A Simplified Outline By
Ananda, See Complete Listing Below,
Compare to the Dodecahedron
Gravity Geometry Points Above
1- 31.72 N 31.20 E On the Egyptian continental shelf,
in the Mediterranean Sea, at approximately the midpoint between the two
outlets of the Nile at Masabb Rashid and Masabb Dumyat
2- 52.62 N 31.20 E On the Sozh River east of Gomel, at the
boundary junction of three Soviet republics - Ukraine, Bellorussia, and
3 - 58.28 N 67.20 E In the marshy lowlands just west of
4 - 52.62 N 103.20 E In the lowlands north of the southern
tip of lake Bayal, at the edge of highlands
5 - 58.28 N 139.20 E In the highlands along the coast of
the Sea of Okhotsk
6 - 52.62 N 175.20 E Slightly east of Attu at the western
tip of the Aleutian Islands
7 - 58.28 N 148.80 W Edge of continental shelf in the Gulf
of Alaska
8 - 52.62 N 112.8O W Buffalo, Alberta, at the edge of
highlands in lowlands
9 - 58.28 N 76.80 W Just east of Port Harrison on Hudson's
10 - 52.62 N 40.80 W Gibbs Fracture Zone
11 - 58.28 N 4.80 W Loch More on the west coast of Scotland
12 - 26.57 N 67.20 E On the edge of the Kirthar Range
bordering the Indus River Valley, directly north of Karachi
13 - 31.72 N 103.20 E At the east edge of the Himalayas in
Szechuan Province, just West of the Jiuding Shan summit
14 - 26.57 N 139.20 E At the intersection of Kydshu Palau
Ridge, the West Mariana Ridge, and the Iwo Jima Ridge
15 - 31.72 N 175.20 E At the intersection of Hess Plateau,
the Hawaiian Ridge, and the Emperior Seamounts
16 - 26.57 N 148.80 W North East of Hawaii, midway between
the Murau Fracture Zone and the Molokai Fracture Zone
17 - 31.72 N 112.80 W Cerro Cubabi, a highpoint just south
of the US/Mexico border near Sonotia and lava fields
18 - 26.57 N 76.80 W Edge of continental shelf near Great
Abaco Island in the Bahamas
19 - 31.72 N 40.80 W Atlantis Fracture Zone
20- 26.57 N 4.80 W In El Eglab, a highland peninsula at the
edge of the Sahara Desert sand dunes
21 - 10.81 N 31.20 E Sudan Highlands, at the edge of White
Nile marshfields
22 - 0 49.20 E Somali Abyssal Plain
23 - 10.81 S 67.20 E Vema Trench (in the Indian Ozean) at
the intersection of the Mascarene Ridge, the Carlsberg Ridge and Maldive
Ridge into the Mid-Indian Ridge
24 - 0 85.20 E Ceylon Abyssal Plain
25 - 10.81 N 103.20 E Kompong Som, a natural bay on the
southern coast of Cambodia southwest of Phnom Penh
26 - 0 121.20E At the midpoint of Teluk, Tomini, a bay in
the northern area of Sulawesi
27 - 10.81 S 139.20 E Midpoint of the mouth of the Gulf of
28 - 0 157.20 E Center of Solomon Plateau
29 - 10.81 N 175.20 E Midpoint of abyssal plain between
Marshall Islands, Mid Pazific Mountains and the Magellan Plateau
30 - 0 166.80 W Nova Canton Trough
31 - 10.81 N 148.80 W Society Islands
32 - 0 130.80 W Galapagos Fracture Zone
33 - 10.81 S 112.80 W East end of the Clipperton Fracture
34 - 0 94.80 W Junction of the Cocos Ridge and the Carnegie
Ridge, just west of the Galapgos Islands
35 - 10.81 S 76.80 W Lake Punrun in Peruvian coastal
highlands, north of Junin Lake
36 - 0 58.80 W State of Amazonas, at tip of minor watershed
37 - 10.81 N 40.80 W Vema Fracture Zone
38 - 0 22.80 W Romanche Fracture Zone
39 - 10.81 4.80 W Edge of Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Angola
Basin just southeast of Ascension Fracture Zone
40 - 0 13.20 E Gabon highlands, at the intersection of
three borders
41 - 26.57 S 103.20 E L'uyengo on the Usutu River in
42 - 31.72 S 67.20 E Intersection of the Mid-Indian Ridge
with the Southwest Indian Ridge
43 - 26.57 S 103.20 E Tip of the Wallabi Plateau
44 - 31.72 S 139.20 E In a lowland area just east of St.
Mary Peak (highest point in the area) and north east of Rio de Janeiro
45 - 26.57 S 175.20 E At the edge of the Hebrides Trench,
just southwestof the Fiji Islands
46 - 36.72 S 148.80 W Undifferentiated South Pacific Ocean
47 - 26.75 S 112.80 W Easter Island Fracture Zone
48 - 31.72 S 76.80 W Nazca Plate
49 - 26.57 S 40.80 W In deep ocean, at edge of continental
shelf, southeast of Rio de Janeiro
50 - 31.72 S 4.80 W Walvis Ridge
51 - 58.28 S 31.20 E Enderby Abyssal Plain
52 - 52.62 S 67.20 E Kerguelen Plateau
53 - 58.28 S 103.20 E Ozean floor, midway between Kerguelen
Abyssal Plain and Wilkes Abyssal Plain
54 - 52.62 S 148.80 W Kangaroo Fracture Zone
55 - 58.28 S 175.20 W Edge of Scott Fracture Zone
56 - 52.62 S 148.80 W Udintsev Fracture Zone
57 - 58.28 S 112.80 W Eltanin Fracture Zone
58 - 52.62 S 76.80 W South American tip, at the edge of the
Haeckel Deep