Español |
2019 - Movilizaciones Ciudadanas y
Cambios Disruptivos en América Latina
Español |
Acuérdate del 5 Noviembre... -
¡Recuerda porqué No los Necesitamos!
Español |
América del Sur acelera "Vuelcos
Políticos" que Conectan con el Pasado
Español |
América del Sur Clama:
Neoliberalismo - ¡Nunca Más...!
American Apocalypse - The
Government's Plot to Destabilize the Nation is Working
Español |
Antes del 2016 Puede Estallar una
Revolución en EE.UU.
- Advertencia de un Economista
Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across
Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real
Unrest or A Manufactured Crisis?
Are We Witnessing the Start of a
Global Revolution?
Are you Ready for the Revolution?
Baltimore Riots and
a Vision of
Things to Come
Bolivia - A 'Color Revolution' or
a 'New Surge' for Latin American Independence?
Brexit and the New Global
Britain's Riots
- Thuggery, Looting, Lawlessness… by The Ruling Class
Brzezinski Decries "Global
Political Awakening" During CFR Speech
Español |
Cada Vez Somos Más - Desobediencia
Chilean Protests - A Revolt
against Neoliberalism the Media Refuses to Acknowledge
Chile in Flames - The Neoliberal
Model in Crisis throughout the Region
China Spending as Much on Calming
Civil Unrest as U.S. on War Effort
- Chinese Netizen Speaks Out
Italiano |
Chi Sono e Cosa Vogliono i 'Gilet Arancioni'
Civil Unrest is Erupting All Over
the World - But just Wait until the United States Joins
the Party…
CNN Accused of Forcing Journalist
to Censor Bahrain Brutality
Colombians Successfully Revolt
Against Seed Control and Agricultural Tyranny
Español |
Como Abortarán la Revolución
Controlled Opposition - The Hidden
Hand of Misdirection
Español |
Creciente Desesperación Illuminati a Medida Que se
Acerca La Toma Final de Control
Español |
Disturbios Civiles están en
Erupción en Todo el Mundo - Estados Unidos ¿se unirá a
la Fiesta...?
- "Democracy
Uprising" in The U.S.A.?
Español |
Derrumbe del Modelo Occidental...
Dozens of Arrests at 'Occupy
Español |
- "EE.UU.
en Espera de Una Revolución Inminente" |
Español |
El Miedo vuelve Estúpida a la
Gente |
Español |
El 'Movimiento de los Chalecos
Amarillos' se ha Extendido como Reguero de Pólvora en
Todo el Mundo |
Español |
El 'Movimiento de los Chalecos Amarillos'
se ha Globalizado |
Español |
El Surgimiento de la Resistencia y
la Conciencia - El Colapso del Gobierno |
Español |
El Único Camino para Salvar al
Mundo es Salvarte a Ti Mismo |
Español |
En Grecia somos Testigos del Jaque
Mate de las Élites |
Español |
Estados Unidos - La Rebelión de la
"Generación Y (millennials)" y la "Generación Z
Español |
Esta Vez Estamos Cargándonos con
Nosotros Al Planeta Entero
Europe Rises Up against
'Coronavirus Restrictions' - Massive Simultaneous
Protests in London, Paris and Berlin
Español |
Explosión de "Indignados" pone en
el 'Banquillo de los Acusados' al modelo Capitalista
Neoliberal Chileno
Español |
Extraño Informe Advierte
sobre "Epidemia de Disturbios Globales"
Fall of the Arab Spring - From
Revolution to Destruction
Fearing Yellow Vests, Macron
attacks French Civil Liberties
Fear makes People Stupid
Ferguson and the False Promise of
Forces for A Global Revolution
- Tunisia, WikiLeaks And Food Crisis
Forgotten France Rises Up
France is on Fire - How Bad is it
this Time?
France's Longest Protests since
1968 - Striking Workers Continue the Fight against
Freedom or Fascism?
