The International Conspiracy
In 1784 Adam Weishaupt, a jesuit-trained professor of canon law, defected from christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently organized the House of Rothschild), retained him to revise and modernize the age-old protocols designed to give the Synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose the Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm, by use of satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st, 1776.
The plan required the destruction of ALL existing governments and religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed Goyim (meaning human cattle) into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, racial, social, economic and other issues. The opposing sides were then to be armed and an incident provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves as they destroyed National Governments and Religious Institutions.
In 1776 Weishaupt organized the Illuminati to put the plot into execution. The word Illuminati is derived from Lucifer, and means holders of the light. Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one world government to enable men with proven mental ability to govern the world he recruited about two thousand followers. These included the most intelligent men in the field of Arts and Letters : Education : the sciences, finance and industry. He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters.
Weishaupts revised plan required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them accomplish their purpose.
(1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of people already occupying positions in high places in the various levels of ALL governments and other fields of human endeavor. Once an influential person had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail and threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm and even death to themselves and their loved ones.
(2) Illuminati on the faculties of colleges and universities were to recommend students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well bred families with international leanings for special training in internationalism.
This training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected. They were to be educated (indoctrinated) into accepting the Idea that only a One World Government can put an end to recurring wars and tribulations. They were to be at first persuaded and then convinced that men of special ability and brains had the RIGHT to rule those less gifted, because the Goyim (masses of the people) dont know what is best for them physically, mentally and spiritually. To-day three such special schools are located in Gordonstoun in Scotland; Salem in Germany; and Anavryta in Greece. Prince Phillip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth of England, was educated at Gordonstoun at the instigation of Lord Louis Mountbatten, his Uncle, who became Britains Admiral of the Fleet after World War Two ended.
(3) Influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, and students who had been specially educated and trained were to be used as agentur and placed behind the scenes of ALL governments as Experts and Specialists so they could advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long run, serve the secret plans of the One Worlders and bring about the ultimate destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.
(4) The Illuminati were to obtain control of the Press and all other agencies which distribute information to the public. News and information was to be slanted so that the Goyim would come to believe that a One World Government is the ONLY solution to our many and varied problems.
Because Britain and France were the two greatest powers at the end of the 18th Century, Weishaupt ordered the Illuminati to foment the Colonial Wars to weaken the British Empire and organize the Great Revolution to weaken the French Empire. The latter he scheduled should start in 1789.
A German author named Zwack put Weishaupts revised version of the age-old conspiracy into book form and named it Einige Original-Scripten. In 1784 a copy of this document was sent to the Illuminists Weishaupt had delegated to foment the French revolution. The courier was struck dead by lightning as he rode through Ratisbon on his way from Frankfurt to Paris. The police found the subversive documents on his body and turned them over to the proper government authorities.
After careful study of the plot the Bavarian Government ordered the police to raid Weishaupts newly organized lodges of the Grand Orient and the homes of some of his most influential associates, including the castle of Baron Bassus-in-Sandersdorf. Additional evidence thus obtained convinced the authorities the documents were a genuine copy of a conspiracy by which the synagogue of Satan, who controlled the Illuminati AT THE TOP, planned to use wars and revolutions to bring about the establishment of one kind or another of a One World Government, the powers of which they intended to usurp as soon as it was established.
In 1785, the Bavarian Government outlawed the Illuminati and closed the lodges of the Grand Orient. In 1786, they published the details of the conspiracy. The English title is The Original Writtings of the Order and Sect of The Illuminati. Copies of the conspiracy were sent to the heads of church and state. The power of the Illuminati was so great that this warning was ignored, as were the warnings Christ had given the world.
The Illuminati went underground. Weishaupt instructed his Illuminists to infiltrate into the lodges of Blue Masonry and form a secret society within secret societies.
Only masons who proved themselves Internationalists, and those whose conduct proved they had defected from God, are initiated into the Illuminati. Thus the conspirators used the cloak of philanthropy to hide their revolutionary and subversive activities. In order to infiltrate into masonic lodges in Britain Illuminists invited John Robison over to Europe. He was a high degree mason in the Scottish Rite : Professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University; and Secretary of The Royal Society of Edinburgh. John Robison did not fall for the lie that the objective of the one worlders was to form a benevolent dictatorship. He kept his reactions to himself however, and was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupts Revised Conspiracy for study and safe keeping.
Because the heads of church and state in France were advised to ignore the warnings given them the revolution broke out in 1789. In order to alert other governments to their danger, in 1798 John Robison published a book, entitled Proof of a Conspiracy to Destroy All Governments and Religions.[1] But his warnings have been ignored, as were the others.
