James Lovelock
Most of us sense that the
Earth is more than a sphere of rock with a
thin layer of air, ocean and life covering the surface. We feel that
we belong here as if this planet were indeed our home. Long ago
Greeks, thinking this way, gave to the Earth the name
Gaia or, for
short, Ge. In those days, science and theology were one and science,
although less precise, had soul. As time passed this warm
relationship faded and was replaced by the frigidity of the
schoolmen. The life sciences, no longer concerned with life, fell to
classifying dead things and even to vivisection. Ge was stolen from
theology to become no more the root from which the disciplines of
geography and geology were named. Now at last there are signs of a
change. Science becomes holistic again and rediscovers soul, and
theology, moved by ecumenical forces, begins to realize that Gaia is
not to be subdivided for academic convenience and that Ge is much
more than just a prefix.
The new understanding has come from going forth and looking back to
see the Earth from space. The vision of that splendid white flecked
blue sphere stirred us all, no matter that by now it is almost a
visual cliché. It even opens the mind's eye, just as a voyage away
from home enlarges the perspective of our love for those who remain
The first impact of those voyages was the sense of wonder given to
the astronauts and to us as we shared their experience vicariously
through television, but at the same time the Earth was viewed from
outside by the more objective gaze of scientific instruments. These
devices were quite impervious to human emotion yet they also sent
back the information that let us see the Earth as a strange and
beautiful anomaly. They showed our planet is made of the same
elements and in much the same proportions as are Mars and
Venus, but
they also revealed our sibling planets to be bare and barren and as
different from the Earth as a robin from a rock.
We now see that the air, the ocean and the soil are much more than a
mere environment for life; they are a part of life itself. Thus the
air is to life just as is the fur to a cat or the nest for a bird.
Not living but something made by living things to protect against an
otherwise hostile world. For life on Earth the air is our protection
against the cold depths and fierce radiations of space.
There is nothing unusual in the idea of life on Earth interacting
with the air, sea and rocks, but it took a view from outside to
glimpse the possibility that this combination might consist of a
single giant living system and one with the capacity to keep the
Earth always at a state most favorable for the life upon it.
An entity comprising a whole planet and with a powerful capacity to
regulate the climate needs a name to match. It was the novelist
William Golding who proposed the name Gaia. Gladly we accepted his
suggestion and Gaia is also the name of the hypothesis of science
which postulates that the climate and the composition of the Earth
always are close to an optimum for whatever life inhabits it.
The evidence gathered in support of
Gaia is now considerable but as
is often the way of science, this is less important than is its use
as a kind of looking glass for seeing the world differently, and
which makes us ask new questions about the nature of Earth.
If we are "all creatures great and small," from bacteria to
part of Gaia then we are all of us potentially important to her well
being. We knew in our hearts that the destruction of a whole ranges
of other species was wrong but now we know why. No longer can we
merely regret the passing of one of the great whales, or the blue
butterfly, nor even the smallpox virus. When we eliminate one of
these from Earth, we may have destroyed a part of ourselves, for we
also are a part of Gaia.
There are many possibilities for comfort as there are for dismay in
contemplating the consequences of our membership in this great
commonwealth of living things. It may be that one role we play is as
the senses and nervous system for Gaia. Through our eyes she has for
the first time seen her very fair face and in our minds become aware
of herself. We do indeed belong here. The earth is more than just a
home, it's a living system and we are part of it.