Story So Far:

Marduk and Ninurta, patrilateral parallel cousins, cultivated clients from among the Hybrid Earthlings descended from Adapa. The cousins, each the apparent next leader of the Enkiite and Enlilite lineages (respectively), recruited these clients to rule large numbers of Earthlings who could supply armies and exert force where needed.

As his son recruited among the descendants of Ka-in, Enlil planned to let climate changes kill all the Hybrids.

Narrative Resumes:
Enki lusted for Batanash, wife of his son Adapa’s descendant, Lu-Mach, Workmaster of Earthlings in Edin. Enlil had ordered Lu-Mach to enforce work quotas and reduce rations for the Earthlings he directed. The Earthlings grumbled and threatened Lu-Mach.

So Enki sent Lu-March to Marduk in Babylon to learn city-building and sent Batanash to Ninmah at the Medical/Science complex of Shurubak, "from the angry Earthling masses protected and safe to be. Thereafter Enki his sister Ninmah in Shurubak was quick to visit.

On the roof of a dwelling where Batanash was bathing Enki by her loins took hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured." From this encounter, she bore Ziusudra (Noah).

When Lu-Mach returned to Edin, "to him Batanash the son showed. White as the snow his skin was.... Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance his eyes were shining." Lu-Mach complained, "A son unlike an Earthling to Batanash was born.... Is one of the Igigi [astronauts] his father?" Batanash swore "None of the Igigi is the boy’s father." Lu-Mach’s father Matushal assured him Ziusudra was destined to help Earhlings survive the Ice Age Earth was entering.

Ninmah loved and cared for Ziusudra; Enki taught him to read Adapa’s writings.

But drought, plague and starvation stalked the Earthlings
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 -205]. Enki and Ninmah proposed teaching Earthlings medicine for plague, sea-fishing as well as pond - and canal - building for drought and famine.

Enlil (Yahweh), however, was still enraged at Enki for creating the Earthling hybrids. Enlil was also furious at Enki’s son Marduk, who was recruiting the hybrid line descended from the daughters of Adapa whom the astronauts had abducted at Marduk’s wedding to the Earthling Sarpanit. Marduk was conditioning this hybrid population to serve him for the time when he and the astronauts who had taken hybrid women must remain on Earth, the time when enough gold had been sent to Nibiru to shield the homeplanet’s atmosphere and the other Nibirans would return home. So Enlil forbade any help for the Earthlings. "Let the Earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish," decreed Enlil. To speed the demise of the Earthlings, Enlil specifically ordered Enki to block Earthlings’ access to ocean fish.

The Earthlings at Shurubak, where Ziusudra lived under Enki and Ninmah’s tutelage, sent Ziusudra to Enki at Edin for help. Enki suggested the Earthlings protest Enlil’s anti-Earthling policy and boycott worship of and service to their Nibiran lords, but said he couldn’t openly ignore Enlil’s order and help the Earthlings.

Covertly, however, Enki fed Earthlings from his corn stores, trained them in sea fishing and gave them access to the sea. When Enlil accused Enki of defying his decree that humans be allowed to perish, Enki lied. He said the humans acted without his knowledge. Frustrated, Enlil planned for the final destruction of Earthlings and the end to Nibiran occupation of Earth
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 206; 1978, The 12th Planet, pages 292 -294].

Each 3,600 year revolution of Nibiru to the region of Solaris created ever more violent disturbances on Nibiru, the Sun (huge solar flares) Mars (Lahmu) and Earth. On Earth, Enki’s son Nergal reported from the south tip of Africa that the Antarctic ice sheet was sliding to the ocean and would, next approach of Nibiru, slide into the sea and cause wave reverberations that would engulf most of Earth.

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21 - Galzu Keeps Nibiran Leaders On Mission Earth

The Story:
Enlil planned to let the hybrid Earthlings Enki created -- a species created in violation of interplanetary law -- drown when, next time Nibiru neared Earth and the Antarctic Icesheet would slip into the sea, inundating all Earth except great peaks. Then, Enlil calculated, the Nibiran gold-mining operations on Earth would end and the Nibirans could return to Nibiru.