Thomas Jefferson had become a student of Weishaupts. He was one of his strongest defenders when he was outlawed by his government. Jefferson infiltrated the Illuminati into the newly organized Lodges of The Scottish Rite in New England. Realizing this information will shock many Americans I wish to record the following facts :
In 1789, John Robison warned masonic leaders the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges.
On July 19th, 1798, David Pappen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence illuminism was having on American politics and religion.
John Quincy Adams had organized the New England Masonic Lodges. In 1800 he decided to oppose Jefferson for the presidency. He wrote three letters to Colonel Wm. L. Stone exposing how Jefferson was using masonic lodges for subversive purposes. The information contained in these letters is credited with winning Adams the election. The letters are in Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.
*// From any high-school history book Mr. Carr could have learned who ran and who was selected in the election of 1800, when was Thomas Jefferson president, and when was J.Q. Adams president. [So much for so much ...] What basis is there to say that Jefferson was a student of Weishaupts ideas ? Jefferson was not statist, was not internationalist. When did Jefferson defend Weishaupt or his ideas; that one letter to Bishop James Madison (January 31, 1800) which Mr. Carr probably hasn't even read ?
![]() INSIGNIA OF THE ORDER OF ILLUMINATI THAT ILLUMINIST JEFFERSON MADE the REVERSE of U.S. SEAL *// What is he talking about (again) ? What had Jefferson to do with the Greal Seal of the U.S. ? The above insignia of the Order of Illuminati was adopted by Weishaupt at the time he founded the Order, on May 1, 1776. It is that event that is memorialized by the MDCCLXXVI at the base of the pyramid, and not the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as the uninformed have supposed. The significance of the design is as follows: the pyramid represents the conspiracy for destruction of the Catholic (Universal Christian) Church, and establishment of a One World, or UN dictatorship, the secret of the Order; the eye radiating in all directions, is the all-spying eye that symbolizes the terroristic, Gestapo-like, espionage agency that Weishaupt set up under the name of Insinuating Brethren, to guard the secret of the Order and to terrorize the populace into acceptance of its rule. This Ogpu had its first workout in the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, which it was Instrumental in organizing. It is a source of amazement that the electorate tolerates the continuance of use of this insignia as part of the Great Seal of the U.S. ANNUIT COEPTIS means our enterprise (conspiracy) has been crowned with success. Below, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM explains the nature of the enterprise : and it means a New Social Order, or New Deal. *// Load of crap. It means new order of the ages (starting from 1776). It should be noted that this insignia acquired Masonic significance only after merger of that Order with Order of Illuminati at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, in 1782. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (Roosevelt kinsman) and Thomas Jefferson, ardent Illuminist, proposed the above as the reverse of the seal, on the face of which was the eagle symbol, to Congress, which adopted it on June 20, 1782. On adoption of the Constitution, Congress decreed, by Act of September 15, 1789, its retention as seal of the United States. It is stated however, by the State Department in its latest publication on the subject (2860), that the reverse has never been cut and used as a seal, and that only the observe bearing the eagle symbol has been used as official seal and coat of arms. It first was published on the left of the reverse of the dollar bills at the beginning of the New Deal, 1933 by order of President F.D. Roosevelt. What is the meaning of the publication at the outset of the New Deal of this Gestapo symbol that had been so carefully suppressed up to that date that few Americana knew of its existence, other than as a Masonic symbol ? It can only mean that with the advent of the New Deal the Illuminist-Socialist-Communist conspirators, followers of Professor Weishaupt, regarded their efforts as beginning to be crowned with success. In effect this seal proclaims to the One Worlders that the entire power of the U.S. Government is now controlled by the Illuminatis agentur and is persuaded or forced to adopt policies which further the secret plans of the conspirators to undermine and destroy it together with the remaining governments of the so-called Free World, ALL existing religions, etc., etc., so that the Synagogue of Satan will be able to usurp the powers of the first world government to be established and then impose a Luciferian totalitarian dictatorship upon what remains of the Human Race. |
In 1826 Captain Wm. Morgan decided it was his duty to inform other Masons and the general public what the TRUTH is regarding the Illuminati, their secret plans and intended purpose. The Illuminati obtained the services of Richard Howard, an English Illuminist, to carry out their sentence That Morgan be EXECUTED as a traitor." Captain Morgan was warned of his danger. He tried to escape to Canada but Howard caught up with him near the border. He was murdered near the Niagara Gorge. Research proved that one Avery Allyn made a sworn affidavit in the City of New York to the effect that he heard Richard Howard report to a meeting of Knights Templars in St. Johns Hall, New York, how he had Executed Morgan. He told how arrangements had then been made to ship Howard back to England.
