John A. Quinn
April 1998
HAARP--High-frequency Active Aural Research Program. HAARP--the kind
angels will never strum. HAARP--the futuristic nightmare project
which is currently in operation, researching a wide variety of
effects and phenomena, as well as possible uses and applications for
such, resulting from beaming massively powerful radio signals into
targeted regions of the ionosphere; a project which has given
environmental activists, constitutionalists, airline pilots along
with ionospheric physicists and other groups, such as normal,
ordinary people definite cause for some serious concern.
Contrary to information made public by the operators of HAARP, it is
no longer a relatively small, preliminary venture limited to one
(nevertheless extremely powerful) transmitter site in the remote
Alaskan back country.
Contrary to much of the official noise being generated regarding the
supposed "benign" uses for this multi agenda operation, the
internal intelligence/military documentation and a growing amount of
supporting material shows that HAARP is in fact at this point
fulfilling some highly secret and highly advanced functions; in
fact, some very negative and completely objectionable functions.
The acknowledged, publicized applications for potential applications
of HAARP technology are primarily:
Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as
development of new types of radio transmissions
"Investigation" of effects on weather patterns
Earth-penetrating tomography -- an X-ray like function which can
reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations as
well as oil or mineral deposits
Some of the other principal yet unpublicized goals are:
Weapons-related (physical/psychological disablement) and
control uses
Large scale tampering/modification of global weather patterns via ionospheric disturbances
"Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy
into the ionosphere, just to see what happens
It bears emphasizing here that any such references to
HAARP being
used for EM mind control come directly from numerous internal
documents and repeated references therein to HAARP’s capabilities as
electromagnetic mind modification / manipulation technology and
intentions to so implement HAARP.
There are yet further agendas for HAARP even more covert than these,
as this report will discuss.
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HAARP on Long Island!
Some very interesting information about HAARP has recently come
light. To provide a background for some of this information, we go
back to early last summer when Brookhaven National Laboratories on
Long Island underwent a significant and far reaching change of
directorship, and subsequently a change of direction and focus. The
changes at Brookhaven, one of the first National Laboratories
established, received coverage even in the national news media.
(Brookhaven has been getting considerable heat on Long Island as of
late due to their having dumped radioactive waste into Long Island’s
groundwater aquifer for the past 30+ years, resulting in severe,
widespread and life threatening contamination of the water supply of
a great number of people, farmland, waterways, and even Long Island
Sound/Peconic Bay).
Brookhaven Labs has been repeatedly named as a major player in other
clandestine and generally malignant and malevolent operations on
Long Island--such as the
Montauk Project and many related
activities; among other well-known secrets are the particle
accelerators underlying much of the area used in so many covert
projects, which undoubtedly also have negative environmental and
health consequences.
Subsequent to these well-publicized but never adequately explained
changes at Brookhaven Labs last year, several of the Navy’s key
HAARP personnel are now stationed at BNL. No public mention has been
made of this by Brookhaven, the Navy, nor anyone else.
Latest reports show that the Navy has more or less completely taken
over administration and operation of HAARP and that the Air Force is
no longer involved in any significant capacity.
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Official Lies
Certain of the photos on the
Navy’s "official" HAARP website betray
the fact that the photos were doctored--a structure visible in the
photos proves that (at least one of) HAARP’s transmitter site(s)
no longer in Alaska if it ever was but is in fact on Long Island, in
the Westhampton pine barrens quite close to Brookhaven Labs--the
nearby structure seen in the web page photo is part of Brookhaven!
The photos were altered by adding mountains in the background, to
keep going the lie that the HAARP is being operated in Alaska.
Unconfirmed accounts state that HAARP has as many as 36 sites in
operation at this time.
Preston Nichols, author and well-known investigator of covert
operations, reported that he knows where this antenna site in the
pine barrens is. There is totally independent confirmation from
another source that there is an antenna farm in the Westhampton pine
barrens which is protected 24/7 by Delta Force type personnel with
automatic weapons. This fellow was hiking in the area and came upon
the heavily fenced and posted site without having encountered any
warning signs etc. An armed guard wearing a featureless black
uniform warned him off with threats of deadly force! Needless to say
my contact was "hella" shocked !
As mentioned in a earlier update, Nichols confirmed that he had been
working with an Air Force contingent at Camp Hero’s subterranean
complex; this was the group which was implementing "Star Wars"
particle beam technology apparently in "planetary defense"
operations, directed in this operation specifically against the
Hale-Bopp comet and an object said to be traveling in it’s wake. As
then noted, this contingent by all available accounts and evidence
did NOT appear to be at all connected to previous mind control and
time/space operations at this location. Nichols affirmed that he had
not been at the
underground in Montauk for nearly a year, since the
comet departed our skies, and that the current tenants at Camp
Hero/Montauk Air Force Station are no longer Air Force personnel,
but rather Navy operatives connected to the HAARP project.
If the HAARP crew wanted in at Montauk due at least in part to the
extraordinary characteristics of this major earth grid power spot
and it’s ability to "amplify" EM/RF waves I would have to venture a
guess that a linking of the Montauk Project with the global
capabilities of HAARP is high up on the agenda right now, as well as
using the Montauk power spot to boost other acknowledged aspects of
HAARP technology operations and experimentation.
References here and elsewhere to the whole field of planetary grid
power points and such, as in relation to the tetrahedral physics
concepts of
Carl Munck and
Bruce Cathie are considered to
be solid science. It is in fact within the internal military
intelligence documentation on the HAARP project for example, that
certain spots on earth are known to be electromagnetic "hot spots",
where various electromagnetic, radio frequency and gravitational
processes and phenomenon are drastically amplified, enhanced,
interfered with or otherwise affected.
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Changes at Camp Hero
Certain other evidence helps to make the emerging picture of what is
probably going on more clear: in February of this year in the
immediate vicinity of Camp Hero State Park/Montauk Air Force
Station, the following conditions were observed.
There is an old bunker southeast of the base proper outside the
"restricted area" which is relatively close to the lighthouse and
right on the Atlantic cliffs, with a paved circular area directly
south of and in front of it which was (at one time) an artillery
emplacement. (This was the location where Siemens-subsidiary
Corporation tested a very high tech particle beam radar system for
at least five months in 1994 - all clearly visible from the
The bunker entrance adjacent to this circular concrete area was
recently demolished in an "unauthorized" and "unofficial" fashion in
an obviously substantial endeavor, according to certain witnesses
from the Montauk area. A section was completely broken through the
thick concrete exposing an underground area. This hole was then
subsequently cemented over again by certain authorities.
A contingent of people from Montauk were at this location checking
out the current situation there after having witnessed the previous
conditions just described.
Continuing along the remnants of Old Montauk Highway west through
the locked "fisherman’s gate" towards the "fisherman’s (parking)
lot", the first paved road on the right (heading roughly north)
leads to the southeast entrance to Camp Hero/Montauk AFS. About
halfway to that entrance along this road on the left (west side) is
a large boulder which had somehow been moved a bit, and clearly
visible underneath was a well-maintained concrete well or entrance
with a metal ladder bolted to the side -- all in good repair.
Despite extensive drenching rains around this time, when a rock was
dropped there was NO SOUND of it hitting any water. The boulder
hiding this entrance was quite large and would require at least a
few people to move it.
Further on this road at the base entrance, the extremely sturdy
locked gate at this entrance was severely impacted, smashed and
basically wrecked -- although entry with other than a Humvee or even
a tank would not really be possible. The same thing also happened to
the main entrance to Montauk Air Force Station off Highway 27
(Montauk Highway) about 6 months ago.
Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station and the underground facilities
have recently been forcibly entered in some kind of (para)military
operation. Apparently the Navy wanted in at Camp Hero in a big way
after getting in at Brookhaven and wasn’t going to take no for an
answer. It seems they ran into some opposition in response to the
their intention to book into Montauk, and so Navy operatives,
probably SEALS, got rough. It seems abundantly clear at this point
that these spooks want to hook HAARP up at the Montauk planetary
grid power point.
A source who often receives reliable information from individuals in
certain ultra top secret intelligence and military agencies recently
informed me that HAARP, at this point totally under the control of
the Navy, definitely has extensive weather control and mind
manipulation operations currently on line. It is now positively
confirmed by this source as well that the Navy/HAARP contingent has
without doubt taken control of the Montauk underground
installations, in a decidedly heavy-handed fashion; i.e., they were
definitely not given the keys. This source informed me that one can
safely assume they are "up to no good", in a rather substantial
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Montauk -- The Project That Wouldn’t Die
Significantly, there have also been some changes regarding who is in
control of the current Montauk Project operations. As with
is now clear that the Montauk Project operation as a whole is
currently under the control of the Navy!
After having been reactivated--more like exhumed from the grave--in
1988, the operation shifted from Camp Hero around 1992. There are
some indications that security had become excessively problematical,
as the Montauk Project book had been published and curiosity seekers
and others were becoming far too prevalent and nosy. There are other
rumors of conflicts among different groups over the use of the
facility, and in 1993 the Air Force’s "Sky Pebbles" contingent moved
in to Camp Hero’s subterranean complex to begin operations, the
concerns of which were the Hale Bopp comet, among others; and the
Montauk Project moved out.
After the Project was eventually reorganized at Robins Air Force
Base near Atlanta, it seems Project directors realized that certain
aspects of the Project just couldn’t be implemented adequately other
that at Camp Hero, due apparently to the geomagnetic characteristics
of that area. Additionally, as noted, at this time directorship of
the Montauk Project has now shifted to the Navy. A
linking of the
Montauk Project and HAARP, previously often suspected and which may
have already existed, now appears definite. The two projects are
converging on the Camp Hero location at this time.
