translated by Maria Gousseva
Spanish version
January 31, 2003
"An UFO-related incident that occurred four years ago poses a troubling
question whether any kind of cooperation is possible between Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein and extraterrestrials," ufologist Joseph Trainor
declared in his review UFO Roundup (issue 51 of December 17, 2002).
"On December 16, 1998, during Operation Desert Fox
against Iraq, a video
clip aired on CNN showed a UFO hovering over Baghdad; it moved away to
avoid a stream of tracer anti-aircraft fire. At that time we all thought
it was another UFO sighting, although captured on videotape. But now, ufologists think it was much more than a mere incident."
Jack Sarfatti reported that Friday evening, December 6, 2002.
"Someone called the
Art Bell radio show, claimed his connection with the
military and informed that a UFO crashed in Iraq several years ago. The
USA is currently searching for any pretext to invade Iraq. In fact, the
USA is motivated by the greatest fear that Saddam will reverse-engineer
the crashed alien spacecraft."
It is allegedly said that the craft crashed during the Gulf War
(1990-1991), or more recently (probably in December 1998). This became
some kind of Iraqīs Rosewell. The USA is currently reverse-engineering
the Rosewell craft and fears that Saddamīs scientists may become even
more successful than Americans in this or that sphere. It was said that
these researches may give Iraq a considerable advance and even make it a
leading super power.
UFO Roungupīs Arab journalists failed either to confirm or to deny these
Aiasha al-Hatabi replied to Joseph Trainor that
"he heard nothing about a
UFO crash in Iraq."
In the words of Mohammed Daud al-Hayyat,
"there are talks about extraterrestrials in Iraq, but nothing is said
about any crash. It is rumored at a market in Sulaimaniya, to the south
of Zarzi, that aliens are Saddamīs guests. Where do they stay then?
People mention some underground base. But Saddam has a palace in this
valley, an old stronghold Qalaat-e-Julundi. Earlier it belonged to the
royal family. After the revolution, the government took possession of
the fortress, and now, like every palace in Iraq it is 'a summer
residence' of Saddam Hussein. The fortress is mentioned here for a very
simple reason: it is practically impossible to penetrate into it. The
citadel stands on a hill surrounded with vertical precipices on three
sides; the precipices plunge down to the Little Zab river. It is said
that Saddam lets aliens stay there."
Mohammed Hajj al-Amdar said on the basis of strange stories coming out
of that valley:
"Saddam gave the aliens sanctuary, so that they couldn't be captured by
Americans. Nobody can reach the citadel Qalaat-e-Julundi at night. They
say that the aliens created 'watchdogs' for Saddam. The aliens took
ordinary desert scorpions and used their bio-engineering to grow the
scorpions to giant size. Scorpions of a cow-size! They are wonderful
watchdogs: they blend in with the desert, swiftly and silently move on
their warm-blooded prey for a decisive attack. Luckless intruders hear
just some strange sound from behind stones, then a pincer crushes their
necks, another pincer crushes their legs; then the victims is slammed to
the ground and beaten with a barbed tail six or seven times. Death comes
almost immediately."
Joseph Trainor came to a conclusion that something strange is actually
happening in the valley of the Little Zab river, but it is not clear
what exactly. It is not ruled out that Saddam intentionally spreads
these rumors so that to scare people away from some important military
object located in the old fortress of Qalaat-e-Julundi.
Nevertheless, it is not the only information about a UFO crash in that
area. Many years ago, on June 20, 1993, an information was published on
FIDOnetīs MUFONET BBS NETWORK, it was a letter of some Steve from
He openly warned:
"The following information was published in Amateur Radio Packet BBS on
June 13 by some short-wave transmitter for spreading all over the world.
I know nothing about the man who published the information, I also
cannot say whether his information is true. The man reported that some
aircraft was found after it was brought down by F-16 over Saudi Arabia
during raids in Baghdad."
The information itself said:
"A high-ranking source admitted that US Air Force-s F-16 brought down a
UFO over Saudi Arabia during the Operation Desert Storm, and five
countries are trying to conceal information about this fact. I don't
know details, but it was some plane unknown to me. Saudis who were with
me at that moment, were scared so much that they asked American, British
and French investigators to come to the crash site immediately"
Colonel Petrokov said that at that moment he was on a visit to
Riyadh, where together with a Russian group he managed to examine the
crashed aircraft before American troops participating in Desert Storm
came to the crash site.
He said:
"The aircraft was round and made of some material that I never saw
myself. About one third of the craft was torn out by blasts of American
missiles. Saudis didn't let us touch anything, but we managed to see
appliances, mechanisms and other things that bewildered us absolutely.
Inscriptions on the control panel and on the scales were in some unknown
"It was a relatively small craft, of approximately 15 feet in diameter.
It had three chairs, probably for crew members, but they were so small
as if meant for children. To all appearance, space aliens were just
about three feet tall. However, it seems incredible that there were no
dead bodies at the crash site; what is more, nothing that might look
like an engine was found there as well. Probably American missiles hit
the engine immediately and destroyed it. Later, operators of Saudi radar
stations told me that no ejection or falling of some subjects out of the
craft was registered".
Searching helicopters surveyed the desert, but the pilots failed to find
any surviving crew member close to the crash site.
At the radar station Petrokov learnt that the target identified as a
emerged "from nowhere" when four F-16 headed for Baghdad. One of the
American planes broke the line and directed toward the UFO. The alien
craft started moving south-west, away from the American plane, and the
latter pursued it. When the F-16 was three miles away from the object,
the craft fired at it but missed.
Then the American plane fired a
missile at the UFO. A horrifying sound followed and the spacecraft
dropped on the ground. Petrokov says that when American investigators
came to the crash site, he and his people were ordered to leave the area
for Er Riyadh. The colonel says, it is highly likely that Americans
didn't want others see some other things that were in the crash site in
addition to the round shape of the craft made of some unknown material
and the fact that no aliens survived after the crash.
In Petrokovīs words, people from his team managed to take pictures of
the site, and neither Saudis nor Americans noticed it. But the next day
the team was ordered to bring the pictures to Russian authorities.
"American military engineers gathered all wreckage and removed them for
further study in the USA."
This story seems to be absolutely unlikely. As we see, the source of the
information is just a Russian colonel, some Petrokov. If no additional
information follows in connection with the case, it may be still
considered just doubtful anonymous rumors.