of iron could be made at a time from the very best ore. This
iron was worked into very high quality steel, far superior to the
equipment of the Roman troops. However, the Germanic tribes were
iron poor, and weapons such as long swords were rare.
Each individual household was dominated by the father who held
authority over all the members. A number of households, sometimes as
many as fifty, were grouped into a family clan-like organization. A
number of clans formed a tribe which was sometimes overseen by a
"king" who was really a tribal chieftain. The "king" was usually
chosen from one family that was most closely identified with the
ethnic, cultural and historical traditions of the tribe - that is,
from a "royal family." Some tribes had several kings, one to preside
over meetings, one for religious ceremonies and one for military
command. Other tribes didn't have a king at all.
In order to survive and prosper, a tribe had become almost completely
militarized; that is, the tribe had to become an army. This is what
appears to have happened with the Salian Franks whose
Merovingian Kings dominated the region from the fifth
century onwards.
The Decline of the Merovingian Kings
From the middle of the seventh century on, their power declined and
the real authority rested to an ever increasing extent with the
Mayors of the Palace. The king became a figurehead distinguished by
his beard, long hair, crown and throne. When King Theuderic IV
died in 737, he was not replaced.
Charles Martel ruled instead as Mayor of the Palace.
Charles Martel died in 741 and was succeeded by his sons
Pépin the Short and
The brothers Pépin and Carloman instituted another king, Childeric
in 743, largely to ease the concern of other Frankish leaders about
their growing power. Carloman withdrew from politics in 747
retired to the monastery of Monte Casino.
In 751, Childeric III also wisely decided to retire to a
monastery and
Pépin the Short had himself proclaimed king in November 751,
thus officially ending the Merovingian Dynasty.
Pépin I the Short was the first Carolingian King. Having displaced
the Merovingians, it was in the interests of the
Carolingian Kings to depict their predecessors as
useless anachronisms. Hence, the earlier Merovingians
were depicted as evil and brutal tyrants while later
Merovingians were propagandized as lazy and simple
incompetents. If a Merovingian could be deposed and sent to a
monastery, and a new king consecrated in his place, so too could
a Carolingian. Less than a century later, Louis the Pious
was temporarily displaced; and by the tenth century, the
Carolingians were replaced altogether by the Capetian

Childeric III the last Merovingian King |

Alan James
Three little words, Rennes-le-Chateau… The passing millennia
have produced many bizarre mysteries; the riddle of the Sphinx
and the Pyramids on the Giza plateau are probably the most
famous, but in recent years, perhaps the most engrossing of these
enigmas concerns what transpired in the quiet village
of Rennes-le-Chateau in the foothills of the French Pyrenees
during the dying years of the 19th century. There have been many
theories proffered to explain the events, but in essence, not one
has provided either the complete picture or a wholly satisfactory
explanation. In this mixture of history, fact and well-informed
conjecture, there are elements of buried treasure, unexplained
wealth and clandestine meetings, in fact, all the aspects of a
traditional mystery story; however there are other arcane, less
obvious facets to the tale.
Secret societies, strange rites, an order of incredibly wealthy and
powerful warrior monks, alchemy and magic, it is to these aspects
that we address ourselves. However, before dealing directly the
enigma, it is important that the main players are identified and to
this end, I have included a description of them. I also wish to pay
tribute to Ms Leslee Dru Browning, of Seattle USA, a powerful
and talented shaman, psychic and author, whose unstinting advice and
insights made this project so much easier.
Fr. Berenger Sauniere
First, a brief outline of how the mystery began: Following his
appointment to the village of Rennes-le-Chateau in
1885, the young priest Fr. Berenger Sauniere lived an austere
and unremarkable life, but suddenly in 1891, during some restoration
work on the church,
Sauniere found, in a Visigoth pillar under the alter, two
parchments. It is the information contained on these parchments that
ignite the mystery. They appear to have been hidden there by
Sauniere’s predecessor in the parish of a century before, an
Abbe Antoine Bigou.
At first sight, the parchments appeared to be Latin texts of passages
copied from the Gospels, but on closer examination, there was code
or cipher present. It was observed that certain letters were out of
line with the rest of the text and the letters spelled out words in
The original French and English translations are as follows.
