Gregg Braden Interviewed by Miriam Knight
New Connexion - Portland, OR
January/February 2000
Apocalypse now?
According to a new interpretation of the prophecies
of Isaiah in the
Dead Sea Scrolls, it’s actually up to you and me.
Have the religious leaders and traditions of the last two millennia
been missing something?
Well, yes, particularly the Western
traditions, which are still suffering from the conquest of logic
over feeling that stemmed from 325 a.d. when tremendous amounts of
information were removed from the open literature and relegated to
mystery schools and elite priesthoods.
Western traditions began to forget the key principles laid down in
the Isaiah Scroll, although they were preserved in some of the
Eastern and Native American traditions. It has taken the
intellectual tools of quantum science to bring us back to the point
of understanding from which we departed 1700 years ago.
The concept of parallel universes was only postulated in 1957, and
the scientific proof of the existence of parallel states of matter,
in this case Beryllium, was only published in 1998. This provided
the final piece of the puzzle for Gregg Braden, author, Scientist,
lecturer and guide to sacred sites around the world, enabling him to
make the conceptual bridge between the physics and the metaphysics
of prophecy.
Gregg Braden is an intense individual who is totally impassioned by
the need to share these insights.
His first book,
Awakening to Zero
Point - The Collective Initiation, described the tremendous shifts
that are occurring throughout all the levels of this planet - from
viral mutations to geological cataclysms to shifts in human
consciousness. It raised the question of what do we do on a personal
level in the presence of theses kinds of changes?
Gregg’s answer came in his second book,
Walking Between the Worlds -
The Science of Compassion.
Using the teachings of the
ancient Essenes, he shows us that compassion is a science accessible to all.
Through it we can transcend the challenges that we are now facing
individually and collectively.
This book was based on recently-translated texts from the authors of
the Dead Sea Scrolls. The 2000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls were
discovered in 1946. A small team of 8 scholars controlled access to
the scrolls, and only a small portion of the scrolls has been
translated and released. There were 22,000 fragments and scrolls on
papyrus, metal and hide, but only one was found intact - The Isaiah
His third book, which will be released on March 28th, is entitled
The Isaiah Effect - Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy.
It is based on an interpretation of the Isaiah Scroll illuminated by
new scientific knowledge.
It follows on from his second book, and
offers an answer to the suffering of the individual or the masses
that we see through planetary changes, whether from natural
upheavals, warfare or disease.
It describes how we may collectively
come together and address all these challenges through the science
contained in the Isaiah Scroll.
The portion of the scroll that this book is based on relates to
prophesy, specifically for our time in history, for the shift from
the 2nd to the 3rd millennium.
If anyone is uncomfortable with the
concept of prophecy in our time, it is equally valid to use the
worlds employed by academics and the military, namely remote
The book is a somewhat radical deviation from the way the
scholars have traditionally interpreted the scroll in the past.
Isaiah offers insights into our future which have parallels to
prophecies from many other traditions, such as the
Maya, Navajo,
Hopi and Egyptian, all the way to
Nostradamus and
Edgar Cayce.
of their prophecies had cycles of bad and good times, but there was
not necessarily agreement as to which came when.
"I chose to use the
Isaiah Scroll because it is representative of
what I believe all these prophecies are saying to us, and because it
is one of the first.
What we find is that more often than not the
prophets are seeing tremendous amounts to catastrophic loss of life
due to famine, disease, rogue weather and war, and then these are
followed by times of peace and gentle weather patterns, cooperation
between nations and governments."
The Isaiah Effect deviates from the traditional
interpretations is that scholars have seen these as linear events;
that is, they have seen us going through bad times before we get to
the good times.
In 1957 a physicist at Princeton, Hugh Everett, III, suggested that
for every moment of our lives there are many, many moments,
possibilities and outcomes playing out simultaneously and present
for every choice in our lives.
They are all happening at the same
time, though we are not necessarily aware of them.
He called these
parallel possibilities. Science fiction immediately adopted these
ideas, and like so many others, it has not been proven to be a
science fact.
In Braden’s interpretation of the Isaiah Scroll, when we focus on
one of those possibilities out of the many, this becomes our
reality. What this implies is that for every moment of catastrophe
the prophets see in our future, while they may well be possible
consequences of the choices we are making in our lives right now,
there are other outcomes just as possible.
Isaiah is very clear when he says that it is just as possible that
we are about to enter a time of unprecedented cooperation between
nations, and that war will not even be in our vocabulary.
mystery among the scholars has been how could these prophets
speaking thousands of years ago see such different possibilities for
the same moment in history?
