Español |
Alertador Afirma que Sirvió 17 Años en Base Militar Secreta de
Space Base on Mars
- from 'Genesis Revisited' - The Earth Chronicles series book |
Colonies on Mars
- from The
Andromedan Compendium
Español |
Dos Alertadores
Informan Independientemente Haberse Teletransportado a Marte y
Reunirse con ETs... |
Español |
Experimentador de Marte Andrew D. Basiago Valida las
Experiencias en Marte del Capitán de la Marina... |
Exopolitical Roundtable: Pleiadian Nuke Destroyed Mars Ecology?
- Cheney Ran Mars Colony Corporation |
Mars Colony Eyed by SpaceX Founder
Is Mars in the midst of a
'Planetary Liberation War'
Life on Mars?
Mars Active Industrial Site
Located by Remote Viewing, JPL Photos, Corroborating
Mars Whistleblowers
Colony Would Be a Hedge Against World War III - Elon
Musk Says
Mars Disclosure - Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye) expands upon
his Mars Recall
Experiencer Andrew D. Basiago Validates Mars Experiences
of U.S. Marine Capt. Randy Cramer
Mars - The Next
Fifty Years
Mission to
Mars - Disinformation to Hide Secret Mining of Red Planet
Moon and Mars Bases - Ets Coordinate Their
Activities From a Distance
Image Reveals Secret Base on Mars |
Packing for Mars - Will this Award-winning Film spark
a US Congress/UN disclosure of Secret US Bases... |
Español |
para Sustituir a la Humanidad con Colonia de Marte con ADN de
Élite - Dice Infante de Marina |
to Replace Humanity with Mars Elite DNA Colony
- says Marine Corps |
Español |
- ¿Quién
Gobernará Marte cuando consigamos Establecer una Colonia
Revealed Plans for First
'Sustainable City' on Mars
Bases on The Moon and Mars |
Secret Colonization of The Moon And Mars
- from 'The Fake Second Coming' |
Colony on Mars Claim goes Mainstream |
Says it Will Put Humans on Mars by 2026 - Almost 10 Years Ahead
of NASA |
SpaceX to Create Mars Colony of 80,000 -
Antigravity Technology Would Enable Vision Before End of... |
Terraforming Mars
- A Review of Research
Terraforming Mars with strange Silica
Blanket could let Plants Thrive |
The Mars Records -
Main File
Years as a 'Cyborg Supersoldier' on Mars and Kuiper Belt |
Whistleblowers Independently Report Teleporting to Mars and
Meeting Martian Extraterrestrials |
Whistleblower Claims he Served 17 Years at Secret Mars Military
Base |
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s Great-Granddaughter, Outs
Secret Mars Colony Project |
Whistleblower Reveals Serving for
3 Years on Secret Space Fleet
Additional Information |
Basiago Is Predicted “'Planetary Level' Whistleblower
for Mars Life and Time Travel"
- Web Bot
A Novel Material for In Situ
Construction on Mars - Experiments and Numerical
Bob Dean's Presentation at The
European Exopolitics Summit
- Transcript
- Barcelona, 25 July 2009
Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars
Briefings - SSP Alliance Updates Resume
Galactic Federation attacks on
Corporate Satellites and Mars Exodus - Update
Mission' -
James Mattis talks Russia, Military Space Exploration at
Defense Secretary Confirmation Hearing
The Discovery of Life on Mars
Lecture by Capt. Bill Robertson - Transcript from Video
(1990) |
Books-Treaties |
Cosmic Voyage
- A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth - by
Courtney Brown
Multimedia |
Conversation With Andrew D. Basiago About The Hidden History of
His Discovery of Life on Mars
Bob Dean's Presentation at The
European Exopolitics Summit
- Barcelona, 25 July 2009
World GOV Bases and Colonies
in MARS Since 1962!
Related Reports |
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects
Main File |
Life on Mars -
Vida en Marte -
Main File |
Martian Structures and
Anomalies -
Main File |
Moon Anomalies And Moon Bases -
Main File |
Terraforming and Planetary
- Main File