Global Instability and the Rise of
- "Go
To Hell" - Brave EU Politician delivers damning Message
to Global Tyrants
Historical Lessons from Rebellions
- Countering Globalist Strategies Post-Collapse
How Protesters Become Terrorists
How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity
Into Prosperity
- Own a Bank
Italiano |
Il Gap tra il Ricco e il Povero è
più Grande che Mai - La Frustrazione sta Crescendo a
Livelli molto Pericolosi
Illuminati Desperation Grows as
Final Takedown Approaches
- Weekly Geopolitical News
In Greece we are Now Witnessing
the Elites' EndGame |
In Syntagma Square, Some See The
Dawn of A New Politics |
Italians 'Rise Up' against "Health
Dictatorship" as Country Moves toward New Lockdown |
It's Over Chaps - It's Just A Matter of When |
Is Wisconsin Our Egypt?
- 15,000 Protest Off-The-Wall Right-Wing Governor's
Español |
La Manifestación de Berlín -
Español |
La Olvidada Francia se Levanta
Italiano |
- 'La
più Grande Folla nella Storia della Germania' Insorge
contro Bill Gates e Big Pharma
Español |
La Resistencia No Es Inútil... ¡Es
- 'Largest
Crowd in German History' Rises Up against Bill Gates and
Big Pharma
Español |
Las Élites Multicéfalas
Español |
Las Exigencias del 'Movimiento Chalecos Amarillos' se
dirigen hacia un Verdadero Cambio Sistémico
Español |
Las 'Protestas de los Chalecos
Amarillos' son un Canario en la Mina de Carbón
Español |
La Tiranía de la Tecnocracia - La
Nueva Normalidad No Es Normal
Italiano |
L'Instabilità Globale e l'Ascesa
del Tecnopopulismo
Español |
Los 'Chalecos Naranja' en las
Plazas de Italia - Multitud de Manifestantes sin
Máscaras o Distancias
Español |
Dictadores deberían Temer a la IA |
Español |
Los Disturbios de Baltimore y una
Visión de las Cosas por Venir
Español |
Los Recovecos Nauseabundos de la 'República'
Francesa - La Indecente Arrogancia de Ricos y Poderosos
Media Conceal Chile's State
Criminality and Delegitimize Bolivian Democracy
Open Letter to Every Kid in America
Español |
Navegando en el 'Cuarto Giro' -
Estos son los Tiempos que prueban a las Almas de los
Navigating the 'Fourth Turning' -
These are the Times that try Men's Souls
No Alternative? - See Iceland...
No Masters, No Rulers - A World
Without Statist Conditioning
Español |
No Necesitamos Nuevos
Presidentes - Necesitamos una Nueva Conciencia y un
Nuevo Sistema
Obama and The Media are Stirring
the Pot in Ferguson - But Real Leaders are Trying to
Bring us Together
Political Violence Contagion - A
Framework for Understanding the Emergence and Spread of
Civil Unrest
Politicians are Now Making Plans
in Case the Public Turns Against them Violently
Español |
- "Por
Primera Vez en Toda La Historia, La Humanidad Está
Despertando" - Zbigniew Brzezinski
Español |
Por temor a los Chalecos
Amarillos, Macron ataca las Libertades Civiles de los
Español |
Protestas Chilenas - Una Revuelta
contra el Neoliberalismo que los Medios de Comunicación
se Niegan a...
Español |
Protestas Globales - Sistemas de
Abordaje y Síntomas
Protest has helped Define the
First Two Decades of the 21st Century - Here's what's
Protests Against Wall Street
Spread Across U.S.
Puppets in Revolt
- Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and The United States
Español |
Rabia Contra las Élites - Otra
Revolución de Octubre en América Latina
Return to Wisconsin - The
Beginning or The End?
Revolt In Libya - A Message to
Revolution is Brewing in Europe
Revolution or World War III - The
Road Through 2012
Italiano |
Sei Pronto per la Rivoluzione?
