by Alex Christopher
extracted from 'Pandora's Box
The Ultimate "Unseen Hand" Behind the New
World Order'
Everyone has for many years been lead to believe that
the Rockefellers were
the people that owned and founded the Standard Oil Company and that the
Rockefellers were the owners of banks and vast fortunes even from the
mid-eighteen hundreds.
The Rockefellers really were part of an elite group of men that became the
front men for one family that really owned the wealth of this country.
Because of the vastness of this empire the family had to have key people to
head up the large corporation. They were put in controlling position of
these companies and were made to look like they were the owners when in
reality they were only the ‘TRUSTEES’, of these companies.
John D. Rockefeller, a Trustee for what is now
known as Exxon Corporation (formerly Standard Oil of New Jersey), first
became interested in oil in 1863 when he was sent to Pennsylvania by a group
of Cleveland. Ohio businessmen to investigate oil operations. At that time
he was not impressed with, the producing end of the business, but he did see
a future for the refining and marketing side. And on this premise he and his
associates developed their holdings until Standard Oil Company was
incorporated in 1877.
These people were convinced that small local
firms could be bought out because then they could not survive in the highly
competitive oil business. Small businesses were bought out and they all
became part of the huge Standard Oil Trust in 1882. Decisions were made bv
an executive committee with Rockefeller as head.
Standard Oil Company was incorporated in New
Jersey on August 15, 1882, by the Standard Oil Trust. This oil company
really owns all oil companies everywhere and all their subsidiaries. This
oil company is owned by a little railroad line in North Carolina and that
little railroad line was merged into the 1906 Southern Railway Merger that
J. P. Morgan was so famous for.
All of this was owned by one man by the
name of Louis Cass Payseur.
The true ownership has been hidden from the
public eye because the family did not want to be known and also to avoid
anti-trust laws. So it was set up with trustees to operate the company. The
first Standard Oil marketing operation outside the United States was the
formation of Anglo-American Oil Company. Ltd. in 1888. Next came the
purchase of Deutsch-Amerikanische Petoleum-Gesellschaft in 1890, resident
agents were established in the Far East by 1893.
By 1895 the company had built up an ocean going
fleet of ships (which were the extension of the railroad around the world)
to supply this growing foreign trade. Its first tanker was built in 1886.
The increasing need for crude oil forced the company to engage in larger
production of crude oil. The company had production operations in
Pennsylvania. Ohio and Indiana by 1889. In the late 1890’s and early 1900’s
new oil was discovered to the West, so the company engaged in the search for
oil in Illinois. Kansas. Oklahoma. Louisiana. Texas, and California.
These discoveries required that the manpower be increased and new
subsidiaries be formed and a new TRUSTEE had to be appointed to head these
companies in oil rich western America. Names like Sinclair, Getty,
Kerr-McGee, Phillips. Champlin just to name a few. Are you beginning to get
the big picture. All this can be backed up with legal courthouse documents.
Accompanying the extension of producing activities was the building of
pipelines. The company had gathered lines from its earliest days in the
production phase of the oil business, but in 1879 Tidewater Pipe Company
proved the feasibility of a cross county pipeline. By 1908 Standard had
transcontinental pipelines started in the United States. By 1911 its 10,000
miles of trunk lines extended from Baton Rouge. Louisiana northwest through
Oklahoma and Kansas, northeast to Indiana and on the Eastern Seaboard.
The company’s leading refineries in 1911 were
located at Bayonne, Jersey City and Bayway, New Jersey, Baltimore. Maryland
and 358 Parkersburg, West Virginia. Now ask yourself one simple little
question and it is that, why, way back in the 1870’s was there such a need
for oil. it wasn’t until the 1890’s that automobiles started to appear and
not until around 1910 did they really start becoming popular. Why the push
for oil? The answer is the railroads and shipping fleets that were growing
so fast were all owned by this family.
It just makes good sense to own the companies
that produce the goods that supply another facet of your business empire.
All part of transportation and communication.
Some of the other names that you can connect to Standard Oil are Esso.
Carter oil Company formed in 1893 to produce oil in West Virginia.
International Petroleum Company was established in 1917 to operate newly
acquired properties in Peru. Then came Humble Oil refining Company of Texas.
Just to make note of some other names it does business as is Amoco, Sunoco, Vaccum Oil etc. and the list goes on and on. A policy set in the 1920’s
showed that Standard intended to continue interest in foreign production. It
began operation in the Middle East in 1928 and investigated oil prospects in
Mexico and Colombia. The country of Colombia was an important oil source for
the company by 1926.
The unbalance in transportation facilities was corrected by creating a new
United States flag fleet operating directly by the parent company.
West India Oil Refining Company was acquired in 1922.
Creole Petroleum Company were acquired in 1928, and in the same year an
interest in Turkish (now Iraq) Petroleum company. To strengthen its refining
position Standard bought patent rights outside Germany for a new refining
process called hydrogenation. Its foreign marketing strength was increased
by 1930 when Standard once again came to power with Anglo-American Oil
Company. In 1932 other foreign properties were added by the purchase of Lake
Maracaibo, Venezuela, and a refinery at Aruba in the Netherlands West
Lago Petroleum Corporation and Creole Petroleum Company were merged in 1944.
In the same year Standard acquired direct ownership of ocean going tankers.
Other marine properties of Standard Oil Company of Louisiana were acquired
by Interstate Pipe Line Company .
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey’s name was changed in 1948 to Esso
Standard Oil Company and under the new name continued to operate all
refineries and marketing facilities. Foreign marketing facilities were
strengthened in 1948 by the acquisition of Soc. du Naphte S. A.
(Switzerland) which marketed in various Middle East countries. Foreign
production was added by acquisition of a large interest in Arabian American
Oil Company in 1948.
November 1, 1972, the company changed its name to Exxon corporation. The
name was also adopted by the company’s United States subsidiaries.
Divisions and affiliated companies of Exxon Corporation operate in the
United States and about 100 other countries. Their principal business is
energy, involving exploration for and production of crude oil and natural
gas, manufacturing of petroleum products and transportation and sale crude
oil, natural gas and petroleum products, exploration for and mining sale of
Exxon Chemical Company is a major manufacturer
and marketer of petrochemicals. Exxon is also engaged in exploration for and
mining of minerals other than coal such as gold, silver etc.
A list of a few of Exxon Subdivisions:
Exxon Chemical Company
Exxon Chemicals Americas
Exxon Coal and Minerals Company
Exxon Company, U.S.A. Natural Gas
Exxon Company, International
Exxon Gas System, Inc.
Exxon Pipeline Company
Exxon Production Research Company
Exxon Research and Engineering Company
Exxon Shipping
Esso A. G. of Germany
Esso Austria A. G.
Esso Brasileira De Petroleo of Brazil
Esso Caribbean and Central America
Esso Europe-Africa Services Incorporated
Esso Exploration and Production Australia Incorporated
Esso Australia Limited
Esso Exploration and Production United Kingdom Limited
Esso Italiana
Esso Nederland B. V.
Esso Norge of Norway
Esso North Europe
Esso Resources Canada and Imperial Oil Limited
Esso Societe Anonyme Francaise of France
Esso Sociedad Anonima Petrolera Argentina
Esso Standard Oil S. A. of Bahamas
Esso Standard Oil of Uruguay
Esso Switzerland
Esso Tankschiff Reederel GmbH of Germany
Esso Transport Company, Inc.
Esso Colombiana Limited
Friendswood Development Company a subsidiary, of
Exxon, it has become Houston, Texas biggest, developer of homes and
Monterey Pipeline Company
Petroleum Casualty Company
Plantation Pipe Line Company
Arabian American Oil company ( ARAMCO ) and Trans-Arabian Pipe Line
Company Tapline a subsidiary of Aramco
BEB Erdgas und Erdol GmbH of Germany
Interhome Energy, Inc.
Home Oil Company Limited
One of the next places these oil hungry people
found oil was in Russia's great Baku Field on the Caspian Sea. By 1883, a
railroad had been built to the Black Sea, the Czar had invited his distant
family (heirs of the former Louis XVI, that were now in America building a
Banking and Railroad Dynasty), to come help in
the growth of Russia.
This is how it all started in Russia with what you today call the