
by Steve Hammons
November 2, 2007
AmericanChronicle Website
What is claimed to be a transcript of a 1981 intelligence briefing
to President Ronald Reagan about UFOs and extraterrestrial
visitation to Earth was
posted on the Web site Serpo.org on
Oct. 30, 2007.
According to the moderator of the Web site and a related e-mail
stream discussion list, the transcript is from a briefing Reagan
received at Camp David, Maryland, between Friday and Sunday, March 6
and 8, 1981.
Those present reportedly included several advisors to the president,
CIA Director William Casey and a CIA contract employee
who worked within a group of “caretakers” safeguarding information
and other resources regarding the UFO-ET issue.
The names of presidential advisors who are still living were
redacted by the moderator during his preparation of the transcript
for public consumption. Former Secretary of Defense Caspar
Weinberger and advisor Michael Deaver are named.
The Web site and discussion moderator indicates that Defense
Department and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
personnel provided him with this information to be released to the
public as part of an acclimation effort. That is, as part of
preparation of the American public for more disclosure about the
UFO-ET situation.
The transcript information posted is reported to be only part of the
briefings to Reagan on these subjects.
In the transcript, Casey begins the briefing.
“Mr. President, good morning. As we
discussed in February, this briefing contains some very
sensational and some very, very classified information. I am not
sure, oh, well, I'm not going to make a decision on who you want
in the room. That will be your decision, Mr. President.”
“This will be a real tough one to follow since the briefing
starts back, historically speaking, that is, and runs up to
recent times. I believe we have prepared a good chronological
order of events. I'm sure you, Mr. President, will have many
questions,” Casey reportedly stated.
After a discussion to determine who in
the room had a “need to know,” the proper security clearance or had
not previously been briefed on the matter, Casey continued,
according to the transcript.
“…as you will see Mr. President,
this stuff is pretty high up on the food chain. We call it ATS
or ‘Above Top Secret.’ This stuff has its own classification and
markings. We have a special container, special printers and
copiers for this stuff. Every word of this material is printed
on special paper then placed inside special covers.”
“The caretakers have taken special efforts to protect all of
this stuff from being released inadvertently or copied by some
unauthorized person.”
After further discussion about the
information in the briefing, some advisors choose to leave the room.
Casey then turns the meeting over to “The Caretaker.”
“Good morning, Mr. President. First
of all, I would like to give you a bit of information on my
background. But before that, please, Mr. President, if you have
questions during this briefing, just interrupt me, sir.”
“I have been employed by the CIA for the past 31 years. I
started the caretaking status of this project in 1960. We have a
special group of people whom we call ‘Group 6,’ that cares for
all this information.”
According to the transcript, Reagan was
somewhat familiar with the topic, having previously received a
one-hour briefing from Casey the previous January, and also had been
exposed to other information, stating,
“Well, I knew a little about this
subject before. Back in 1970. Nixon had all of the good stuff
and wanted to share it with some of his friends. Nixon showed me
some papers. Not sure about who authored them, but they ... huh
... well something about New Mexico and other places.”
“Nixon was pretty ... huh ... well, you know, fascinated with
it. He showed me something, some kind of object or device that
came from one of their craft. Something that was taken from the
New Mexico crash site. I don't know if, well ... huh ... do we
know what it was? I don't think we knew or maybe now, after 11
years, we might know.”
After a short break, The Caretaker began
the briefing.
“Mr. President, as was mentioned
earlier, I must say, that this briefing has the highest
classification within the U.S. government. I will start with a
slide presentation. I have most of this briefing on the slides,
but I also have an outline that I have passed out to each in
“The United States of America has been visited by
extraterrestrial visitors since 1947. We have proof of that.
However, we also have some proof that earth has been visited for
many thousands of years by various races of extraterrestrial
“Mr. President, I'll just refer to those visits as ETs. In July,
1947, a remarkable event occurred in New Mexico. During a storm,
two ET spacecraft crashed. One crashed southwest of Corona, New
Mexico and one crashed near Datil, New Mexico. The U.S. Army
eventually found both sites and recovered all of the debris and
one live Alien. I'll refer to this live Alien as ‘EBE 1.’"
“Mr. President, EBE means ‘Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.’
It was a code designated to this creature by the U.S. Army back
in those days. This creature was not human and we had to decide
on a term for it. So, scientists designated the creature as EBE
Reagan asked,
“Do we or did we have others? The
number ‘1’ would seem to indicate we had others.”