Narrative Resumes:
Anu and the Counsel on Nibiru beamed Earth: "’For evacuating Earth and Lahmu prepare.’ In the Abzu [Zimbabwe] the gold mines shut down; therefrom the Anunnaki [colonists on Earth from Nibiru] to the Edin came; ... smelting and refining ceased, all gold to Nibiru was lofted. Empty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of celestial chariots [interplanetary spaceships] to Earth returned." One spaceship brought the mysterious white-haired Galzu (Great Knower) with a sealed message from Anu to Enki, Enlil and Ninmah
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 208].

"Enlil the seal of Anu examined; unbroken and authentic it was, its encoding trustworthy. ’For King and Council Galzu speaks, his words are my commands.’ So did the message of Anu state. ’I am Galzu, Emissary Plenipotentiary of King and Council, to Enlil,’" he said.

Plenipotentiary Galzu summonsed Enlil’s elder sister and brother, Ninmah and Enki. Galzu told Ninmah, "’Of the same school and age we are.’ This Ninmah could not recall: the emissary was as young as a son, she was as his olden mother." Galzu told Ninmah she aged and he hadn’t because she’d been so long on Earth. She and her brothers had been on Earth so long that they’d die if they returned to Nibiru, where their bodies could not survive the homeplanet’s netforce.

"The three of you on Earth will remain; only to die to Nibiru you will return." Ninmah and her brothers must orbit Earth in their rockets when the Antarctic icesheet slipped into the ocean and waves washed over the planet. When the waters calmed, the Leaders were to return to Earth, the only place they could survive.

King Anu’s order continued, "To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice to leave or the calamity outwait must be given. The Igigi [astronauts] who Earthlings espoused must between departure and spouses choose. No Earthling, Marduk’s Sarpanit included, to Nibiru to journey is allowed. For all who stay and what happens see, in celestial chariots they safety must seek."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 209 - 211].

Enlil convened the Anunnaki Council, which consisted of the Leaders’ sons and grandchildren and the Igigi commanders. He said he decided the Earthlings must drown in the deluge.

Enki protested, "’A wonderous Being by us was created, by us saved it must be,’ Enki to Enlil shouted."

Enlil roared back, "’To Primitive Workers you gave to them knowing you endowed. The powers of the Creator of All into your hands you have taken. With fornication Adapa you conceived , Understanding to his line you gave. His offspring to the heavens you have taken, our wisdom with them you shared. Every rule you have broken, decisions and commands you ignored. Because of you a Civilized Earthling brother [Abael] a brother [Ka-in] murdered. Because of Marduk your son the Igigi like him with Earthlings intermarried.’"

Enlil demanded Enki and all swear not to tell the Earthlings of the impending inundation. Enki refused; he and Marduk stamped out of the Council. But Enki was still reluctant to openly defy Enlil, who, after all, had drawn command of Earth Mission
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 212 -214].

Enlil brought the Council back to order. Astronauts with Adapite wives and children, he decreed, must move to the peaks above wave level. When the deluge engulfed Earth, repatriating colonists would rocket to Nibiru. "Enki, Ninmah, and I -- as well as our sons, daughters and their descendants -- will orbit Earth till the Earthlings drown and the waters recede." Marduk was to shelter on Marsbase; Enlil’s son Nannar would wait out Earth’s flood on the moon
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 230].

In preparation for the flood, Enki and Ninmah buried their records and computer programs deep in the Iraqi soil. They prepared genetic banks of Earth’s creatures to save from coming flood. "Male and female essences and life-eggs they collected, of each kind two by two ... they collected for safekeeping while in Earth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to recombine. The day of the deluge they waited."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 216].

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The Story:

Enlil, Earth’s Nibiran Commander, convened the Anunnaki Council, the leaders’ sons and grandchildren and the Igigi astronaut commanders. He ordered all to hide news of the coming flood from the Earthlings who, he ruled, must drown. Astronauts with Adapite wives and descendants must flee to peaks above the waters. "Colonists will repatriate to Nibiru while Enki, Ninmah and I orbit around Earth with our children and grandchildren till the Earthlings all die in the flood."

