by Michael E. Salla, PhD
April 25, 2006
Exopolitics Website
I wish to clarify my position concerning
Comet 73P, its association with the Iranian nuclear weapons issue
and a possible comet impact event on or around May 25, 2006. My
interest in these issues was sparked by a paper authored by Eric Julien in the April edition of
the Exopolitics Journal. He argued that nuclear weapons testing forms a threat to
extraterrestrial civilizations due to the disruptive effects of such
weapons on the space time continuum used by extraterrestrials to
visit the Earth. He provided some statistical data on the
correlation between nuclear weapons testing and UFO
sightings/crashes to support his hypothesis.
Eric’s paper made the argument that the
threat posed by humanity’s irresponsible use of nuclear weapons
could lead to extraterrestrials taking punitive action to prevent
such use. He gave as an example of such punitive action the use of
comets and cited
Immanuel Velikovsky as a source confirming the
regularity with which comets have impacted the earth with
devastating effects in the past.
Eric’s paper was followed on April 8 by news that investigative
Seymour Hersh, had authored a paper in the New Yorker
describing the steps taken by the Bush administration to secure
military approval for a preemptive nuclear strike against Iran. According
to Hersh, senior military officials were opposed and were
threatening resignation over the issue. This greatly alarmed many
individuals including myself who could immediately recognize the
same pattern in the build up to the 2003 Iraq war where the
administration successfully overcame all internal resistance to
launch the war.
I consequently authored a short article
discussing the plans for
a preemptive nuclear attack and how
this might be responded to by extraterrestrials that might be
directly affected by the use of such weapons. Using Eric’s analysis,
I raised the possibility that an asteroid strike might be used to
stop such a nuclear war. This appeared to me to be a logical
conclusion based on a hypothetical threat assessment that might be
used by extraterrestrials monitoring political events on Earth.
Eric Julien subsequently authored a paper on April 11, "May
25, 2006 - Day of Destiny," where he discussed his later
research concerning Comet 73P Schwassman-Wachman 3. He linked
the use of nuclear weapons and the threat they pose to
extraterrestrial civilizations, to the forthcoming May passage of
the comet. He cited coded messages contained in some crop circles to
support his argument that the unexplained break up of comet 73P in
1995 was linked to extraterrestrials. He further argued that
extraterrestrials deliberately fragmented the comet due to their
awareness that nuclear weapons would eventually be used in a war and
that the extraterrestrials’ intent was to time the comet’s passage
to coincide with a predicted nuclear war.
Using an online NASA orbital simulator,
Eric tracked the comet’s passage, and argued that several fragments
from comet Schwassman-Wachman’s, would pass through the Earth’s
ecliptic plane on May 25. This in his view was the most likely date
of impact. Using data gained from his own private extraterrestrial
communications, Eric predicted that the impact would occur in the
Atlantic Ocean and generate giant tsunamis. Eric’s ideas had great exopolitical significance though his Atlantic prediction was
something that I could not support due to a lack of firm evidence
for his conclusions. Consequently, I authorized a press release for
Eric’s paper in order to promote awareness of
his research and its
exopolitical significance.
Eric’s research generated immediate media interest and appeared
throughout the internet. I was asked to appear on George Noory’s
Coast to Coast program on April 20 discuss Eric’s research and his
integrity as a researcher . While I supported his integrity as a
researcher, and the exopolitical significance of his hypotheses
based on the available empirical evidence, I attempted to distance
myself from Eric’s prediction of a crash in the Atlantic Ocean. I
stated that his prediction of the impact location was based on his
own personal experiences and not supported by independent evidence.
I was subsequently alarmed by Eric’s decision to begin a public
campaign to warn the general public of an impending comet crash in
the Atlantic Ocean that would cause 200 meter high tsunamis and
generate millions of deaths on or around May 25. His public campaign
quickly led to tension between us due to the conflicting interests
of the Exopolitics Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to
scholarly analysis of exopolitical issues, and Eric’s public
campaign to warn the general public of an impending catastrophe.
I had increasingly developed misgivings
over his analysis of the crop circle data, his selective use of
extraterrestrial communications, and especially his May 25 Atlantic
coast impact prediction. On April 23, I informed Eric that I could
not support his public campaign and that I believed he was
misinterpreting the available data. Eric subsequently decided to
resign from the Exopolitics Institute and has withdrawn from all
Institute activities and events. He has decided to devote himself
over the next month to warn as many people as possible of a comet
collision that he believes is highly likely, and the need to save as
many lives as possible.