‘Bergere pas de tentation que Poussin Tenniers gardent la clef pax
DCLXXXI par le croix et ce cheval de dieu j’achieve ce daemon de
gardien a midi pommes bleues’.
‘Shepherdess, no temptation. That Poussin, Tenniers
hold the key: peace 681. By the cross and this horse of God. I
complete (or destroy) this daemon of the guardian at noon
blue apples’ [Trans].
On the other, equally enigmatic parchment was inscribed:
‘A Dagobert II roi et a Sion est tresor et il est la mort’,
‘To Dagobert II King, and to Sion belongs this
treasure and he is there dead.’[Trans].
Whatever the meaning of these ciphers, it was enough to send
to the local mayor who gave him permission to visit his superior, the
bishop at Carcassone. Like Sauniere, the bishop could not
understand the cipher either, so at his own expense, he sent the
priest to Paris for assistance and advice. It was here that he met
Emile Hoffet,
who, although studying for the priesthood was also an expert in
cryptography. Interestingly, and perhaps paradoxically, Hoffet
was also involved in various arcane and occult organizations that
flourished in Paris and indeed throughout Europe, at that time.
Following this meeting, Sauniere spent three weeks in Paris
where he became involved with the exotic circles in which Hoffet
moved. It was during this interlude that Sauniere reportedly
became the lover of the opera singer Emma Calve, who like
Hoffet was involved with the same esoteric groups. She was also
friendly with the composer Claude Debussy whose name will
appear again in this tale.
During his time in Paris, Sauniere spent some time in the
studying the works of the painters mentioned in the ciphers,
and Tenniers. In particular his attention was taken by one
work, a painting by Poussin entitled ‘Les Bergers
d’Arcadie’ or the
‘Shepherds of Arcadia’ [Trans]. The work depicts
shepherds grouped around a tomb, one of the group indicates an
engraving on the tomb: ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’, In Arcadia I
[Trans]. This was only one of five paintings by
Poussin that was dedicated to the subject of Arcadia.
The difference was that in this instance the depiction of the tomb
was not created by the imagination of the artist. The tomb actually
existed close to the
village of Arques and the painting was accurate even
down to the rendering of mountains on the skyline. The tomb is no
longer there; it was suddenly and mysteriously demolished in the
late 1960’s for no good or obvious reason (apparently) other than
the amount of attention now being paid to the enigma surrounding
Rennes-le Chateau. In fact, there were a group of
documentary filmmakers at the tomb one morning, they went for lunch
and on their return, they found the tomb razed to the ground; no
explanation has ever been found.
On his return from Paris, Sauniere continued with the church
restoration but one incident in particular is of interest, in the
churchyard adjoining the church there stood a headstone erected and
designed, once again by Sauniere’s predecessor Antoine Bigou.
The engraving on the headstone contained what were apparently
mistakes in spelling and spacing; it also formed an anagram of the
writing on the parchments. Fortunately, for posterity this had
already been copied, because for whatever reason, Sauniere
took it upon himself to deface the headstone by erasing the entire
inscription. Clearly, he wanted no evidence connecting this to the
parchments. Shortly after this, the priest launched into spending
spree in the parish, the source of the money has never been
established. While some of this was of benefit to the village, much
was for his own purposes.
He had a library ‘The Tour Magdala’, or ‘The Magdalene
[Trans] constructed overlooking the sheer side of the
mountain, he also had a large villa built, the
Villa Bethania, which he never occupied. His church was
also redecorated, but there were some curious features added, for
example, there is a statue of the demon Asmodeus
immediately inside the door, the demon symbolizes hidden treasure
and secrets. It also said to be the builder of Solomon’s Temple.
There are a number of other unusual examples including illustrations
depicting the Stations of the Cross, in Station eight there is a
child wrapped in a Scottish plaid. In another,
Jesus Christ is depicted being carried into his tomb at
night…or is he being carried out? In yet another Pontius Pilate
is depicted wearing a veil and finally St Joseph and Mary are
depicted each carrying a baby. There is even an inscription above
the church door saying ‘Terribilis Est Locus Iste’ or
‘This Place is Terrible’ [Trans]. The significance of
this inscription is unknown and adds yet another element of mystery
to the enigma.