Español |
Sin Amos, Sin Gobernantes - Un
Mundo Sin Acondicionamiento Estatista
Six Reasons The 'Occupy'
Revolution Will Be Difficult to Co-Opt or Defeat
Some Reasons Why We do
Not Need a President
South America Cries Out -
Neoliberalism - Never Again...!
Italiano |
- "Stop
al Lockdown" - Cresce nel Mondo la Protesta
Español |
Sublevación Global - ¿Cambiar de
Regímenes Políticos?
Syria - Who is Behind The Protest
- Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian...
- 'Take
Off the Mask!' - Thousands gather in London for 'Unite
for Freedom' Rally, demanding 'Back to Normal Now'
Technocracy's Tyranny - The New
Normal Isn't Normal
Agenda for World Domination by the World Economic Forum
The Age of Civil Unrest
The Demands of the 'Yellow Vest
Movement' are heading Towards Real Systemic Change
The Democratic Experiment is
The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave
Us - Why can't Governments, Legal Actions and Protests
Stop Them
The Gap Between the Rich and the
Poor is Larger than Ever - Frustration is Growing to
Very Dangerous Levels
The Global Banking Cartel Has One
Card Left to Play
- The Road to World War III
The Global Uprising against CBDCs
has Begun!
The Invisible Entity Behind The
Global Uprising Taking Place
The Long Road to
Occupy-Wall-Street and the Origins of the 99% Movement
- A Report From The...
The Only Way to Save the World is
to Save Yourself
The REAL Solution to the 'UN
There is a 'Deafening Media
Silence' on Global Protests
There is No One Way to
Live on this Planet but We Can Be Harmonious
- Anonymous
The Revolt of the Pawns
The Rise of Resistance and
Awareness - The Collapse of Government
These Americans are
Preparing for War With their Own Government
The Three Stages of A Revolution
can Tell Us anything they Want
The 'Yellow Vest Movement' has
Gone Global
The 'Yellow Vest Movement' has
Spread like Wildfire Across the World
The 'Yellow Vest' Protests are a
Canary in The Coal Mine
This Time We're Taking The Whole
Planet With Us
Thousands of Japanese Citizens flood streets to Protest WHO,
WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines...
Three Reasons Why Our Awakening
Will Have Nothing to Do With, or Result in A Revolution
Español |
Tres Razones del Porqué Nuestro
Despertar No Tendrá Nada Que Ver Con o Será el Resultado
de Una...
Turkey and Brazil Protests Part of Same, Foreign-Led
Conspiracy to Destabilize Governments
- Erdogan |
Español |
Una Primavera Europea Llama a la
Puerta |
Español |
Una Protesta Indígena Bloquea
Pozos Petrolíferos en Perú |
Español |
Una Revolución Increíble que te
han Ocultado y que Debes Conocer
- La Revolución del Coco |
U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab
U.S. Now Admits it is Funding
"Occupy Central" in Hong Kong
Voting is Evil
We are at War... and It's Not Easy...!
- "We
are Preparing for Massive Civil War" - Says DHS Informant
We Don't Need New Presidents - We
Need a New Consciousness and a New System |
What The Media Aren't Telling You
About American Protests
What Will Happen When the Arrests
- A Futuristic Picture of Mass Arrests, Critical Mass
Why Hasn't the Revolution Already
Why North America's Revolution
Won't Be Televised
Why Revolt Is All We Have Left
- Interview to Chris Hedges
Wisconsin’s Uprising
- A Guided Tour of The 11-Day Protest Encampment Inside
The State Capitol in...
World of Resistance (WOR) Report
Additional Information |
3D Printing Guns and Bitcoin, Show
Power of Technology to Create Change
After GMO Labeling Shot Down,
Citizens Start Labeling Themselves
- Grassroots Movement
A Graduation Message for a
Tyrannical Age - You Are the True Guardians of the
Air Force Sidelines 17 Nuclear Missile Officers -
Commander Cites 'Rot' in System
Albert Einstein Institution Manual for A Colored
Revolution in Egypt
Español |
Algunas de las Grandes Ilusiones
que Nos Mantienen Esclavizados a La Matrix
Alternative Economics
America - A Sunset Empire
America Going Through its
Own Political Arab Spring
A Movement Too Big to Fail
Español |
Analista Advierte que
EE.UU. está al Borde de una Insurrección
Analysis of Financial Terrorism in
vs. Minarchy - Do You Want a Little Government or None
at All?
