Issue 33 - 2003
Operations Research
Technical Manual
(TM-SW 7905.1)
the spring of 2003 (issue 33), Paranoia
excerpted a pamphlet entitled Silent Weapons for
Quiet Wars, asking readers for any information
they might have on the author of the work, which
claimed to have been originally found in a
surplus copy machine purchased in 1986 at
McChord Air Force Base by a Boeing employee.
The following December, Paranoia received a
letter, mailed from a federal prison, from one
Hartford Van Dyke, claiming to be
the author of the work.
Being confident that he
is the true author of Silent Weapons (SWFQW),
we wish to share letters from Hartford Van Dyke
wherein he exposes the circumstances surrounding
his authorship of this infamous pamphlet. Click

Hartford Van
Dyke, author of
Weapons for Quiet Wars
taken in federal prison in 2004)
photo to read report |
War is merely the act of
destroying the creditor, and the politicians are the
publicly hired hit men that justify the act to keep the
responsibility and blood off the public conscience.
The silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It
attacks the vitality, options and mobility of the
individuals of a society. |
Introduction by Joan d’Arc
With its bizarre claim to have been found in a surplus IBM copy
machine in 1986 by a Boeing Aircraft employee, Silent Weapons for
Quiet Wars takes its place among those dubious ’elite
blueprints’ for control of the planet, second only to the well known
The Protocols of Zion.
Dated May 1979, Silent Weapons called for a "quiet
revolution" through economic engineering, using such methods as
economic shock testing and paper inductance/inflation (exchanging
true value for inflated currency), and balancing the system by
killing off the true creditors of this exchange (the public) in
constant wars.
Silent Weapons was first published for mass consumption by
the late William Cooper in his 1991 underground sensation,
Behold a Pale Horse.
A few versions
of this document also appeared later on the internet along with
remarks to the effect that the paranoid manifesto was probably
penned by Cooper himself. Cooper, a former Naval
Intelligence Officer with a purported 38-level above-top secret
clearance, claimed to have read this report in a "Naval
Intelligence Majority Twelve file," and that it was authored by
Bilderberg Group. Cooper
states in his book that it was given to him by someone named Tom
Here Paranoia offers an excerpt of the document, reprinting
some of the original schematics and mathematical equations contained
in the undated pamphlet we have had in our collection since
approximately 1993. These sophisticated diagrams were not reproduced
in Cooper’s book and their existence casts doubt on Cooper’s
alleged authorship.
As far as I know, William Cooper was not a highly trained
economist. Furthermore, if Cooper had written the document,
why would he remove his own elaborate mathematical notations? Also,
Cooper’s version does not contain the Preface that
appears in the pamphlet. The Preface notes that the document
is "reprinted in its virgin form, with diagrams" and is described as
"heavy reading."
However, it is possible the pamphlet was printed
after Cooper got hold of his version of the document.
reason for removing the diagrams (and any mention of them) might
have been that Cooper thought them too obscure for the
grassroots patriot movement that was his audience. In addition, by
renaming the document, "The Illuminati’s Declaration of War on
the American People," Cooper emphasized his patriot
leanings and de-emphasized the more complicated mathematical
elements of
the ’Illuminati’
The economic analyses implicated in Silent Weapons could only
have been made by someone with an advanced understanding of complex
social economic systems. In short, while I believe Cooper may
have been capable of understanding the diagrams in the manifesto, I
don’t believe he had the background to devise them.
There are also
other differences between the two versions: Cooper’s version
of Silent Weapons reproduced in Pale Horse contained
his characteristic ALL CAPS for emphasis. The original pamphlet does
not contain these. Cooper’s version also inserts personal
notes in brackets. We have not inserted Cooper’s personal
This version reproduces some of the diagrams missing from
Cooper’s version.
This rare and ambiguous document could very well be a hoax, but was
it perpetrated by William Cooper or on William Cooper?
If it’s a hoax, who wrote it?
Could it have been written by Ted
Or perhaps the late anarcho-libertarian Murray
To read the Book click