Narrative Resumes:
Enki dreamed Galzu spoke "’Into your hands Fate take, for the Earthlings the Earth inherit. Summon your son Ziusudra, without breaking the oath [swearing not to tell humans] to him the coming calamity reveal. A boat that the watery avalanche can withstand, a submersible one, to build him tell, the likes of which on this tablet to you I am showing. Let him in it save himself and his kinfolk and the seed of all that is useful, be it plant or animal, also take. That is the will of the Creator of All.’"

Enki woke and pondered his dream. When he got out of bed, much to his amazement, he kicked an actual tablet -- where none had been before he slept -- next to his bed. He searched his home and grounds for Galzu but Galzu’s was not there, nor had anyone seen him, except Enki, in the dream. The appearance of the tablet -- a physical object -- following a dream or trance encounter with a representative of a higher power -- Galzu in this instance -- is what Sitchin calls a Twightlight Zone miracle.

"That night to the reed hut where Ziusudra was sleeping Enki stealthily went. The oath not breaking, the lord Enki not to Ziusudra but to the hut’s wall [computer bank?] spoke from behind the reed wall.

When Ziusudra by the words was awakened, to him Enki said, "Reed hut, a calamitous storm will sweep, the destruction of Mankind it will be. This is the decision of the assembly by Enlil convened.

Galzu tells Enki (depicted with his snake icon) to warn Ziasudra

(touching the "wall"--probably a computer bank, depicted with Xs across the screens and slots for programs)

of the Flood.

Galzu guides Enki’s arm to convey tablet

(possibly a computer or holo disk. The disk is shown leaving Enki’s hand en route to Ziasudra’s computer)

[Drawing from Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: page 194, but interpretation mine.]

" ’Abandon thy house, Ziusudra build a boat. Its design and measurements on a tablet.... A boatguide [Enki’s son, Ninagal] to you will come. To a safe haven the boatguide will navigate you. By you shall the seed of Civilized Man survive. Not to you Ziusudra, have I spoken, but to the reed wall did I speak.’" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: abridged from pages 220 -222]

13,000 years ago, "in the Whiteland, at the Earth’s bottom, off its foundation, the [Antarctic] icesheet slipped. By Nibiru’s netforce it was pulled into the south sea. A tidal wave arose, northward spreading.

Depiction of Ziusudra’s submersible

[Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 95.]

The boat of Ziusudra the tidal wave from its moorings lifted. Though completely submerged, not a drop of water into it did enter. For forty days, waves and storms swept Earth, downing everything on the planet except those on mountaintops and in Ziusudra’s boat" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: abridged from page 227].

Enki’s and Enlil’s whirlwind/hovercraft

Surfacing, Ninagal raised sail and steered to Mt Arrata, where Ziusudra built a huge fire as a signal and roasted lamb as an offering to Enki. Enki and Enlil descended in helicopters (Whirlwinds) from their rocketships.

"When Enlil the survivors saw, Ningal among them, "‘Every Earthling had to perish’, he with fury shouted’; at Enki with anger he lunged, to kill his brother with bare hands he was ready." Ningal radioed Ninmah and Ninurta to bring their copters down quick.

"‘He is no mere mortal, my son he is,’ Enki to Ziusudra pointing. ‘To a reed wall I spoke, not Ziusudra.’ "

Enki, joined by Ninmah and Ninurta, revealed his dream vision. He told Enlil of the instructions and tablet Galzu gave him.

Together, Enki, Ninurta and Nimah convinced Enlil "The survival of mankind the will of the Creator of All must be."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: abridged from pages 228 - 229].

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The Story:

Enlil wanted to kill Enki for defying his order to let the hybrid earthlings perish with the Deluge caused by the passage of homeplanet Nibiru through the inner Solar System and the resulting plunge of the Antarctic icesheet into the South Sea. When Commander Enlil descended to Mt Ararat as the Deluge subsided and he first saw Ziusudra and Enki’s son Ningal and the sub they used to survive (and to also save Ziasudra’s descendants, his village, and genetic starts for flora and fauna), Enlil was so angry he challenged Enki to fight to the death hand to hand. Enki admitted that he’d fathered Ziasudra. Ninmah, Ninurta and Enki then convinced Enlil that Galzu had facilitated the will of the Creator of All when he gave Enki the plans for the sub and strategy to save the hybrids.

