10 Reasons We Would Be Better Off
Without Ben Bernanke
Arizona Introduce una Ley que
podría Acabar con el Dólar y la Reserve Federal
Audit of New York FED Reveals
Technocrat’s Creation and Cover-Up of Global Financial
Audit of The Federal Reserve
Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts
Bill introduced to Ban FED from
Issuing CBDC
Central Banks = Welfare
for the Wealthy
Español |
Cómo Fue Inventado 'Los Pilares
del Sistema Monetario Mundial' y Quién Se Ha Aprovechado
de Todo Esto
Council on Foreign Relations & The
Federal Reserve
Currency Wars For Dummies
- How The United States is Hyperventilating The World
Democracy is a Front for Central
Bank Rule - The FED
Digital Currency - The FED moves
toward Monetary Totalitarianism
Italiano |
Disegno di Legge presentato per
Vietare alla FED l'emissione di CBDC
Dollar Deception - How Banks
Secretly Create Money
Español |
El Arma Silenciosa de Washington
para Guerras No Tan Silenciosas
Español |
El Gran Crash Global del 2008
- El Colapso del Sistema
Financiero Mundial
- Main File
Español |
El legislador ruso Anatoly Aksakov
vaticina el "Fin del Dólar" en un Máximo de 10 Años
Español |
El Sistema Bancario de La Reserva
Español |
- ¿El
Suicidio del Dólar?
End The FED, Save The Dollar
- Ron Paul
Excess Reserves at The Federal
Reserve - One of The Biggest Financial Scams In History
- A Whopping...
Farewell to Dollar Supremacy
FED Chairman Bernanke Thanks House
Democrats for Opposing Audit Bill - Ron Paul 'End The
Federal Reserve 100 Years of
Federal Reserve Admits it Has NO
IDEA What it's Doing
Federal Reserve Directors - A
Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
Federal Reserve (FED) to
Quarantine Dollars from Asia on Covid-19 -
'Transmission' Concerns...
FED Links to Paper Extremely
Critical of Monetary Intervention... - Then Pulls Link
FED to the Sharks
- FED by The FED
FED Up - Bernanke Declares War on
The Poor
Finally The Federal Reserve (FED)
Will Be Audited - Digging Into The FED
Federal Reserve Directors' Banks
and Businesses Took $4 Trillion in Bailouts - Report
Reserve Money Printing Is The Real Reason Why The Stock
Market Is Soaring
Federal Reserve - The Enemy of
GAO-11-696 - Federal Reserve
- Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies
Gold Manipulation and $1.2
Quadrillion in Derivatives
How the Federal Reserve Bought the
Economics Profession
How The U.S. Dollar Will Be
How to End The Federal Reserve and
The Bailout Madness
Italiano |
Il Sistema Bancario della Riserva
Inside the New York FED - Secret
Recordings and a Culture Clash
Is the FED Preparing for a
"Controlled Demolition" of the Market? - Europe's Biggest Bank Dares
to Ask...
Jackals of Jekyll Island - Federal
Reserve Audit
Jamie Dimon Is Not Alone
- Report on Former and Current Directors from Federal
Reserve Banks
Español |
La FED - Es necesario Detener el
Mayor Robo de Todos los Tiempos
Español |
La Reserva Federal - Banqueros para el Nuevo Orden Mundial
Español |
Las Estrategias de China
Encaminadas a Convertirla en La Mayor Potencia Aurífera
Español |
La Sorprendente Verdad sobre el
Origen del Dinero
Español |
La Triple Crisis Global - 'Pandemia',
Conflicto en Ucrania e Inflación Récord
Italiano |
Le Strategie della Cina proiettata
a Divenire La Maggior Potenza Aurifera
Lucifer's Network -
Master’s of the New
World Order - Chapter 2: The Federal
Mainstream Media finally Realizes
the Federal Reserve is a Private Bank that Controls the
Modern Money Mechanics
- A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion
Italiano |
- "Nella
Riserva Federale non c'è più Oro"
- Lo dice l'Ex Sottosegretario del Tesoro degli Stati
Español |
- "No
Hay Más Oro en La Reserva Federal"
- Dice Ex-Subsecretario
del Tesoro de EE.UU.
No Way Out - The FED Committed to
Destruction of The Dollar
Ownership of Federal Reserve
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti sono decisi a
tutto pur di Distruggere il Dollaro Americano
Español |
- ¿Que
hará la FED para combatir los Efectos de la
Desdolarización de los BRICS?