Now here’s where things get even more interesting. It has been known
for at least a few years now and was commented on in "Montauk Air
Force Station--Active Or Not", that particle accelerators are
definitely in use in a number of locations on Long Island, such as
at Brookhaven Labs, Montauk Air Force Station, and a number of
underground locations in between these two sites. Despite endless
denials and blank stares from Brookhaven flak catchers and their
cohorts, there is positive proof of the existence of such
accelerator units at Brookhaven, at Camp Hero and elsewhere
underground on eastern Long Island including in the Westhampton pine
No one, not even Preston Nichols, has been able to say with absolute
certainty what these accelerators are used for; well founded rumors
from contacts involved in covert projects and/or in the area give
strong indication that accelerators and accompanying particle beam
weapons devices have been both tested and deployed. Investigators
have suspected but have been unable to prove indisputably that
particle accelerators and particle beams were somehow being utilized
in HAARP operations as well, despite absolutely no reference to this
whatsoever in any public or internal documents which have ever seen
the light of day regarding HAARP.
In an absolutely astonishing event, some of the suspicions of these
investigators regarding HAARP have apparently been unequivocally and
massively confirmed.
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The Fax
The contact of Nichols who had made the observation regarding the
fact that the photo on the HAARP website actually showed a Long
Island antenna farm adjacent to Brookhaven Labs received the
following fax recently. His fax machine is set up with certain
security systems which provides among other things the originating
point of any fax communications received. All such security systems
were disabled and/or overridden when this particular fax was
received. On April 18 the fax transmission was traced to Southampton L.I., via phone company records. Whether it was a relay transmission
of some kind is not known.
The body of the fax itself is full of completely classified and
highly technical information; as well as completely classified
internal routing codes; the document makes reference to top secret
internal directives and procedures; it also makes reference to
totally classified technology such as the Proteus particle
accelerator; and to top it all off it specifically identifies this
technology as being utilized in current HAARP operations.
What is even more astounding is that by inference, this document
reveals that HAARP has yet another agenda, vastly more secret than
even the mind and weather manipulation agendas for the project. This
document basically indicates that particle accelerators and beams
are apparently being used in the HAARP operations to effect
interdimensional and time manipulations! Perhaps since the portal
apparatus at the Montauk underground has reportedly been rendered
useless, another way of generating interdimensional and time portals
is being pursued aggressively and massively.
And guess what? According to the text of this fax, it screwed
up -- big time.
Supporting evidence on the involvement of the U.S. Navy in some very
advanced scientific research project and bizarre "extracurricular"
covert activities was received in response to my posting of the
"leaked" document which purportedly reports on a massive malfunction
of the HAARP related particle accelerator on Ascension Island, being
used in interdimensional experimentation.
"Hi John Quinn - I am Joyce Murphy of
’Beyond Boundaries’ - We are a
company investigating by expedition UFO related phenomena all over
the world - have been following evidence that the Navy Seals are
involved in all parts of the world with dimensional portal activity
- I have some stuff on the Macrihanish Chinook that went down from a
Navy wave beam - and then of course I could talk for hours about the
dimensional portals involving the seals in Puerto Rico - I saw a
video of a dimensional portal recently which had been filmed in
Ms. Murphy went on to describe a
major SEAL base at the supposedly
closed Roosevelt Road Naval Base on Puerto Rico, which has
underground levels beneath El Yunque mountain operated by the U.S.
government and grey aliens, and a tunnel which connects the
underground to the ocean. Submarines are actually brought in through
this tunnel to the underground facility beneath El Yunque; according
to Beyond Boundaries there are definite signs of dimensional portals
in the rainforest on the surface there. Their group has observed,
among other odd goings on, an incident where a grey was retrieved
from the forest by Navy SEALs while numerous plainclothes agents
patrolled up and down the road with monitoring equipment; the road
was lined with vehicles bearing Virginia license plates.
Puerto Rico and Brazil have also been the locations for a tremendous
number of sightings of the so-called "chupacapra" creature, which
fits the general description of a "predatory reptilian animal"
in the HAARP document.
Before the skeptics out there begin rolling their eyes and muttering
about science fiction and questionable tales of aliens, there is in
fact solid scientific support for the manifestation of some very
unusual effects, conditions and phenomena through the application of
HAARP technology; from scientists like Dr. Sasha Kouskov of the
University of Saskatchewan for example, who maintains that by
focusing multiple HAARP (accelerator) transmitters on the same
location, extremely esoteric, relativistic effects such as gravity
waves and the like can be generated. Opening channels to other
dimensions would be also in this category.
Overall the evidence appears solid indicating how deeply involved
the Navy is with some very advanced sciences and technologies.
At this time we can add one more item to the list of HAARP’s covert
generation of gravitic waves
interdimensional/time "portals"
other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena
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Official Info or Official Disinfo?
Nichols indicated right off the bat that he does suspect the fax
could be disinformation, because in some ways it just seems too good
to be true; the document confirmed so many suspicions and theories
which Nichols has, such as multiple HAARP sites online worldwide,
the existence and use of the "Proteus"
accelerator, and the
x-dimension project reported on by
Al Bielek, to name but a few.
The overriding question still remains however--is the document the
genuine article, making reference to real events and technologies,
or is it in fact some very clever disinformation, originating
nonetheless from intelligence or military sources? This is the
question that neither Nichols nor anyone else can really answer with
certainty, and none of them including myself, will try.
Now it is important to realize that this document and much of the
information within it could most likely only have originated from
deep within the intelligence arm of the U. S. Navy, due to the
tremendous amount of classified information in the document, as well
as the inexplicable way it was received. Additionally, according to
the recipient, the document was produced using a version of Adobe
PageMaker which is only available to government. It was not produced
using the commercially available version of this software.
