by Bob Finch
April 10, 2008
IraqWar Website
America may have lost the war against Vietnam but it has never been invaded
or conquered by external forces since its declaration of independence. But
since the second world war and, in particular the establishment of the
terrorist state referred to as Israel, it has been conquered from within.
Wasps no longer have any significant control over American politics or its
foreign policies
The Israelis in America control the republican party and the democratic
party and even the green party. They control the left wing of American
politics (Noam Chomsky, Stephen Zunes) almost as much as they control the
extreme right wing. They control congress. Jack Abramoff apparently had in
the region of 60 members of congress on his payroll. And these were not
insignificant members of congress either since he funded tom delay who
provided Dick Cheney's power base.
This Israeli was not only funding
American goyims, but terrorists in the Jews-only state. And this is the
political influence of just one Jewish billionaire. When
AIPAC and all the
other Jewish lobbying groups in America, whose prime loyalties are to the
Jews-only state in Palestine, are taken into consideration, the Jews are
financing virtually all members of congress.
These days when American
politicians talk about the need to defend their country from external
threats what they mean is any challenge to the Jews-only state in Palestine.
The Israelis control vast slabs of the Bush administration.
neoconservatives … control the Office of the President, the Office of the
Vice President, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the
police-state apparatus known as "Homeland Security."
(Paul Craig Roberts
‘Outfoxed by bin Laden’
Wayne Madsen has suggested they’re aiming to take control of the super
secret National Security Agency (NSA) - America's premier electronic
surveillance body.
"What has some NSA officials worried is that with
pro-Israeli Neocons now engrained within the CIA, Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA), State Department, and National Security Council, NSA is ripe
for penetration by Israeli intelligence. With outside contractors now
permeating NSA and a major Israeli espionage operation being discovered
inside the Pentagon, once again there is a fear within NSA that foreign
intelligence services such as the Mossad could make another attempt to
penetrate America's virtual "Fort Knox" of intelligence treasures and
(Wayne Madsen ‘The Neocon power grab at NSA and an attempt to
stifle the press’
Israelis own and control the American media. They compose the largest group
of billionaires in America who fund a vast network of political research
organizations which determine the views of America's Jewish owned media and
America's Jewish funded politicians.
In 1950s America, as in many other western countries, there were taboos
preventing people from talking about a range of social issues such as
homosexuality, incest, male rape, etc, etc. These days nobody would think
twice about discussing these issues. The only taboos in the western world
these days have to do with Jews. There is a taboo about Jewish funding of
political parties (in America and Britain).
There is a taboo against the
influence of the Jewish lobby on American politicians. There is a taboo
about Jewish attempts to take over the Russian economic and political
There is a taboo about the tribute payments that
America makes to
its Jewish masters in the Jews-only state in Palestine.
"The Congress, the
Executive branch, state and local governments, and national and local media
have all come under the influence of the Jewish "lobby’s" pro-Israel agenda
to the point that none or few dare to criticize Israel or its US
(James Petras ‘The meaning of war: A heterodox
The Israelis have even transformed christianity in
America. There are now
tens of millions of so-called christian Zionists who have come to believe in
the zionist god of vengeance rather than the christian god of forgiveness.
They no longer live on a god given planet but focus solely on the god given
land of Palestine.
The devotion of these dechristianized Zionists to the
sacred Jewish land of Palestine and Jews-only state in Palestine is such
that one of them blurted out at a major conference the logical outcome of
their beliefs.
'I love America,' Arthur said, her voice quivering with
emotion. 'But if it came to a choice between Israel and America, I would
stand with Israel.'" (Christian Zionist author, Kay Arthur of Precepts
Ministries quoted in Justin Raimondo ‘Putting Israel First’
There is not the slightest doubt that the
American military is by far and
away the most formidable military power in the world. But who controls that
military is an entirely different matter. The American politicians who
dictate military policy are not wasps but Israelis - agents of the Jews-only
state in Palestine. So, in effect the Jews-only state controls American
politicians who control the American military which wages war for the sake
of Jewish world domination.
There is no such thing as an American empire. America does not have an
empire. On the contrary, America has become part of the Jewish empire which
dictates America's domestic and foreign policies.
The policies that America
is pursuing in the middle east have nothing to do with America's national
interests – on the contrary, over the last four decades it has been forced
to fight the wars on behalf of its Jewish master. In the so-called Yom
Kippur war of 1973 the Americans were forced to back the Jews-only state
against the encircling Arab armies which resulted in an Arab oil boycott
that pushed America and the world economy into a recession which lasted
nearly a decade.
If America had sided with the Arabs it would have enjoyed
an economic bonanza selling American goods to secular Arab consumer
societies. If the Jews-only state did not exist there would have been peace
and stability in the middle east which would have boosted global prosperity.
Instead, America's Jewish masters have cost
America vast economic losses,
the losses of many American troops, and the enmity of the Arab and Islamic
"The passionate attachment to Israel, the dual loyalty felt by many
Americans - whereby Israel's interests are put on the same or higher level
than U.S. interests - has come back to haunt the United States through the
agency of a President willing to adopt the most extravagant dreams of right
wing Israelis and pro-Israeli hawks.