The Caretaker responds,
“Yes, we had others.”
“All the debris and EBEs recovered from the first crash site
were taken to Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell, New Mexico. EBE
was treated for some minor injuries and then taken to Los Alamos
National Laboratories, which was the safest and most secure
location in the world. Special accommodations were made for EBE.
The debris was eventually transferred to Dayton, Ohio, home of
the Air Force Foreign Technology Division.”
“The second crash site wasn't discovered until 1949 by some
ranchers. There were no live Aliens at this site. All this
debris went to Sandia Army Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico.”
Reagan asks,
“OK, a question, regarding the first
site, how many aliens were in the spaceship?”
“Five dead aliens and one alive. The bodies of the dead aliens
were transported to Wright Field in Ohio and kept in a form of
deep freeze. They were later transported to Los Alamos where
special containers were made to keep the bodies from decaying.”
The Caretaker continues,
“There were four dead aliens in the
second crash site. Those bodies were in an advanced state of
decaying. They had been in the desert for the past two years.
Animals and time got to those bodies. The remains were
transported to Sandia Base and eventually onto Los Alamos.”
“We determined both crashed spaceships were of similar design
and the bodies of the aliens were all identical. They looked
exactly the same. They had the same height, weight and physical
features. Here are the photographs of the aliens.”
“They don't have any similar characteristics of a human, with
exception of there eyes, ears and a mouth. Their internal body
organs are different. Their skin is different, their eyes, ears
and even breathing is different. Their blood wasn't red and
their brain was entirely different from human.”
“We could not classify any part of the aliens with humans. They
had blood and skin, although considerably different than human
skin. Their eyes had two different eyelids. Probably because
their home planet was very bright.”
“ … EBE stayed alive until 1952 when it died. We learned a great
deal from EBE. Although EBE did not have voice organs like
humans, it was able to communicate with an operation performed
by military doctors. EBE was extremely intelligent. It learned
English quickly, mainly by listening to the military personnel
who were responsible for EBE's safety and care.”
“EBE was housed in a special area at Los Alamos and Sandia Base.
Although many different military doctors, scientists and a
select number of civilians studied EBE, it never became upset or
“EBE helped us learn from all the items found in the two crash
sites. EBE showed us how some of the items worked, such as a
communications device. It also showed us how various other
devices worked.”
“EBE did explain where he lives in the universe. We call this
star system Zeta Reticuli, which is about 40 light-years from
Earth. EBE's planet was within this star system.”
“It took the EBE spaceship nine of our months to travel the 40
light-years. Now, as you can see, that would mean the EBE
spaceship traveled faster than the speed of light. But, this is
where it gets really technical.”
“Their spaceships can travel through a form of ‘space tunnels’
that gets them from point A to point B faster without having to
travel at the speed of light. I cannot fully understand how they
travel, but we have many top scientists who can understand their
The Caretaker goes on to give Reagan a history of presidential
involvement and some of the programs involved over the decades
dealing with the UFO-ET situation.
“As to some history. The original
project, started back in 1947, was called ‘Project GLEEM.’ This
project contained volumes of documented information collected
from the beginning of our investigation of UFOs and Identified
Alien Craft, or ‘IAC.’"
“The project was originally established in the early '50s by,
first President Truman and then by order of President
Eisenhower, under control of the National Security Council.
President Truman established a group of people to handle this
project. The group was called
Majority 12 or ‘MJ-12.’"
“In 1966, the project's name was changed to ‘Aquarius.’ The
project was funded by confidential funds appropriated within the
intelligence community's budget. The recovery of these alien
spacecraft led the United States on an extensive investigative
program to determine whether these aliens posed a direct threat
to our national security.”
“As you might remember, Mr. President, our country openly
investigated UFO sightings under projects
Grudge, Sign and
Blue Book.”
“The United States felt relatively sure the aliens' exploration
of Earth was non-aggressive and non-hostile. It was also
established that the aliens' presence did not directly threaten
the security of the United States.”
“Secondly, the public was beginning to believe that UFOs were
real. The NSC felt this public feeling could lead to a
nationwide panic if we disclosed everything we knew about UFOs
and alien visitation.”
“When the Air Force officially closed ‘Blue Book’ in December
1969, Project Aquarius continued operation under control of NSC/MJ-12.
The NSC felt investigation of UFO sightings and incidents had to
continue in secrecy without any public knowledge.”
“The reasoning behind the decision was this: If the Air Force
continued its investigation of UFOs, eventually some non-cleared
and non-briefed Air Force or DOD civilian officials would obtain
the facts behind Project Aquarius.”
