by Dawn Abel September 2005 from MayaMysterySchool Website
A number of important cosmological communications have occurred over the last quarter century and will continue to occur over the next seven years and into the second quarter of the 21st century. This involves messages coded to reach the public conscious either originating or vibrating with a number of strategic stargates.
These stargates are aligned with each other in such a way to support the manifestation of a new heaven on Earth.
At the end of this period there will be a genetic manifestation or birthing of new female energy known by its 13-strand DNA; an event and physiological occurrence that has been compromised and suppressed for the last 3600 years, but which can no longer be contained.
Arcturus was referred to by Edgar Cayce as:
J.J. Hurtak in Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch, wrote,
Arcturus is home to the most ascended of beings known as the White Brotherhood of Light.
Its master is Sananda, also known on this Earth plane as Jesus, “the son”. It is the Arcturians who are supposedly responsible for the crop circle phenomenon in England. The Arcturians communicate using frequencies and harmonics, and the crop circle signatures are currently ascending the harmonic scale. The Arcturians have been doing this for hundreds of years.
According to Freddy Silva in Secrets in the Fields, by 1988 hundreds of crop circles had been documented and researched. This was actually the end of the “formative years” of crop circles, when most people were unaware of their presence. Suddenly, interest skyrocketed and they started to “catch on”.
This was also around the time of the Harmonic Convergence. Every year since then,
According to the Arcturians, there are 12 frequencies that correspond to our evolving 12-strand DNA.
And then there’s a 13th that corresponds to the most powerful and purest vibration of universal love and compassion. Our body’s seventh chakra (crown chakra) connects us to the previous six chakras in our body and to the Earth. Then an eighth chakra, about 12 inches above the crown, allows us to connect to a higher plane of consciousness.
A 13th chakra aligns with the super-galactic center that is a gateway for the most ascended of masters and for the purest energies of the heart associated with the divine Mother and universal love. The Great Hindu Mother Ammachi is currently manifesting this energy in the physical and is a forbearer of the new energy to follow.
According to Silva, the crop circles manifested a new nine-strand frequency in the summer of 1999 awakening even more people to the Earth’s final preparation for birthing a new consciousness.
A coiledserpent, (symbolizing activated chakras ready to release a pent-up energy) was also spotted in the crops that year.
When activating the twelfth chakra, you can contact the Arcturians as well and also the higher level beings such as those who are tasked with the ascension of humans and the evolution of our galaxy. These ascended masters include the White Brotherhood. The 13th chakra activates the super-galactic center, home of numerous galaxies and universes where the Galactic Federation works from and where the female energies associated with universal love and fellowship manifest.
The Arcturians are helping us to activate
and align our 12-strand DNA (corresponding to the 12 chakras) with
the energies of their midway command station in the Universe, so
that we can prepare ourselves for the new 13-chakra female energy
that the new Earth will soon be birthing and eventually become
junior members of the Galactic Federation.
Galactic Center
Those were the dates that Lord of the Rings opened to the public in movie theatres; also dates that currently fall within one to two degrees of the galactic center at 27 degrees Sagittarius. Those were the days of the first series of conscious cosmic alerts to the public from the Milky Way galaxy’s Mission Control Center.
It was a bold message of what will transpire over the next 10 years, as we watch the battle for the new Earth unfold and a new sun king (or son king) take his place who will help birth the new cosmic energy for the new age.
According to the Maya, the galactic center represents the ascension of “the king.” John Major Jenkins explains this further in Mayas Cosmogenesis 2012:
This was the first series of messages to come out of the Galactic center for the alert public to interpret.
The Lord of the Rings dealt with the transformation of evil through love, compassion and humility. It was a message about life and death, and the awakening of brotherhood among humanity. The “sun” or “son” king dispersed the dark and brought light to the planet. The female power who was behind this birth was Arwen, the fairy queen.
She mated with the new king and merged the cosmos and Earth energies to birth a new kingdom on Earth.
The first was pioneered at
the early Maya site called Izapa, and involved the slow precession
of the solstice sun into alignment with the
The alignment of the December solstice sun with the center of our Milky Way galaxy culminates in the years around 2012-coinciding with the 13-baktun cycle end-date.
The solstice-galaxy alignment was conceived as the union of the male principle (December solstice sun) with the female principle (the Milky Way’s center). The region of the Milky Way that the solstice sun will unite with contains not only the nuclear bulge of the Galactic but also a “dark-rift” feature caused by interstellar dust.
The modern Maya call this dark-rift or Great Cleft the xibalba be - the Road to the Underworld. This feature is the key to understanding the rebirth metaphor of the 2012 end-date, for it was also conceived, in Maya symbology, as the birth canal of the Great Mother (the Milky Way).
The sun is reborn daily at dawn, yearly at
the December solstice, and, in terms of World Ages, on December 21,
2012-when the December solstice sun aligns with the Galactic Plane,
which is the precession cycle’s “finish line.”
The Pleaides and Alcyone
Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades, is located at 30 degrees Taurus near the constellation Orion. Alcyone, in Taurus, represents the Earth Goddess. The lessons from Alcyone are those dealing with compassion, higher wisdom and vision, and Earth consciousness.
Much has been channeled from the Pleiades.
Alcyone figures prominently in Mayan astronomy.