Narrative Resumes:
The flood waters from the deluge, 13,000 years ago, receded; they left the uplands intact. The waters had totally carried away the Nibiran settlements and buried Mesopotamia and the goldmines in Africa under silt and mud. Of the Anunnaki settlements, only the raised stone Landing Place at Baalbek, Lebanon, was intact; their spaceport at Sippar was totally gone.


Enlil summonsed to the Landing Place the Nibirans who survived the flood on the Earth’s peaks and the astronauts in spacecraft orbiting the planet. He also called in his son Nannar from his refuge on the Moon and Enki’s son Marduk from his refuge on Mars.

Marduk reported: "Lahmu [Mars] by the passage of Nibiru was devastated. Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters evaporated, a place of dust storms it is." Nannar reported the Moon was only usable with Eagle Masks [helmets].


The survivors opened the vault beneath the Landing Platform, unlocked the diorite chests there, and found intact the grain seeds Nibiru had sent to introduce to Earth. Enlil put his heir and champion, Ninurta in charge of creating an irrigation system in Mesopotamia for the grain. Enki, in his genetics lab, doubled, tripled and quadrupled the chromosomes of the grain from Nibiru they’d been using on Earth
[Sitchin, Z., 1985 The Wars of Gods & Men, p124]. Enlil assigned Ziasudra’s son as Ninurta’s foreman to supervise the hybrid survivors dam and terrace building as well as provision of bread.

Enlil charged Adad/Ishkur, his youngest son, with surveying the fruit trees that survived the flood. Adad found the grapes brought by Ninmah from Nibiru had survived, and the Hybrids resumed grape growing for both white and red wine.

Enki’s son Ninagal, who’d piloted Ziusudra’s submersible, revealed the genetic starts Enki and Ninmah had stowed aboard. Ninagal said, "The life essences and life eggs, in the four-legged animals from Ziusudra’s boat can be combined. Sheep for wool and meat will multiply, cattle for milk and hides will all have." Enki bade his son Dumuzi (assisted by Ziusudra’s middle son) shepherd the livestock. Enki and Ninagal engineered a system of dams and sluices to regulate the Nile to create a pastureland for Dumuzi’s herds.

The passage of Nibiru through the Inner Solar system not only damaged Earth and Mars; it also ripped away the shield of gold dust the Nibirans had shipped to the mother planet. Nibiru’s atmosphere was again dwindling and gold from Earth was desperately needed on Nibiru. But in Africa, not only were the mines buried in mud, but the hundreds of Nibiran miners had been evacuated back to Nibiru and the thousands of hybrid miners had been drowned in the deluge. The gold refinery at Bad-Tibira was gone, as was the rocket terminal at Sippar in Mesopotamia. Ninurta came to the rescue.

Ninurta prospected huge gold finds of pure gold, needing no refining, in Peru, where, he also found, descendents of Ka-in had survived the great flood on rafts and now lived on an island in Lake Titicaca. Abundant gold was now available to send to Nibiru. Enlil selected the Saudi Arabian peninsula for a new interplanetary freighter rocket terminal site to ferry the gold to the homeplanet.

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Story So Far:
From 10,500 to 7,000 years ago, Reclaiming Earth after the Deluge, the Nibiran Goldmining Mission rebuilt Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) with Adapite Hybrids ruled by the Enlil clan through Ziusudra’s sons Shem and Japheth.