“Obviously, for operational security reasons, this could not be
allowed. In order to continue the investigation of UFO sightings
and incidents in secrecy, investigators from CIA/DCE and MJ-12
were assigned to military investigative units with orders to
investigate all legitimate UFO/IAC sightings and incidents.”
“These agents are presently operating at various locations
throughout the U.S. and Canada. All reports are filtered either
directly or indirectly to MJ-12. These agents are collecting
reports of UFO/IAC sightings and incidents occurring on or near
sensitive governmental installations.”
Reagan suggests a break. And then the
meeting resumes.
“In the 1976 MJ-12 report, it was
estimated that the aliens' technology was many thousands of
years ahead of ours. Our scientists speculated that until our
technology develops to a level equal to the aliens, we cannot
understand the large volume of scientific information we have
gained from the aliens' craft. This advancement of our
technology may take many hundreds of years.”
“ … Mr. President, time is very different on the Eben Planet,
which, by the way, we call
SERPO. Their day is approximately 40
hours. That is measured by the movement of their two suns. The
solar system containing SERPO is a binary star system, or two
suns, rather than one, like our solar system.”
Picking up on an implication within a statement from Casey,
“Are you telling me there are
different races or species, as you said, visiting Earth at the
same time?”
“Can you tell me how many different species have visited us?”
Reagan asks.
The Caretaker states,
“At least five.”
“Are they all friendly?”
An advisor who is not named in the
transcript reportedly says,
“Mr. President, that is a very
difficult question to answer. There are many parameters that we
follow to evaluate the threat. However, we have little
intelligence on four of the five.”
“We have plenty of intel on the Ebens ... gee ... they've given
us everything we asked for! They have also helped us to
understand the other four species. I'm afraid to say, Mr.
President and please don't misunderstand my words, but we think
one of the species is very hostile.”
Reagan is clear about his position.
“I'm the President of the United
States. I should know if we are endangered by some threat from
outer space. If you have something to say about a threat posed
by this one species of aliens, then I want to hear it.
Casey explains.
“Mr. President, we have intelligence
that would indicate this one species of aliens have abducted
people from Earth. They have performed scientific and medical
tests on these humans. To the best of our knowledge, no humans
have been killed.”
“We have captured one of these hostile aliens. This gets into
some very, very sensitive areas, Mr. President. I strongly
suggest we end this discussion and move on to any further
questions you might have and then get back to this. I don't
think we are prepared to provide you with accurate answers to
your questions about the potentially hostile aliens at this
time,” Casey reportedly says.
“OK, but expect this to be given to
me as soon as possible. I want to know everything about these
hostile creatures so I .... or I mean we should start forming
policies on how to deal with them … do we have operational war
plans on this?”
Presidential advisor (name redacted):
“Yes, Mr. President, we have war
plans on all potential threats to our country.”
The Caretaker explains further,
“We call the hostile aliens simply
that, HAV, meaning Hostile Alien Visitors. MJ-12 placed that
code on them back in the '50s.”
Reagan asks,
“You mean to say, these H-A-Vs have
been visiting us and kidnapping our people since the '50s?”
“Mr. President, we have some
indication that they might have been doing this for some time.
But we really have to consider all of the evidence, listed in
our reports, and compare that to some of the open source
The Caretaker:
“In order to protect all this
information and the fact that the United States Government has
evidence of our planet being visited by extraterrestrials, we
developed over the years a very effective program to safeguard
the information. We call it ‘Project DOVE.’ It is a complex
series of operations by our military intelligence agencies to disinform the public.”
Reagan recalls stories from his days as
a Hollywood actor.
“I always knew there was some form
of cooperation between our government and the motion picture
industry. I heard rumors over the years ... even during my
acting days.”
The Caretaker confirms this.
“Well, Mr. President, the first
cooperative venture was the movie, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD
STILL. That was a cooperative venture with the United States Air
Force and the movie industry.”
“That movie, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, was
that one of them? I guess no "Bonzo" movies were involved.
(Transcript: “Loud laughter heard.” Moderator’s note in
transcript: “Reagan played the character Professor Peter Boyd in
the Sept 1951 movie, BEDTIME FOR BONZO where a chimpanzee named
Bonzo was his costar.)
Regarding Reagan’s question about CLOSE
ENCOUNTERS, The Caretaker responds,
“Yes, Mr. President, we provided the
basic subject matter for that movie.”