Several Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve
Ten Shocking Quotes About What QE3 is Going to Do to
The Assault on Gold
The Bank of The FED is Closed…
The Coming Non-Linear World
- The Bernanke FED is Playing With Fire
The FED Declares War... on The Poor, Retirees, and The
Middle Class
The Federal Reserve, a Privately
Owned Banking Cartel, has Been Given Police Powers, with
Glock 22s...
The Federal Reserve Bank Is Now
Looting Private Bank Accounts to Keep Itself Afloat
The Federal Reserve Board May End
This Week
- Reports From Secret Negotiations With The Pentagon...
The Federal Reserve Cartel
The Federal Reserve Cartel - Eight
Families own the USA BIS, IMF, World Bank
The Federal Reserve Is A Scam
The Federal Reserve Is Not Going
to Save Us From The Great Depression That Is Coming
The Federal Reserve's Explicit
Goal - Devalue The Dollar 33%
The Federal Reserve Should Be
The Federal Reserve - Stupid Bank
Robbers or Robber “Hood” Barons
- A Psychohistory Analysis
The Federal Reserve - The Greatest
Scam In History? (Revisited)
The FED Now Owns The World's
Largest Insurance Company - But Who Owns the FED?
The Global 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's
Financial System
- Main File
The History of The “Money Changers”
The New York Times and the FED's
Transcripts - The Greatest Propaganda
Coup of Our Time?
The Purpose of the 'Federal
Reserve Banking System'
The Secret Recordings of Carmen
Segarra - The FED
The Truth Behind FED’s Alarming
Wealth Distribution Report
Top 50 Holding Companies of Federal
Reserve as of 12/31/00
Audit of The Federal Reserve's Gold is Pure Propaganda
Español |
Trump quiere Tomar Control de la
Trump Takes on the FED |
Ukraine’s Gold Reserves Secretly
Flown Out and Confiscated by the New York Federal
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2
Trillion in FED’s Secret Loans
Washington's Silent Weapon for
Not-so-quiet Wars
What Is the Federal Reserve - And
Why is it Private?
What's In Your Vault?
- Uncle Sam Audits Its Stash of Gold at The New York FED
When will the Central Bankers pay
for all the Wealth Inequality and Misery they’ve Caused?
Who Owns The FED?
- Charts
Why Bankers Created The FED 100
Years Ago
Why The Globalists are Hell-Bent
on Destroying the US Dollar
Additional Information |
12 Warning Signs of U.S.
Abolishing The FED and New Energy
Disclosure Key to U.S. Survival - Paul Hellyer
About Last Week’s Failed US
Begging Mission in China and The Continuing
Disintegration of The FED...
A Full Political Briefing, the
Coming Financial Reset and the American Elections! -
From a Pleiadian Civilization
Alabama Law will Help Encourage
the Use of Gold and Silver as Money - Signed by the
Alan Greenspan-United Nations Now
Implicated in $134.5 Billion Bond Scandal?
A New Breed of Rough Riders?
- Dollar Issuance by The United States Is “Out of
Are Central Banks Losing Control?
Are We on The Verge of A Massive
Emerging Markets Currency Collapse?
Bank Holiday Rumors Swirl Amidst
Currency Crisis
Banks, Credit Unions see
'Devastating Consequences' of Central Bank Digital
Currency - CBDC
Basel III - A Global Regulatory
Standard on International Banking
Español |
Bernanke Admite Que Crearon Dinero de La Nada y La Deuda Fue al Sistema
Bernanke Admits Printing $1.3
Trillion Out of Thin Air
BRICS Announce $100 Billion
Reserve to Bypass the FED and Developed World Central
BRICS Move to Replace Dollar With
"Super-Sovereign" Global Currency
Brokers Threatened by Run on
Shadow Bank System
- Regulators Eye $10 Trillion Market That Boomed...
Can The Economy Recover?
Changes in U.S. Family Finances
from 2010 to 2013 - Evidence from the Survey of Consumer
is 'A Process', Not an Event - How does one 'Get Ahead'
during Hard Times
Español |
Comprender La Estafa
- El Sistema Financiero Internacional Un Sistema Mafioso
Coup d'État - The Historical
Framework of Globalization
Español |
- ¿Cuantas
Naciones en el Mundo No Tienen un Banco Central?
- No Dejes que te Engañen - Son los...