Narrative Resumes:
THE NEW SPACEPORT (“Place of the Celestial Chariots”) in Sinai Enki’s son Ningizidda/Thoth (using Nibiran power tools that still exceed the capacity our 2005AD tools to cut and transport stones) built two pyramids in Egypt. The larger pyramid, the Great Pyramid, was to be the southwestern marker of a line extending from Mt. Ararat in Eastern Turkey, running through the landing platform at Baalbek in Lebanon and ending at this Great Pyramid on the Nile. The first, smaller, pyramid Ningishzidda had built was a scale model of the Great one. The Great Pyramid was to contain Nibirans’ master computer programs and astronavigational equipment. Enki induced Enlil to authorize a monument to Ningishzidda for designing the pyramids:

“Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion to announce. The image of Ningishzidda, the peaks’ designer, let its face be. Let it precisely toward the Place of Celestial Chariots gaze.”

[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 238]

The actual Spaceport was to be run by Enlil’s son’s son, Utu. The Spaceport was on the 30th parallel, the line of division between the realms of Lineage Enlil North of the parallel and the realms of Lineage Enki, South of the 30th. In the Great Pyramid, Enki’s son Gibil installed pulsating crystals and a capstone of electrum, to reflect a beam that marked the western edge of the runway line from Ararat to Tilmun for incoming spacecraft. The eastern edge of the rocket runway corridor was Mt Katherine, at the southern tip of the Sinai. Mission Control itself was to be on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem), off-limits to Earthlings.



Marduk, who’d been disinherited as future king of Nibiru for marrying an Earthling and who’d lost his command of Marsbase when the perigee of Nibiru had sucked off the Martian atmosphere some 500 years before, protested the glory given his younger brother Ningishzidda and the authority given Utu of the Enlilites. “Marduk to his father Enki words of aggrievement said, ‘To dominate the whole Earth to me did you promise. Now command and glory to others are granted, without task or dominion I am left’” [ibid, page 238].

Enki’s other sons as well as Enki’s Champion, Ninurta, and his brothers in the Enlil Lineage also demanded “lands for themselves and devoted Earthlings.”



Ninmah, ever the peace-maker, proposed all these Royals be given lands and Earthling followers. Ninmah, as daughter of Nibiru’s King Anu, mother of Ninurta and mother of Enki’s daughters as well, was awarded control of the entire Sinai Tilmun (Land of Missiles), as it was called, as neutral ground between the two lineages. Lands east of Sinai were allotted Enlil and his descendants, supported by Ziusudra’s sons Shem and Japheth and their descendants. Africa was awarded Enki and his lineage, supported by Ziasudra’s son Ham and his descendants. Enki appointed Marduk ruler of Egypt, with Earthling supporters too. Ninurta built Ninmah a palace on Mt Moriah. When she was installed as “Ninharsag, Mistress of the Mountainhead,” Nibiran whirlbirds began lofting Peru’s gold nuggets to the Sinai for transport to Niburu to resume shielding the home planet’s atmosphere with gold dust.

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Story So Far:

Enki got Enlil to authorize Ningishzidda’s face on the Sphinx. Ningishzidda’s brother Marduk and Marduk’s rival Ninurta both protested. Enlil awarded vast estates and Earthling subjects to the Nibiran Royals. He assigned Ninmah, as neutral peacemaker, control of Sinai, where she would dwell and separate the Enlil and Enki lineages. Enlil allotted lands east of Sinai to his own descendants, supported by Adapite descendants of Ziusudra’s sons Shem and Japheth. Enlil gave Enki and his descendants Egypt and Africa, supported by the line of Ziasudra’s son Ham.

The Civilized Workers (as Adapite Hybrids were now called) were in great demand as laborers for their Nibiran lords, Igigi, Astronaut Corps; again whildbirded Peru’s gold nuggets to the Sinai to rocket to Niburu for the homeplanet’s shield. For 300 years, peace prevailed on Earth.

Narrative Resumes:

Enki moved to Elephantine (Abu) Island near Aswan (Syene). From Abu, he supervised workers building dams, dykes and tunnels to control the Nile’s flow to the Mediterranean. 9,780 years ago, Enki, now called Ptah, gave son Marduk, now called Ra, rule of Egypt and the workers there. [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 38; See The Lost Book of Enki pages 242 - 248]

Earlier, during the Great Deluge of 13, 000 years ago, Marduk, his Adapite wife, Sarpanit and their sons, Asar (Osiris) and Satu (Seth) sheltered on Marsbase with the Igigi Commnader, Shamgaz. Marduk’s boys, Asar and Satu, married Shamgaz’s girls, Asra (Isis)
* and Nebat (Nephys). Shamgaz formed a close friendship with Satu [Sitchin, Z., 2002 The Lost Book of Enki pages 243 244].

Asar and Asra settled near Marduk in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Satu and Nebat settled in the mountains of southern Upper Egypt, near the villa of Shamgaz and the Landing Platform in Lebanon. Shamgaz and his daughter Nebat lobbied Satu. They convinced Satu that he and the Igigi Astronauts had no chance of good land on Earth. Asar, Shamgaz argued, living near Marduk, would succeed to rule of the fertile lower Nile area, leaving only Upper Egypt to Satu and his Igigi friends. Satu, Nebat and Shamgaz decided to assassinate Asar.

Shamgaz and Satu invited Asar to an Astronaut and Royals banquet honoring, Aso, Ethiopia’s visiting Queen. Shamgaz drugged Asar’s wine, and when Asar fell unconscious, sealed him in a coffin which they threw in the sea. Word of Asar’s murder reached Asta, Sarpanit and Marduk. They retrieved Asar’s coffin from the sea. Satu declared himself, as the sole surviving son of Marduk, to now be the ruler of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Marduk wanted to kill Satu for killing his brother, but Enki forbade this. Instead, Enki had Asta extract semen from Asar’s corpse and impregnated herself with it.

Announcing her pregnancy, Asta disputed Satu’s claim to Lower Egypt. She went into hiding and bore Horon (Horus), whom she raised to fight Satu and avenge Asar. Shamgaz and the Astronauts ignored Asta. The Astronauts spread their estates and Earthlings armies from Lebanon all the way to the borders of Ninmah neutral Jerusalem region and the Interplanetary Landing Zone, The Place of Celestial Chariots.

Meanwhile, in Upper Egypt, Marduk’s brother Gibil tutored Horon to manhood. Gibil taught Horon how to pilot aircraft and fashioned multi-headed missiles for him and taught him and his Earthlings how to smelt iron and make iron weapons for his Earthling army – all to ready Horon to defeat Satu. Fully armed, Horon’s army marched on Sinai. Rather than face Horon’s better weaponed army, Satu challenged Horon to a one-to-one a real battle.

As Horon flew his fighter toward Satu, Satu struck him with a poisoned dart but Ningishzidda administered an antidote and gave Horon a blinding weapon. In a far-ranging aerial battle, Horon hit Satu with the blinding weapon, then with a harpoon. Blind, Satu crashed, his testicles squashed; Horon bond him and dragged him before the Council, which decided to let him live out his life, without the life-extension treatment, among the Astronaut Corps.

* Sitchin, in The Wars of Gods and Men, page 41, relates that Plutarch’s version of this tale has Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda (Thoth, Hermes) as the secret father of Asra.

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Story So Far:

The principals of Enki’s lineage, in their competition among themselves, had transferred much advanced technology to their Earthling minions. Marduk, Enki’s eldest son, married to the Adapite Earthling Sarpanit, forged an alliance with the Astronaut Corps (Igigi). Following Marduk’s example, the Igigi took Earthling women and captured the Landing Place in Lebanon, and in 8970 B.C., in the name of Marduk’s son Satu, were advancing on the Spaceport in Sinai. Gibil, another of Enki’s sons, had taught Earthlings commanded by Marduk’s grandson Horon to make iron weapons.

Narrative Resumes:
Enlil and his sons, Ninurta, Nannar and Adad, saw the command of the gold mining expedition and control of Earth, which they felt should be theirs alone, threatened by Marduk and the Earthlings led by the descendants of Enki, particularly Marduk, his sons and his grandsons.

Enlil and his sons feared the Enlilites would control Earth’s space facilities and thus the flow of gold from Earth to Nibiru. If Marduk and his allies had such control, they would be able to hold both Earth and Nibiru in their power. Enlil and his clan would not even be able to escape Earth when the mining there was done, if Marduk and his allies controlled space travel and communication with the home planet.

To counter this, they sent Ninurta to secretly build a communications center next to Lake Titicaca. Ninurta built also a spaceport on the plains next to the Andes. "From there" Ninurta reported, "gold shipments to Nibiru can continue, from there in need we too can ascend"
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, 1976, The 12th Planet, pages 248 -249]

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27 - Marduk foils marriage of Enlillite Inanna & Enkiite Dumuzi

Inanna’s Background:

Rulers of Nibiru and Earth pampered Inanna, who, as a child, was called Irnini. She, in later years, was known also as Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Ninni, Kali and Shakti.

"Inanna by her parents Nannar and Ningal was beloved. Enlil [Her Grandfather] by her cradle sat. Beautiful beyond describing she was, in martial arts with Anunnaki heroes [Nibirans on Earth] she competed. A skyship of her own, to roam Earth’s skies, to her the Anunnaki presented."
[The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin, 2002:250] Inanna and brother Ute, twins of Nannar (Enlil’s second son), were both Nibirans born on Earth.

Inanna and her twin were long-lived like homeplanet Niburans. But the Earthborns matured faster. "Who on Nibiru in diapers would still be, on Earth became a child; Who on Nibiru began to crawl, when on Earth born was running around."
[Sitchin 2002:152]

Dumuzi’s Background:

Dumuzi, also Earthborn, was Enki’s youngest son, born after Ningishzidda and Gibil. Dumuzi had accompanied Ningishzidda and their Hybrid half-brother, Adapa, to Nibiru. Dumuzi brought sheep and goats to Earth from Nibiru. After the deluge receded, Enki put Dumuzi in charge of Africa’s domestic herds and the humans tending them. He became Enki’s favorite son. Marduk, Enki’s eldest, felt jealous.

Narrative Resumes:
"After the Deluge, on the Landing Platform [Lebanon], Dumuzi and Inanna their eyes on each other set. Hesitant at first they were, he of Enki’s clan, she of Enlil an offspring [son’s daughter]."

Elders of both clans were delighted, they could heal their deadly rivalry with a royal marriage between Dumuzi and Inanna, the darlings of clan heads Enlil and Enki. “‘Perchance the espousing peace between the clans truly will bring!’ Enlil to them all did say. “
[Sitchin 2002:152]

Marduk sent his sister Geshtinanna to Inanna. “To her Inanna what was in her heart revealed, ‘A vision of a great nation I have. As a Great Anunnaki Dumuzi there will rise. His queen-spouse I shall be. To Dumuzi I will status give, the country I will rightly direct.’ Inanna’s visions of rulership and glory by Geshtinanna to her brother Marduk were reported. By Inanna’s ambitions Marduk was greatly disturbed; to Gestinanna a secret plan he said.”
[Sitchin 2002:152]

Marduk had Geshinanna seduce Dumuzi. She told Dumuzi, “Before you your young wife in your embrace will sleep, a legitimate heir, by a sister born, you must have" [ie, keeping succession within the Enki clan]. Inanna’s son to succession shall not be entitled.

After she’d received his ejaculate, Gestinanna panicked Dumuzi, telling him, “Marduk of raping me will accuse you, evil emissaries to arrest you he will send. To try you and disgrace you he will order, the liaison with an Enlilite to disunite.”

Dumuzi, bereft at Geshianna’s betrayal, fled to hide behind a waterfall but slipped into the rapids and drown
[Sitchin 2002:153].

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28 - Inanna Revived Defeats Enkiites; Ninurta, Not Marduk to Next Rule Earth

Story So Far
Around 8670 BC, a marriage between Inanna, Enlil’s son’s daughter and Enki’s son Dumuzi, meant to bring the feuding Enki and Enlil clans to peace is foiled by Enki’s eldest son, Marduk, who gets his sister Geshtinanna to seduce Dumuzi so he can accuse Dumuzi of rape and prevent Inanna from power in the Enkiite turf–Africa, Egypt, the Seas. Dumuzi flees to hide behind a waterfall but drowns.

Narrative Resumes
Dumuzi’s brother Ninagal retrieved Dumuzi’s body from Lake Victoria and brought it to their brother Nergal and his wife, Erishkigal (Inanna’s sister) in South Africa. Inanna flew to her sister’s place.



Erishkigal believed Inanna was pursuing levirate, whereby Inanna, as widow of Nergal’s brother Dumuzi, would bare a male child with Nergal to inherit the status as a ruler in Africa, as Dumuzi’s queen. Ereshkigal thought Inanna would try through such a child with Nergal to usurp the power she and Nergal had in Africa. “Of scheming an heir by Nirgal, Dumuzi’s brother, Inanna was accused”
[ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:255].

When Inanna arrived at Ereshkigal and Nergal’s place, Erkishkigal barred her entry. Inanna forced her way in, but Ereshkigal disarmed her hung her on a stake to die.

And die Inanna did. But “from clay of the Abzu [Africa] Enki two emissaries fashioned, beings without blood, by death rays unharmed, to lower Abzu he sent them, Inanna to bring back. Upon the corpse the clay emissaries a Pulser and an Emitter directed, then the Water of Life on her they sprinkled, in her mouth, the plant of life they placed. Then the dead Inanna arose”
[ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:255].

Inanna brought Dumuzi’s body back to Mesopotamia and had it mummified, to rise on a “Final Day” and rejoin her bodily. Sitchin identifies Inanna’s mummification celebration as both a way of her dealing with her grief and also as part of a move by Astronauts to preserve the myth of the latter’s immortality. Astronauts were actually just very long-living, compared to Earthlings; one Earth year equals 3, 600 years on the homeplanet, Nibiru
[The Cosmic Code, pages 90, 96].



Inanna led the Enlilites to war against Marduk for instigating Dumuzi’s death. Though Marduk’s brothers Ningishzidda and Nergal declined to defend him, his other brothers, Ninigal and Gibil, father Enki and Marduk’s grandson, Horon, joined Marduk and his Astronaut Service (Igigi) allies fighting the Enlilites. Inanna’s brother Utu held off the Igigi in Sinai, and Marduk retreated before a massive aerial onslaught by Inanna and Enlil’s sons, Ninurta and Ishkur/Adad into the beacon pyramid [Giza].

“Let the slow death, by alive being buried, be Marduk’s sentence! Inanna her consent gave. Each one of them one stone for plugging slid down, Marduk as in a tomb to seal” [ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:255].

Enki brought Sarpanit, Marduk’s Hybrid wife – their young son Nabu in hand, and Inanna’s father Nannar and brother Utu to plead for Marduk’s life. Sarpanit prostrated herself before Inanna, begging her to spare Marduk. “Appeased not was Inanna. For the death of my beloved Dumuzi, the Instigator must die,’ Inanna retorted.



Ninharsag brought her feuding brothers, Enki and Enlil into the confrontation between Sarpanit and Inanna. Ninharsag proposed exiling Marduk and appointing Ninurta, her son with Enlil, in Marduk’s place as successor to the rule of Earth. Enlil awarded Egypt to Thoth, but Inanna objected.

Egypt, said Inanna, should be hers. “To the heritage of Dumuzi, her deceased bridegroom, did Inanna lay claim. A dominion of her own she of Enki and Enlil demanded”
[ Sitchin, Z.,The Lost Book of Enki, 2002:259].

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-  Sitchin, Z.,

2002, The Lost Book of Enki,

1976, The 12th Planet;
1980, The Stairway to Heaven;

1985, The Wars of Gods and Men;

1990, Genesis Revisited;

1990, The Lost Realms;

1993, When Time Began;
1995, Divine Encounters;

1998, The Cosmic Code;

2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions;


-  Freer, N.,

2000, Breaking the Godspell.

-  Enki/Ea is the Nibiran who (4, 000 years ago) dictated his autobiography to his scribe, Endubscar of Endu.

-  The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin’s translation of Enki’s tale is the source – with many of Enki’s slants -- of most of the account in these essays. The Lost Book of Enki itself is historical fiction, wherein Sitchin has woven information meticulously documented in his Earth Chronicles.

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