Granted a skilled and knowledgeable hacker could conceivably have
enough knowledge of internal military security codes, routing
information, internal directives and classified projects to fake the
main body of this document. However, there are some significant
points which argue rather strongly against it being an outright
hoax. When the fax was received the recipient was out of town. His
digital cellphone, which can access up to 12 different networks,
locked into one particular network at the very time the fax was
received, and for days he couldn’t get off this network. Also, his
beeper can either be on a nationwide or worldwide network; it had
been on the nationwide network, and at the time the fax came in it
somehow switched to the worldwide network, and remained locked
onto that network for a number of days. Nichols’ cellphone can also
utilize different networks. Starting at the time the fax was
received, he was only able access the only Milcell (military)
network, and couldn’t access any other for ten days!! These kinds of
things are much harder for some hoaxer or hacker to implement than
the document itself. Interestingly as well, it is not commonly known
that the recipient of the fax is in any way connected to Preston
In other words this document almost definitely comes from the
military/intelligence arm of the government. One thing which is sure
to be commented on and which some will say more than suggests this
is disinformation is the fact that the document is dated April 1.
That is an easy out, though perhaps worth considering. Nevertheless
no one can say that intelligence or military agencies issue no
documents and/or that nothing genuine or significant happens on
April 1.
If it’s not disinformation, then an extremely significant and rather
earthshaking bit of evidence has been leaked, by someone, which in
one fell swoop validates a tremendous amount of circumstantial
evidence and informed assumptions regarding certain ultra-top-secret
government projects.
If it’s not disinformation, then I could say we’re in deeper shit
than even I thought possible.
There is one other oddity about the document itself which possibly
diminishes it’s overall credibility. While retyping the document I
realized that the zip code in the heading is not a Washington D.C.
zip code. In fact it is a zip code for Fort Myers, Florida. What’s
very interesting about this is that Fort Myers is a major spook town
known to have covert Navy projects in operation there, and also has
known strong ties to the Montauk Project.
There is a huge government complex at 1455 Overlook Ave. in Fort
Myers which correlated with the zip code on the received HAARP fax;
yet at 4555 Overlook Ave. in D. C. is--guess what-- The Naval
Research Lab!
I think the document is actually genuine, but that whoever kindly
leaked it tried to save their own ass by making it seem like a hoax,
with the disjointed address aspect (maybe the April 1 date also). In
other words, I think the gist of the document speaks the truth! Or
if it’s "official" disinformation, the funny business regarding the
address is enough to officially discredit the document.
Weirder and weirder--just what one could expect with anything
connected to the spooky boys in Naval Intelligence.
One final point: the document makes reference to the fact that the
dimensional rift accidentally caused by the Proteus particle
accelerator malfunction has duplicated a situation which also
occurred in 1995, which allowed predatory reptilian beings to
"invade" our time-space continuum. This is an obvious reference to
the extremely severe and never adequately explained wildfires in the
Westhampton pine barrens during August 1995. As I relayed in my
report on the Montauk Project, Preston Nichols was informed
point-blank by Air Force officers at the time that the wildfires
were being caused by serious malfunctions of the particle
accelerator/beam operations on eastern Long Island. (What remains
unknown about that event is whether or not a hostile action caused
the particle accelerator malfunction or whether such a malfunction
created certain problematical conditions for hostile groups.)
As I am somewhat over my head here, and not just regarding the
technology, I am at Nichols’ request disseminating (the text of)
this document as far and wide as I can, in the hopes that
knowledgeable individuals, who could help to either validate or
invalidate the information contained within, will make public their
knowledge regarding this incredible item.
I ask all recipients of this document to please assist us in such
dissemination by resending or forwarding the document to the
greatest extent possible; to the public at large and to any
individual organization from which some input might be forthcoming.
This is without any doubt some kind of major evidence here; either
evidence of deliberate, massive and malicious official
disinformation, or somewhat muddied) evidence of a (yet another)
mind boggling and truly unconscionable covert program being operated
under cover of the officially acknowledged HAARP project.
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The Text
N.U.S.C./N.U.M.A. J.C.S. 1455 Overlook Ave, Washington, D.C. 33902 Office of The Director of Security 01 April 1998
To All Security Operatives, Sector EC/NE/48+I It has been confirmed as of this date, that a
failure of the H.A.A.R.P. 15-3 Proteus Unit at Ascension Island U.K. had lost it’s
targeting control during it’s first operational trial. The
accelerator was damaged at shutdown, and will not be operational
until 12 June at the earliest. This failure went undetected for approximately 17 minutes, and
appears to have caused another series of dimensional rifts along the
East coast of the U.S. and Southwest Africa. These dimensional rifts
are x- dimensional and have a time frame of -100 million B.C. plus
or minus about 20 million years. As was the case in 1995,
several predatory reptilian animals have
entered our y-dimension and are as this is written, freely roaming
in the Southern New York region, Northern Pennsylvania,
Virginia and a possible sighting occurred this morning at 2:34 hours
at Norfolk N.A.S. 150 meters off the beach. All operatives are officially at level 4 alert, and are to be ready
to go on 60 minute notice. (DOOTP) article 15-1 through 17-4 with
all addendums are to apply. Weapons are to be available at all times, .40 and .50 caliber
minimum, with FMJ and EHP rounds only, minimum handgun to be carried
Director of Field Operations, Adm. Raymond D. Falvey III
CC: DCM/NOS/USAF/DOD/SS/QCD=Adjutant Generals Office, Pent.