Anger Builds in Italy as Old Guard Plots Fresh
Technocrat Take-Over
Español |
Anónimo Publica un
Poderoso Mensaje de Navidad a la Humanidad - 2017 va a
Ser Emocionante
Anonymous Hits the New
York Stock Exchange, World Bank, FED, and Vatican
- Total Media Blackout
Releases a Powerful Holiday Message to Humanity - 2017 is
Going to Be Exciting
Anonymous Threatens Exposure of
Government Secrets to Avenge Aaron Swartz's Death
An Open Letter to Wall Street
A Public Bank Option for Scotland
Argentina Unrest - Brought to You by Goldman Sachs
Globalists Centralize, Secession Fever Grows Worldwide
Español |
Atención a Los Movimientos
Telúricos Bajo la Frágil Arena Internacional
At The Point of No Return
Avaaz - The Online Pro-War
Propagandist and Color Revolution NGO
Bahrain - Is Washington Preparing
For 'Regime Change' in PR Disaster Kingdom?
Bank Transfer Day - Successful!
Be Your Own Revolution
Big Government - An Unnecessary
Evil That Should Be Abolished
Big Soros Money Linked to "Occupy
Wall Street"
Mercenaries Guarding Greece Government and Overseeing
Police - Coup Feared
Brain Dead Obama
BRICS and The Mission of Reconfiguring The World |
Britain’s Royal Wedding - A Big Day For The Global
Britain’s Royal Wedding Fiasco and
Its "Dirty little Secret" in Bahrain
Cables Reveal Saudi Royals' Money
Grabs -
U.S. Messages Detail Royal Welfare Program and Royal...
Calling Forth the Great
Italiano |
Capo dell'Intelligence
Francese avvisa Rischio di "Guerra Civile" in Francia
Español |
Cinco Razones del Porqué la
Anarquía Sería una Mejora en la Gobernabilidad Humana
Español |
Cincuenta Verdades Sobre Nelson
Civil Conflicts Are Associated
With The Global Climate
Civil Disobedience or Death by
Climate Cycles Linked to Civil War - Analysis Shows
Colombians Successfully Revolt
Against Seed Control and Agricultural Tyranny
Revolutions - Argentina Next?
Español |
Cómo Creamos la Realidad
Español |
Confirmado que lo que Sucede en
Cataluña es una Rebelión contra las Élites
Español |
Contra El Imperialismo y La
- Seis Estrategias por La Soberania, Dignidad y Vida de
Español |
Convocando la Gran
Corrupt Regimes Crumble When The
Foot Soldiers Refuse to Carry Out The Tyrant's Draconian
Countering The Corporate-Insurgency |
- A U.S. Army Field Manual
Español |
Crece la Desigualdad entre Ricos y
Creeping Dread in The Rage of Aquarius
David Icke Books are Contraband in U.S. Jails
Español |
Declaración de Sanya - Reunión de
Líderes BRICS |
Italiano |
Dieci Donne Rivoluzionarie che Non
Appaiono nei Libri di Storia |
Español |
Diez Mujeres Revolucionarias que
No Salen en los Libros de Historia |
Español |
Discurso de 'Evo Morales' sobre La
Verdadera Deuda Externa
Distrust in Governments Growing - Survey Finds
Humanity Even Want Freedom?
Do You See It Coming?