Very few people to-day know that general disapproval and disgust over this incident caused nearly 40% of Masons belonging to the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States to secede. I have copies of minutes of a meeting held to discuss this particular matter. The power of those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy against God and Man can be realized by the ability of their agentur to prevent such outstanding events of history being taught in our public schools.
In 1829, the Illuminati held a meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were informed that the Illuminati intended to unite the Nihilist and Atheist groups with all other subversive organizations into an international organization to be known as Communism. This destructive force was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. Clinton Roosevelt (a direct ancestor of F.D.R.) Horace Greeley, and Chas. Dana were appointed a committee to raise funds for this new venture. The fund they raised financed Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote Das Capital and The Communist Manifesto in Soho, England.
In 1830, Weishaupt died. He carried the deception that the Illuminati was dead to his own death-bed where, to convince his spiritual advisers, he pretended to repent and rejoin the Church.
According to Weishaupts revised version of the Age-Old conspiracy the Illuminati were to organize, finance, direct and control ALL international organizations and groups by working their agentur into executive positions AT THE TOP. Thus it was that while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto under direction of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under direction of another group, so that those who direct the conspiracy AT THE TOP could use the differences in these two ideologies to start dividing larger and larger numbers of the Human Race into opposing camps so they could be armed and then made to fight and destroy each other, together with their political and religious institutions. The work Ritter started was continued by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) who founded Nietzscheism.
Nietzscheism was developed into Fascism and later into Naziism and used to enable the agentur of the Illuminati to foment World Wars One and Two.
In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Gussepi Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary programme throughout the world. He held this post until he died in 1872.
In 1840, General Albert Pike was brought under the influence of Mazzini because he became a disgruntled officer when President Jefferson Davis disbanded his auxiliary Indian troops on the grounds they had committed atrocities under the cloak of legitimate warfare. Pike accepted the idea of a one world government and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between 1859, and 1871, he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century.
Most of his work was done in the 13 room mansion, he built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1840. When the Illuminati, and the lodges of the Grand Orient, became suspect, because of Mazzinis revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. He established three supreme councils; one in Charleston, S.C., another in Rome, Italy and another in Berlin, Germany. He had Mazzini establish twenty three subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary movement ever since. Long before Marconi invented wireless (Radio), the scientists who were of the Illuminati had made it possible for Pike and the Heads of his councils to communicate secretly. It was the discovery of this secret that enabled intelligence officers to understand how apparently unrelated incidents took place simultaneously throughout the world which aggravated a situation and developed into a war or revolution.
Pikes plan was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions. The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.
World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During world war two International Communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did not put this policy into effect ?
World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East isnt designed to accomplish this devilish purpose ?
On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known.
We quote his own written words (taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, Eng.:
We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
When Mazzini died in 1872, Pike made another Italian revolutionary leader, named Adriano Lemmi, his successor. Lemmi was later succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky.
The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers. The reader must remember that the International Bankers of to-day, like the Money-Changers of Christs day, are only tools or agents of the Illuminati.
While the general public has been lead to believe that Communism is a movement of the workers (soviets) to destroy Capitalism, Pawns In The Game and The Red Fog Over America prove that both British and American Intelligence Officers obtained authentic documentary evidence which proved that internationalist capitalists operating through their international banking houses had financed both sides in every war and revolution fought since 1776.
Those who to-day comprise The Synagogue of Satan direct our governments, whom they hold in usury, to fight the wars and revolutions so they further Pikes plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when Atheistic-Communism and the whole of Christendom can be forced into an all-out war within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale.
There is plenty of documentary evidence to prove that Pike, like Weishaupt, was head of the Luciferian Priesthood in his day. In addition to the letter he wrote Mazzini in 1871, another he wrote to the heads of his Palladian Councils July 14th, 1889 fell into hands other than intended. It was written to explain the Luciferian dogma, concerning worship of Satan and worship of Lucifer.
In it, he said in part :
That which we say to the crowd is we worship God. But it is the God that one worships without superstition. The religion should be, by all us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine ... Yes ! Lucifer is God. And unfortunately Adonay (the name given by Luciferians to the God we worship) is God also ... for the absolute can only exist as two Gods. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy : and the true, and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay : but Lucifer, God of Light, and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and Evil.