R-6-106/9c All Pathway Field Officers/Terminators (orders are terminate NOSAVE)
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Suspicions abound at this point about HAARP’s relationship to the
tremendous amount of severe weather disturbances over North America
this year. Obviously there are oceanic and atmospheric conditions
which lead to the development of the fabled "El Niño" which very
much impacts our experienced weather; my point is that this provides
the perfect cover for HAARP operators to activate their new toy, and
of course to amplify or boost the effects of El Niño as well, with
the usual malevolent intent. Call it "El HAARPO".
The deadly "tornados" which have left scores of people dead and
absolutely obliterated sections of sections of the southeastern U.S.
and even areas such as Minnesota this spring were, as far as can be
determined, completely unprecedented--literally unheard of, in
recorded human experience.
What is so inexplicable and unilaterally astonishing about these
"storms", aside from their mind-boggling ferocity, is the fact that
in many cases few if any of the typical atmospheric precursor
conditions--like clouds-- conducive to the development of such
storms were present, as indicated by virtually all relevant weather
monitoring and forecasting technologies and systems. Photographs
from weather satellites, weather radar readouts, and vast amounts of
other data from a wide variety of sensing, monitoring and tracking
technologies failed to provide any indication whatsoever that such
horrendous atmospheric turbulence was building preceding many of
these extraordinarily vicious storms.
Does this seem perhaps just the slightest bit peculiar to anybody
except me?
I think it’s safe to say at this point that much of what has been
claimed to be a result of the fabled (scapegoat) "El Niño" is in
fact the result of weather control/manipulation and tampering to an
extent never attempted before, due to HAARP technologies now on
line. Personally I believe that manipulations of the upper-level
atmospheric conditions which give birth to our experienced weather
conditions is occurring on a massive, even global scale. This is in
fact among the stated goals and intended uses for HAARP and is
plainly stated as such within internal federal documentation for the
project (see
Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, by Begich and
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Whose Thought Was That?
Another major agenda of HAARP’s is of course mind control. I have
had strong suspicions that the Jonesboro, Arkansas massacre and a
number of very similar incidents over the past months have been the
result of mind control operations.
The recent news on the nearly inconceivable horror out of Jonesboro
has finally pushed me over the brink; into confronting head-on the
likelihood that this and a veritable blood orgy of similar mass
murders by youngsters in the past couple of years--mostly but not
only in the southeastern U.S--are the result of some sort of mind
control program.
Despite a fairly rigorous childhood and teenage hood in New York City
and Long Island, and many years since spent in other major urban
areas like L.A. and the Bay Area, I must say I really cannot recall
any precedent for these types of mass slayings perpetrated by young
teens and preteens, against their peers or elders, often carried out
at (usually public) schools.
What in the name of God or any standard/concept of a more evolved,
civilized and positive existence and being: what in the name of any
decency, reason, compassion, or awareness could be motivating or
compelling these young people to manifest such remorseless,
shameless and vicious violence in acts of mass murder?
And notice also that this is not happening in New York, L.A.,
Chicago or other large cities, where gang violence has been so
prevalent. Its happening in quiet, totally "typical", rural/suburban
Middle American communities, among mainly white, middle class
I think programming is on the scene here in a most major way.
There has been some solid information which supports this hypothesis
lately. Author Alex Constantine (Psychic Dictatorship In America and
many other fine works investigating mind control operations) has
reported the following to online "e-zine" The Konformist concerning
a particular EM mind control operation which he says was a major
factor in the bloodcurdling massacre in Jonesboro Arkansas. I have
been suspecting just such a thing for some time now, after a
veritable spate of similar horrifying incidents over the past
several months, most of which occurred in the southeastern U.S. In
fact I emailed
The Konformist voicing exactly these suspicions right
after the Jonesboro nightmare. I’m reprinting below Mr.
Constantine’s note about this particular EM mind control operation.
The technology for EM mind control in Jonesboro came from Silent
Sound, Inc., I’ve heard. Ultrasound machine that stimulates rage,
Check into Senate Bill 10, an attempt to imprison children as
adults, and you have the motive. The machine was developed at SRI,
with help from a front in Berkeley.
(1998 Alex Constantine).
Interestingly, SRI (Stanford
Research Institute) was one of the five original partners which
brought HAARP technology into operational status before the whole
shebang was subsumed into the military’s domain in the early 90s.
Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, by Begich and Manning provides
extensive detail on the particulars of the development of HAARP.
Of particular interest in this regard are certain frequencies
monitored during HAARP transmissions which are completely absent
from the official, general HAARP specifications and
documentation--frequencies in the 435 Megahertz range, which are
exactly in the range of the frequencies of human thought (as opposed
to mood or state of mind); these are the predominantly utilized
frequencies in the mind control aspects of the Montauk Project.
