Aboard the DAL Spacecraft
It was Meier’ eighteenth close-up observation of extraterrestrial
spacecraft when at 02:00 in the early morning hours of 3 February 1965, he
was summoned to a place which had only shortly before that been made known
to him telepathically. It was severely cold when he left his residence and
started that walk in the dark to a favorite place of his where he had often
gone alone for many hours. Just sixteen days before that he had been told
that this would be the place for the contact on the day, a time then still
to be fixed, and it was now confirmed as the contact point. Though
clattering cold, he began to sweat as he climbed briskly up a little hill to
the agreed upon site.
He had barely arrived when he saw, shooting down from the sky, a brilliantly
luminous flying object which immediately landed near him on the hard frozen
ground. The bright light went out and he could see a matt-silvery
disc-shaped object which stood majestically on its three landing spheres and
seemed to wait for him.
Following a brief telepathic instruction, and a gentle urging, he went
toward the ship, and was immediately lifted into it through an opening, by
some force, as there was no elevator nor any other means of entrance,
something like he had experienced with the old man in the pear-shaped ship
when he was a small boy. But the inside equipment was basically different
from the ship of Sfath. There was only one seat in it, and there was nobody
else. He was alone. He thought this ship must be remotely controlled, so he
sat down into the single but very comfortable seat. As he was getting
settled, a powerful change took place. The bright light coming from
everywhere inside the ship suddenly went out, and then he felt like he was
sitting in free space. He could see nothing of the ship and its equipment,
and when he raised his hand before his eyes he couldn’t see it either.
Then it started to move upwards in the night sky. It slowly floated at low
level toward the nearby village, where it hovered barely two meters above
the house his parents were living in, and just remained hanging in the air,
as Asket voice sounded in his head again and gave him some information
about his further life and that of his family sleeping there below him, and
that of his own family in years to come. He had just married a Greek girl
that same year.
Then the still invisible ship began to move eastwards, and
increasing its speed, shot up into the night sky without Meier feeling any
discomfort. Meier later said, "There was no doubt that I was in space, very
high above the Earth, which I saw only as a bluewhite-greenish sphere, but
not actually a sphere - only. part of a sphere, because now it looked like
the Moon when it is half full. I saw the dim contours on the surface as they
faded into the darkened part.’ This was in 1965 before our own first Earth
deep space mission.
Then his vision was blurred, momentarily, and just as suddenly became
visible again, and he could again see everything in the bright light of the
inside of the ship. Then the entrance door opened and he looked out, and was
surprised to see that completely unnoticed by him the small ship had landed.
He got up to step put, and found that he softly "floated" down to the ground
and landed on hard, dry soil. It was much warmer, and in the weak night
light he thought the ground landscape looked to be of a reddish color, and
the soil was more sandy, while in the surroundings nearby masses of sandy
rocks rose in elevation. The landscape looked familiar as he leaned on one
of the big rocks. It was warm.
When he touched the rock material, he
suddenly knew he was in Jordan. As he puzzled about that, a light fell from
the sky like a stone. Bright and large as the Moon he saw it falling,
growing bigger. Then suddenly it stopped and simply hovered quietly about a
hundred meters above the ground, without even slowing before the dead stop.
The luminous object hung in the air for a moment, then slowly settled to the
ground and gently landed. The shiny metallic silent object illuminated the
surroundings like day.
He watched and waited for something to happen. Time passed and nothing
changed. So he sat down on a rock and waited, for nearly a half hour, until
at last something moved. Then a figure appeared from behind the ship and
came up to within a few yards of him, as slowly the luminous radiance ’of
the ship dimmed down and then went out. But in a very short moment it
lighted up again, and its light began to spread like a dawn. In the weak
illumination of that dawn light he could make out the figure of a person, a
female - Asket - he knew.
She walked confidently up to him and greeted him in a way that was familiar
and known to him but he could not figure out why. She seemed strangely
familiar. When he asked about this, she only smiled and suggested he
consider other lifetimes before this. Her dress seemed familiar also, though
it was much different from that of Sfath. She wore a foot-length pleated
gown of a peculiar silver-white color, girdled at the waist. Her long blond
hair fell to her shoulders. She invited Meier to join her in her ship, which
he did, and that ship sped up into the sky and like the remote controlled
shuttle craft also seemed to become invisible. The shuttle craft was left in
the labyrinth of rocks below, invisible to human eyes. Meier saw the early
light of dawn on an ocean, and he thought it must be the Mediterranean,
which proved to be correct. The ship sank down to the ground where he could
see the big pointed structures he knew to be the pyramids of Egypt. The dive
velocity suddenly stopped without Meier feeling anything, and then the
sinking became a gentle floating down to the desert sand.
