
By Snnody
For thousands of years, humanity thought of itself as the creation of either a supreme being, or a group of superior beings. Then, suddenly, there emerged the idea that humanity was the latest update in what had begun as a mindless, but enormous cosmic accident. Almost overnight, the cult of Science catapulted an unruly, adolescent public, eager to be free of unreasonable constraints, out "into the streets" to wander aimlessly. What, one is forced to wonder, could have been the basis of such a monumental shift in consciousness? Seemingly, according to some versions given in the history books, it was nothing more than professorial observations and deliberations upon the fact that some lizards which, having been isolated on the Galapagos Islands for thousands of years, developed certain traits which differed slightly from those of lizards existing on the mainland.

Although Darwin's Theory of Evolution quickly gained widespread acceptance throughout Western civilization, we can't help but continue to wonder - if a person examined thoroughly, from a truly unbiased point of view, all the facts available at this time, might it become apparent that the real impetus behind mankind's "evolving" psyche has actually come from space aliens (technologically advanced human-equivalents) who, desiring total control over humanity, have been subliminally programming their unknowing servants here on Earth (an intellectual and financial "elite") this theory of evolution along with most other religions, philosophies, and scientific breakthroughs - all as "next steps" in their programming agenda?

We are aware that this will strike many as sounding even more far-fetched than the first possible explanation, but if this theory of evolution were actually correct, and if the reasoning were accurate, why then such constant and pervasive pronouncements from "prestigious" members of the scientific community (not to mention professional UFO debunkers) that, despite the ease (and speed) with which the evolution of species occurred here on Earth, there existed no chance for similar organic compounds to have happened to clump, accidentally, together in intelligent-life-producing fashion somewhere "out there"?

Mankind is at best only a "child" - the creation of a Kingdom Level of existence far more evolved, advanced, mature, and complete than anything humans are capable of imagining. The human kingdom was set in motion, as were the kingdom levels beneath human, according to a specific and carefully crafted design - and with a specific purpose in mind. In the beginning of a civilization, the Level Above Human plants all the life forms (including humans) in a neutral condition so that they have the chance to choose the direction of their growth. Every person is constantly faced with circumstances which present options, and thus, they constantly make choices according to desires that are more often subliminal than conscious. No matter what the circumstances might be, everyone has the free will to choose how to respond - and those responses will lead that person either in the direction of being less of a slave, or to become more enmeshed in those circumstances.

Whatever choices human beings make as individuals, or as societies, ultimately do not interfere with the Next Level's design or purpose. The space aliens (remnants of civilizations created long ago by the Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human, but who got off track) do their best to promote their own agenda, but whatever they do, they only serve the grand design (unknowingly) by providing further options. They provide the negative, the necessary catalyst for the growth of souls which are introduced into this "womb-like" environment. Souls are "placed in the balance" by the Next Level to choose, under the guidance of incarnate Members of that Kingdom Level Above Human, either the ways of the Level Above Human, which lead to selflessness, humility, reality, and life - or the self-serving ways of the Luciferian space aliens who oppose it, which are based upon misinformation and lead to greater illusion and death.

Thus, the purpose of this creation is to produce new members for the Level Above Human. Though members of that Level have physical bodies, the bodies have no gender. (Replication based on gender was designed for the plant and animal kingdoms.) New members of the Kingdom of Heaven are born through a metamorphic process which begins when the Level Above Human, or Next Level, "plants seeds" - places deposits or "chips" of Next Level mind (mind that comes from the Creator, the Chief of Chiefs, or Most High God - the term you use is not important) into human "plants" during times when they relate very closely to the garden-planet, and during "follow-up" visits that occur at roughly 2000-year intervals after the initial planting. A deposit is potentially the gift of life, for it contains the programming necessary to begin the metamorphic process which can lead to entry into the real Evolutionary Level Above Human, where there is no death.

