The New World Order Scam
Ordo Templi
Orientis, the Babalon Working, UFO's and Haight-Ashbury
The Subversion of My Generation via
UFO Abduction and the Babalon Working
Many topics presented so far at this site are the currency of
researchers in this field, but here, at page 12 (a suitable number
for the 12 tribes) I hope to present a hypothesis previously unheard
of, that my entire generation was subjected to a mind-programming
spiritual influence that led to our involvement with occultism and
drugs, and thus led to the event we know as Haight-Ashbury. There is
plenty of evidence of the CIA sponsored mind-programming during that
era, and links will be provided that show evidence of the human
aspect of the British occult invasion, and how this led to what took
place there in 1966, 67 and etc. But there is evidence that the
programming was not only this, but that it came from a far more
strange source than any that was human. There is evidence that the
UFO abduction phenomenon is largely responsible for the Occult
Explosion in the United States.
Genesis, Chapter 6:
1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of
God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took
them wives of all which they chose. ...4There were giants in the
earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of
In these verses we see that fallen
angelic beings, sons of God, left their first estate and went after
strange flesh. The progeny of these unions were
the Nephilim, the
giants both before and after the flood. These angels are incredibly
ancient beings, and many of them are imprisoned in the lowest of all
hells, which corresponds to the center of the earth:
From the book of Jude:
6And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great
day. 7Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in
like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going
after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire.
These ancient, fallen sons of God are
those we know as the HIDEOUS OLD ONES. They have been brought back
into our spacetime, at least some of them, by the Working of Hubbard
and Parsons known as The Babalon Working. These are the source of
the UFO abduction phenomenon.
We are the generation of the Haight-Ashbury. We are a bunch of
Israelites, and this is the outworking of our rebellion -- God
allowed this to happen. The story I will tell is absolutely
shocking, and horrifying.
For me, this all begins at the Icycle River, in the Cascades a bit
west of Wenatchee, Washington. It was 1957, and I was Eleven. My
family was on a camping trip to a cold mountain river, strewn with
enormous boulders. One night (pitch black it was) I sat alone at the
campfire, while the rest of the family nearby was attending to their
distractions whatever they were. There were no other campers for
miles. I remember suddenly seeing a pair of brilliant eyes not more
than 3 feet beyond the opposite perimeter of the firepit. They
glowed brilliantly, reflecting the dancing orange light of the fire.
They couldn't have been more that 7 feet distant from me, on the
opposite side of the fire. At the moment, I was convinced they were
the eyes of a mountain cat, or a deer.
Now wild animals DO NOT come to the edge of a campfire, under any
circumstances. This is just like other times of my life; no one
could possibly in a lifetime cause me to doubt the reality of "the
eyes." Since 1966, I've read many dozens of books on the topic of
UFO's, and it has become clear to me that this is an example of what
is called a screen memory. A screen memory in UFOlogy always serves
as a password to TOTAL AMNESIA. The screen memory as a device serves
to obtain the attention of the abductee, to function as a substitute
or screen memory, to prevent any possibility of actually remembering
the abduction event.
I excitedly shouted to the others of my family, and, of course, I
got the old "yeah, yeah, tell me another." But the truth is that I
did see "the eyes."
I can now look back at this and see a causal relationship to the soon-after
onset of my rapt desire to become Beat, to take acid and smoke pot,
and to persevere with absolutely 100% of my ambitions to become a
hippy. In 1958 just a year after the campfire, as I explained
before, I was spellbound by seeing a Beat, in North Beach. What had
turned my head? How had I become obsessed at age 12 with finding
dope and going to San Francisco?
There exxists in UFOlogy an abundance of evidence that the United
States Government entered into a pact with the incredibly evil
entities that are native to the atmosphere and the Underworld of
earth. They are not extraterrestrial, but extradimensional. In
return for advanced technology, the USA agreed to allow
experimentation on the population. There are volumes of literature
on this topic, which you may search for (look for MJ 12). Had it not
been for the Babalon Outworking, I am suggesting this could never
have happened. The Outworking outworked into our spacetime the
HIDEOUS OLD ONES. They tranced the minds of my entire generation.