They touched down a few meters to one side of the Sphinx near a small beduin
camp where Arab-dressed people were beginning to break camp. They didn’t
seem to notice the landing of the ship, which puzzled Meier, as he did not
see how they could be missed. As the ship stopped, Asket fastened a small
device to Meier’s belt so they would remain invisible after they left the
field of the ship. They could see each other and the ship, and they could
see the other people perfectly, but they and the ship remained invisible to
After showing Meier something of interest there, they returned and reentered
the ship and it shot rapidly up into the sky as before. The ship rushed back
and landed at the same waste mountains of Jordan, where they had left the
small remote controlled shuttle, where Asket took time and explained many
things, about his life and his education, and his finally taking over his
In Meier’s more recent incarnation history he has been an Arab, though up to
then he had not discovered this. When he does, these scenes will be recalled
and then he will know the reason for his strange familiarity with the
Among the many things discussed there aboard Asket’s ship parked in the
Jordanian mountains was a resume" of some of the information imparted to Meier up to now and a concise putting together of this and more background
information to reveal all: of this in better perspective to help Meier to
understand the mission that was about to begin. In her own words this is
what she told Meier at that time, reminding him of a transmission in 1956:
Asket: - The Creation is the basic foundation of life and all existence. In
the force of The Creation, we fulfill our mission, which is not only of
cosmic, but all-universal importance, because The Creation IS the life, and
The Creation IS the existence. To fulfill our missions we must neutralize
the structure of our space/time, and of yours in the respective universes,
to achieve harmonic transfer without damage to ships and universes. Our homeworld is in the
DAL Universe, in the system of - in a for you Earthlings
- strange system of just as strange a universe, of which there are several
around your own familiar universe. but of these (other) universes lie in
other planes of time and within completely unfamiliar to you
space/dimensions... Our Universe is a parallel to yours, and it lies,
reckoned from your time, in an equal plane. The difference between our and
your time is only a very little. The cause of our coming into your Cosmos
originated in earlier time... in the urge to exploration of our race.
Enabled by technical developments, one Universe’s barrier was penetrated,
from ours to yours, which admitted entrance for us into your time. Since
then we explore the widths of your Universe, and some centuries ago we
discovered this sun system, and by that, your world.... In-our explorations,
besides finding this world, we also found the ancient homeworld of those
then responsible for the human life on this world, because the human being
of this Earth did not originate here. Me is a descendent of those who
originally came from that location which you call the "
Ring nebula" (in the
constellation Lyra). There is the real ancient home of the earth human race.
The descendents of those Earthly ancestors are no longer populating the
regions of space and systems around the "Ring nebula" today, but live on
world-bodies of those sun systems which you call "The Seven Sisters" or the
"Pleiades". They are the far descendants of your actual ancestral
But about all these matters shall you, counting from
today, within some twenty Earth years, become initiated by the
descendants of your ancestors themselves, when you are mature enough to
stand the new explanations and
recognition’s. Until then you are obliged to learn much, and develop your
wisdom to fulfill your heavy mission. You are provided as already many
others in earlier times before you. In this respect you were already before
your birth placed under the control of a certain one who had to protect and
guide and teach you... Such a life is difficult, because the concerned one
has very much to learn...
It is an obligation to all higher developed creatures, to assist less
developed forms in a helpful manner of responsible measure, to influence the
evolution in given measure. This duty is an obligation of all creatures of
all universes, because it is a Creational Law. As we are here, from a
strange to you universe, to us also is here obliged the duty, in suited
time, to make official contact with any developing forms of life. We have
recognized in this, your universe, many things
which are in need of change. Especially on this world, things are moving on
a very dangerous course. The mankind of Earth has come into an age of
knowledge and development disturbed by many factors which enslave and
exploit him. The thirst for power.... has always, and always will lead to
wars and bloodshed, by which innumerable lives are lost. All of your
developments and inventions are turned into death-bringing and senseless
weapons. You have forced the cornerstones of life into dangerous means of
mass destruction. And already, within a short time the earth human will
hurry out of his atmosphere in manned missiles. Soon will also be the time
when he will walk on the Earth satellite, your moon, and speak great
deceiving words of peace and love. They are only words of infatuation,
because the minds of those Earth humans strive only for invincible might and
world power. Their words are only intrigues to deceive the real peaceful
forms of life and force their into bondage. Your religions and
politics of
Earth cooperate in these concerns together, and do not shrink from any
deception to accomplish their power hungry goals.
Earth man has advanced his evolution, but only in technical and material
sciences. His spiritual evolution has been suppressed by worldly
materiality... The Earth human has become able to destroy his world in an
atomic explosion, which would bring very dangerous consequences for the
whole system. Already, one time, a similar catastrophe occurred in this
sun system, when a second populated by mankind planet, of this system, was
destroyed. By the unreasonability of the then living there mankind, the
planet was exploded into thousands of greater and smaller pieces, and
destroyed. As a sister planet of Earth, she circled round the sun in that
place, where now the planet Mars orbits, and the pieces now circle as the
asteroid belt. The name of that planet was "Malon" which has changed little
in translation. In German it is known as "Milona" and in English as
To prevent further madness like this, is exactly the duty of the more
advanced races... An atomic destruction of this Earth could destroy your
whole sun system and push (the planets) out into the cosmos as extremely
dangerous missiles. These could again destroy further sun-systems and
produce cosmic catastrophe. Even neighboring universes could be affected.
Besides this, the sun-system moves in space in such a way that the
catastrophe could spread to other systems in a form of chain reaction in
your cosmos. A similar event is already known.