Cut Wall Street Out! - Own Your
Own Bank
- How States Can Finance
Their Own Recovery
Debasing The Currency is Leading
to Financial Collapse... Just As It Has for Thousands of
Español |
Apocalipsis del Dinero Fiduciario - Cada vez más Bancos
Centrales cambian Dólares por Oro
Español |
El Colapso Económico es Inminente
y le Echarán la Culpa a Trump - Dice Ron Paul
Español |
El Colapso es 'Un Proceso', no un
Evento - ¿Cómo hacemos para 'Salir Adelante' en Tiempos
Español |
- ¿Estamos
al Borde de un Colapso Masivo de Los Mercados Emergentes?
EU/IMF Revolt
- Greece, Iceland and Latvia, May Lead the Way
Español |
Falsificando Billones de Dólares
en Bonos de la Tesorería Estadounidense y Otros Crímenes
Federal Reserve Board Crime
Syndicate Threatens Europe as Their Empire Crumbles
FED Plan to Bring Private Armies
Into U.S. Will Be Stopped
FEDs May Be Planning to Bump All
The Toxic Garbage on Bank of America
Financial Coup d’Etat in The U.S.
Geithner Arrested? 116 Major Bank
- What The Finance is This?
Global Collapse of The Fiat Money
Global Plans to Replace The Dollar
and Gangster State America
Guess How Many Nations in the
World Do Not Have a Central Bank?
Español |
- "Habrá
Otra Crisis Financiera"
- Alan Greenspan
Has the FED Been a Failure?
Italiano |
Il Crollo Economico è Imminente e
Daranno la Colpa a Trump dice Ron Paul
Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to
Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government?
Español |
La FED - El Principal 'Parásito'
Económico de EE.UU.
Español |
La Última Ilusión
Español |
- ¡Los
Banksters celebran los 50 años del "Fiat"!… Presentando
la pesadilla CBDC
Español |
Los Documentos Secretos de Wall
- La Estafa Más Gigantesca de La Historia al Descubierto
Mass Banking Resignations Signal a Purging Has
Meltdown 2008
Modern Money Mechanics
- A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion
Monopoly Money and The
International Banking Cartel
New Currency - The Next Great
NIA Exposes U.S. Debt Ceiling
Obama and Congress ARE Wall
Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What?
Obama Capitulates to Federal
Reserve Masters
Obama Misinforming Public About
U.S. Dollar and Yuan
Parallel Currencies and The
Roadmap to Monetary Freedom
Italiano |
Piani Globali per Rimpiazzare il
- Il Tramonto degli Stati Uniti
Español |
Planes Globales Para Reemplazar Al
Dólar -
El Ocaso de EE.UU.
Red Alert for New Criminally
Insane Move by Satanic Federal Reserve Board
Red China Successfully Blackmails
The Obama Administration
- Federal Reserve Will Be Broke by...
Swinderls List
- Obama's Vicious Band of Zionist Criminals Are Stealing
America Blind and Now Threaten...
Texas Senate Passes Bill to
Establish Bullion Depository - Help Facilitate
Transactions in Gold and Silver
The Assets of The World
The Blueprint for WWIII
The Deliberate Debasing of Humanity
The FBI Wants You to Believe There
Is a Global Jihad Against the [Private] Federal Reserve
The FEDs Buy Time (But Not Much)
by Calling In their Last Reserves
The FEDs Have Sued for Peace and
Detailed Settlement Negotiations Have Begun
The Final Destruction of The
Middle Class
- The Great 2008 Transfer of Wealth
The History of the "Money Changers"-
by Andrew Hitchcock
The Raging Secret War Continues
The Rot Runs
The Shadow Money Lenders
- The Real Significance of The FED’s Zero-Interest-Rate
Policy (ZIRP)
The Wall Street Pentagon Papers
- Biggest Scam In World
History Exposed
The Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand
- Following The Money
Backwards Leads to President Reagan...
Español |
Informe Político Completo, el Inminente Reajuste Financiero
y las Elecciones Estadounidenses
U.S. Banks Experience Major
Withdrawals During First Week of January
U.S. Dollar 50% Devaluation and IMF Part of Global
Central Bank?
U.S. Intervention During the
Bretton Woods Era - 1962-1973
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner Arrested, Questioned and Released
- Asian Negotiations Continue
Español |
Vuelven Los Temores a Un Cierre
'Temporal' de Los Bancos
Wall Street and World Revolution
- from 'Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution' by
Antony Sutton
Was The 2008 Financial Collapse an
Inside Job?
When The Dollar Rallies, The
Market Will Crash
Where Is World’s Gold
Jekyll Island |
A Response to a Critic of The
Creature from Jekyll Island
- Meet Edward Flaherty , Conspiracy Poo-Pooist
Killing The Banking Beast - Review of "The Creature
from Jekyll Island"
The Creature From Jekyll Island
- A Lecture on The Federal Reserve
What is The Mandrake Mechanism?
from Chapter 10
of The Creature from
Jekyll Island
Books-Treatises: |
The Creature of Jekyll Island
- A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - by
G. Edward Griffin
Multimedia: |
Creature From Jekyll Island
- A Second Look at The Federal Reserve
The Creature
from Jekyll Island - Audio
The Great Seal |
Baphomet - The Secret of the Templar
Fortune -
Solomon’s Treasure
Español |
El Dólar Alquímico - La Magia y El
Misterio del Dinero Estadounidense
- El Tesoro de Salomón
Español |
El Gran Sello del Nuevo Orden
Eye of The Phoenix - Secrets of
The Dollar Bill
More on The Great Seal
The Alchemical Dollar - The Magic
and Mystery of America’s Money
- Solomon’s Treasure
Dollar Bill - from "The Atlantean
Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to
The Meaning of The Great Seal of
the United States
The Symbols of The Great Seal of The U.S.
- from 'The Secret Destiny of America' by Manly P. Hall
Books-Treatises |
Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S.
- by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team
the Fed
- by
Ron Paul
Is the United States Bankrupt?
- by
Laurence J. Kotlikoff
Español |
Nadie Se Atreve A Llamarle
Conspiración - por Gary Allen y Larry
None Dare Call It Conspiracy - by Gary Allen and Larry
Secrets of The Federal Reserve -
The London Connection
- by Eustace Mullins
Tragedy And
Hope -
Carroll Quigley
Wall Street and The Bolshevik
Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street And The Rise of Hitler
- by Antony C. Sutton
Multimedia |
America Freedom to Fascism
Banksters & Government Exposed
FINALLY by Mainstream News!
Century of Enslavement - The
History of The Federal Reserve
CIA Officer Explains New World Order's
Wars - The Making of The Next Global Crisis |
Español |
De La Libertad Americana al
Economic Armageddon - Time to Wake
Up! -
The Economic Collapse That Is Unfolding
Español |
El Dinero Es Deuda - Parte 1 - ¿De
Donde Viene El Dinero?
Español |
El Dinero Es Deuda - Parte 2 -
Promesas Incumplidas
Eye of The Phoenix
- Secrets Of The Dollar Bill
Foreclosure Fraud by Gov-Co &
Banks -
Indymac Boys Get Sweetheart Deal
Secrets of Money - Currency Vs Money
- One Nation - Under Debt - In Stress
- "Looks
Like Magic"
- Ron Paul on The Fed's Money Machine
Banking, and The Federal Reserve
Money, Masons and Alchemy
(NO)Reserve - Bank
Exposes Federal Reserve Con
- Dylan Ratigan
Radio Interview of G. Edward Griffin - "The Creature from Jekyll
Ron Paul on The Fiat Currency, Monetary Inflation & The
Federal Reserve
Silver and Gold - Hidden Secrets of Money
Some Common Sense Answers to The
Major Financial Questions of Today
- Richard Kovacevich
The Debt Collapse
The Federal Reserve Explained in 3
The Fiat Empire
- Why the Federal Reserve
Violates the U.S. Constitution
The Madness of A Lost Society
The Money Masters
- How International Bankers Gained Control of America
The Power of The Purse
The Rothschilds Exposed |
Unintended Consequences -
Español |
Wall Street, Los Nazis y La
Revolución Bolchevique
- Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street Whistleblower
- Proves That Money Never Sleep
What is Money?
- An Excerpt From "Radical Truth Knowledge and
Revolution" by David Icke |
Where Did $1.5 Trillion Dollars Go?
Zeitgeist Addendum
Subtítulos en Español
External Links |
Other Links to FED Information
Related Reports |
George Soros
and The Rothschild
- Main File
Gold for Humans and Others...
- Main File
Report From Iron Mountain
- Main File
Rule by Secrecy
The Rothschilds
- Main File
The Sociopolical 'Discoveries' of Benjamin
- Main File