Prior to the Outworking, the ability of occultists to invoke these
entities into our reality was quite a bit more tenuous.
But again we have to do a little homework, to chart the Evil in
Britain, and how it came to the United States. This is the source
(at least from a human perspective) of the Occult Conspiracy. Please
do read the following website, as it contains information you are
unlikely to have encountered before. If the font is too small to
read, copy and paste it into a word processor. It gives a
fascinating glimpse into the British roots of the Occult Revival now
sweeping the entire world:
Freemasonry Link
THIS IS A LINK: go about 2/3 down this page to "The
Question of Sponsorship" -- see all about how it was the
CIA that birthed the LSD REVOLUTION in the 60's Haight Ashbury
Now to cut to the chase. Please do read the following link (much of
the following will not make a lick of sense to you unless you read
The Rocket Scientist & The Guru: Stardate 1946
The following are a few remarks from the above link (credit is due
to the author, T. Allen Greenfield, Bishop EGC/OTO):
"Surely, the timing of the Babalon
Working and the arrival of the Post War Baby Boom is
simultaneous in an eerie sort of way."
Simultaneous in an eerie sort of way...
Simultaneous in an eerie sort of way...
I would suggest that my entire generation was somehow "programmed"
to become THE OCCULT GENERATION. How many other kids were seeing
"eyes," and getting programmed to participate in THE OCCULT REVIVAL.
Another Quotation from this link:
"He wished to bring this other world
into Manifestation, but lacked the technical knowledge to do so.
So, he came to the innocent sex magician Jack Parsons. In this
version, the Babalon Working, guided by Hubbard, had little to
do with " Babalon" and more to do with the hideous Old Ones of
the H.P. Lovecraft Cthuthu Mythos. "A door opened; something
came through" is the essence of this thesis, and the appearance
of the first "flying saucer" case the following year is
considered, in this outre rumor, not coincidental at all."
not coincidental at all... not
coincidental at all...
It has been alleged that after Roswell, and the Government's
collection of a crashed disk with small, grey entities -- one of
which was said to remain alive for a while, that the United States
Government (as represented by MJ 12 -- do a search), entered into a
trade agreement with the entities that had now entered into our
spacetime. The Greys and their angelic masters would get access to a
select genetic "cut" of the population, and the Government would get
advanced technologies. How many other kids were seeing "eyes," and
getting programmed to participate in the Occult Revival?
The Bible teaches that our physical world co-exists with a higher
reality, a higher plane (actually a number of them) of existence. In
the Old Testament, the story of Elisha and his servant illustrates
this very beautifully:
The King of Syria was attempting
military adventures against Israel, but his every move was known
in advance by the King of Israel!
2Kings 6:
11Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for
this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will
ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel? 12And one
of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the
prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words
that thou speakest in thy bedchamber. 13And he said, Go and spy
where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him,
saying, Behold, he is in Dothan. 14Therefore sent he thither
horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night,
and compassed the city about. 15And when the servant of the man
of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host
compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his
servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? 16And
he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than
they that be with them. 17And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I
pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened
the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain
was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
And so the young man saw into the
Spiritual Plane:

Now at another time in the history of
Israel, the following event took place, where the "angel of the
Lord" slaughtered 185,000 Assyrian warriors in one night. I am
including this to illustrate that we scarcely comprehend to awesome
power of an angel, especially the angel of the Lord:
2Kings 19: 34For I will defend this
city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David’s
sake. 35And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the
LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred
fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the
morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. 36So Sennacherib
king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at
Back to the premise: There exists a
spiritual plane of existence, a world that exists in parallel to our
own, that has been called the etheric plane, although the Bible does
not label it as such. When Elisha's servant's eyes were opened to
perceive the higher reality, he saw mighty angelic armies
surrounding them, and then he knew they were safe from harm.