This world was destroyed by the ancestors of your human race which brought
religion to your people. A loss of Earth could distort the structure of
space and time and produce great damage. So it is our objective to prevent
this eventuality, and together with many other creatures of other worlds of
this universe to control the Earth and attempt to contain the already
conjured mischief by Earth scientists, and head this off. THAT IS OUR
MISSION! We are forced to interfere in the machinations of religions and
politics for power, and to force leading personalities to reduce their
intrigues. The list of leading personalities who will be murdered is long,
but we are not able to change that. The guilt is of the Earth being itself,
and it alone. We do not want any death and any murder, but we do want peace
in this and all other universes.
This may demand that we coerce the leading forces of Earth to peace, as they
generate against themselves deadly enemies, for which reason many good men
will die, and which we unfortunately cannot prevent. If our mission should
fail this could be a great catastrophe... But we have good expectations and
have prepared you since birth for participation. It will be your mission, to
initiate the Earth mankind into this truth, to bring the way of real peace
and love. The time will hurry, because in the point of time when you will
come to attention, already other dangerous things will be on the move, which
rise from the struggles for power.
Be conscious that when I give you permission to speak out after important
events, you will then be in danger for your life, because you will reveal
secret things. The initiators of these intrigues will try to deprive you of
your life and seek to kill you, because you reveal their secrets. So take
care and do always exercise the greatest caution. Do keep all these
circumstances to yourself, and never try to circumvent this order. So listen
care fully now to my words, and remember the important facts, thus you can
observe the events and by this verify the truths of my prophesies...
The unavoidable events of the future will come to pass with absolute
certainty, just like the events of the past, to which I want to ex-plain,
that the events of the future have already been set in motion in the past by
the murder of Joseph Stalin by poison on the 5th of March 1953, in Russia,
by order of internal elements. The reason for the murder by poisoning, was
the kind attention of Stalin to the Zionists, which in the following two
decades will change into enmity against Zionism. For these reasons the
next-following great-man in Russia, Nikita Sergejewitsch Chruschetschov,
will be forced to be dismissed in 1964, to give the last form to the
justified enmity against Zionism. In the time of Chruschetschov will be
elected a new President in America..., but to be murdered in 1963 by secret
order of the American security service, the CIA.... A second political murder
will follow the first, only five years later, when by the same order-givers,
a new President candidate will be killed the same way...
Also the Holy Office in Rome will be afflicted by the worldwide religious
and political intrigues. As with Stalin, the same very fast vanishing from
the body poison will be used to murder, in the year 1962, Pope John XXIII,
who will then have occupied his office only a very short time.
Still his successor,
Pope Paul VI, will be switched off in the same manner,
by cardinalian machinations in cooperation with Zionist extremists, who
have already smithed their murderous schemes. Also in Greece, the State’s
first man, King Paul I will die the same poison death in 1964, like those
already mentioned. His successor, Constantinos, will three years later be
exiled as an exploiter of the nation, by a revolutionary military regime.
Also Egypt will not be spared, for in the middle of the 70s a dictatorial
statesman by the name of Abd el Gamal Nasser will be deprived of his life by
poison in the same manner as before him, his friend, too, the Emir of
Kuwait, will die in 1965 by poison, by the hand of his own relatives. Also
at the hand of his own relative will in 1975, die the King of Saudi Arabia,
King Feisal, who will be shot to death. These are coming events of the next
20 years. Keep them very carefully, and do not speak of them until
permission is given. In these prophesies you will recognize many religions
playing into one another, and the coming events not only of political
character, but of religious-political nature...
Consider, in these matters, we have not come to interfere in the religions
and political concerns of Earth, or to lead the Earth human beings. These
matters oblige to you in later times, and to your followers, who will then
be able to spread the truth. We also have not come to have close contacts
with Earth men, or to advance her in evolution by great amount. We are only
here to fulfill our mission of preventing the catastrophe... For further
matters, such as helping evolution, etc., other forms of life in your own
universe are responsible.
These have already been controlling the Earth for thousands of years, and
also keep in limits those space traveling races who have evil intentions
toward Earth humans. When you are ready to perform your mission, you will
still have to learn very much more; you have to see the truth and
acknowledge it, and this means for you great study in many things. You have
to learn to find the truth by yourself, and to evaluate what you find, by
which your future life will be very heavy and full of need. You often will
desire not to live, and to rest in the kingdom of death. But do consider at
such times, that you have to perform your obligations as any other form of
life, and are not allowed to shirk your mission...
But to help you, you shall be granted certain things... our technologies
permit many things for us, and by this as well, journeys into the past and
into the future. So these possibilities may be used to show you matters of
great meaning, so you can see the truth in them for yourself, which will be
important to you. It is decided to take you into the past, to offer you
there an opportunity to examine the facts...
These are the matters which I came to explain to you today.
That was in effect a recapitulation of a telepathic transmission received in
the course of deep meditation by Meier, from Asket, on 3 February 1956. He
lost that set of notes in his travels, and it was re-transmitted to him in
the form of "automatic writing" at Mehrauli, India on 1 September 1964. He
is now being reminded of those transmissions, and at the same time getting
this confirmation that those telepathic receptions were more real than his
imagination. Time has passed and some of these prophesied events had already
taken place.
Looking back over that statement, it is possible for us to form some
1. Loss of a planet might possibly upset the equilibrium of our solar system
and allow it to break up, like a wheel out of balance at high revolution.
Their concern is heightened by what they say is an example already witnessed
in our Universe.