- The Next Largest World View Movement Will Not Have a
Edward Snowden -There Will Be More 'Libertarian
Millennials' Like Him
Egyptian President Mubarak Steals
40 Billion Dollars
Eight Signs you May be Living a
Courage-Based Lifestyle
Español |
El Actor Matt Damon Llama a la
Desobediencia Civil Global |
Español |
BRICS y la Misión de Reconfigurar el Mundo |
Español |
El Documental "Fuego Sobre El Marmara" Evidencia Abusos
del Ejército Israelí
- Franja de Gaza
Español |
El Ex-Agente de la CIA que Llama a
La Revolución Global - Robert Steele
Español |
El Comienzo Está Aquí
Español |
El Peligro Acechante - A Qué Teme Washington en América
Latina - La Pérdida del Control y
lo Que Viene
Español |
El Precio de La Verdad
- Un Acto de Rebelión
Español |
El Testamento de Gaddafi
Empower Yourself to Fight The
Español |
En el Punto de No Retorno
Español |
Entendiendo y Desmantelando El
Sistema de Control Global
Español |
- "Estados
Unidos No Teme a Los Informantes - Teme a Una Sociedad
Informada" - Dice Snowden
Español |
Estambul Se Rebela
Expert Predicts End to Hierarchies
and Value of Money, More ET/UFO Disclosure Starting
July-Nov 2010
Fifty Ways to Starve The Beast
Fighting Back Against the
"Intellectual Property" Racket
Financial Red Alert
- Europe Stands on Verge of 'Apocalyptic' Debt Crisis
With Only Days Remaining
Finding Freedom in Handcuffs
Five Reasons why Anarchy would be
an Improvement in Human Governance |
- "Forgive
Us for Not Arresting Those Truly Responsible for This
Crisis: Bankers and Politicians"
- Protesting...
Four Things the 'Powers-That-Be'
Don't Want You to Know about Anarchy |
Freedom - A Condition of The Human
Frenzy Around Britain’s Royal
Wedding "Should Embarrass Us All"
- Johann Hari
George Soros on The Coming U.S.
Class War
Global Uprising Underway - How
many People Have 'Really Died from COVID-19'?
Español |
Gobernar para Las Élites -
Secuestro Democrático y Desigualdad Económica
Español |
Guía para Desenmascarar a
las Falsas 'Izquierdas'
How to Be a Rogue Superpower - A
Manual for The Twenty-First Century
How We Create Reality
Human Will - The
Forgotten Freedom Faculty
Iceland - Victory Over
International Banksters
- Main File |
Italiano |
Il Piano per Destabilizzare La
Español |
Imparable el Empobrecimiento de
Los Trabajadores
International Currencies
Increasingly Rejected in The Face of Inflation
Is It Fear of Uprisings or
Altruistic Punishment?
Is It Finally Time For a
Leaderless Society?
Español |
Islandia - Victoria Sobre los
Banksteros Internacionales
- Main File |
Is The World Too Big to Fail? - The Contours of Global
Italy Paralyzed as Grillo Plots Exit Route from Euro
Español |
Jefe de la Inteligencia
Francesa advierte Riesgo de "Guerra Civil" en Francia
Italiano |
La Fine dei Re
Español |
La Guerra Mas Antigua del Mundo
Español |
La Inevitabilidad de La Revolución
Español |
La Inminente Revolución -
Una Nueva Realidad Vibracional
Español |
La Mente Crédula Explicada
Español |
La Revolución de La Conciencia
- Urano en Aries
Español |
La Revolución Femenina
Español |
Las Diez Etapas Que Viviría El
Mundo con La Introducción de Una Divisa BRICS
Español |
Las Horcas están Llegando... para
Nosotros los Plutócratas - Carta Abierta de Un
Español |
Las Personas Nunca Jamás se
Rebelarán mientras sean Propagandizadas Exitosamente
Español |
La Tierra Para Quien la Trabaja
Latin America - Growth, Stability
and Inequalities
- Lessons for The U.S. and E.U.
Italiano |
L'Attore Matt Damon Incita alla
Disobbedienza Civile Globale
Español |
La Virtud de La Disidencia - Un
Nuevo Concepto de Moralismo |
Italiano |
Le Dieci Tappe Che Vivrebbe Il
Mondo con l’Introduzione di Una moneta BRIC |
Italiano |
L'Esecuzione sta Arrivando ... per
Noi i Plutocrati - Lettera Aperta di Un Multimilionario
Español |
Libertad - Un Estado del Corazón Humano
Español |
- ¿Petróleo o Bancos Centrales?
