Why isn't the CFR in the History
Hardly one person in 1000 ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The Council on Foreign Relations was formally established in Paris in 1919
along with its British Counterpart the Royal Institute of International
Affairs. The Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of
International Affairs can trace their roots back to a secret organization
founded and funded by Cecil Rhodes, who became fabulously wealthy by
exploiting the people of South Africa. Rhodes is the father of Apartheid.
The Council on Foreign Relations was founded by a group of American and
British imperialists and racists intent on ruling the world. Many of the
American members were American intelligence officers that belonged to the
first American Intelligence Agency -- THE INQUIRY. Many of the British
members were British Intelligence Agents. THE INQUIRY and its members, who
included such notable Americans as Col. Edward Mandel House, Walter Lippmann,
Isaiah Bowman, and James Shotwell, wrote most of Woodrow Wilson's
14 points.
The CFR/RIIA method of operation is simple -- they control public opinion.
They keep the identity of their group secret. They learn the likes and
dislikes of influential people. They surround and manipulate them into
acting in the best interest of the CFR/RIIA.
The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Royal Institute of International
Affairs are adept at using the media to create massive psycho-political
operations used to manipulate public opinion. The psycho-political
operations are often designed to create tensions between different groups of
people. The object is to keep the world in a state of perpetual tension and
warfare to maximize profits from CFR/RIIA munition, medicine, media, energy,
and food businesses.
The CFR has only 3000 members yet they control over three-quarters of the
nations wealth. The CFR runs the State Department and the CIA. The CFR has
placed 100 CFR members in every Presidential Administration since Woodrow
Wilson. They work together to misinform and disinform the President to act
in the best interest of the CFR not the best interest of the American
People. At least five Presidents (Eisenhower, Ford, Carter,
Bush, and
Clinton) have been members of the CFR. The CFR has packed every Supreme
court with CFR insiders. Three CFR members (Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader
Ginsberg, and Sandra Day O'Connor) sit on the supreme court. The CFR's
British Counterpart is the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The
members of these groups profit by creating tension and hate. Their targets
include British and American citizens.
The 100 CFR members that surround the president are the "Secret Team." The
"Secret Team" help carry out psycho-political operations scripted by
members in the state department and the Intelligence Organizations. The
psycho-political operations are coordinated by a group of Council on Foreign
Relations members called the Special Group.
The Special Group evolved from
the Psychological Strategy Board.
President Truman issued an executive order establishing the Psychological
Strategy Board (PSB). The Board was run by CFR members Gordon Gray and Henry
Kissinger. The PSB has close ties to the State Department and Intelligence
Organizations. The purpose of the PSB was to co-ordinate psycho-political
operations. Many of those operations were focused at Americans. The people
became wary of the Psychological Strategy Board. Eisenhower issued an
executive order changing its name to the Operations Coordination Board
(OCB). The OCB was a bigger more powerful PSB.
Gray and Kissinger ran the OCB too.
President Kennedy abolished the OCB. It became an ad hoc committee called
the "Special Group," which exists today. The PSB/OCB/Special Group always
has CFR members running and sitting on it. Since the Special Group was not
formed by Executive Order it cannot be abolished.
On September 12, 1939, the Council on Foreign Relations began to take
control of the Department of State. On that day Hamilton Fish Armstrong,
Editor of Foreign Affairs, and Walter H. Mallory, Executive Director of the
Council on Foreign Relations, paid a visit to the State Department. The
Council proposed forming groups of experts to proceed with research in the
general areas of Security, Armament, Economic, Political, and Territorial
problems. The State Department accepted the proposal. The project
(1939-1945) was called Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies.
Hamilton Fish Armstrong was Executive director.
In February 1941 the CFR officially became part of the State Department. The
Department of State established the Division of Special Research. It was
organized just like the Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies
project. It was divided into Economic, Political, Territorial, and Security
Sections. The Research Secretaries serving with the Council groups were
hired by the State Department to work in the new division. These men also
were permitted to continue serving as Research Secretaries to their
respective Council groups. Leo Pasvolsky was appointed Director of Research.