2. The mission laid on Eduard Meier is a small mission within the greater
self-appointed mission of protection of our neighboring worlds and systems
from the catastrophe of our folly. There are several reasons for this at
this time, and also for Meier being selected to perform the mission. There
is good reason for the Pleiadian extraterrestrials being the ones to carry
out this phase of activity now -- because the DALs have a limitation on time
(they had to leave by the end of 1974) presumably due to other cosmic
conditions that affect them. Some good reasons for these participants in
this drama are:
a. The ancestors of the Pleiadians (and consequently ours too), are the ones
who perpetrated the other similar catastrophe mentioned, and thus they have a direct responsibility to
stop, or prevent, this new possibility now.
b. It was they who brought the madness that allowed this aberration here on
Earth, as the power hungry IHWHs, who set up their early religious feudalism
in order to control and enslave the indigenous survivor remnants of their
own earlier ancestry here.
c. Meier is told that he was one of the
IHWHs then, as were Semjase, Ptaah,
Quetzal and others here now.
3. Before they left this sector of space,
the DALs had arranged for the Pleiadians (having a direct responsibility in these problems) to take over
where they left off. They had helped the Pleiadians to achieve me
technologies to better carry out their responsibilities.
But they were still aboard Asket’s ship parked there in the Jordanian
mountains. The silent remote-controlled shuttle-craft stood dark and silent
nearby. Being already very late, Meier was exhausted, and leaned back in the
comfortable seat, which now turned into a couch, as Asket suggested he get
some sleep. She relaxed into the other seat also converted into a couche,
which Meier barely noticed before he sank into a deep sleep.
It was daylight when he awoke and saw that Asket had "conjured" from
somewhere things to eat and drink.
"We sat comfortably at a desk-like
formation which had been pulled out of the ship’s wall, and enjoyed a solid
meal. What I was eating and drinking I was not able to define, yet it was
very tasty, though fully unknown to me. The drink was a bit yellow-white and
somehow thick fluid, and would have been some juice of an unknown fruit.
Also the meal seemed to have been prepared from fruits, as well as from some
vegetables too. The taste was very strange to me, still everything seemed
somehow familiar once more. But all was excellent and tasted marvelous to
me. After the breakfast, Asket brought from somewhere, a great vessel of
cool, clear water, which we took outside of the ship and put on the ground
nearby. Like little children, we splashed with the delightful wetness and
cleansed ourselves with it."
They remained there until that evening, spending most of the time inside of
the ship where Asket continued the discussions, and told Meier a very many
new things. They were already not seeming so strange anymore, but Meier was
astonished that he accustomed himself to all this in such a short time. He
seemed to already have known Asket for thousands of years, she seemed so
familiar. And for the ship and its details, it had become so familiar in
that short time that he didn’t wonder about it anymore.
In response to a question about aiding Earth sciences on great technical
problems, Asket replied that if any creature should achieve advanced
knowledge too early in its development, it may not use such knowledge
wisely, and unavoidable and irresistible catastrophes could result, such as
the situation we now find ourselves in, having discovered secrets of atomic
science that we are not mature enough to control. She said such knowledge
was "betrayed" when we turned it to destructive purposes in the form of the
atomic bombs. She said that once in possession of this dangerous and
destructive weapon, it is only a short step until its utilization in a
repetition of earlier events which impregnated Earth’s atmosphere with
deadly clouds which since then have injured all of nature, and produced
catastrophic climactic changes all around the world.
She said that the human beings of this Earth are at a stage of development
where every increase in knowledge is dangerous because of present Earth
man’s insane and unbridled thirst for power, that this is degenerate and
contrary to nature, that if Earth humanity is to be helped, it is only
possible when he gives up his power mad delusions. A complete change in
thinking is of necessity before he can be allowed access to more advanced
information. As long as he does not get rid of his egotism, and does not
learn the truths, so long help cannot be given him from beyond Earth.
Throughout the day of the 4th of February the discussions continued until
night fell. Then Asket said good-bye, as they were standing outside her
ship, and Meier turned and went into the small shuttle craft still parked
there, which had brought him here two days ago, and the start-up process
began as before. He was quickly returned and set down in the same place from
which he had departed, that memorable earlier night. He floated down out of
the ship, and was barely a few steps away, when it slowly rose up into the
air, and then, like a flash shot up into the dark sky and disappeared going
straight. up and out of sight.
After that, Meier wrote:
"Asket’s explanations and details took a long time,
and also many other matters were mentioned and explained, about which I must
still keep strictest silence. Even If I wanted to change this, I would not
be able, because first, I have given a promise and second, all is now
protected by a security block so that, even if I wanted to, I would not be
able to speak. I do not know the kind of security block, as it is only known
to me, that I am not able to speak, even by will, without permission. I only
know that this security block was generated by Asket, using some kind of
peculiar apparatus.
I must confess that Asket’s explanations at first seemed
unreal, and I thought I might be dreaming. I always expected to wake up and
get back into reality again, but the longer Asket’s explanations lasted, the
more I became convinced that everything was already reality and that I was
not suffering from any dream. I pinched my earlobes severely, and burned a
cigarette into my left hand and felt the pain. Several times I squeezed
Asket’s hand, and pressed it strongly, and I heard her cryout, and felt her
opposite pressure. I tried other things, but everything seemed to be true
reality, and that I was not dreaming."
