



 -  A Crimean Pyramid?


 -  Ancient Peru Pyramid Spotted by Satellite - New Remote-Sensing Technology Reveals Huge Structure...


 -  Australia - Continent of Contrasts - Main File


 -  Chinese Pyramids - Main File


 -  Cuicuilco - The Oldest Pyramid on Earth?


 -  El Valle Peruano de Las Pirámides


 -  Europe's Pyramid History Unveiled


 -  Huge Pyramid Like Structure Discovered in Antarctica?


 -  Is This an Ancient Lost City?


 -  La Gran Pirámide de Giza - Main File


 -  La Pirámide Etrusca


 -  Las Misteriosas 'Pirámides de Kola' construidas por una Perdida y Desconocida Civilización Antigua podrían...


 -  Le Misteriose 'Piramidi di Kola' costruite da una Antica Civiltà Perduta possono riscrivere la Storia Antica


 -  Long-Lost Pyramids Confirmed in Egypt - Could this Finding Dwarf the Pyramids of Giza?


 -  Lost Egyptian Pyramids Found?


 -  Mysterious 'Kola Pyramids' built by an Unknown Lost Ancient Civilization can rewrite Ancient History


 -  Pirámides Chinas - Main File


 -  Pyramid Cavities


 -  Pyramids and Philip Coppens


 -  Pyramids and The New Fire Ceremony


 -  Russian Twin Pyramids?


 -  Some Pyramids around The World


 -  Teotihuacan - Main File


 -  The Bosnian Pyramid


 -  The Builders of Teotihuacan and the Pyramid of Cholula - Quinametzin Giants of Aztec Mythology


 -  The Great Giza Pyramid - Main File


 -  The Great Pyramids of Arizona


 -  The Guanche Pyramids on The Canary Islands


 -  The New Pyramid Age - Delivered at The Unexplained Mysteries Conference, Dorchester, April 15 2007


 -  The Nubian Pyramids


 -  The Peruvian Valley of The Pyramids


 -  The Sudanese Pyramids - Wonders of Ancient Africa


 -  Túcume - El Misterio de Las Pirámides Peruanas


 -  Underwater Pyramids - Atlantis


 -  Unsolved Mystery of the 5.7km long 'Underground World' beneath Egypt's Oldest Pyramid - The Step Pyramid


 -  Yonaguni - El Edificio Mas Antiguo del Mundo - Main File


 -  Yonaguni - The Oldest Building in The World - Main File



In America:

Rest of The World:




 -  Belize

 -  Australia



 -  Bolivia

 -  China


 -  El Salvador

 -  Egypt


 -  Guatemala

 -  Germany


 -  Honduras

 -  Greece


 -  México

 -  Iraq


 -  Peru

 -  Japan



 -  USA

 -  Spain


 -  Yax Mutul - Tikal

 -  Sudan


 -  Tibet


 -  Turkey



Additional Information


 -  Antropólogo de Houston Revela Pruebas Irrefutables de que La Historia Escrita es Incorrecta


 -  Arquitectura para El Nuevo Orden Mundial - La Pirámide de "La PAX y La Conciliación"


 -  El Arte Sumerio-Anunnaki en Diferentes Continentes


 -  Harmonic Pyramids on Earth and Abroad


 -  Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History is Wrong


 -  'Huge' Structure Discovered Near Snefru's Bent Pyramid in Egypt May Be an Ancient Harbor


 - "Large Quantities" of Liquid Mercury Found Underneath Oldest Pyramid in Mexico


 -  Los Enigmas Arqueológicos más fascinantes de la Historia Humana - De la isla de Cerdeña a Machu Picchu


 -  Pirámides del Mundo Transmiten Energía Hacia Misteriosa Nube de Fotones en El Espacio


 -  Sacred Geometry - Main File


 -  Se Encuentran Pirámides en El Ártico y La Antarctica


 -  The Mysterious 'Pyramids of the Amazon' - Spotted by a NASA Satellite in 1976


 -  World's Pyramids Beaming Energy to Mysterious Space Photon Cloud


 -  Zigurat - Montagne Mesopotamiche costruite dall'Uomo per arrivare agli Dei


 -  Zigurats - Montañas Mesopotámicas hechas por el Hombre para Llegar a los Dioses


Gunung Padang


 -  A 27,000-year-old Pyramid? - Controversy hits an Extraordinary Archaeological Claim

 -  Geo-archaeological prospecting of Gunung Padang buried Prehistoric Pyramid in West Java - by D.H Natawidjaja


 -  Is Gunung Padang the Oldest Pyramid in the World?


 -  La Pirámide de Gunung Padang ¿la más Antigua que la Civilización Humana? - Misterio en Indonesia



 -  Once There Was a Flood


Books - Treatises


 -  Pyramid of Thoughts - by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak


 -  Pyramids Source - by J.DSalvo


 -  The Pyramids - by Valery Uvarov





 -  Archaeologists have Discovered an Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia


 -  Nuestra Verdadera Historia - Pirámides y Dioses-Sol - Nassim Haramein

 -  Our True History - Pyramids and Sun-Gods - Nassim Haramein


 -  Pirámide de Bosnia - La Pirámide Más Grande del Mundo escondida a Plena Vista

 -  Pyramid Power and 2012 - Valery Uvarov


 -  Quest for The Lost Civilization - Graham Hancock


 -  The Revelation of The Pyramids


 -  The Valley of The Pyramids - Túcume-Perú



Related Reports


 -  Mensajes de Civilizaciones Andinas y Americanas - Main File


 -  Mitos y Leyendas de Los Gigantes - Main File