Español |
- ¿Llegó
Finalmente El Tiempo Para Una Sociedad Sin Líderes?
Local Protesters are Killing Big Oil and Mining Projects
Español |
Lo Que Nadie Quiere Ver
Español |
Mercenarios de Las Monarquías
Déspotas Contra La Democracia
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Message to all Plutocrats - A
Declaration of Emergence
Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt
Move Your Money!
Move Your Money - Campaign Grows
to Divest from "Too Big to Fail" Banks to Local Banks,
Credit Unions
NATO's Inevitable War - The Flood of Lies
Regarding Libya
New Internet Privacy Service
Moving Offshore
- Here's Why
NGOs - Choice Tool of
Subversion for the New World Order
Español |
Occidente Devora a sus Hijos
- Senate Bill 1867 Would Allow U.S. Military to Detain
and Murder Anti-Government...
Occupy The Food System
- The World Can Feed Itself, Without Corporate America's
Occupy Wall Street is COINTELPRO
- Phony Opposition
Español |
Ocho Señales que Usted Pudiera
Estar Viviendo un Estilo de Vida Basado en el Coraje
Oligarchy and The War on
- "Operation
- "Our
Politicians Are Money Launderers in The Trafficking of
Power and Policy"
- Bill Moyers
Our Ruling Elites have No Idea how
much we want to See Them All in Prison Jumpsuits
Español |
Pedagogía del Oprimido
of The Oppressed
Preparing for Mass Civil Breakdown
People will Never, Ever Rebel as
long as they’re Successfully Propagandized
Italiano |
Perché Non Scoppia Una Rivoluzione
Peru Now has a 'Licence to Kill'
Environmental Protesters
Policies for A Positive Future
Español |
Políticas para Un Futuro Positivo
Español |
Porqué el Mundo se Está
Rebelando Contra los 'Expertos'
Español |
- ¿Porqué
las Izquierdas y las Derechas Nunca tienen las
Español |
Porqué No Estalla Una Revolución
Español |
Porqué nos Desprecian Los
Gobernantes - Análisis Shock...
Español |
Porqué Protestan Contra El
Mundial de Fútbol
- Brasil
World War III - Civil Resistance Sole Way to Stop US
Government Aggression
Privatization and Land Grabbing in
- Land For Those Who Work It!
Español |
Protegiendo el Espacio de las
Mujeres en la Política
Español |
Qué Eres ¿"Normal" o "Anormal"? - Humanidad Promedio
Español |
- ¿Qué
es Anonymous? ¿Qué es "El Plan"?
Español |
Rebeliones - Como Estambul pero en
Río de Janeiro
- "Nuestros 20 Céntimos son El Parque de Estambul"
Research Links Power and Tendency
to Punish Harshly
Riots in Istanbul - Gladio Strikes
Robber Barons - Revolution and
Social Control
Russian Warships Enter Syrian
Waters to Prevent NATO Attack
Declaration - BRICS Leaders Meeting |
Forced to Freedom
Secession Movements Intensify - Separatism in Europe
Security, Safety, Security! -
Dictatorship by Democracy
Español |
Se Expone la Hipocresía del
Italiano |
Sei "Normale" o "Anormale"?
Seizing Control of Our Destinies
Self-Sufficiency - A Universal
Solution to The Globalist Problem - The Globalists' Worst
Senate Wants The Military to Lock You Up Without Trial
Several Signs that You’re a Slave
to The Matrix
Español |
Sí Es Posible Otro Mundo
- Con Formas Diferentes de Gobernar y Ser Gobernados -
CRÓNICA Desde...
Snowden Nominated for 'Freedom of
Thought' Prize
Social Transformation - The Truth
Behind Capitalism Decoded
Some Grand Illusions that Keep us
Enslaved to The Matrix
Some Things you Need to Know about
Español |
Sublevación Global en Marcha -
¿Cuántas Personas han 'Muerto Realmente de COVID-19'?