"What I believe, and am calling the
Isaiah Effect, is that the
ancient prophets were actually adept masters at slipping between
those parallel realities. And, they were giving insight to us in
this generation as to what they saw as the possibilities in the only
words that they had 2500 years ago.
They took it one step further
and gave us the science of how to determine which of those
possibilities played out in our lives. Every time we make the
choices that allow us to move into those new possibilities, we
experience the Isaiah Effect."
"This is where the boundaries between spiritual traditions,
religions, quantum physics and philosophy become very fuzzy. One of
the things we’ve been told by proponents of ’new thought’ is that
create our reality.
What quantum science now says, and what I
believe the ancients were saying, is that that is close, but not
completely accurate.
Rather, for every moment in our lives we live a
great many simultaneous possibilities that are all playing out in
time. They are essentially dormant in our cosmos, sleeping until we
awaken them through choices we make.
All our individual choices then
become our collective response to a given time in history."
Thus although we may now be witnessing the precursors to some of the
most frightening prophecies, other outcomes are available and just
as likely. How do we move from one possibility to the other?
clues are in
the Isaiah Scroll.
We lost sight of the relationship between mankind, thought, feeling
and emotion and the cosmos when the sacred texts that we had relied
upon for our understanding were made inaccessible in the 4th
As a result, we became a very logic-based society, but the
indigenous traditions had preserved those understandings.
the Essenes left the Qumran area to escape persecution, they carried
with them copies of entire libraries. Some of them went to Bolivia
and Peru, and there are today active Essene monasteries in southern
Peru. The Hopi and Navajo traditions also confirm these texts, and
others went to the monasteries in the highlands of Tibet for
safekeeping for later generations.
In 1998 Braden took a pilgrimage to 12 of these Tibetan monasteries
and two nunneries and was shown one of these libraries, and began to
understand that the Tibetans not only house the libraries containing
Christian and pre-Christian traditions, but they are also living
these traditions today.
They have incorporated these inner
technologies into their daily routines.
"Among the many pieces of wisdom that were lost to the west and
preserved for us by the Tibetans is a
mode of prayer that is very
different from the traditional prayers of the west. It is this mode
of prayer that they showed us in their texts that I believe Isaiah
was referring to in his scroll.
This mode of prayer ties us back
into the quantum principles and allows us to participate in choosing
the outcome for our moment in history.
This is a key in the seminar
that I shall be giving in Portland. We will actually participate in
this Lost Mode of Prayer and have the opportunity to apply it as a
group in a phenomenon that is now called mass prayer."
How does this mass prayer differ from what we are familiar with?
"The prayer that we are talking about
transcends religion and
science and mysticism. It is based on reincorporating human feeling
into our relationship with the world. Now, rather than feeling like
helpless observers, we have the opportunity to participate in events
as they unfold."
The ancient Essenes used the qualities of thought, feeling and
emotion to describe how we experience life in this world.
Emotion is
the power system that drives us forward in our world each day, and
that power system has no direction until it is guided by our
thought. The union of thought and emotion is feeling. The Tibetans
were very clear to distinguish between their prayers and the chants,
mantras and mudras they used to get themselves into the right
feeling for prayer. They said that their prayer has no outward form
because prayer is feeling.
That is interesting because quantum science is now suggesting that
human feeling is the way that we move from one quantum outcome to
another. Somehow human feeling is related to the outcome that we
experience individually and collectively.
What we now have is a
"technology of prayer," which implies understanding how to do a
thing and repeatedly get the same outcome. That is precisely what we
are finding as we create specific qualities of emotion and thought
in our bodies.
That gives us repeatedly and predictably a feeling
which Isaiah says is how we choose which outcome to experience at
this time, good or bad.
How is this feeling different from other modes of prayer that we are
used to in the West?
Primarily in that they ask for something while
this new mode invites us to create the feeling in our bodies as if
the prayer had already been answered. Visualizations are powerless
unless we breathe life into them through the power of emotion and
feeling as if those visualizations had already come to pass.
If this
mode of prayer works as we believe, there is no reason for us to
experience the catastrophic predictions because we now have the
collective power to change reality. But we must come together to do
so through mass prayer, using feeling fueled by the power of human
This is such a powerful tool that in some of our seminars
people have experienced a very profound and healing effect just
because these people felt new possibilities open in their hearts and
gave themselves permission to change.
When we embody a feeling, we attract that reality and the outer
world mirrors for us what our inner world has created. We determine
what we experience by what we have become in our lives. Whether we
choose peace or fear in our personal lives, the world mirrors back
to us those same qualities because the world honors the principles
of creation.
As the ancient Essenes said,
"Become peace, for that is
the attractor of peace to the world."