The Mayas believe it is the home of their ancestors. The Pleiades star system is referred to as the seven sisters and our sun aligns with Alcyone every 52 years. In Mayan cosmology the precession of the Pleaides is tracked using the Calendar Round (52 years) and the New Fire ceremony.
This tracking system was developed at Teotihuacan in Central Mexico around 150 AD, however, according to Jenkins, it is at the Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza that we find the significance of the upcoming shift of the ages.
This is important because in the 21st century May 20th aligns with a sun/pleiades conjunction that, due to precession, moves forward in the zodiac by one degree every 104 years (Two 52-year cycles.)
This united sun-Pleiades conjunction has moved toward the exact center of the midnight sky. Jenkins continues that “the united sun-Pleiades symbolize the serpent-bird deity Quetzalcoatl known to some as the Christ.” The Christ is also known in many cultures as the “son” or “sun”.
Like the solstice-galaxy alignment, this sun-Pleiades-zenith alignment is tied to the endtime prophecies.
They watch a “shadow-serpent” slither down the stairs of the northern balustrade of the Pyramid of Kulkulcan. For those who are in tune, it produces a “rush.” The serpent hasseven coils, with an imaginary eighth forming at the top of the pyramid.
The Mayan word for a snake’s rattle and the Mayan word for the Pleiades is the same. To continue, Yucatec rattlesnakes have a three-dotted signature circle formation near their rattles. A number of scholars have interpreted this insignia to be a solar ahau face, a symbol of the sun.
According to Jenkins,
So now that we know that all of these stargates deal with the “endtimes” or death/rebirth transitions, what is the public message of the Pleaides at this time? And what has the serpent to do with any of the messages that have come from the crop circles, the galactic center, and the Pleaides?
The serpent as seen on the medical symbol, the caduceus, represents the human DNA strands and 7 chakras (Pleaidian seven sisters) before they move into the extended octave or higher-consciousness 8th chakra.
serpent also represents esoteric knowledge: that which is hidden
from view and must be understood before our extended chakras can be
activated. Once activated, it allows us pursue contact with the 9th
chakra energies such as our ancestral guides and also signifies the
“rooting” or birthing of a new cosmic vibration on Earth. On May 17th, 2006, at the beginning of the sun-pleaides zenith alignment - heralded two months earlier by the March equinox shadow serpent at Chichen Itza - The Da Vinci Code will open for public consumption.
The message coming through on the week that our sun and Alcyone are conjoined, is that the female energy, which has been suppressed and subjugated for so long, is ready to forge its way through the serpent birth canal and take root in her rightful place as heir to Christ’s kingdom.
The reactivation of Mary Magdalene and the codes that she held - which were brutally repressed by the Catholic Church - when merged with the Galactic Center events, will birth this new energy.
At some not too distant time in the future, after we have activated all of the 12 chakras (full harmonic scale), this new female energy will fully manifest to help us activate a 13th chakra that will be our coded card key into the galactic community.
Aside from the endtime (death/rebirth) alignments and messages, if you look at the alignment between the three stargates -
...they form an astronomical configuration called a Yod, or Finger of God, with the finger extending or manifesting at Alcyone in the Pleaides.
By definition, a Yod is the handiwork of indefinable and omnipresent forces of fate that can only manifest through unconstrained stress.
The opposing force or “stressor” of the 30-degree Taurus finger is 30- degrees Scorpio (sign of the serpent), also known as Asclepius for those who practice Hindu astrology. This is the trigger point where the new female energy is being forced through the “serpent” birth canal.
Because it’s moving out of the serpent (Scorpio) into the archer (Sagittarius), it is on the verge of being birthed and shot into cosmic consciousness! Gemini (the communicator), at the cusp of the Taurus finger, is focusing the message!
These options are coded and sold lock, stock, and barrel by the Cosmic Command Control centers (CCCs) and are meant for mass-market consumption. Who will buy? Those who buy will evolve to become part of the intergalactic community. These messages and our understanding of them are our IRAs; our Individual Retirement Annuities. They are meant to harmonically compound our knowledge banks daily.
My prediction for a timeline is based on the harmonic scale that the crop circles are following, starting at the ninestrand harmonic vibration that began in 1999 and then using the Fibonaci spiral to determine when we will reach 12th strand DNA as a planet.
Note that I am only going to use this sequence to determine the manifestation of the new Earth-Mother energies, and not any other event that may also occur during this time. And I venture to say that there will be many, both on the mundane and cosmic levels, including the 2012 “endtime” shift and alignments already spoken of.
They were activated in England to awaken us to the Earth grid using encoded keys.
This is to be my starting point to determine the manifestation of the new Earth-female frequencies only: two years later, in 2001, Lord of the Rings was released and ran for three years; five years from that date, specifically to occur in May of next year (2006), The Da Vinci Code will be released and will probably be the forerunner of eight more years of Earth-centered, goddess-oriented movies.
Eight years later, in 2014 - the new Earth mother energy (following a two-year death/rebirth transition from “death consciousness” to “life consciousness”, which will begin around December 21, 2012) will anchor and manifest its higher “female” energies for all to behold, I suspect sometime between May 17 and May 23, 2014.
At that time, the last of us who are in “tune” with this frequency, will also incrementally reach 12-strand DNA activation.
At that time, there will be galactic exchange of a new kind, and those who opened their cosmic bank accounts when the option was still available, will be able to cash in big time.
Paydirt will be given new meaning.