Whatever the significance of these words and symbols, Sauniere
continued to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle funded by the same unknown
source until January the 17th 1917 when abruptly, Sauniere at
the age of 65 he suffered a sudden massive stroke. As he lay in his
deathbed, a priest, Fr Riviere, was called from a neighboring
parish to administer the last rights. Evidently, during his last
Sauniere revealed something that caused the attending priest to
refuse him absolution and communion, once again there is no ready
explanation for this. Sauniere’s funeral was also decidedly
odd, following his death on January 22nd; his body was dressed in a
tasseled robe and placed in chair on the terrace outside the
Tour Magdala. A number of unidentified mourners filed past,
each one removing a tassel, presumably as a token of remembrance. It
is curious to note that
the Merovingian kings who also feature strongly in this
mystery, also wore tasseled robes, the tassels were held to be
imbued with magical properties as indeed were the monarchs
themselves, the tassels were distributed to those deemed deserving
or worthy.
Following his death, the villagers fully expected to benefit from his
will, to their disappointment he had left everything to his
housekeeper Marie Denarnaud who had been his confidant for
the 32 years of their relationship. She lived in the Villa
Bethania until her death in 1953, also from a stroke. She
financed herself from the proceeds of the eventual sale of the
house, the purchaser a Noel Corbu
had agreed to allow her to live there on condition that she told him
the nature of the Sauniere’s secret before she died.
Unfortunately, to
Mr Corbu’s annoyance, due to the nature and speed of her
affliction this did not happen. Interestingly, following the Second
World War, the French government issued a completely new currency to
thwart the efforts of wartime profiteers and collaborators.
Possessors of large amounts of the existing currency had to explain
where they came by it.
Marie was seen to burn huge bundles of old notes in the garden of
the villa rather then explain where the money came from.
The Knights Templar
According to accepted wisdom, two French knights, Hughes de Payens
Godfrey of St.Omer, founded the original Knights Templar,
The Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon around
1118 AD. They traveled to the holy land and approached King
Baudouin, (or Baldwin)
1st, King of Jerusalem, taking with them the blessing and
sponsorship of St. Bernard of Clairvaux a prominent member of
the Cistercian order of monks and the spokesman for all of
Christendom in this era. Ostensibly, their intention was the
protection of pilgrims traveling to and from the holy land after the
first Crusade from assorted Saracen thieves and bandits. Evidently
King Baudouin, himself a former crusader, was delighted at the
prospect and promptly presented them with a wing of his palace to
use as their headquarters. However, what happened next is open to
The numbers of the fledgling order were swiftly made up to nine in
total, then for the following nine years, virtually nothing is
known. All that is certain is: no new members were admitted, and
although they made occasional patrols on the pilgrim trails, the
original nine were seldom seen to leave their quarters. This may
have been connected with the fact that the quarters so generously
donated by King Baudouin,
were constructed on the ruins of Solomon’s Temple.
The conjecture is that the warrior monks appear to have spent their
time digging under the temple looking for…what exactly? There are
many theories but no one is completely certain. The best evidence
suggests there was a mixture of treasure, both material and
spiritual. Details of the items secreted there are mentioned in
The Dead Sea Scrolls found at
in particular, the copper scroll. The material treasure is obvious in
terms of bullion and precious stones etc., but the spiritual, - what
could that have been? From all this one thing is certain, the
founding of the order of warrior monks had originally very little to
do with protecting pilgrims and a lot to do with gathering
information and treasure.
So, who sent them and why? It is worth noting that the Templars
were, due to their strict discipline and religious fervor, probably
the most feared and efficient fighting men in the world. Because of
this, they were held in high regard by their sworn enemies
the Saracens, themselves fierce and disciplined
warriors. Indeed, it was from this mutual respect with the Saracens
that they learned their considerable pharmacological and
metalworking skills. This probably resulted in the Templars
absorbing some of the mystical
beliefs of Islam, which had it been generally known,
would not have found much favor with the church authorities and most
likely been condemned as heresy. It was during this time that
the Templars, because of their wealth and influence began
operating a form of banking. A pilgrim would deposit money with
a local preceptory where he was issued with an encrypted
letter. The letter he took with him on his journey, and on arrival
in the Holy Land, the letter was taken the preceptory
there and his money was retuned to him, less interest of course,
in effect,
they invented the cheque.
Following the fall of the fortress of Acre in 1291, last
Christian bastion in the holy land, where, according to their
original code of conduct the Templars fought literally
to the last man, they lost their raison d’etrait and were only too
aware of their tenuous position. Initially the order regrouped and
made their headquarters on the
island of Cyprus, and during this period, they turned their
attention to Europe trying to devise a method to justify their
continued existence. Due to their unique position, they continued to
attract recruits and of course, the attendant ‘gifts’ that came with
them. Since they no longer had to finance the heavy costs of battle,
their wealth grew quickly and the organization soon became
incredibly wealthy, to the point where, in effect they became
bankers to the rest of the Christian world, their wealth, influence
and power was to prove their eventual downfall.
In France, King Philip the Fair was for various reasons in
serious financial trouble and owed the Templars a huge
sum, which of course would have to be paid back and he was in no
position to do this. At first, he looked for way to raise the money
and turned his unwelcome attentions to the Jews who he taxed and
persecuted until they either fled France or had nothing left. Faced
with this dilemma, he hatched a daring scheme, he decided to charge
the Templars with heresy, which even the pope could not
ignore and then seize their wealth. To this end, he and his
ministers engineered the death of one pope and more likely two,
until he achieved the desired result of having his own man, the
archbishop of Bordeaux, who took the name of Clement V,
elected pope. Following this Phillip charged the Order
with a variety of heresies which may or may not have been genuine;
denying Christ, spitting on the Cross, homosexuality, ‘obscene
kisses’ on the genitals, worship of a head known as the
‘Baphomet’ (from the Arabic Abu Fihamet or Father of Wisdom)
and a host of other charges. What is certain is the Templars
were certainly aware of other belief systems, and give the nature of
the order would probably have adopted some of them; therefore the
possibility of occult practices is more likely than not. At first,
the pope resisted the king’s demands but under continuous pressure
from King Philip, eventually acceded to them.
After considerable planning, on Friday, October the 13th 1307, (the
source of the superstition surrounding this date), Philip
launched a series of highly secret and well thought out simultaneous
raids on all
the preceptories in France. He succeeded in capturing not only
Jacques de Molay, ostensibly the last grand master, but also
120 other knights. Under torture, the majority eventually admitted
the various charges although a few remained resolute and denied all
part in any heretical practices. It is probable that the occult
practices were either not known or not conducted throughout the
order; therefore, the knights who denied all knowledge were probably
speaking the truth. It made no difference, they were all eventually
executed by burning, including Jacques de Molay, although in
his case he was one of the last to die some seven years later in
1314. To Philips fury there was no sign of the Templars
vast wealth; it had all gone.
Given the unique position of the Order is inconceivable that they did
not have prior knowledge of their fate. It is known that immediately
preceding to the fateful events of October the 13th, the night
before the raids took place, the Templar fleet, some 18 vessels,
sailed from the port of La Rochelle presumably
carrying the contents of the various treasuries. Why De Molay
and the rest of the knights elected to stay and be captured is
unknown but it is speculated that due to a mixture of arrogance and
pride they did not believe the king’s seneschals would go through
with the raids, to his cost he discovered that they did. Where then
did they go? Some went to Germany and joined one of their kindred
orders, the Teutonic Knights; some went to Portugal
where they aligned themselves with the ruling house, others came to
Scotland where they enjoyed the protection and patronage of
King Robert the Bruce, the disposition of the rest remains a
mystery as indeed the whereabouts of the treasuries.
There is well-founded speculation that the remaining Templars
made their way to Switzerland and founded the countries reputation
as the very hub of the banking world. As we shall see later, this is
not the only secretive, close knit organization founded by the
Knights Templar. Finally,
the Templars did not forget the punishment dealt to them
the Vatican
and at the time of the Reformation and the emergence of Protestantism
in 1522, the forces of the Catholic Church found themselves facing
the Teutonic Knights in battle.
