by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
October 29, 2009
NaturalNews Website
Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung isn't winning any
friends in the pharmaceutical industry these days. His breakthrough
documentary "House of Numbers" features jaw-dropping interviews with
doctors, researchers and even the co-discoverer of HIV himself (Luc Montagnier), all of whom reveal startling information calling into question
the "official" explanation of HIV and AIDS.
An exclusive trailer from House of Numbers is now available below:
More information about the film is available at
The film isn't publicly available yet, as it's been screened in film
festivals around the world. Check the available screening events at the
film's website.
Because of the game-changing statements heard from numerous health
authorities in this film, it threatens the very foundations of the HIV/AIDS industry.
Pharmaceutical companies are fronting a specific mythology
about AIDS that maximizes their profits from AIDS drugs and (failed)
vaccines, but that mythology is about to be dismantled when House of Numbers
is released in theaters nationwide over the next few months.
This could be the documentary that shatters Big Pharma's false paradigms
about HIV and AIDS.
The AIDS testing hoax
In the film, Brent Leung subjects himself to an HIV test and discovers that
a "diagnosis" of being HIV positive has more to do with the answers you
provide to lifestyle questions than any specific microbe appearing in your
The diagnosis of AIDS - as well as the very definition
- is also
apparently so wishy-washy that increasing numbers of well-trained scientists
are now questioning whether AIDS exists at all.
"The presently available data does not prove the existence of HIV," says one
health expert interviewed for the film. Another expert says, "The more
diseases they could lump into these AIDS categories, the more patients they
could catch."
"I think HIV totally has turned out not to be the cause of AIDS. HIV has
turned out not to be!" says another interviewee.
"We can be exposed to HIV many times without being ... infected," says Dr
Luc Montagnier, the Nobel prize-winning virologist credited with the
co-discovery of HIV. "Our immune system creates [antibodies] within a few
weeks, if you have a good immune system."
The documentary film exposes the sharp contradictions in current scientific
opinion about HIV/AIDS.
"As I started questioning scientists and delving
further into testing protocols and statistical modeling and science, I began
to see a lot of the contradictions that they had amongst themselves," said
filmmaker Brent Leung. "One of the things that became apparent to me is how
important it is to question everything that we're told and not automatically
accept any fact as truth."
One bizarre thing the film exposes is the ever-shifting definition of
In the United States, the official definition has been rewritten
three times, and definitions vary widely around the world.
AIDS isn't simply
the presence of the HIV virus; it's a fictitious disease label that's
attached to a list of symptoms that continues to expand as the drug
companies attempt to ensnare yet more victims into the AIDS label trap.
The experts sound off
House of Numbers is not a "fringe" film featuring dissenting opinions from
conspiracy theorists.
Rather, it is a lucid, intelligent collection of
conversations with some of the world's top virologists and Nobel
prize-winning scientists, including former experts from the CDC, the WHO and UNAIDS. Many are speaking out against the conventional AIDS mythology for
the first time on camera.
Those interviewed for the film include:
Dr. Robert Gallo
Dr. Luc Montagnier
Dr. Michael Gottlieb
Dr. Joe Sonnabend
Dr. Kary Mullis
James Curran
Peter Piot
Dr. James Chin
Dr. Peter Duesberg,
...and many others.
The film has already received "Best Documentary" and other awards from the
many film festivals where it has been featured. Momentum is building for the
film, and mainstream distribution looks like a healthy possibility for 2010.
"My main hope is that it educates people about the fact that this isn't a
clear cut issue," says Leung. "I also hope it empowers people - that it
causes them to question not just HIV and AIDS, but all facets of issues
which impact our lives. I think we should further explore what we don't
know, and to welcome further discussion, because that will help us to know
more and become more informed."
Learn more at
My take on the film
I've served as the editor of NaturalNews for six years, and in that time,
I've watched the pharmaceutical industry engage in rampant disease mongering
in order to push their high-profit pills.
They've done it with psychiatric
disorders, high cholesterol and many other conditions. I've also watched how
the cancer industry is based entirely on lies about some search for a "cure"
even while most of the industry continues to push mammograms that actually
cause cancer.
The AIDS industry has a lot in common with the cancer industry, in fact.
They're both based on scientific quackery. They both demand the dogmatic
worship of a particular set of completely non-scientific "truths" that
cannot be challenged, and they both focus on generating pharmaceutical
profits at the expense of human health.
Also, both industries depend entirely upon the continuation of the disease
they claim to treat. Where would Big Pharma be without cancer, AIDS and
vaccines? Profits would fall sharply. So diagnosing as many people as
possible with AIDS (and cancer) is an important strategy for boosting Big
Pharma's annual revenues.