When the Next Level checks out the human population and finds individuals that seem to have potential, they know it's time to "plant" seeds or give them deposits. Whatever criteria the Next Level has for planting the "seeds" where they do, would probably not be obvious to human perception. The person may or may not appear to be religious. An atheist may have a greater desire for the facts than a preacher who believes he is serving God. Humans cannot judge, only the Level Above Human can judge. The person with this new deposit cannot even judge. The first reaction to the deposit may be, "What is happening? Goodness, none of this has any meaning for me anymore. Is there something, somewhere that has some meaning? I've got to find something, I don't even know what, but there must be something that can take me farther than where I am."

These seed-like deposits can also be compared to tiny computer chips programmed with a sort of "homing device" to seek nourishment which can come only from a member of the Level Above Human who visits Earth and incarnates into a human body. For a soul to be "fertilized" and begin to grow, the deposit must make contact with that Representative of the Level Above Human. This germination can happen even through just hearing about the Representative, or coming into contact with some of the information brought by the Representative, because information and mind are the same thing.

Mind is invisible to the human eye. When the deposit makes contact with the Representative, it is an actual physical contact between the mind of the deposit and the mind or information brought by that member of the Next Level - called by humans "the Kingdom of Heaven." While Jesus was able to perform His task, 2000 years ago, with His Father in a spacecraft in the nearby Heavens, His followers needed Him to be in a human vehicle (body) at close range so they could pull in the nourishment/information/mind they needed to graft to the "vine" of His Mind (which was - and is - grafted to the mind of His Father, and on up the vine to the mind of the Chief). Also, it is always necessary for a Member of the Next Level to physically leave the Kingdom of Heaven, come to Earth, and incarnate into a human body because Next Level Mind must be "stepped down" significantly for the "fertilization or germination" of new souls and the nourishment of young souls to be possible. For a young soul to be able to bond or graft to the vine of mind of the Next Level, there must be a point at which the frequency of each can connect.

A human being is a spirit contained within a physical body during a lifetime and released into the spirit world when that physical body becomes too damaged or worn out to be usable. A soul, on the other hand, grows from a deposit of Next Level Mind, as described above, and becomes a container for more and more Next Level Mind. It can continue to grow wiser and stronger (larger and more dense), so long as it seeks the nourishment provided by its Father (or Older Member) - that Member of the Level Above Human who has been assigned the task of visiting the garden to "midwife" candidates for new membership. If the soul continues to choose to look to and draw nourishment from the Older Member, then at the end of its "lifetime" (at the time of death of the body it has been using), it is taken into the keeping of the Level Above Human, "placed on ice" in the sense that it is removed from the human environment (does not go into the spirit world), though it may not yet be able to participate in Next Level activities. It is set aside, so to speak, until the next cyclical visit of a Next Level Representative to the garden.

Metamorphosis is not ordinarily accomplishable or completed during only one period of visitation from the Level Above Human. Therefore, at the cyclical visitations, a second type of deposit (or one with different ingredients) is placed in human vehicles for the ones returning, in addition to any new deposits being made for new souls. This type of deposit contains a program that will set aside or "tag" a vehicle until the appropriate time for a young soul to incarnate into it. Again, the programming still includes the desire to seek nourishment from the Older Member, but it also contains information to help the young soul pick up where it left off; work on the lessons it still needs to learn and benefit from areas where it has grown strong. At this stage, as at any other, the soul can choose to drop its program of Next Level study. It has free will and can always choose to become interested in the misinformation that is aggressively preached by the Luciferian Space Aliens. If it should make that choice, it may later attempt to get back on track after seeing through the illusion of the misinformation, or it may become too attached to the feeling of pride and ego and taking credit for things, and ultimately find itself growing in the direction of the space aliens - though ones in this situation would not likely recognize this to be the case themselves.

There is still another type of deposit. Whenever a Member of the Kingdom Level Above Human visits a garden such as Earth, a human vehicle (body) must be "tagged" and set aside for that Representative's use. The programming in such a deposit would differ greatly from the programs meant for either a beginning soul or a young soul returning to continue its growth.