The Priory of Sion
The origins of this shadowy organization are far from clear-cut,
according to which information you have; it was either instituted
following the demise of the Merovingian dynasty in the
seventh century AD, or it has existed only from 956 as a natural
successor to the Order of Sion which was founded in
1090AD. From the available information, it is more likely that
the Order of Sion was the earliest of the organizations and
does indeed date from the seventh century AD. The Priory was founded
with one objective, to restore the Merovingian house to the
throne of France and indeed the continent of Europe. It is
also suggested that the Priory was directly responsible for the
existence of the Knights Templar whose military wing
they are alleged to have been. The evidence suggests that in fact
the Templars were in existence from 1115 and not 1118 as the
official line decrees. The history books on the other hand tell us
that The Order of Sion had it’s own abbeys, one on Mt.
Sion in Palestine and others throughout the Holy Land. The abbey on
Mt Sion was called ‘Notre Dame do Sion’
and was in use until 1291,when in common with other Christian and
Crusader organizations and properties it was seized by the Muslims.
It is likely that there is a considerable overlap between both the
Priory and the Order of Sion and to some extent they may have been
interchangeable to the point of having the same grand masters, for
the sake of clarity I will refer only to the Priory of Sion.
Like it’s progeny, the Templars, the Priory had its
Grand Masters too, they, amongst others included; Jean de St.
Clair, Nicholas Flamel, Sandro Filipepi (better known as
Bottichelli), Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Fludd, Robert Boyle,
Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy, Jean Cocteau, and
more recently, Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair.
Of these grand masters, it is obvious that there was a number of them
favored strong scientific and alchemical school beliefs, it is known
for example that Flamel, an alchemist, with the assistance of
some Spanish rabbi’s, translated the text of the ‘Abra Melin’
ritual. This is the same ritual allegedly performed by the
notorious occultist and magician Aliester Crowley at
Boleskine House on the shores of Loch Ness. It was because of
certain irregularities in the ritual that certain elementals were
released into this plane creating the eerie reputation of the house
and its surroundings. The masters of the Priory all
take the name Jean or John, which reflects their
interest in the heretical belief in Johanism or the
belief that
John the Baptist and not Jesus Christ was the true
messiah. This is also a feature of
the Mandean heresy, which holds to the same belief. It
also appears that the Masonic, Swiss ‘Grand Lodge Alpina’,
the equivalent of Scottish or English Grand Lodges may have been a
source of Priory members, there are also ties to the Italian
P2 Lodge. It is important to realize that the P2 lodge
is linked to both the
CIA and the former
KGB; it had its agents in high positions within both
the Italian Government and the Vatican. It is
also linked to the ultra-conservative Knights of Malta
and Opus Dei
(Gods work) within the Vatican itself.
It is this apparent dichotomy that creates much confusion; Freemasonry
and rightwing Catholicism, an apparent mismatch but it is not. There
is considerable evidence that the Templars either
the Freemasons or if not created, then heavily
influenced Masonic rituals and beliefs. Several Masonic rituals are
specifically Templar, particularly relating to the Preceptory
and other degrees. There are also influences suggesting
Rosicrucian input in ceremonies using rose imagery where, as
before, the rose symbolizes the hidden or secret. It is clear
therefore that the Priory does indeed still wield a
considerable amount of power and influence and is directly linked to
a variety of esoteric and possibly occult organizations.
Other Priory documents allude to ‘Le Serpent Rouge’ or
which is a North/South meridian drawn through the Paris observatory.