Three days passed, and on 7 February Meier was again directed to a new
meeting with Asket. He says,
"It had just become really dark, when I heard a
soft whirring, as if near the rotor blade of a helicopter, near the end of
its rotation. Then near me a dark object sank down and landed in the field.
Uninvited I walked towards it, and suddenly saw a slim figure appear. It was
Asket, who now called to me. We let ourselves be lifted together into the
ship, and already we sat in the comfortable seats. I did not feel the
slightest motion when the ship climbed up and swiftly shot up into the night
sky. Only on the different viewing screens I saw the starting maneuver and
the fast flight away. Otherwise nothing new happened.
The ship became neither transparent nor did it shine. It just remained as it
was, solid, tangible, and very stable. During the flight no word was spoken
and Asket occupied herself calmly with the various control apparatus. Then I
saw on the viewing screen, deep below us, visible mountain contours, towards
which we seemed to rush down. Without feeling any discomfort, the ship
stopped quite suddenly out of its rushing speed, and it just remained
’hanging’ in the air for some minutes. Then it slowly started to move again,
and floated softly down to Earth, like a feather.
Meier continued his
"When we let ourselves be transported out of the ship, I
noticed that we were again at the same location, where only a few days
before we had met. Contrary to Europe the weather was very mild here. High
in the heavens thousands of stars flashed and different voices of the night
could be heard. I felt secure and glad to be here. Slowly Asket and I
wandered through the rocky wilderness, and then sat down on a big flat
Here Asket began to speak for some time:
Asket:: "The time has now (1956) come for you to experience many things,
which for you, and others some later, will be useful in the search for
truth. I have told you of the possibility of time travel into the past or
the future. According to our technology, we have the ability to undertake
such journeys, and to bring them now into use for the benefit of your
mission. As it is decided, you will travel back with me into different time
epochs, to be able to examine the truth of events in their places and
locations of occurrence, and to see that your traditions and the
affirmations of your own history are incorrect, and actually agree with the
true events only on rare occasions... You have been informed about the
course of your life, which will be troublesome and difficult... but the time
of your lessons has not yet finished, because it will last another 20 years,
which you will experience as heavy times of enormous hardship. Though up to
now it has been difficult, it will become still more so in the future.
But, be yourself conscious of the necessity of having to finish these
education’s, as just for your task. The next years will bring you into
prison, and into war services outside of your homeland. You will have to
acquit all stations of a fighting man to know and understand all very
thoroughly. For if you are to undertake the matter, you can only do so
having experienced everything by yourself. Likewise it will also be with
some passions, in which you will indulge. As well, heavy body pain will not
be spared you, nor psychic pain. You will think that you have lived in hell,
but by that you will learn to understand the heaven. Already now I want to
tell you that within less than 10 years, you will have to pass the, until
then hardest emanation of your life. Yet this examination in your fate will
be necessary to collect much understanding.
I know your distant future, for I have penetrated it, that many evil things
will befall you. A great change will come over your body, thus, suddenly you
will start to lead a completely new life. For this moment now, it will sound
very hard for you, but so it must indeed be - and we are not able to change
your fate, because this is not within our power... It will be good for you
to prepare yourself for the coming event, and to meet the facts with a clear
head. For only you are able to do that, and I want to explain what is
coming... The further occurrences of your own future are the following, but
which you shall not tell anybody... (future events mentioned)... Further
events will be that in a short time before the loss of your arm in Persia,
you will find a new identification in the name of "Billy". The name has
meaning in it that will weigh heavily on you...
Your provided name "Billy" will become known worldwide...Until then, you
will be completely on your own, and during this time you will get no further
instructions or lessons from us. This is the last and most difficult lesson
you will have to overcome alone. The struggle for truth will be difficult,
because you will have to confront the opposition of the UFO groups - being
strongly established within their beliefs. You will be hated worldwide, and
your life will be threatened... But nevertheless, do work fast and precisely
to fulfill your mission, as the time runs fast and the death of your body
cannot be delayed... (He was then told when and how he will die, which he is
not allowed to reveal.)
Concerning this contact with Asket on 8 February 1956, Meier wrote:
"The process of the transmission in time-travel took about 10 minutes, while
the actual jump-over lasted only a fraction of a second to go from one time
to another. The what and how of the technique was never explained by Asket.