Eric Julien
Date: 04/24/06 18:23:39
To: prepare4contact@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [prepare4contact]
I leave Exopolitics Institute
Aloha All,
In order not to make any trouble in the Exopolitics
Institute, I announce here that I leave my position
of Director to let this association continuing its
normal activity.
Michael Salla is a very good researcher and his
works are really worthy. I appreciate his character and
his skills and wish him to know a great success.
Regarding the comet strike, I think that if we warn
enough people living on the Atlantic coasts before the
May 25, 2006, the victims will be only 58 millions.
Otherwise, it will be worse.
Spirituality is, for me, a non sense without
responsibility. The world message of peace “Do
you wish that we show up?”,
for which this list has been created by Michael Salla,
had been proposed three years before with an enormous
amount of efforts to spread it worldwide. It has been
put on several hundreds of websites touching millions of
people in more than one hundred countries in fifteen
So, I don’t think that any new message saying the same
things, one month before the event to a couple of
people, will change anything now. The time is too short.
Time is even over !
The only thing you can do is to take your own
responsibility not to become a murderer for God
and yourself in warning the most people you can touch. I
have taken my own responsibility. That is why it is just
the beginning for me.
It was my last message.
In peace
Julien |
Eric’s decision to start a public campaign has forced me to
reconsider my earlier support of his analysis of the empirical
evidence of a possible comet impact, its link to extraterrestrials
and a possible preemptive war against Iran. I think it important to
clearly disassociate myself from his May 25 prediction so there is
no chance that the public associates either me or the Exopolitics
Institute with predictions of a possible comet strike against Earth
orchestrated by extraterrestrials. While I consider his research to
have exopolitical significance and Eric to have transparent
sincerity in his decision to publicly warn the public of a possible
comet impact, I believe the evidence is inconclusive and that
misinterpretations have been made.
While it is a fact that comet Schwassman-Wachman will pass
relatively closely by the Earth from mid-May until the end of May,
and this may cause meteor showers, there are no reliable independent
sources supporting Eric’s prediction of a devastating impact which
is based on his own extraterrestrial related experiences.
Consequently, I publicly disassociate myself with any prediction of
a devastating comet strike on or around May 25. Furthermore, I
publicly disassociate myself from speculation on a possible link
between extraterrestrials and the comet as a punitive action against
a possible preemptive nuclear war against Iran. I subsequently will
withdraw references to a comet strike as a possible extraterrestrial
response from my exopolitics website.
I don’t believe Eric Julien’s decision to start a public campaign
concerning May 25 as a "Day of Destiny" is motivated at all by
monetary gain or a desire for media attention. I consider Eric to be
a very sincere and competent researcher with transparent integrity
who has been tremendously influenced by his extraterrestrial
experiences. He is highly motivated by a deep concern to save as
many lives as possible from what he genuinely believes is an
impending planetary catastrophe on or around May 25 unless there is
a dramatic change in US plans to launch a preemptive nuclear war.
While Eric’s public campaign will spark
intense controversy, he deserves to be acknowledged for following
his sincere convictions despite the obvious personal and
professional toll he will suffer from those publicly questioning his
integrity, sincerity, research abilities and extraterrestrial
experiences. I believe his decision to resign from the Exopolitics
Institute was prompted by his understanding that I and many
Institute members would desire to publicly disassociate ourselves
from his prediction. For that noble gesture I am truly grateful.
In conclusion, despite Eric’s clear sincerity, I believe he has
misinterpreted the available public data and overemphasized his own
personal data gained through extraterrestrial experiences. I
conclude that a devastating impact by a fragment of comet 73P Schwassman-Wachman is in fact unlikely.
There are profound foreign
policy and exopolitical implications raised by
the Bush administration’s drive to sanction a
preemptive nuclear war against Iran as originally
reported by Seymour Hersh. The exopolitical implications
deserve balanced scholarly analysis so the public can be properly
informed of the consequences of such a war, the link with
extraterrestrials, and how extraterrestrials may respond; and not be
distracted by unconfirmed predictions of a devastating comet strike.