“Was it based on a real incident?”
The Caretaker:
“Mr. President, in 1964, we were
able to have our very first controlled encounter with the Ebens.
Let me first give you the background. EBE was a mechanic, not a
scientist. He was still able to teach us some of the Eben
language. Their language was very difficult for our linguists to
learn because it consisted of tones, not words.”
“However, we were able to translate some basic words. EBE showed
us their communications device. It was a strange looking device
that had three parts. Once assembled, the device sent out
signals, something like our Morse code system, although there
was a problem.”
“During the crash in 1947, one part of this communication system
was broken. EBE was unable to repair it until our scientists
found some items that could be used in place of the broken
parts. Once the communication device was repaired, EBE sent our
messages. We had to trust EBE as to the contents of those
“You can imagine what some of our military commanders thought of
this. EBE could be sending out a distress call that could result
in some invasion. But that, of course, never happened. EBE
continued to send messages until his death. But once he died,
then we were on our own. We were able to crudely operate the
device. We sent several messages out over a six month period
(1953). But we did not receive any return messages.”
“Mr. President, EBE sent out six messages. One letting his home
planet know that he was alive and his comrades were dead,
another explaining the two crashes, the third was a request to
be rescued, the fourth was a message suggesting a meeting
between his leaders and our leaders. The last message suggested
some form of an exchange program.”
After discussion about how linguists and
other communications experts were able to establish communications
with the Ebens, and the years of effort involved, The Caretaker gets
to a main point.
“Over a period of a few years, we
could send and receive information. We finally received a
startling message from the Ebens. They wanted to visit Earth,
retrieve their spacemen bodies and meet with Earthlings.”
“They provided a time, date and location. We figure that the
Ebens were continually visiting Earth and had probably mapped
it. However, the date was about eight years in the future.”
“Our military figured something was wrong and that maybe the
Ebens were confusing Earth time with Eben time. After a long
series of messages, it was determined the Ebens would land on
Earth on Friday, April 24, 1964.”
“Our government, specifically,
MJ-12 met in secret to plan the
event. Decisions were made, then changed many times. We had just
about 25 months from the time we finally received their message
of the date to prepare for their arrival. Several months into
the planning, President Kennedy decided to approve a plan to
exchange a special military team. The USAF was tasked as the
lead agency.”
“The USAF officials picked special civilian scientists to assist
in the planning and crew selection. The team members' selection
process was the hardest to accomplish. Several plans were
suggested and then changed. It took months for the planners to
decide on the selection criteria for each team member. They
decided that each member must be military, single, no children
and a career member. They had to be trained in different
“Mr. President, a team of 12 men were selected.”
“When it came time for the meeting, we were ready. The landing
occurred in New Mexico. We had everything prepared. We had a
hoax landing location just in case it was leaked. The landing
occurred and we greeted the Ebens. However, a mix up happened.
They were not prepared to accept our exchange personnel.
Everything was placed on hold.”
“Finally in 1965, the Ebens landed in Nevada and we exchanged 12
of our men for one of theirs.”
“Mr. President.
Our team of 12 went to the Eben planet for 13
years. The original mission called for a 10-year stay, however,
because of the strange time periods on their planet, the team
stayed three additional years. Two died on the planet and two
decided to stay.”
“OK, this is just amazing! I can
see, about that movie. The movie was based on a real event. I
saw that movie. 12 men left, along with Richard Dreyfuss.”
“Mr. President, yes, the movie was
similar to the real event, at least the last part of the movie.”
This section of the alleged transcript of an intelligence briefing
to Reagan
can be read in full at 'Serpo Section'.
The moderator has also
provided additional background information on that Section.
He indicates that more similar releases may be coming as part of
public acclimation activities.
Is this transcript real or phony? Is it completely accurate,
completely false or some combination of truth and deception? There
is really no sure way for readers to know, at this point in time.
Like other information on Serpo about an alleged exchange
program with ETs and all of the other reports out there about UFOs,
it can be quite difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction.
However, sometimes truths can be told within fictional contexts.
Fact-based fiction can provide good information and insight.
Did Reagan and our other presidents receive these kinds of
briefings? Do the circumstances described in the alleged transcript
actually exist, or something similar to them? Again, who knows?
Yet, we know these things are possible. And, deep down, we may have
gut instincts and intuition about the situation that may make us
wonder if there is quite a bit of truth in this kind of information.
If we look deep inside our hearts and minds, and into the skies,
maybe we will find some answers.