Not all humans have souls. On this garden there are human "plants" who have not received deposits, those with deposits/souls who are receiving nourishment from the present Representatives toward completing their metamorphosis, and those with deposits/souls who are not in a direct relationship with Representatives due to either not yet having come in contact with the Representatives, or having lost their choice to pursue the nourishment of the Level Above Human. Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this world or its "system." From the system's point of view, they are often irresponsible citizens, whether their symptoms take the form of being "homeless," prisoners, other social dropouts (doing drugs, alcohol, losing respect for the family and career norms), or religious or political radicals. At this point in time - the end of this civilization - all the souls who were deposited since the beginning of the civilization (about 6000 years ago), whether they have been faithfully trying to do their best to learn Next Level ways or have "fallen away," have been brought back. The Next Level is more than fair, and before closing the door of the Kingdom of Heaven to any soul, gives more than ample time for each to make a decision and either stick with it or lose it.

Religions have attempted to describe man's relationship to his Creator, but they have all been tools of the space aliens. Although all religions contain seeds of truth which were planted by the Evolutionary Level Above Human, space aliens have twisted those truths so that souls might be blinded to the intended meaning and more easily influenced to do the opposite of what would be in their own best interest.

Life, truth, the facts, reality, Next Level Mind - all are synonymous, and that which they refer to doesn't "stand still." It comes from the Chief of Chiefs. It cannot be contained in dogma or ritual. If you are one who wants ultimately to become something of value, you have to grow with it, change constantly, seek and accept higher understandings each day - drop old concepts. What comprises reality or "the facts" for one soul cannot be exactly the same as reality for any other soul. The facts for one soul one day, cannot remain the facts, or the soul will begin to go retrograde. Eternal life comes from eternally choosing to seek nourishment from your Older Member, drawing Next Level Mind into your soul - putting into practice the behavior and thinking (information) that make up that mind, and "fluffing off" out-dated mind - letting go of old concepts, forgetting the past.

Humanity is not the apex of evolution. The Chief of Chiefs is, and He is continually growing and improving. A state of perfection can never be reached, for that would be Death. The Evolutionary Level Above Human, the Kingdom of Heaven, where the Chief resides, is a level of existence wherein the many members do not experience death or decay. They are able to circulate throughout the Heavens, they know themselves to be souls (containers for mind), and they are able to "wear" different bodies, as different tasks are assigned them, as easily as humans (who have come to think of themselves as nothing more than bodies) wear different suits of clothes.

The human kingdom was created to be the starting point of a wondrous adventure which can lead to Eternal Life for those who have received a deposit and continue to have unquenchable thirst for the truth. It is through the metamorphosis of such souls that newborns of the Kingdom of Heaven come into being if they continue to receive Next Level nourishment and continue to accept and overcome every challenge placed in their way by the aggressive influence of the opposing forces - the Luciferian space aliens. Still, every individual has free will - and may always choose from a variety of other options that were all provided by the Next Level; for The Next Level wants only those individuals who have proven their mettle.

A young soul may be confused at first by the allure of the "holographic creation" we call Earth or humanity, and although the deposit provides the ability to see through the illusion, the person must still exert serious effort in order to find, connect with, and bond or graft to the Representative who was sent to be the "midwife." The Representative might seem anti-human or blasphemous from the point of view of the space aliens' programming, but the deposit gives the ability to recognize the simple honesty and goodness which is characteristic of all Members of the Next Level. The deposit can help make it very clear how Next Level information contrasts greatly from the options that space aliens aggressively preach from the pulpits, expound from the universities, and enforce from the halls of so-called justice - and which lead to a complete dead end.

In the design of the garden, the Luciferians unknowingly serve the Level Above Human by being the catalyst for growth. They labor to keep humans with soul deposits programmed to continue to function at the animal level so they will not be able to recognize the Next Level when it comes. They preach that God wants us to remain on Earth as humans indulging in the sensuality of a gender-based society in a vain attempt to secure their continued existence. They are for the most part aware that with the cyclical spading-under of the garden, which is imminent as this is the end of the Age, their ranks are scheduled to be recycled as well.

This gift of life, this deposit, the Next Level gives freely, for They have no need of new or additional members. It is simply Their pleasure to offer Life to human plants who otherwise have no future. Thank God for sending Representatives and for depositing souls so that some may become a part of Their Kingdom.

May 2, 1996

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