The point I'm trying to make is this: the location at which the
angelic army was located at, in the higher world, CORRESPONDED to
the location in our spacetime of the village of Dothan, where Elisha
was present. There was a correlation between the geographic
locations, one in the higher reality, and the other in our world.
This point-to-point correspondence bears other markers, so to speak,
that illustrate why hell is so hot...
Again and again, in that old black book of hidden knowledge, the
Bible, we are told that HELL (SHEOL, in Hebrew) -- and I am
referring to the abode of departed humans, and demonic entities they
share the space with... this place of misery, again and again we are told that it is
unbearably HOT...
Now if you dig deep into the earth, you will not find Sheol, but
only molten rock, if deep enough. You won't find Sheol, because it
isn't there, at least not in our spacetime. But it is there in a
higher reality, and this has been called the astral plane, the abode
of departed spirits, the departed dead. And what CORRESPONDS is the
temperature! it is damned HOT! The two planes of existence correlate
not only geographically, but also in terms of...
Luke 16:
19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and
fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20And there was a
certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full
of sores, 21And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell
from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his
sores. 22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was
carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also
died, and was buried; 23And in hell he lift up his eyes, being
in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his
bosom. 24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on
me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in
water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime
receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things:
but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26And beside
all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so
that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can
they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27Then he said, I
pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my
father’s house: 28For I have five brethren; that he may testify
unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let
them hear them. 30And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one
went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31And he said
unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will
they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
The foregoing is NOT a parable, for a
parable is a make-believe story to illustrate a point... Oh this was
illustrating a point allright, but --- it is not a story. It
describes a reality, the one that a lot of people go to at death.
If the rites of Magick can invoke into our reality demons, why...
Why did Parsons and Hubbard have to work so hard to bring in THE
HIDEOUS OLD ONES? These entities are not demons, but angels.
Now the Nephilim were men of renown, as Genesis tells us. Humans
were inferior to them in many ways, and they knew it, and they
detested us in that time so long ago (and humans feared them -- they
were the Greek gods...). All the genetic mixing resulted in the
gene pool of humanity becoming contaminated, and so much so that the
world of that time was suddenly terminated by the flood, by God. And
thus, the angelic beings fathered the Nephilim, and we have seen
that the angels are immensely powerful beings. They fathered the
"gods" of Greek mythology. The Nephilim were only half-human. The
point I'd like to remind you of is that their fathers, angels, were
immensely powerful beings, able to slaughter 185,000 men in one
night! The Nephilim had a flesh existence in the material world, but
they also inherited an extremely powerful SPIRITUAL nature from
their fathers. Thus, in the flood that was sent to destroy them,
when they died, it was not like when a human dies, but the death of
a Nephilim births onto the afterlife plane of existence a being
having much of the immense spiritual power of their fathers. In
relation to this, when a human dies, it is also true that an entity
is birthed onto the afterlife plane, but... the dead human is kinda
smallpotatos, comparatively...
So this brings us to what it is, anyway, that is the difference
between a demon and an angel. You NEVER hear about an angel seeking
a body to possess, because the angels already have bodies, made out
of what I would call etheric flesh. But you always hear about how a
disembodied Nephilim, a demon, seeks after some body to possess,
that it might taste again of the flesh existence. The Demons are
disincarnate. They are Dead Nephilim. They inhabit the afterworld.
They do not have bodies, either flesh such as we know, or flesh as
angels know. And it would seem that until recently, there isn't a
whole lot they could do about it! (except to possess a human)
---Until recently, that is...
The HIDEOUS OLD ONES are angels, and they are of a higher order by
far than their progeny, the Nephilim. The ones that came from Heaven
to Earth to seduce human women -- these are so incredibly evil and
vile, so incredibly destructive to humans, that they have been
imprisoned in the very center of the earth, the bottomless pit. For
a bottomless pit has no direction "down," since from there, all
directions are "up." They are imprisoned there, in a place of
intense heat and darkness, in a parallel reality that has geographic
and temperature points of correspondence.