In 1942 the relationship between the Department of State and the
Council on
Foreign Relations strengthened again. The Department organized an Advisory
Committee on Postwar Foreign Policies. The Chairman was Secretary Cordell
Hull, the vice chairman, Under Secretary Sumner Wells, Dr. Leo Pasvolsky (
director of the Division of Special Research) was appointed Executive
Officer. Several experts were brought in from outside the Department. The
outside experts were Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies
Hamilton Fish Armstrong
Isaiah Bowman
Benjamin V. Cohen
H. Davis
James T. Shotwell
In total there were 362 meetings of the War and Peace Studies groups. The
meetings were held at Council on Foreign Relations headquarters -- the
Harold Pratt house, Fifty-Eight East Sixty-Eighth Street, New York City. The
Council's wartime work was confidential.17
In 1944 members of the Council on Foreign Relations The War and Peace
Studies Political Group were invited to be active members at the Dumbarton
Oaks conference on world economic arrangements. In 1945 these men and
members of Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs were active at
the San Francisco conference which ensured the establishment of the United
In 1947 Council on Foreign Relations members George Kennan, Walter Lippmann,
Paul Nitze, Dean Achenson, and Walter Krock took part in a psycho-political
operation forcing the Marshall Plan on the American public. The
included a "anonymous" letter credited to a Mr. X, which appeared in the
Council on Foreign Relations magazine FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The letter opened the
door for the CFR controlled Truman administration to take a hard line
against the threat of Soviet expansion. George Kennan was the author of the
letter. The Marshall Plan should have been called the Council on Foreign
Relations Plan. The so-called Marshall Plan and the ensuing North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) defined the role of the United States in world politics
for the rest of the century.
In 1950 another PSYOP resulted in NSC-68, a key cold war document. The
(National Security Council) didn't write it -- the Department of State
Policy Planning Staff did. The cast of characters included CFR members
George Kennan, Paul Nitze, and Dean Achenson. NSC-68 was given to
Truman on
April 7, 1950. NSC-68 was a practical extension of the Truman doctrine. It
had the US assume the role of world policeman and use 20 per cent of its
gross national product ($50 billion in 1953) for arms. NSC-68 provided the
justification -- the WORLD WIDE COMMUNIST THREAT!
NSC-68 realized a major
Council on Foreign Relations aim -- building the
largest military establishment in Peace Time History.
Within a year of
drafting NSC-68, the security-related budget leaped to $22 billion, armed
forces manpower was up to a million -- CFR medicine, munition, food, and
media businesses were humming again.
The following year the NSC-68 budget
rose to $44 billion.
In fiscal 1953 it jumped to $50 billion.
Today (1997)
we are still running $300 billion dollar defense budgets despite Russia
giving up because it went bankrupt.
America would never turn back from the road of huge military spending.
Spending that included the purchase of radioactive fallout on American
citizens in the 50's, and buying thermonuclear waste from the Russians as we
approach the year 2000. Spending resulting in a national debt of $5.5
Trillion Dollars that continues to grow, and interest payments of over $270
billion a year. Is the Council on Foreign Relations trying to make the
United States economically vulnerable to influence from outside sources?
Isn't that treason?
THE INQUIRY, the PSB/OCB/Special group, the War and Peace Studies, the "X"
Affair, and NSC-68 have had tremendous historical impact. Yet these events
and the role played by the Council on Foreign Relations in sponsoring and
carrying out the events are missing from our History books. You represent
the people. Can you explain to me why the Council on Foreign Relations role
in History has been left out of the History books? Why don't we learn about
them in High School History courses? Why don't History majors in college
learn about the Council on Foreign Relations?
If you want to learn about the CFR try the following:
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. NY: MacMillan, 1966.
1348 pages.
THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT by Carroll Quigley. NY: Books in Focus,
Rutgers Univ Press, 1967.
Harold Pratt House 58th E. 68th Street, NY, 1946
Application Vol. 1 and 2, Pamphlet No. 725-7-2, DA Pam 525-7-2, Headquarters
Dept of the Army Washington, DC, April 1976. Pollock, Daniel C Project
Director & Editors De Mclaurin, Ronald, Rosenthal, Skillings(Carl F., Sarah
These books are written or edited or contributed to by
Council on Foreign
Relations members and insiders. The Council on Foreign Relations is leaving
proof so some Historian can piece together the truth sometime in the future.
By the time this happens there may be no more America.
CFR member Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-MO), recently informed the TV
audience America will soon have to relinquish control to a "International
Regime." Are we approaching the day when students and workers marching in
the United States will be crushed by UN Peacekeeping Forces under the
control of this International Regime? Who will control the Regime? The
Council on Foreign Relations? Should a major political party consider
someone willing to turn our country over to a "International Regime" a
possible presidential candidate?
The information you received is about a small group of greedy selfish people
who have taken control of our government and are fixing votes in Congress.
Don't you owe it to the people you represent to do something about it?