The result is that the full might of
the world's only super power has been dragged into Israel's service despite
the costs, and the dangers and the folly of such a policy. Attachment to
Israel has come back to haunt America by enabling a decisive shift in US.
policy away from helping to preserve the peace and security of the world and
turning the U.S. into an aggressor nation, just as Israel has been and
continues to be."
(Ronald Bleier ‘Invading Iraq: Converging
U.S. and Israeli Agendas’
Iran’s so-called acquisition of nuclear weapons is a non-issue. And yet the
Jewish empire has managed to coerce America, and thus the security council,
into believing the utter fantasy that it is a dire threat to world peace
which must be placed at the top of the global political agenda.
Iran poses
no military threat whatsoever to America, China, Russia or Europe and yet
they have all made this issue their most important foreign policy.
Watching America, China, Russia, and Europe, dancing to the paranoid fantasies of the
Jews-only state in Palestine is proof of Jewish world domination.
There may be those who argue that just because America implements the
foreign policies of another state doesn’t mean to say that there isn’t an
American empire which pursues American interests around the rest of the
world. But this is not the case. America’s Zionist foreign policy has
drained American military resources so they cannot be used in other places
around the world.
The Jews in American politics and their shabbat goyim
colleagues have become so focused on the middle east to protect the sacred
Judaic headquarters of the Jewish empire that they have ignored, or been
unable to combat, the rise of democratic forces in south America from where
America imports a substantial amount of its oil. Why is American foreign
policy and military intervention focused almost solely on the middle east
when countries on its own doorstep which provide it with vast amounts of oil
are being allowed to drift out of American control?
America’s policies towards Russia have been shaped for the last forty years
by neocons originating from the office of the right wing democratic senator
Henry Jackson. They managed to abolish Nixon's détente with Russia which
could have resulted in a vast, mutually beneficial, economic boom between
the two countries. The neocons, however, didn’t want any American
rapprochement with the Russians because Russia poses the danger of nuclear
obliteration to the Jews-only state in Palestine.
Once again, Jewish
interests predominated over American interests and Americans carried out the
orders of their Jewish masters.
Israeli traitors control the American media, the republican and democratic
parties, congress, the pentagon, the office of homeland security, the CIA,
the defense intelligence agency, the state department, the national security
council, and the presidency. The American military is implementing the
foreign policies of the Jews-only state in Palestine.
There is nothing American left about America.
Is it not true that,
"The neoconservatives are
the greatest threat America has ever faced .."
(Paul Craig Roberts ‘Outfoxed
by bin Laden’
The battle
for American independence was lost before most Americans realized they were
under attack.
America is now the biggest and most powerful colony in the
Jewish empire.
"The conventional wisdom which perceives world imperial
powers dictating policy to lesser regional powers clearly fails to deal with
the US Middle East Wars. The reason why this common sense notion is
inadequate is because it fails to deal with a series of unique (at least in
modern history) phenomena affecting the policy-making structure of the US
Empire – the active role of a privileged and influential minority deeply
embedded in the decision-making structure and whose primary loyalty is to
another state.
It is as if the State of Israel has ‘colonized’ the main
spheres of political power in the imperial state. These ‘colons’ however are
not exactly transplants or emigrants from their "mother country". Rather
they have mostly grown up and have been educated in the imperial center,
they have pursued lucrative careers in the US and have, in most instances,
been strong supporters of US imperial expansion and militarism. They have
risen to and influenced the highest spheres of political power. They have
not been discriminated against, nor have they suffered any economic, social
or political exclusion.
They have not been marginalized - they are
integrated in the centers of power. Yet they have set themselves apart from
the rest of the US citizens and conceive of themselves as having a special
mission - of being first Jews who unconditionally support the State of
Israel and all of its international projections of power. How can we explain
this irrational embrace of a militarist state by a set of individuals who
only vicariously share its life and destiny?"
(James Petras ‘The meaning of
war: A heterodox perspective’
American slaves need to fight back against the
Jewish empire rather than
pretending they have an empire that acts in their name.
They should see the Palestinians as the leaders in the fight against the world’s
"The fact leftists bust a gut to ignore - is that
The Big
Corporations would be far, far better off if the US switched sides
completely, and supported the Palestinians to the hilt. It is difficult to
argue this just because it is so screamingly obvious. The Big Corporations
want oil: Israel pisses off the oil producers, bigtime. Israel does not,
contrary to leftist orthodoxy, help the US control the oil."
Neumann ‘A Study in Dogma: The Palestinians and the Party Line’
Americans need to liberate themselves before they start helping to liberate
the rest of the world,
"Regardless of the particular causes or principles
that most move us, that are closest to our hearts, no issue is of greater
urgency than breaking the Jewish-Zionist grip on American political, social
and cultural life. As long as this power remains entrenched, there will be
no end to the systematic Jewish distortion of history and current affairs,
the Jewish-Zionist domination of the US political system, Zionist oppression
of Palestinians, the bloody conflict between Jews and non-Jews in the Middle
East, and the Israeli threat to peace."
(Mark Weber ‘The Challenge of
Jewish-Zionist Power in an Era of Global Struggle’
"As we draw closer to a major
confrontation with Iran and Israeli officials
set short-term deadlines for igniting a Middle East conflagration, it seems
that we are doomed to learn from future catastrophic losses that Americans
must organize to defeat political lobbies based on overseas allegiances."
(James Petras ‘Israel's War Deadline: Iran in the Crosshairs’