Research dug up letters from Mazzini which revealed how the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed keep their identity and true purpose secret. In a letter Mazzini wrote to his revolutionary associate, Dr. Breidenstine, only a few years before he died he said We form an association of brothers in all points of the globe. We wish to break every yoke. Yet, there is one unseen that can be hardly felt, yet it weighs on us. Whence comes it ? Where is it ? No one knows ... or at least no one tells. This association is secret even to us the veterans of secret societies.
In 1925 his Eminence Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, published a book The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, to expose how the Illuminati, the Satanists, and the Luciferians had imposed a secret society upon a secret society. He produces a great deal of documentary evidence to prove that not even 32nd and 33rd degree Masons know what goes on in the Lodges of the Grand Orient and Pikes New and Reformed Palladian Rite and the affiliated Lodges of Adoption in which female members of the conspiracy are initiated. On page 108 he quotes the authority Margiotta to prove that before Pike selected Lemmi to succeed Mazzini as Director of the World Revolutionary Movement Lemmi was a rabid and confirmed Satanist. But after he had been selected he was initiated into the Luciferian ideology.
Weishaupts plot requires :
1. Abolition of ALL ordered national governments.
2. Abolition of inheritance.
3. Abolition of private property.
4. Abolition of patriotism.
5. Abolition of the individual home and family life as the cell from which all civilizations have stemmed.
6. Abolition of ALL religions established and existing so that the Luciferian ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind.
*// To which one of these points did Thomas Jefferson subscribe ?
The headquarters of the conspiracy in the late 1700s was in Frankfurt, Germany, where the House of Rothschild had been established and linked together other international financiers who had literally Sold their souls to the devil. After the Bavarian Governments exposure in 1786, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed established their headquarters in Switzerland; since World War Two the headquarters have been in the Harold Pratt Building New York. The Rockefellers have replaced the Rothschilds as far as the manipulation of finances is concerned.
In the final phase of the conspiracy the government will consist of the king-despot, the Synagogue of Satan, and a few millionaires, economists, and scientists who have proved their devotion to the Luciferian cause. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of mongrelized humanity, by artificial insemination practiced on an international scale. On pages 49-51 The impact of Science on Society Bertrand Russell says that ultimately less than 30 percent of the female population and 5 percent of the male population will be used for breeding purposes. Reproduction will be strictly limited to the type and numbers required to fill the needs of the state.
Because the rulings of the courts are so much in the public mind to-day, I will conclude my introduction by quoting from a lecture given to the members of the Grand Orient Lodge of Paris, France, by a top executive of Pikes Palladian Rite, at the turn of the present century. He said :
Under our influence the execution of the laws of the Goyim has been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law has been exploded by the liberal interpretations introduced into this sphere. In the most important and fundamental affairs and questions judges decide as we dictate to them : see matters in the light where with we enfold them for the administration of the Goyim, of course through persons who are our tools though we do not appear to have anything in common with them. Even Senators and the higher administration accept our council...
This should explain the Little Rock incident, which took place a half century later.
Can any thinking person deny that the conspiracy as revised by Weishaupt in the latter 1700s, and the plans drawn up by Pike in the latter 1800s, havent matured exactly as intended ? The empires of Russia and Germany have been destroyed. Those of Britain and France reduced to third class powers. The crowned heads have fallen like over-ripe fruit. The worlds population has twice been divided into opposing camps as the result of propaganda put out by the Illuminati.
Two world wars have seen christians kill each other off efficiently by the tens of millions without any person engaged having the slightest personal animosity towards the other. Two of the major revolutions, those of Russia and China, are accomplished facts. Communism has been built up until it is equal in strength to the whole of christendom. Intrigue now going on in the East and Middle East is fomenting World War Three. After that, unless stopped right now by sheer weight of informed public opinion, will come the final social cataclysm; then absolute physical, mental, and spiritual slavery will follow.
Can any informed person deny that Communism is being tolerated in the remaining so-called Free countries. The British special branch of intelligence; the Canadian R.C.M.P., and the U.S. F.B.I. could arrest every Communist leaders within twenty four hours of the order being given, but they are not allowed to act. WHY ?
The answer is simple. Communism is being Contained on the national and international levels of government on the ADVICE of the Illuminatis agentur who give a great many utterly unconvincing excuses for the present policy of Britain, Canada, and the United States towards national and international Communism. If the F.B.I. or the R.C.M.P. act then the Judges of the Supreme Courts of both countries find reason in law why those arrested should be set free. Such action would be utterly ridiculous if Communism wasnt being contained for use in the final social cataclysm.
1 It was printed in London for T. Madell Jr. and W. Davies, Strand; and W. Creeck, Edinburgh. Copies are in museums and two are privately owned by friends of the author in America.