At the beginning of a transmission, something astonishing occurred in
that the whole surroundings of the ship grew slowly dim to exist no
I noticed the same process within myself as well, and in the moment of
"leap" , it was suddenly replaced by something else... Asket guided into
different time epochs, both back into the past and into the future. I saw
and experienced many events there which can never be agreed to by historians
and scientists of other branches. I had to recognize that many scientific
theses of our time are just that, theses alone, and are far from the real
truth, especially respecting many events and occurrences in the past. And I
also saw that many natural scientific events were completely different from
what some of our scientists advocate... The different time travels are not
allowed to be closer reported, because they hide deep truths in themselves
which must remain forever hidden. Asket has permitted that a quite certain
event may be reported, being of important consequence to what is happening
today... On 11 February 1956, still on a continuation of the pick-up on 8
February, during a time-trip to Death Valley in California, Asket had this
to say:
Asket: You wonder about very many things that I tell you. Your assumption is
not correct, as the horse was not brought from Europe to Asia. Just the
opposite is correct; all horses of this world were created on this continent
(North America), which you call America. This continent was until around
50,000 years back in your chronology, in habited by human beings, by
Universe travelers and their descendants. As usual in this world, they
quarreled with one another and destroyed themselves and the others. They
invented an atomic bomb and exploded it in a flash war. The effect was
cataclysmic and it depopulated this whole continent, and different sorts of
animals as well; such as the horse, were completely eradicated. As far as I
know, you called this sort of horse of that time the "hipparion". Even
today, after 50,000 years, you still call certain regions of this continent
in the same manner as they were once called in those other times. The names
were carried forward to present time, as well as some evidences of that un
reasonably insane and barbarous time still exist. The one who wants to see
these can examine and make judgments about them for himself. These are the
places of ancient cities, which many thousands of years ago stood on those
sites, and which in atomic hells were melted down into glass-like masses.
The best preserved proofs have become a curiosity in your time, because the
Earthman does not know their origin. Well known are those in this respect
still under the name "Death Valley", which also is still connected with
other events of the present tine. The "Fire Valley" near the city of Las
Vegas is another witness to the past and timeless atomic insanity of the
Earth human being.
Atomic war is not new to this modern generation of humanity. The dangerous
atomic sciences have been discovered and employed on Earth before, and never
yet has Earthman failed to destroy himself and his entire civilization, even
on a worldwide scale along with him. It has never assisted humanity to newer
and loftier goals!
Some other sites of waste residue left by prehistoric atomic blasts may be
found in Monument Valley, Arizona, the Bakaa Valley in Lebanon, the
Australian Desert, and northwest of Cuenca, Ecuador, and there are more...
Meier says:
"Asket furnished many other explanations, but which I am not
permitted to tell. They deal, without exception with events of the past
which will not have full meaning until the future. How those events are
connected to and influence the future was explained.."
This time travel visit to sites of
earlier atomic devastation
in conflicts
that wiped out entire cities is of special interest to our society in this
’modern age, and of particular interest to some of the investigators in this
case, because we have personal knowledge of and have handled evidence of the
ruins of such a blast of stupendous magnitude on the eastern slopes of the
Andes a few dozen miles northeast of Cuenca, Ecuador.
The best estimate of
time of that event that we have been able to obtain, based on specimens of
the vitrified waste material brought back in 1972, was that the pumice block
was subjected to such heat that it turned it to glass somewhere between
6,000 up to 12,000 years ago. We then undertook a search for supporting
evidence and found a good deal.
Meier was told that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra was from a similar
blast, and we may observe that some of the purification rites described in
the Old Testament sound very much like radiation decontamination, and
radiation effects and their treatment today.
The RAMAYAMA, an epic poem of ancient India, variously dated from 500 B.C.
to as far back as 3,000 B.C., is a collection of historical legend narrated
by the Indian Sage, Narada, to the court historian Valmiki. These are the
"Pearls of Wisdom" which inspire certain Indian sects today. It describes,
among other things, Rama, son of Desaratha, King of Ayodha, in Northern
India, as dueling with Ravana in celestial cars, fighting in the sky, and of
destroying Ravana in Lanka (a former continent in the Indian Ocean, the
remains of which are now known as Ceylon) with (atomic) missiles.
father, King Desaratha, was said to have "sprung from an ancient star race",
descendents of the "Kings of the Stars", space beings, who ruled India then.
These celestial cars where "circular in shape, golden in color and radiant to
look up-on," and where "drawn by steeds like the solar ray". After the death
of his wife, Sita, Rama lived alone and held secret conferences with a
"heavenly Messenger", like the biblical prophets meeting the Lord. Years
later, Rama left Ayodha in a celestial car and entered Heaven. (Here we have
another direct assumption into heaven in the manner of our own biblical
Ramachandra Dikshitar, in his WAR IN ANCIENT INDIA, McMillan, London 1945,
translates the Samaranganasutradhara by King Bhojadena, eleventh century, as
saying that there where flying machines which could attack visible and
invisible objects, ascending, cruising thousands of miles in all directions
in the atmosphere, and even mounting to the stellar regions (deep space).
The Bishma Parva, on page 44, describes the conflict between
Arjuna and
Bhisma, where it states that the enemy invoked a celestial weapon
"resembling fire in effulgence and energy".
The Mahabarata, one of the oldest books in the world, describing the
war in Northern India, paints a picture of a great and noble civilization
destroyed in an 18 day war. In one battle, reported in the Samsaptakabadha
Parva (page 58), the craft are described as being circular in form and
capable of "forward, backward and diverse other motions..."
James Churchward, in THE CHILDREN OF MU, referring to millenniums-old
records, claims this war was fought about 20,000 B.C.) Chandra Roy, in his
translations from the Bishma Parva, described the Brahma-Danda (Brahma’s
Rod), as infinitely more powerful than even Indra’s Bolt. The latter can
strike only once but the former can even strike whole countries and entire
races from generation to generation! This sounds very much like a radiation
weapon to us.
The Mahabarata also describes the flying vehicles used by the invincible
Celestials, as
the Vimana, a double-decked, circular craft with a dome
having portholes. It flew with the "speed of the wind" and gave forth a
"melodious sound". It could "stop and remain motionless in the sky" and it
"soared above the clouds". From altitude the "ocean looked like a small pot
of water." The vimanas were employed for sport as well as for travel and
warfare, where they used the "Samhara", a missile that crippled, and the
"Moha", a weapon that produced a state of paralysis.
The Bodha Parva, on page 97, mentions the Vaishnava weapon which conferred
invisibility, and was able to destroy in all worlds. Page 383 refers to a
"race-annihilating missile, "...Bhisma .. hurled a missile .. .that crushed,
O King, thy soldiers in battle. And it seemed to fill... the whole Earth
with a loud noise. And blazing forth in splendor, that fierce missile
inspired thy sons with fear. Beholding that missile... with lightning
flashes coursing towards them, thy warriors fled uttering frightful cries,
and at the unbelievable.. .many men fell where they stood, and many
car-warriors also fell from their cars. They fought and died for their Gods.
Drona Parva, on page 677, describes the Agneya weapon... "Blazing with
smokeless fire on all sides, showers of flaming debris, darkened sky all
around, inauspicious winds began to blow, clouds roared, scorching heat by
the energy of the weapon, water boiled, and warriors fell like trees in a
forest fire, huge elephants fell all around. Thousands of cars fell down on
all sides (air vehicles crashing) destroying everything." And both sides
fought in the name of their own respective "Gods".
Yes, there is indeed considerable confirmation of Asket’s story of earlier
atomic wars fought here on Earth when she took Meier to one of those sites
in an earlier time to show him what we have planned for ourselves, and she
carefully pointed out that these terrible weapons have never been produced
and not used.
Eduard Meier’s Mission is connected to this in the sense that these war
energies have always been inspired or connected in some way to the advanced
extraterrestrials who came here and set themselves up as Gods, Kings of
Wisdom, IHWHs, Sons of God, or other similar positions, and exploited the
greed and avarice of indigenous Earth men seeking to serve them for the
valuable rewards available. From these incentives spring emotional cults and
political control systems out of which have evolved religions again, the
emotional impetus to action.
There would be less incentive to fight for somebody else and give one’s life
so freely if each side was not blessing their troops and promising then
instant salvation if they lose their lives in these noble efforts. Whether
both sides can be equally as noble at the same time raises some questions,
especially since they are all referring to the same God. This also brings
into question the Spiritual nature of Earthman, and why does he not progress
himself out of these dangerous patterns of repetition...
Which is exactly what Meier sees his Mission to be - to break the
stranglehold on Spirit and return to natural Creational Law as a way of life
on Earth too.
If you feel threatened by all this and don’t like the implications of what
is here indicated, join the crowd. You still have an advantage no longer
available to us. You may lay this report aside and forget it forever. We no
longer enjoy that luxury, for we have seen too much and experienced too much
in this affair over the last 8 years to deny our own senses. We know that
something is going on beyond the control of the mortal man, Eduard Meier,
but we do not know enough to conclusively establish anything, or to control
it, or even to fully comprehend it at this time.
We do not advocate the beliefs indicated, nor can we deny them. We simply do
not know whether the activity is benevolent or malevolent. That, we suppose,
depends upon the point of view of each individual.
That something unusual is going on is no longer in doubt, but we can not
delimit it nor even adequately describe it, and we can offer no solutions to
the dilemma. Many mysteries here remain unexplained, and unexplainable to
our understanding.
One thing we can be fairly sure of, and that is, that given enough time, the
truth will come out and be recognized for what it is. We hope we live to see
that day.
We have come to a point we had long sought to avoid. Our simple farmer, with
only a 6th grade formal education must now be revealed as a carefully
selected and uniquely trained student of religious philosophy, and trained
through actual experience by those who say they are responsible for the
origin of the various world belief systems; extraterrestrials, who say that
their ancestors introduced and fostered these belief systems to establish
and maintain control over primitive and uninformed Earth humanity.
This man was, according to the extraterrestrials themselves, selected before
birth, and was guided in his early development and educated by them in their
own way, and was led on a personal guided tour for 12 years, through all the
great religions and many others, learning them from the inside out by
becoming an active participant in each in turn. His extensive special
training possibly qualifies him as well as anyone to criticize, at least
more so than any student of only one, two or four of these major religions.
Not biased by any theological methodology or by training or profession, he
was uniquely able to study them without beclouding commitment and was shown
their failings, and where the different beliefs came from and why, in order
to evaluate to his own satisfaction.
He was then reduced to a state of non-dependency on any belief system for
his own survival and forced to live by his own wits (åndfullhet), and
strength alone to show him where his help really came from. Then he was
reduced a state of having nothing, and nothing to lose; and was thus given
the tool with which to start his mission in the form of the UFO contacts and
some evidence difficult, if not impossible to refute (motbevise), but not
overwhelmingly persuasive to the point of removing freedom of choice for
each individual person.
There are facts and there are "plans" in this case, forcing each to
discriminate for himself every step of the way, thereby achieving the
desired objective of his mission itself; that of freeing man from the
bondage of dogma and urging him to know what he believes and why.