6And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great
Not all of the angels were imprisoned,
so many remain to conduct their evil enterprises yet...
So again we ask... "[THE] Babalon Working," guided by Hubbard, had
little to do with "Babalon," and more to do with the Hideous Old
Ones of the H.P. Lovecraft Cthuthu Mythos. "A door opened; something
came through" is the essense of this thesis, and the appearance of
the first "flying saucer" case the following year [1947] is
considered, in this outre rumor,
Let's consider what we know about the Greys...
UFO researchers have documented
countless cases of women who have been abducted, become
pregnant, and then mysteriously one morning something like
in the third month of pregnancy, they are no longer
When hypnotized, some really
astonishing memories are brought into consciousness ---
these women recall amazingly similar experiences --- they
are levitated by Greys out of their bedrooms at night, up
into a spacecraft, and
on an operating table, their
fetus is removed, and
many of them recall being shown
thousands of glass jars, which are life support systems for
bringing the fetuses to full term...
And in fact some of them have
even been re-abducted and introduced in a social setting to
the child Grey that is birthed as a result of these
In fact, in these re-abduction
situations, the Greys seem highly interested in fostering
Mother -- Child interactions for the infant Greys, which are
most often described as "listless," lacking in the sort of
liveliness human children possess...
There are spacecraft that serve
as gigantic fetus factories, turning out thousands of these
Grey entities...
Some 5 or maybe 7 years ago, one UFO
researcher (I do not remember exactly who) offered this possibility.
Perhaps a Grey is made by taking a human embryo, and in its third
month of development somehow short-circuiting its development, and
Bingo... a Grey!
Quite possibly a Grey is nothing more than a human that has
had its genetic development switched out into a different pattern.
jpg file named "alienfet"
(obviously alien fetus)

The above is one of the most (even the
most) astonishing photograph I've ever seen. I am offering it in
evidence of the hypothesis noted above, namely, that Greys are
"manufactured" by taking a human fetus at a chosen and particular
age, and genetically "switching it out" in some manner to a
different pattern of development. Again, it is common in UFO
abduction literature to find accounts of women who are suddenly,
about in the 3rd month of pregnancy, NOT PREGNANT any longer. This
also correlates with re-abduction, to remove the fetus. Again,
numerous hypnotized subjects who have recalled being on board UFO's
among the grey entities remember seeing banks of thousands of jars
containing liquid amniotic, I guess I could say, fluid, and
containing "Grey" fetuses. I do not know the history of this
photograph. It is possible to go to any of numerous sites on the
internet, locatable by search engine, and view photographs of human
fetuses at virtually any stage of development. They do NOT look like
this. The closest I have found is something like the following:

Human Male Fetus 23
Weeks and 1 day Old
This is not at all a passing match to
the photo labeled "Alienfet" --- the chin is not at all so pointed,
the limbs are much thicker, and the eyes, although bulging, are not
the same as "Alienfet." I have borrowed "Alienfet" from the
following most excellent website:
I contacted the author of this website, and she offered the
"Thanks for noticing. Source was a
thread at
where I hang out. No citation was given. It's a powerful photo."
Indeed it is! After reviewing numerous
photographs of human fetuses, I finally downloaded "Alienfet" to
this website, and in doing so I discovered the name of the jpg file
is like I say --- "Alienfet." I have every reason to believe it!
Further, her site reads the following, at the location of this
picture on her page -- "If you are not completely disgusted, you
do not know what is going on."
Let me add my own twist to this possibility. Suppose that AT LONG
LAST, it became possible to make dead Nephilim once again be
INCARNATE, as opposed to discarnate. And ever since, there have been
factories in place to crank demons into bodies, after these many
thousands of years that they have been spaced out...