The meridian passes through villages Arques and
Conques; which are significant in the history of the region,
particularly to Cathar
belief and tradition. If the Roseline is
extended on a map, it passes through Rosslyn Chapel in
Scotland as well. It is almost certain that the significance
of this is spiritual, rather as ancient henges and sites of worship
are usually close to ley lines. Although
Lomas and Knight, authors of ‘The Hiram Key’ and ‘The
Second Messiah’, attribute the name of Rosslyn to
the Gaelic roots of Ros and
Lyn representing
‘Knowledge through the ages,’ it is also possible that
the name derives from ‘Roseline’. The significance of the
rose, the ‘sub rosa’, is not accidental either. It has traditionally
represented hidden and esoteric knowledge since the Middle Ages;
the Rosicrucians exemplify this use and the Templars
as well with their emblem of the
cross pattee, in fact the entire mystery is awash with
the rose or esoteric symbolism.
The Merovingian Dynasty
The involvement of this early French royal house cannot be understated
and indeed appears to be the link between all the diverse factors.
As far is known, the Merovingians descended from a
Germanic tribe,
the Sicambrians, who collectively were known as
the Franks. This people who were also referred to as the
‘Long Haired Kings,’ and ‘The Sorcerer Kings’, bore classic tall,
blond, Germanic looks, and from the fifth to the seventh centuries
ruled parts of what is now Germany and France. According to
tradition, one ‘Merovee’ sometimes referred to as Merovech,
whose parentage is to say the least highly unusual, founded the
dynasty, but as we shall see later this is not the only explanation.
According to the attendant mythology he had two fathers, one
was human enough, but the others was allegedly a sea creature, or at
least amphibious; a ‘Quinotaur’. It was apparently
from this heritage that the Merovingian reputation for
the possessing supernatural abilities arose.
This claimed blending of human and non-human genes might well be a
precursor of alleged alien/ human interfaces,
inter-species breeding and harvesting fetuses. Nor is this the only
extraterrestrial connection; there is speculation by Gerard de
Sede author of the book
‘La Race Fabuleuse’ that there is a link between the
Merovingians and the star Sirius. Although
attributed with a range of magical abilities including clairvoyance,
telepathy and remarkable longevity their main claim to fame was as
healers. As previously mentioned, they also wore tasseled robes that
allegedly bore miraculous curative powers. Interestingly they all
bore a common physical characteristic, a birthmark resembling a
cross, which was sited either between the shoulder blades, or in a
strange link with the Templars, over the heart, this
birthmark set them aside from other, less well-favored mortals.
Some of the esoteric customs attributed to them relate to their burial
rituals, several Merovingian tombs have yielded such
objects as tiny golden bees, a golden bulls head, and a crystal
ball. The skulls of many of the monarchs and been ritually
trepanned, a ritual reflecting the old belief that the soul resided
in the head and correspondingly trepanning was designed to allow the
spirit of the deceased easy passage to the afterlife. This belief
still holds sway today among primitive cultures and is a common
belief with former head-hunters, the Dayaks of Borneo.
Perhaps the most extraordinary claim made for the Merovingian
lineage relates to events that took place 2,000 years ago; there are
many assertions that the Merovingians
were descended from the blood of Jesus Christ and the woman he
allegedly married, Mary Magdalene, we will return to this
point later.
However, the link with Sirius is not solely confined to
the Merovingians; we discover from two French
anthropologists Graiule
and Dieterlen, that in antiquity,
the Dogon
tribe from Mali appear to have obtained knowledge of
Sirius gained from an amphibious being named
‘Nommos’ who originated from the solar system
surrounding the binary star. Aleister Crowley had his work
‘Liber Al’ dictated to him by an entity ‘Lam’
(whose portrait incidentally looks remarkably like a ‘Grey’),
who originated from Sirius. Likewise, researcher
Andrija Puharich channeled the ‘Ennead of Heliopolis’
who apparently originate from Sirius, via Uri
Geller and other mediums. We also find reference to Sirius
and amphibians in
Sumerian teachings who refer to a deity named
‘Oannes’, there is also repeated mention of the number 50
which represents the orbital period of Sirius B and a dog
headed entity representing the Dog Star, Sirius
The Enigma
It is at this point that we try to draw the disparate threads
together, and as we shall see, there is evidently more than one
mystery associated with the Rennes Valley. First, what
was the significance of Fr Sauniere’s find? There have been
assertions that it referred to various hoards of treasure amassed by
alternatively the Merovingians,
the Visigoths or the Cathars, even the
lost treasure of
the Knights Templar; while all this is possible, and
would explain
Sauniere’s sudden wealth it is the least likely. However, it is
probable that the arcane references were related to spiritual
knowledge affecting traditional Christian teaching and that of the
Catholic Church in particular. One interpretation concerns
the Cathars
once again, who had a strong presence in the area during the middle
ages. The Cathars had aroused the ire of the
Vatican because of their perceived heretical beliefs, which
were based on the view that there were two ‘Gods,’ one purely
spiritual and therefore ‘good’. The other was made flesh and
therefore fallible, the ‘Rex Mundie’ or
‘God of the World’; based on this belief, the
Cathars viewed the Roman Church with its reliance on
ostentation, pomp and grandeur is inherently evil.