Syria - Who is Behind The Protest
- Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian...
The Acceleration of A Global
Gilded Age
- Wealth Inequality Across The Globe
The American Empire Is Collapsing
Before Our Eyes in The Mideast
The Beginning Is Here
The Class War Has Begun
The Coming EBT Riots - What Will Happen When Government
Entitlements Stop?
The Coming Revolution - A
New Vibrational Reality
Condition of Human Rights at The International Setting
The Economic Elite Vs. The People
of The United States of America
The End of Kings
The End of The New World Order
The Financial Road to Serfdom - How Bankers Use The
Debt Crisis to Roll Back The Progressive Era
The First Streetwise Revolution?
Or Another False and Manipulated Dawn?
- It's Time to Choose
The Future of Countries
The Global Protests - A Riddle
Wrapped in A Mystery Inside An Enigma |
The Gullible Mind Explained
The Herd in the Head
The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition
The Inevitability of Peaceful
Libyan War, American Power and The Decline of The
Petrodollar System
The Neo-Imperialist Corporatist Order and the "Men
Behind the Curtain"
The New Leadership Paradigm that
Could Save the World in Less than A Decade
The New Mental Combat Zone - 2014: Let The Year of
The Solutions Begin
The Phoenix Will Arise From The Ashes of The Old World
The Pitchforks are Coming… for Us Plutocrats
The Plan to Destabilize Syria
The Rapid Destruction of Countries
The Revolution of Consciousness
- Uranus in Aries
The Second American Revolution Has
These Four Young People are the
Voice of the Next Revolution
The Super-Wealthy have a Problem
The U.S. Colored Revolution User
Manual for Egypt
The Virtue of Dissent - A New Concept of Moralism
The War Against Syria was Planned
Two Years Before "The Arab Spring"
- Former French Foreign... |
The War Is Over... And We Won
The World As It Could Be If We
Only Stand Together
Worrying Trend of Internet Shutdowns
The Xtremes
- Subversive Recipes for Catastrophic Times
This is what The Globalists Really
The Balance of Power - How to Really Change The World - And
It's Easier Than You Think
To Fight for Freedom, or to Fight
for Empire - That is the Question
Español |
Tomando el Control de Nuestros
20 Countries Likely to Face Coup in 2014
Español |
Transformación Social -
Decodificada la Verdad Detrás del Capitalismo
Trickle-Down Tyranny
- Why Ordinary People in Positions of Local Power Are
Adopting Tactics of Tyrants
True Revolution
Turkey's Twitter Ban Collapse
Fueled by VPNs and DNS Tricks
Ukraine, "Colored Revolutions",
Swastikas and the Threat of World War III
Italiano |
Un Analista Avverte che
Gli Stati Uniti sono al Limite di un'Insurrezione
Understanding and Dismantling The
Global Control System
USAID Exposed in Cuba - What it
Tells us About The U.S. Subversion Worldwide
U.S. Government Counterinsurgency
Español |
- "Vamos
a Invadir 5 Países en 7 Años - Empezaremos Con Irak"
- La Verdad Sobre Oriente Medio
Español |
Varias Señales que Usted es Un
Esclavo de La Matrix
Is Anonymous? What Is "The Plan"?
What Is The Basis For Corporate
What Will Happen to Global Economy
if BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency - Bricso?
Who are The Libyan Freedom
Fighters and Their Patrons?
Who is Really Behind the American
Militia Rebellion?
Anti-Washington "Rebellion"
Brewing Across Country
is Really Behind the American Militia Rebellion?
Why are Americans Paying to Be
Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed Blind by the
Why Brazilians Are Sick of Corrupt
Politicians - And Signs That Their
Government is Actually Listening
Why Collective Consciousness Will
Soon Render All Forms of Government Obsolete
Why Protests and Civil Unrest are
Growing Around the World
Why The Revolution Must Start in
- Chris Hedges's Endgame Strategy
Why the World is
Rebelling Against 'Experts'
Why You Should Consider Ham Radio
for Communications - Resistance 101
WiFi + USB Drive = Your Own Mini-Internet (Freedom)
Will Protests Alone Produce the
Evolution We Want?
World Bank Warns of Food Riots as Rising Food Prices
push World Populations Toward Revolt
You Are The Hope
The Arab Spring - La
Primavera Árabe |
Alex Jones on Arab Spring &
Globalism - An Exopolitics
Arab Spring
- Revolutions, Lies, and Intervention
a Brutal Ally
Bahrain - Nailing The Lie in
Washington’s Rhetoric on "The Arab Spring"
Beyond The Arab Spring, The European Winter
- Hungary Becomes Third European State to Suspend... |
Español |
De la Impostura del 11 de
Septiembre a Donald Trum - La gran Farsa de las "Primaveras
Español |
La Alianza Secreta de EE.UU. con
Al-Qaida y Los Fundamentalistas Islámicos |
Year of The Dupe - One Year Into
The Engineered "Arab Spring"
Books-Treatises |
As We Go Marching
- by John T. Flynn
Español |
De La Dictadura a La Democracia
- por Gene Sharp
From Dictatorship to Democracy
- by Gene Sharp
Español |
Pedagogía del Oprimido
- por Paulo Freire
Pedagogy of The Oppressed
- by Paulo Freire
The Power of The
Powerless - by Václav
Multimedia |
Español |
2012 - Jaque Mate a La Humanidad -
Checkmate to Humanity
Revolution - World Awakening
Amazonia for Sale |
Apartheid Did Not Die
Español |
Así Funciona El Mundo
Bahrain - Shouting in The Dark
Beware, Fellow Plutocrats, the
Pitchforks are Coming - Nick Hanauer
Español |
Big Pharma - Llamamiento del Dr.
Rath a La Población de Alemania, Europa y al Mundo
Changing Vibrations
- David Icke Talking to Meria Heller
Español |
Cuidado, Compañeros Plutócratas,
las Horcas están Llegando - Nick Hanauer
Español |
David Icke - La Conspiración del Coronavirus
- Covid 19 y 5G |
David Icke - The
Coronavirus Conspiracy - Covid19 and 5G |
Democracy in Shambles - "Money
First, People Second... If At All" - Bill Moyers
Español |
Despertar Masivo - Manifiesto a
Favor de la Libertad de los Seres Humanos
Español |
El Manifiesto de Los Wayseer - The
Wayseer Manifesto
Essential Knowledge For A Wall
Street Protestor
- David Icke
Fighting in The Fifth Dimension -
The Cyberworld is A New Frontline
Four Horsemen |
Global Rising - Noam Chomsky and Jeremy
Paxman's Interview
How The Elite Stay In Power
Libertopia - A Documentary About
Finding Freedom
Español |
Lucha No Violenta - Gandhi y La
Marcha de La Sal
Michel Chossudovsky on 'Occupy
Wall Street Movement' and Libyan War
Mozambique - Life after Death
Nobody Can Predict The Moment of
- Occupy Wall Street
Español |
No Volverán - La Revolución
Venezolana Ahora
Occupy Times Square - 1 Marine vs.
30 Cops - Marine Wins...
Español |
Palabras Desde Atenas - Words From
Español |
Revolución Virtual
Senate Has Declared War on American People
The Collective Evolution
The Problem is Civil Obedience
- Matt Damon from Howard Zinn's Speech
The Revolution Business
The Uprising!
For Vendetta
- Subtitulos en español
Español |
Victoria para El Mundo - Paul
Victory for The World - Paul
We Are The Plan!
We Will Not Be Silenced - Brian
Rose Documentary Movie
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The Black Nobility - Main
David Icke and Consciousness
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Latin America and The Global Elite
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The Sociopolical 'Discoveries' of
Benjamin Fulford
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WikiLeaks - International New
Media Non-Profit Organization
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