This astonishing possibility was, perhaps, the consequence of the US
Government making a deal with fallen angels; ----fallen
angels wanting nothing more than to bring their children back into
The technique of wiping out any memory of a traumatic event, by
replacing it with a screen memory to divert the person from
remembering what actually took place, has found widespread
application. Once again, now, we are looking at a situation that
parallels the situation that took place prior to the flood, when the
planet was shared openly with non-humans.
Apparently living tissues from cattle especially, and horses, too,
have found widespread use in the genetic manipulations needed to
bring these beings back into being incarnate. Thus, the cattle
A survey was taken, here in the USA, of practicing Buddhists, and
something like 60% of them are Jews! (the Tribe of Judah, and
Benjamin). This statement tells an important story! What
characterizes Israelites (including those of the lost 10 tribes)
more than anything else is that they are spiritual seekers; they are
far more apt to be into spiritual things than the rest of the
population (Kabbalah, Buddhism, New Age, etc.). The Gentiles just
don't seem to have this as a bent, nearly so much.
The only difference between a Jew and a citizen of the lost 10
tribes (and I am NOT supporting "British Israelism") is that the Jew
knows who he is, and the remainder do not. But God does...
And the Nephilim still detest humans as much as they EVER DID!
...and they play us for SUCKERS.
These discarnate entities who are being "channeled" from the astral
plane get ahold of suckers and make 'em think they (the demons) are
The Old Black Book makes it crystal clear, that during the time of
the end, the angels out of the pit of hell, the bottomless pit, will
be released from imprisonment, and will once again be here among the
remaining humans, and these Fathers of the Nephilim absolutely
DETEST us, ESPECIALLY if we happen to be an Israelite...
Especially if we happen to be an Israelite.
Nwo consider how many people think this evil NWO is the work of the
Jews, the Israelites... Blame THEM for it! Get the Jews...
IS THIS New World Order a SCAM?
Rising up, rising up out of the inky black depths, rising up into
the most brilliant light... LUCIFER! ...out of the bottomless pit!
Revelation 17: 8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and
shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and
they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not
written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when
they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
The angel, even the angels of the Bottomless Pit will once again be
present among humans, once they are released.
OK, we've looked at the Dark Side. And the rest of the world sees
it, too, and our (Israelite) association with it, our involvement in
something the Gentiles are AFRAID OF? Is this a Gigantic STING
OPERATION? Is this a... what do you call it, a SCAM?
Among the planet's population, the New Agers are greatly
outnumbered. What if the tide of public opinion is aroused... What
if the Gentiles get pissed off!
The Ascended Masters is a Spiritual FRAUD. These entities DETEST us,
and we Spiritual Israelites are going to get FRAMED, for the New
World Order. The same as the Jews got framed for the Protocols, in
World War II.
If you have not seen "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"
do a search and bring up a copy! The Jews got framed for it. The
Protocols correctly presented an occultic plot to enslave the world
in a New World Order! and the Patsy for this PSY-OP was the Jews!
And afterwards, who set up the Ratlines to help the Nazi's escape to
South America?
Who lynched the Jews? Who are the Illuminati? They are the
incredibly wealthy and powerful old families of Europe, the
ruling Elite, that are into generational witchcraft (each new
generation is thus "ill luminated"), and they work hand in glove
with the Vatican, especially now that they are back in bed together
again. And they HATE Jews and Israelites! And would do ANYTHING to
get rid of them.
last time, 1/3rd of the Jews died. This next time, 2/3rds of all 12
Tribes will get it. The Jews got framed in World War II. Who gets
Framed in World War III? Remember how Allen taught that at the end
of the Age, there would be a most ironic twist of Fate? ...a Double
Zechariah THIRTEEN:
7Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that
is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and
the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the
little ones. 8And it shall come to pass, that in all the land,
saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but
the third shall be left therein. 9And I will bring the third
part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is
refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on
my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and
they shall say, The LORD is my God.
Remember Kenneth Anger's other film,
Scorpio Rising?
Revelation 9: 1And the fifth angel
sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and
to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2And he opened
the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as
the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were
darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3And there came out
of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given
power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
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