He seeks to persuade Earthman to take a new look at his belief system and
know why he chooses to believe a certain way, and to seek alternatives if he
does not like what he sees. This is the thrust of evolution itself, which is
the sum of all the individual paths through growth, knowledge, and
acceptance of and by each individual in his personal and separate
This mission has been frequently mentioned, and is often referred to in the
dialogues. Meier knows what it is and has been very thoroughly briefed on
it, but is not allowed to divulge it completely to any other Earth humans.
We see it’s highly polarizing effects, because it arouses emotional
responses both ways. Some see it as a final revelation of the long beclouded
truths of secular beliefs, which really are binding to its adherents,
threatening to transgressors, and punitive to disbelievers. They see the
ideas advocated here as the first step in releasing them from fundamentalist
dogmas that require belief on faith alone and discourage legitimate
questioning on the whys and wherefores of the belief.
Others see it as the very work of the threatened Anti-Christ to tempt
believers away from the security of their religions, no matter how demanding
they are. Those are often held in fear, fear of the consequences of their
not toeing the mark. Those are rabid in their efforts to destroy any free
thinking in this respect, and they are a danger to themselves and to others
as we have personally seen in examining this case.
From what we have discovered in the extensive investigations we have carried
out, we deduce at least the following important elements of the MISSION:
1. To break the bondage over Earth humans by the self-proclaimed "Gods" and
"Sons of God" (The Pleiadian IHWH’s) in all mythologies and religions of the
last some 70,000 years of our ancient past. (Our contactee is told that he
was one of them then.)
2. To expose Politics as an outgrowth of early religions, and to show that
it should be recognized for the tool of enslavement that it really is. He is
to expose this wherever possible. This of course now, in addition to
anti-Religionist, makes him too anti-Capitalist, anti-Communist,
anti-Socialist, anti-Fascist and anti-political... No lack of enemies
3. To show religions as the father of politics,
and fundamentalism as the
greater tool of enslavement by the ancient visitors to this planet. To show
religions as the institution for preserving this enslavement, primarily
through fear, ignorance and intimidation (trusler), all strong motive forces
indeed. Those are to be exposed for what they are.
4. To proclaim
The Creation, impersonal and infinite, as the true source of
all life and being, with which we all are inmost intimate contact every
moment of existence, and which is the sun of all its infinite parts. It is
in All, and All is It.
With the benefit of hindsight, it is now possible to see more clearly what
Meier’s mission was supposed to be. It, like several other contacts by
various human ETs from the Pleiades star group, was characterized by
references to our common heritage with them, references to our and their
ancient history, and references to the evolution of Earth’s religions and
politics, outgrowths of the same intent.
It appears that these several contacts, in different places around the
world, began their most recent phase in the mid-70s, with rapidly developing
contact events and trips aboard the extraterrestrial spacecraft by the
Earth contactees. Those contacts went on for years and each involved scores of
witnesses and hundreds of pages of notes and dialogue in each, and each
mutually unknown to each other. This is strong testimony for origin outside
of either of the known groups involved.
The basic message was that it is time for Earthman to change -- to break his
bondage to his religious and political institutions and dogma, and the ever
proliferating creation of more and more laws, all of which serve to further
hold him in even greater slavery than he has ever known. He has imprisoned
himself in his institutionalized fears of confinement, death, everlasting
hell, and of his own fellow man, and in this fear he has the wealth and
beauty of his world, deliberately planning his own suicide and the
destruction of his entire world!
The message is,
"We don’t have to do this. It is all our own choice. We can
change it any time WE want... And nobody is ever coming from anywhere to
relieve us of this responsibility."
A most enlightening message indeed!
Then in the beginning of the 80s, another self-professed entity from the
Pleiades came to attention in Washington State, dictating the most profound
and moving messages to crowds of hundreds of people. This one also described
our ancient and Biblical histories, and proclaimed Earth man’ s relationship
to All. The message here is for Earth man to wake up and see what he is
doing to himself; to be aware that he, and only he, can change his destiny,
and that he can do overnight.
On page 90 of VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD this communicator is quoted as saying,
"You have brothers, Entity, in your
Pleiades, a most divine constellation.
You are a divine creature. Your knowingness was absolute when you were a
babe. It has been limited to the point of struggling to survive in this life
without the virtue of knowingness."
He simply advocates knowing what we have
This is not a welcome message to world fundamentalist and bureaucratic
systems, which exist to bind and control the masses of people for the
benefit of those few controllers. The danger is that the masses realize the
truth of the message and refuse to accept the bondage any longer -- and find
that they are really free after all...
We have now served our purpose in this plan, for which we also, in a way,
were selected. The other side of the coin is the wave of religious
fundamentalism sweeping the lands. It is paradoxical that the religious
fundamentalists, each preaching peace and brotherhood, and each blessing
their great armies marching off to kill in the name of "their God", are the
ones destined, now as always, to bring great bloodshed upon this world, and
even its ultimate destruction!
Salvation is not in unison, but in the unity of each individual doing what
he knows is right from within.
[One should not attempt to understand this MISSION without at least
reviewing some of the religious philosophy with another bias, such as:
I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE, The Edonite Society
OHASPE, John B. Newbrough, Amherst Press
Roland Smythe
Max Heindel
VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD, Ramtha, Masterworks
RAMTHA, Sovereignty
And there are a great many other references of a similar nature, all
available in most public libraries.]