After reading books on AIDS by Dr. Gary Null and others, I'm convinced that
the official mythology about AIDS is a cruel hoax perpetrated by the drug
That doesn't mean there aren't people suffering from very real
immune suppression disorders, but I believe it is far too simplistic to
explain the root causes as being solely due to HIV.
The entire HIV
explanation is just a clever way to shift control over AIDS patients into
the hands of drug companies where highly toxic chemicals are sold at
ridiculous profits to people who are rarely helped by them.
The collection of immune suppression symptoms typically labeled "AIDS" could
be far more effectively treated with naturopathic health strategies,
including aggressive detoxification strategies, the removal of heavy metals,
the avoidance of environmental synthetic chemicals (in foods, drugs,
personal care products, homes and offices) and the addition of powerful
immune-boosting herbs, foods and superfoods.
Essentially, AIDS can be cured in much the same way cancer can be cured: By
radically altering food intake and lifestyle decisions to support a vibrant,
healthy immune system.
Remember what Dr Luc Montagnier said in the film:
"We can be exposed to HIV
many times without being ... infected. Our immune system creates
[antibodies] within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system."
In other words, AIDS exposure is not a death sentence (as Big Pharma would
have you believe). It's like many other viruses: A weakened, suppressed
immune system gives it the opportunity to wreak havoc throughout your body,
but a strong immune system allows you to overcome AIDS and build up your own
immunity in a few weeks.
Essentially, being labeled "HIV-positive" is a tactic being used around the
world to scare people into buying more high-profit AIDS drugs. But
HIV-positive isn't a death sentence, either. With the right
immune-supporting solutions in place, even people who carry the HIV virus
can live out a full life without any symptoms of AIDS.
What's fantastic about House of Numbers is that it has the courage to
challenge the status quo with much-needed critical thinking about HIV and
As such, House of Numbers is a daring yet brilliant foray into the
realms of contradictory medicine where myth trumps science... and profits
win out against human compassion. For such a powerful film to have been
created by such a young filmmaker is remarkable in itself; and for any film
to so courageously challenge the broken mythology of the AIDS industry is an
accomplishment for which any filmmaker - at any age - should be widely
House of Numbers will rock the AIDS establishment and cause a whole new
generation of thinkers to start critically questioning HIV/AIDS mythology
(and the for-profit corporations that push it).
The AIDS myth - what the experts say
To provide more information on this topic,
we've pulled together a collection of statements about HIV and AIDS from
our library of top health books.
We're including a few quotes here, and
you can read the full collection here:
The renaming of old diseases as AIDS further supports the hypothesis that
the AIDS syndrome is never found in anyone without presence of HIV. By
definition, there is no AIDS without HIV, regardless how many non-HIV people
may die from the very same symptoms.
Accordingly, anything that even
remotely resembles immune deficiency plus HIV now counts as an AIDS disease,
despite the fact that AIDS patients with Kaposi's sarcoma have been reported
to have normal immune systems. It has been argued that wherever there is
HIV, AIDS will be the consequence. However, this argument is heavily flawed.
- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing
Power That Lies Dormant Within You
by Andreas Moritz
He sees AIDS as a sort of catch-all term that "spuriously links 29 (at last
count) old and extremely heterogeneous AIDS indicator diseases together with
a presumption of HIV infection." Those who believe in AIDS as a new
syndrome, he says, would have a case if, indeed, it were "a serious disease
of acquired immune deficiency without preexisting or induced immune
deficiency." The problem is that "in all verifiable cases, demonstrable
immune-suppressive disease and/or treatment have always preceded" the onset
of AIDS.
- AIDS: A Second Opinion
by Gary Null, James Feast
In fact, he showed that HIV alone could not cause AIDS. Increasing evidence
indicates that AIDS may be a toxicity syndrome or metabolic disorder that is
caused by immunity risk factors, including heroin, sex-enhancement drugs,
antibiotics, commonly prescribed AIDS drugs, rectal intercourse, starvation,
malnutrition, and dehydration. Dozens of prominent scientists working at the
forefront of AIDS research now openly question the virus hypothesis of AIDS.
- Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism
by Andreas Moritz
Another report also noted low serum zinc levels in those with AIDS but not
other stages of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. A child with
AIDS was found to have all the signs and symptoms of a zinc-deficiency
disorder. It is still unclear why these AIDS patients have low serum zinc
levels. What is clear is that this aspect of the AIDS problem should be
vigorously pursued. These exciting findings justify further clinical trials
to determine the effects of supplementary zinc on the immune system and in
the treatment of immune disorders such as AIDS.
- The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia
by Sheldon Saul Hendler
Here's another fascinating trailer from the movie, which I call the
no profit in nutrition" trailer: