by Fritz Springmeier
May 21, 2012
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"Not only is our government focused on
building deep secret cities,
but so are Illuminati families."
The beautiful artwork in ancient Spanish caves,
or the catacombs in Rome remind us that man has always had an underground
During the 1990's, my research repeatedly brought me in contact with
individuals who stated that they had been in
deep underground military

Of course a number of these are openly admitted by the American government,
for instance Cheyenne Mountain.
And many are not.
I discovered that not only was our government focused on
building deep secret cities, but the Illuminati families were also.
Furthermore, they were using technology that the public was unaware existed.
The idea behind it all was to create safe and secret places for themselves.
Witnesses have described,
elevators going miles down
super-fast trains
back-up government agencies
genetic experiments
warehouses of stock piled
a non-human human hybrid project
But what continues to haunt me was the look one eyewitness gave me when he
"Fritz, you don't have a clue. What is going on is beyond all you have
thought of."
And after that, there was a stoned-faced mask on his

My first experience with this subject was when I was a fifth grader in
On one field trip we were taken inside the iconic
Diamond Head
volcano where the government of Hawaii had an unused facility in case they
needed to flee a nuclear holocaust.
I realized the government had placed their survival on a higher priority
than the people they supposedly served. The rest of us sheeple were to be
left to die. Your tax dollars at work.
The American government secretly received a boost in their abilities to
build underground when they brought over
Xaver Dorsch
Operation Paperclip.
He was head of the Nazi's
Todt Organization which built some incredibly
sophisticated underground cities for the Nazis.
Bear in mind this organization had built the Autobahn for the Nazis far in
advance of our Interstate system. The American and Russian governments have
kept secret how sophisticated these underground Nazi cities were.
For years, I had tried to track these Deep
Underground Military Bases and their purposes, doing such things as
traveling to
Dulce, NM.
When I met
Phil Snyder who had worked on
these bases, I was excited to compare my discoveries/info to his firsthand
We were able to share information several times until he was suicided the
day before we were to meet again.
Afterwards, I placed my information on the 140
American DUMB bases in
Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula
in the middle of book
between part 1 and part 2.
Different agencies have their own underground installations. That explains
why there are so many.
Naval Intelligence
the Air force NORAD,
...and others all
need their own secret underground bases.
Some of the work with,
...are legitimate activities for underground
And others,
...are not.
We have
truly lost control over our government. If you'll pardon the pun, it is
truly out of oversight.

Area 51, NV (above image) and White Sands Missile base, NM have been large tracts
of land where underground installations have allowed for exotic black ops
Unfortunately, the information that leaks out does not sound good.
These black ops are not projects for the public good. Many of them are
downright scary. Some are bizarre like keeping a severed human head alive.
And instead of being U.S. government projects, many of the levels on these
bases actually belong to
the Illuminati and their
secret government,
which has been operating since 1954.
Besides vast tracts of land in sparsely populated regions, the ocean has
become a grand place to locate secret bases.
What are some of these bases like? Some have facilities for growing food.
Many are connected. Spokes link areas to other areas. Hi-tech camouflage and
quick shutting entrances conceal the entrances. Witnesses claim non-human
species inhabit the lower levels.
My personal take on these things is that this is a modern-day example of
the Nephilim that were created by interbreeding in ancient times. So we are
witnessing more apocalyptic signs.
The same shivers that ran down my spine as a ten year old student when I
went into the underground city at Diamond Head volcano near Honolulu
continue today when I contemplate these bases and their uses.
These bases are designed so the elite could survive a nuclear war or
world-wide epidemic, or a natural disaster like an asteroid hit, reversal of
the earth's pole, or a galactic dust cloud which they allow us to endure
while they live in safety.
Whatever disaster they see coming, they are prepared.