Worth considering here also is that from roughly 1993 through 1996,
The Montauk Project mind control operations were being run out of
Robins AFB near Atlanta--in the southeastern U.S. Perhaps the spate
of seemingly mindless and inhuman violence carried out by very young
boys in this region is an indication of some results of the
Project’s recent visit to the southeast.
Maybe HAARP transmissions are being utilized to beam
microwave, psychotronic or other types of EM/RF mind manipulation
signals to trigger targeted preprogrammed, possibly even implanted
Adding to the growing list of such nearly incomprehensible incidents
of violence from those so young, (at least the postal workers and
other "disgruntled employees" have some excuse--daily exposure to
infinite levels of bureaucracy) comes the latest news from Edinboro,
PA. Another Montauk boy?
The Montauk Project, as well as
Monarch and other MK-ULTRA offshoots
and sub-projects, have created untold numbers (some suggest upwards
of 5 million) of programmed, "sleeper" agents with often totally
invisible alternate personalities or identities; these people are
suffering from intentionally induced dissociative, multiple
personality disorders as a result of "scientifically" applied
psychosexual abuse and psychotronic programming.
HAARP, and
the Montauk and Phoenix Projects before
HAARP, have had,
among many others, two agendas running--mind manipulation and
weather modification. Mind/mood/consciousness are affected by some
of the same electromagnetic energies as is the weather. This
information was the main result of much of Wilhelm Reich’s research
into what he termed "orgone" energy, and
Reich developed technology
which could impact and alter the state of this orgone energy.
Reich’s entire body of work into this field was forcibly taken from
him by the federal government, much of the materials which were not
stolen outright were destroyed, along with Reich’s laboratories, and
of course he was then incarcerated. The main elements of Reich’s
years of research and experimentation were incorporated into the
Phoenix Project, being operated then mainly at Brookhaven Labs on
Long Island. Guess they wanted this stuff all to themselves, and I
guess they got it.
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The Real Story
What the hell is going on? HAARP being operated on Long Island and
other locations; the Navy, operators of HAARP, taking control of the
Montauk/Camp Hero facilities; continual massive weather disturbances
not just in North America but in other parts of the world
too--notably Australia and New Zealand; indications via a "leaked"
document that HAARP, in addition to weather and mind control
agendas, has a serious interdimensional agenda going too;
indications via the same document that HAARP is being operated from
numerous sites worldwide (confirming the suspicions of many
researchers such as Nick Begich); horrendous incidents of literally
inconceivable (at least to me) and inexplicable violence on the part
of extremely young kids happening on a regular basis in the U.S.;
and even indications that HAARP transmissions may be utilized for
triggering earthquakes, as described below.
I don’t believe I’m straining to connect any dots here. In fact I
think the dots are already quite connected and the picture is very
clear. There has been substantial concern ever since information
first started getting out about HAARP that it is going to be
implemented as a means of global mind (and weather) control. The
fact that the Navy has forcibly taken over Camp Hero at Montauk,
which has a history of being "mind control central", just about ices
the cake. These covert agendas all over the place in the official
internal documentation on HAARP. Folks, we are in it now!
Of course another major means of social control, i.e. precipitating
massive social upheaval, is by destroying life and property through
extraordinarily severe manipulated artificial weather disturbances.
FEMA, an agency with some very serious and potentially abusive
covert agendas of it’s own, conveniently comes into devastated areas
and assumes substantial control.
When is the population of this country going to wake up to what’s
going on here?
The top leaders of literally all European countries have had several
meetings with Dr. Nick Begich, premiere researcher / investigator and
author on the HAARP operations, as well as with other independent
scientists and researchers; subsequent top level pan-European
conferences have been held, in which extremely strong concerns,
reservations and outright oppositions to HAARP and most if not all
of the program’s agendas have been voiced, in addition to serious
reservations about the long term global environmental effects of
HAARP activities.
How (complacently?) ignorant and uninformed (having been
deliberately misinformed is of course taken for granted) are the
people of the US at this point, like sheep led to slaughter.
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Radar Evidence
Researcher Kent Steadman of the
CyberSpace ORBIT website noted the
following, concerning weather radar systems that have been picking
up phenomena which appear to be electromagnetic/radio frequency in
nature: which have preceded the development of unusually severe
weather; which also definitely correlate with earthquakes, and
possibly correlate to highly troubling events indicative of mind
control operations such as the mass murder in Jonesboro Ark.
ORBIT Pulsed: radar rings over Jonesboro CyberSpace ORBIT
Kent Steadman, Editor
Signs in the sky: Thor’s Hammer, the Reaper’s Sythe, sky-circles
over Jomesboro? We are seeing things on radar that even jolts the
jaded artist. No more explanations--look for yourself
The weather radar systems referred to (and displayed on the above
website) may have been picking up HAARP transmissions, the "Silent
Sound" transmissions noted by Alex Constantine, or perhaps both!
Perhaps Silent Sound is being used in conjunction with
Whichever, I find it just about impossible to believe that it was
some coincidence that these totally unnatural concentric circular
energy patterns and other unnatural formations such as perfectly
straight lines showed up on radar exactly where unbelievably severe
weather conditions occurred, and also where the terrible violence of
the Jonesboro massacre occurred, knowing what we know about
weather modification and mind control operations. These radar
systems have been registering electromagnetic disturbances which are
directly connected to seismic activity as well, which may indicate
even more malevolent operations using HAARP technology.
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Quake City
One of the more covert of HAARP’s seemingly countless agendas is
that HAARP transmissions can be used for detecting and monitoring
electromagnetic or "plasma" phenomena which are
precursors of
seismic activity and tectonic movement; indications are that HAARP
transmissions can be (and conceivably are being) used to activate or
trigger exactly these same electromagnetic conditions which can
cause tectonic movement--in other words, HAARP potentially has the
ability to cause earthquakes!
Certainly such a capability is equally as disturbing as nearly
everything else about HAARP, and judging by how other of the
technology’s capabilities have been applied, it will also likely be
applied in a similarly malevolent manner. I don’t really even want
to follow that line of thinking too far, but the implications are
clear--and very frightening. Think we have "a problem" here? Well, I
sure do.
It seems that HAARP signals are being picked up by weather radar
systems as referred to above. This has been noted in conjunction
with some unusual earthquake activity as well; notably at the China
Lakes Naval Air Warfare Center in Southern California, where the
quakes have been numbering around 100 per day for weeks now and
radar images have often shown what seem to be major weather
disturbances--yet concurrently the weather satellite shots of the
area and local weather conditions reports prove that the skies at
these times have been generally calm and clear!
Something similar occurred on Easter Sunday in the Carolinas. It
looked from the radar shots as though the area was being pounded by
massive tornadic activity, yet the skies were clear and the
atmospheric conditions generally calm. The next day, however, guess
what--a sizable and unarguably rare earthquake hit this exact
Yet one more item on the list of HAARP’s covert agendas and
Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede
earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity.
It is becoming very apparent that the radar systems are picking up
electromagnetic perturbances which not only don’t correlate to
observed actual weather conditions but display totally unnatural
formations like perfect circles (often concentric), perfectly
straight lines, etc. This same phenomenon, often in conjunction with
tremendous and historically unheard-of rainstorms has also been
observed in Western Australia, where the concentric electromagnetic
energy pulses accompanying the fronts have been so severe as to
totally knock out the power grids in the region--exactly what
happened in Auckland, New Zealand earlier this year, when the entire
heart of the city was without power for months after their
electrical grid was literally fried by these EM pulse waves.
It bears repeating here that some scientists believe that HAARP,
especially at it’s current extraordinary levels of power, is quite
capable of generating such highly advanced, esoteric phenomena as
gravity waves; the ability implement interdimensional/time bending,
distortion, shifting, rifting and the like would be along the same
More and more, the emerging picture of HAARP is that of an extremely
severe and very disturbing threat to our wellbeing here on Planet
Earth; currently perhaps on of the very biggest threats
technologically. This really seems to be their Big Gun, capable of
being applied in nearly every imaginable and exceptionally
undesirable way.
HAARP technology appears well suited in general to enforcing a host
of the more oppressive and malicious goals and agendas of the
evolving "New World Order."
The more complete list of primary intended uses of HAARP now reads:
Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as
development of new types of radio transmissions
Manipulation of weather patterns
Weapons-related (physical/psychological disablement) and mind
control uses
Earth-penetrating tomography -- an X-ray like function which can
reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations as
well as oil or mineral deposits
Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede
earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity
Generation of gravitic waves, interdimensional/time "portals" and
other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena
"Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy
into the ionosphere, just to see what happens
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Haarp Fundamentals
I am reprinting here some general background material on the HAARP
project written by Dr. Richard Williams.
"HAARP’s space-generated
ELF (extremely low frequency) waves, coming
back down to the earth, can be utilized in many different ways, such
as communicating with submarines or creating harmful biological and
mental effects upon a specifically targeted population. HAARP can
also be utilized in a system of earth-penetrating tomography, for
locating hidden underground bunkers in enemy territory or the buried
arms, survival supplies, and valuable coins buried by U.S. patriots
and militias.
"The 1/96 ’Progressive Magazine’ reported that a 1995 article, "Non-
Lethal Technology and Air power", in the ’Air Command and Staff
College’s Air power Journal’, describes how so-called non-lethal
psychotropic and electromagnetic weapons will be used against
"In the very near future, it will become clear that
non-lethal methods have applicability across the entire spectrum of
conflict, including crime and terrorism..."
"In this research paper, the authors reveal for the first time, the
U.S. military is developing high-powered microwave weapons for use
against human beings" (which is one of the hidden goals of the
transmitters). Such "microwave weapons are almost uniquely
intrusive" (especially when they are pulsed at ELF frequencies).
"They do not simply attack a person’s body, they reach all the way
into a person’s mind... They are meant to disorient or upset mental
stability." It is thus shocking to see the U.S. military now
preparing, with the help of the Justice Department, to use such
electromagnetic totalitarian zapping devices against American
"Years before he became House Speaker,
Newt Gingrich wrote the
foreword to an official U.S. Air Force book that described how
electromagnetic weapons can be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who
oppose the policies of the Federal government. The publication,
titled ’Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology’ (Lt. Col.
David J. Dean, USAF, Editor), contained a chapter written by Capt.
Paul Tyler that deals with electromagnetic, (so-called) non- lethal
and psychotropic weapons. Because of the strong support for using
the U.S. military against civilians (as clearly demonstrated by
recent anti- terrorist legislation), this Air Force publication (and
its relationship to HAARP) is very significant.
Capt. Tyler stated:
"The potential applications of artificial
electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can be used in many
military or quasi-military situations.
...Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist
groups" (as currently defined by the Clinton administration), "crowd
control, and...antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all
cases, the electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to
severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or
disorientation (psychotropic weapons application). "In addition, the
ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point
that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of
electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large
areas with a single system" (disguised reference to projects like
"...One last area where electromagnetic radiation may prove of some
value is enhancing abilities of individuals for anomalous
phenomena", which appears to be a veiled reference to the Federal
government’s use of electromagnetic and psychotropic devices to
create artificial UFO abductions amongst unwitting civilians. Such
government-staged UFO encounters (not to be confused with the many
real UFO events, such as the Roswell crash) are now being used a
cover for widespread physical and psychological experimentation upon
U.S. civilians.
One internal HAARP document boasts of "exciting and challenging ...
potential to control ionospheric processes." HAARP’s goal is to
"perturb" the ionosphere with powerful blasts of energy to see "how
it responds to the disturbance." Scientists envision using it to
burn "holes" in the ionosphere and "create an artificial lens" in
the sky that could focus large bursts of electromagnetic energy.
Pentagon also wants to know if HAARP could be used to disrupt
communications, destroy enemy missiles or control global weather.
Sci-fi freak Newt Gingrich was one of its early supporters.
"Building the HAARP transmitter requires cutting spruce forest and
filling wetlands. Its six 3,600-horsepower diesel generators would
burn 95 tons of diesel fuel per day, producing over seven tons of
air pollution. The project’s environmental-impact statement notes
that the site "lies within the Copper River Basin, which is one of
Alaska’s more important migration corridors" for birds, which could
be fried by flying through HAARP’s 10-megahertz beams. Swans, owls
and ducks could also crash into its maze of antennas.
"The HAARP fact sheet states that "most of the energy of the
high-power beam would be emitted upward rather than toward the
horizon." But other government documents reveal that,
"80-90 percent
of the experiments would... refract fundamental radio frequency
energy Earthward from the ionosphere."
"Over the past three decades, human electromagnetic exposure has
been linked to fatigue, irritability, memory loss, cataracts,
leukemia, birth defects, cancer and changes in brain chemistry.
While a government study on the "bioeffects" of HAARP radiation
concluded that "chronic exposure may not necessarily be harmful,"
other government documents warn that such radiation is powerful
enough to explode highway flares in passing vehicles a quarter- mile
away and disrupt cardiac pacemakers in jet passengers flying
overhead. The Pentagon has already decided that HAARP’s radio
interference is too intense to allow it to be located near any
military facilities!"
Dr. Richard Williams
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EM Warfare
It’s important to keep in mind particularly in regard to HAARP’s
power output ratings as noted by Dr. Williams that he wrote this
during the very early phases of HAARP and that the power output
levels of HAARP transmissions are currently astronomically and
exponentially more powerful than the figures cited by Williams.
Residents of the United States, and to some extent residents of
other regions of the world, in particular areas of the southern
Pacific, Australia and New Zealand, are at this point being
subjected to a literal, all-out war being waged against them by
clandestine, unconstitutional, fascistic, terroristic and literally
demonic elements of a vicious and psychotic covert or secret
government, as implemented by certain branches of intelligence and
military agencies.
One of the more sour ironies in this is that, to a greater extent
that many covert projects, HAARP is in fact being funded largely
with OUR money. Congress was given a full-on dog and pony show by
HAARP lobbyists and directors, who implied that it would be mainly
used for researching and developing enhanced communications systems,
and for earth penetrating tomography, to see who else might be
putting in underground bases--someone like George Bush’s old buddy
Saddam Hussein for example. Congress lapped up the BS and forked
over the money--our money that is, and now HAARP operatives are
thumbing their noses at Congress and the people, using HAARP
transmitters to cause severe weather damage, to implement mind
modification/control, as a means of inducing physical/psychological
distress and incapacitation, to open interdimensional portals and to
carry out other covert agendas.
Again, it has become clear that HAARP is evolving into an
all-purpose, kill-many-birds-with-one-stone (and lots of real birds
too!) command, control and communication systems technology, for use
by the controllers of what’s been termed the
New World Order, to
ensure maximum compliance from the population and maximum
technological superiority for the rulers in the reign of the New
World Order--beginning now.
Hopefully, enough people will wake up and demand that whatever
legitimate remnants still exist of our so-called representative
government immediately begin to address HAARP’s overwhelmingly
serious threats to our freedom, physical and mental health, privacy,
wellbeing; threats the human race as a whole and to the planet we
call home!
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