Although the Vatican suspected, rightly, that it was
fast losing influence and power in the region, it did not launch
the Albigensian Crusade until 1209 in a bloody offensive
that lasted forty years. Immediately prior to the fall of the
Cathar last redoubt, the mountain fortress of
Montsegur, it is known that four men escaped by climbing
down the mountainside and taking refuge in the warren of caves
there. They carried with then an item of immense spiritual
significance to
the Cathars, it is speculated that this object was the
Holy Grail itself; the cup used at catch the blood from
the wound in Jesus Christ’s side. Another version postulated by
Dr Keith Laidler suggests that the fleeing Cathars
may have had the mummified head of Jesus Christ with them; the same
head that he claims lies beneath the Apprentice Pillar at
Rosslyn. While this theory is based on well-researched
information, unless someone was in possession of specific knowledge,
there is little chance of discovering whether the head is there or
not because it would require the removal of the pillar, and there is
no chance of this happening.
It is here that the connection with the Priory of Sion
occurs, according to the seminal work, ‘The Holy Blood and The
Holy Grail’;
the Priory was formed with the express purpose of restoring the
deposed Merovingian dynasty to the throne of France
and indeed throughout Europe. This was also to be achieved by means
of specially appointed ‘Rex Deus’ families, the
Sinclair’s, the builders of Rosslyn Chapel were one such
family. The Knights Templar who were the Priory’s
military wing searched for, and probably found both actual and
spiritual treasures beneath the Temple of Solomon.
What the treasures actually were is still hotly debated, but
consensus suggests that they comprised a fortune in gold and
artifacts etc and also the lost gospels of Jesus Christ.
The Priory therefore would have had access to at least some of the
spoils and documentation, certainly enough to finance any of its
Either of these items would have financed Sauniere’s spending
in and around Rennes-le-Chateau, but if the ‘treasure’
was information inimical to the Catholic Church, then it is likely
that a great deal of ‘hush money’ was paid. What could the
information have been, revelations concerning Jesus Christ;
perhaps that he was merely mortal? Or that he had a twin brother?
Even that he married Mary Magdalene and had a family? This is not as
ridiculous as might first appear. It is stated clearly in the bible
that Jesus Christ was a rabbi or teacher, to be a
rabbi a man had to be married; there was no option about this.
Further, the wedding feast at Canaan may well have been a
description of his wedding. It is also possible that Jesus Christ
did not die on the cross and was spirited away with the Magdalene
ending up in France
(for more info about this topic, "click"
where, according to ‘The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail,’ his
bloodline allegedly founded the Merovingian dynasty.
This then may be one secret of Rennes-le-Chateau the
other is equally incredible. It has been suggested that within the
Rennes valley is encoded a message left to us nine thousand years
ago by the remnants of a lost race: the Atlanteans.
Whether this is true or not is in my opinion not too important at
this time, what is important is the message and not the writers. My
own research using the services of a powerful psychic suggests that
there may be a portal here, a gateway between worlds, between
realities. In my opinion this part of the puzzle can only be
solved is by the use of that talented and perceptive group of
people, psychics.
The events leading up to this conclusion are remarkable, out of idle
curiosity I asked Leslee Dru Browning, a talented shaman and
psychic from Seattle in the USA what the name
meant to her; given that she had never before heard of the place, her
response was astonishing and I include it verbatim below. The
message came via e-mail and the words in bold are my reply to her: