by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.)
March 2004
XeeATwelve Website
The plan for
the New World Order did not
originate on Earth — it is a system devised by aliens.
The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old
Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies a long,
long time ago. This system is now being pushed for implementation on
Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants who remain on Earth. The
Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the
Anunnaki Elite when they escaped this world.
The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is
to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world.
During transition into a global government smaller and weaker
nations are being forced or lured into accepting self-appointed
stronger nations to act as their police force.
Later, the police
force will expand and become an international police force under a
single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a
peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all
nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states,
freedom, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a
single ideology in the name of one global community.
The New World Order is a One World Order with a hidden
agenda to rule by fear, control, exploitation and bullying. The
ruling elite of the world’s wealthy, powerful and influential have
been pushing for a New World Order with a One World Government under
the pretence of establishing world peace while they are in
fact imposing their will upon every nation. They call themselves the
"peacemakers" but in truth they are an international
police force which organized "war crimes" tribunals, supposedly
to give the "political criminals" a fair trial before persecuting
The vast majority of the ruling elite of the world are either
descendants of Anunnaki Remnants or their supporters.
A trait of the Anunnaki is to rule by instigating people to remain
in a state of perpetual conflict. Peace is not even a consideration
of the Anunnaki, who are a warmongering, bloodthirsty, lustful,
perverted, deceptive, brutal race of beings who have controlled
the Earth for a long time.
At present, the fragmentation, conflict, hate, jealousy, suspicion,
mistrust, intolerance, biasness amongst nations, cultures and those
of diverse religions etc. appear to be obstacles to the realization
of One World Order. However, each of those traits was
introduced by the Anunnaki as part of their plan to rule by
segregation and division.
The rule by fragmentation was only a
transitional phase in a very long-range plan to bring about a One
World Government by claiming that such a government can bring
about world peace. In fact, the One World Government is a
tool for the establishment of an absolute dictatorship over
the entire world — a tyranny. Once the plan is in its final stages,
it will be forced upon everyone. The people of the world will have
no choice but to toe the line and follow the dictates of the One
World Order or face severe consequences.
For a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn
together under supposedly one common cause, humanity becomes
enslaved to its One World Order sovereignty. The New World
Order will not happen overnight. The idea was seeded a long, long
time ago, and slowly but certainly it is weaving its way
unsuspectedly through the monetary, political,
religious, cultural, educational, scientific
etc. systems. It started to gain momentum in the last 10 years.
speed of its emergence has taken a quickened stride in the last
three years, with one planned event after another taking place in
various parts of the world in order to test and exercise the power
of the would-be
New World Order
under the leadership of self-proclaimed, "high" moral
standing personnel with the backing of a powerful dictatorial
At present, while the current push for a New World Order appears to
be under the control of an elite group of Anunnaki Remnants
which I call the "Vulturites", the real control is under the
more cunning group of Anunnaki Remnants, which have been called
the "Reptilians".
These two groups of Anunnaki Remnants are in perpetual conflict with
one another. However, for the time being, the Reptilians are
purposely backing off to trick the Vulturites into doing the dirty
job of setting up the New World Order before taking it over from
them when they feel the time is right.
As I have stated a long time ago, most of the consciousnesses of the
Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants who were previously residing in
human bodies predominantly in the United States and
some parts of Europe have now shifted their locations to
China. Consciousnesses of the Vulturite Anunnaki
Remnants have now taken over most of those bodies previously
occupied by the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants.
The process towards the One World Order was implemented long
ago on Earth. Recent aspects of the move are seen in the evolution
of credit card systems, identification systems, smart card systems,
social security systems, taxation systems, health care cards etc. —
these are just some of the recent systems introduced to control,
condition, profile and keep tab of the whereabouts and activities of
people. Yet superficially, these systems appear to be signs of
advancement in technology and affluence so most people are not aware
of the hidden agenda behind these schemes.
Already, humans are being secretly micro-chipped with
physical implants for ease of identification and location of those
chipped individuals — while also controlling their minds — by those
working under the Anunnaki Remnants who have control of all
facets of systems in this world, be they political, cultural,
educational, commercial, pharmaceutical, monetary, military or
Every day when popular programs are aired on radio,
movie screens and especially on television, people are exposed to
the risk of being programmed subliminally through the flashes of
light, camera angles used, words uttered, musical accompaniment etc.
to "think" as the Anunnaki Remnants want them to "think".
However, there is a small minority amongst the population in human
bodies, especially those with alien ties, who have stronger WILL
than most to resist such programming provided they do not
give in to the ruling elite’s threats, bribes etc.
The minds of people are currently being altered. The minority
of the population on Earth who are resisting the "controller" are
currently under surveillance. This minority group contains those who
openly or quietly resist the so-called conventional and popular
beliefs. They are not without the assistance of a Force which is
fighting the Darkness of the "controller". Soon, this will become
obvious. However, not everyone who is engaged in resisting the
"controller" is of the Light.
Audible and inaudible sounds have also been released over the years
to weaken human bodies and minds so as to control and poison their
bodies, minds and actions. These sounds are also used to regulate
various aspects of individual and collective human bodies and
societal functions. Ultimately, the aim of the ruling elite is to
get rid of the majority of the human race before openly inhabiting
and controlling the world that they now secretly control, and they
have been doing so for a long time.
Many have considered how vast the conspiracy for a One World
Order would have to be, and they have attempted to refute it by
stating that certainly someone involved in such a massive project
would have broken ranks and disclosed the conspiracy. This would be
a valid argument, EXCEPT only the highest echelon participants know
of the agenda. However, none of the upper echelon have the entire
picture — they are only aware of fragments of the plan.
The upper
echelon cannot sort out the actual plan because it is built upon
lies within lies within lies. Even the highest echelon on Earth are
not the ultimate conspirators, they are merely following orders from
their "controller" who is not in a physical body.
The minions unknowingly follow the plan to its inevitable conclusion
because of programming and other factors. Further, those of a Dark
essence will naturally gravitate towards compliance with the
Anunnaki Remnants’ agenda.
The public has little or no knowledge of what is occurring.
Many of those who are resisting the One World Order have
discussed at length the physical occurrences on the planet that
point to the conspiracy and the New World Order. Some of
those have even addressed spiritual aspects of the plan to decimate
and enslave the human race, however, most of those people are coming
from a perspective of conventional religious backgrounds, and as I
have discussed repeatedly, the Anunnaki have set up and
facilitated all popular religions on the planet — including
the New Age movement.
Unfortunately, there are always some good
beings who get trapped in these movements. Hence, those who promote
a global community are really assisting the "controller’s" plan,
whether they are conscious of this or otherwise.
There are some humans who have already been chosen for survival by
the ruling elite. These human survivors will be slaves to their
masters. Many have been chosen according to bloodlines, professions,
ontological essences etc. to accommodate the needs of the
Anunnaki Remnants’ agendas.
The "controller" has an "elite guard" of fighters who are called the
"Rumblers". These Rumblers rarely left the "controller’s"
side in the past. They were only used in desperate situations.
However recently, a few of them have arrived on the planet to try to
block the Attas, (The Rescuers of the Light, The
Amoebas) who are in combat with the "controller" and all its
Soon, the Rumblers will arrive on Earth in numbers. This will
be a time when the battle between the forces of Light and Darkness
will be in heightened conflict. The release of the Rumblers shows
just how desperate the "controller" is becoming, especially
since the "controller" is compromising its own protection by
releasing its elite guard onto the planet.
Contrary to popular belief, the Earth is not an important place — it
is just one of the final hiding places for the Anunnaki — they have
very few places to go to in these final stages of the Correction
The Attas are the targets of the Rumblers. The average
person could not withstand assaults by the Rumblers; however, the
Rumblers are no match for the Attas. Many of these Attas have
arrived as "walk-ins" on Earth in humble positions, in female
and male human bodies.
There are many examples of mass mind control tests upon the
population of Earth. One such example is the case of Diana
Spencer. To the unaware, it appeared that her death had touched
their hearts, but this was not the case. They were in fact
programmed to respond with an enormous outpouring of emotions, grief
and distorted views about the deceased.
Most of these people did not
even know her, nor did they have any ties to her. Little do the
people suspect that emotional energy they spent was being
sucked out of them and collected by the "controller" for its own
selfish purposes and agendas. Imagine the vastness of the
mind-control project necessary to condition so many millions
into "spontaneously grieving" for the deceased.
On the other hand, when United States President John Kennedy
was assassinated, there was an outpouring of grief and emotion, but
some of the grievers were Light beings who sensed that they had lost
a dear friend on this Earth. His death was felt by all the Attas
parts in one way or another. However, his departure was expected by
the Attas, and no attempt was made by the Light to try to prevent it
for a very good reason. This was true grieving by many. The
emotional mass programming by the ruling elite was only in its
infancy at the time.
As another example of mass programming, the "controller" can
now summon up millions of protestors to spout whatever slogans are
desired to bring about a desired situation. And, yet, on the
surface, it appears that the actions of the protestors occurred as
an understandable and even reasonable reaction to a particular
situation. In reality, the protestors are being programmed and used
by the ruling elite to allow them to implement a particular plan.
In the near future, travel will become even more restricted than it
is today; internet services could also be restricted. The
time may come when internet services will be available only to
certain ones using frequencies that will be unavailable to the
population at large.
Wars, revolutions, famines, epidemics, recessions, depressions,
major catastrophes and casualties, bombings, murders and other
meaningless destruction and sometimes even natural disasters are
planned by the "controller" for its own agenda.
There was a document released entitled
The Report from Iron Mountain which
was commissioned by President John Kennedy in August of 1963.
Kennedy was overshadowed by an Attas consciousness (he had to play a
double-game with many Anunnaki politicians in order to be accepted
by them and be elected President of the United States), and while
there were some reports about him that are not particularly
complimentary, most of these are contrived or exaggerated by the
ruling elite, who also sponsored many of the libels.
This is much
like what was done to Thomas Jefferson, another Attas
consciousness. Kennedy was assassinated three months after
commissioning the report in which he was about to expose the
warmongering mindsets of the people who are in control of the world.
The stated purpose of this report was to consider the problems
involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition
of peace and to recommend procedures for dealing with this
This report, which was published
three years after Kenney’s death, reveals the darkest recesses of
demonic minds. It is filled with openly revolting revelations
from many different political appointees about what is really on
the minds of the ruling elite. In short, it is disgusting. Even
though the report was leaked, it was never intended for public
Many means of denial were employed to attempt to invalidate this
document because the American government understandably wanted to
distance itself from the report. Editors of newspapers were
recruited and supposed authors came forward to claim they wrote it
as a satire. It is hard to imagine that this document was intended
as a satire, as it is devoid of humor — express or implied.
Likewise, it is difficult to accept that a single author could be
responsible for the extremely different styles and energies
contained in the paper — not to mention the vast knowledge
necessarily required to have written the document, which would not
be available to a single person as even the higher echelon of the
ruling elite have only fragments of the total plan.
This paper commences with the query of what would happen with a
general détente amongst America, China and the Soviet Union, and
asks the question:
"Is the abolition of war, in the
broad sense, really possible?"
In analyzing the query, the paper states
that stability of society is the common assumed objective of both
peace and war.
Amongst other things, the paper dares to argue that were the
war-making machines halted, all of the money saved would have to be
rapidly consumed or else the people would have too much
wealth, and become too cocky and difficult to control. Therefore, it
was presented that in order to maintain stability it would be
necessary to keep the people poor. The paper presented
several wasteful programmes to dissipate any extra wealth that peace
would bring to maintain economic control over the population.
Thus, it is learnt from the paper that since war is a system that
has worked so effectively for so long it should be maintained. In a
stark quote, the reader learns that:
"Wars are not ’caused’ by
international conflicts of interest. . . . war-making societies
require — and thus bring about — such conflicts."
The report also concluded that: "The
basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its
war powers."
When considering the report one begins to realize that since it is
impracticable for everyone to be at real war, there are mini-wars
throughout the society. Families are but microcosms of nation
states with their miniature struggles for power and control. People
within families use varying tactics for seizing power and control,
whether it be done via manipulation or oppressive violence.
Sports are another substitute for war, where the participants
are actually putting less energy into the contests than the
followers of the various sports. In a sense, sports are the poor
people’s wars, where millions will buy a strong conflict instead of
the billions or trillions necessary for all-out-nation-state wars.
And, to show the attitudes of the warmongering minds responsible for
the report regarding the prospect of peace, consider this quote from
the report:
"In a broad social context, ’an eye
for an eye’ still characterizes the only acceptable attitude
toward a presumed threat of aggression, despite contrary
religious and moral precepts governing personal conduct."
This repulsive attitude continues today,
and in fact has escalated with a huge percentage of the world’s
population being programmed to support the "eye for an eye"
attitude. The ruling elite is worried that if there were no wars,
they could lose power and control over the people. Hence, they
believe that there must be a substitute for wars, otherwise, the
people might not bow down to their leaders. This shows not only the
warped minds of the people who thrive in this exploitative world, it
clearly shows that for their own selfish gratification, they want to
keep the evil system afloat at all costs.
As a part of the tyrannical plan, the Anunnaki Remnants
intend to clone the human mind and insert it into
artificial life forms. Worse still, they spread the untruthful
propaganda that everyone is a "god" in the making, appealing to the
egos and playing upon the ignorance of those receiving this
There is even the promotion of biological immortality,
supposedly under the guidance of the so-called "Ascended Masters".
These Ascended Masters, by whatever name they usurp, are
actually Anunnaki. What is actually happening by spreading such
outrageous and dangerous untruths is that the people’s thinking is
being altered so greatly that the Anunnaki Remnants hope to
capture the spirits of the victims and encapsulate those spirits in
a "time capsule".
It is the distorted belief of the "controller"
that if it could imprison these spirits and could clone
artificial spirits, these would have no will of their own, but
would be totally at the mercy of the "controller" and its hierarchy.
While this sounds like science fiction, it is indeed the
Many prominent figures in the world, in diverse roles, are
not at all what they appear to be. Many have been placed into these
positions because they do the bidding of the Anunnaki Remnants,
whether they are conscious of this or not. This world has long been
controlled by the Anunnaki and its Remnants, who rule by fear, brute
force and deception.
Those who dare to go against the system are disadvantaged or removed
from power. This can be seen by the assassinations of several of the
American presidents. Conversely, the British Prime Ministers
do not share the same fate as their American counterparts because
their positions were filled by Anunnaki Remnants or their
representatives, such as Winston Churchill.
Having said this, it is imperative that we bear in mind the Anunnaki
wear many disguises. They can appear to be a passionate proponent
for peace, like Mahatma Ghandi, yet they are the very essence
of deception of the Anunnaki. Contrarily, Indira Ghandi
is a being of Light. Yet, both were assassinated.
Surrounding the American Revolutionary period, there were many
Anunnaki Remnants and a few Light beings involved in playing
prominent roles. For instance,
John Adams, James Madison, John
Marshall and Alexander Hamilton were Anunnaki-sponsored
Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson
and Benjamin Franklin are all of Attas consciousness
Elvis Presley, with his outward
appearance of entrapment by glitter, glamour, fame, wealth and other
issues, was not really trapped at all. He is an Attas who was
here to do a specific job under the cover of a popular singer. His
death took place, but not in the way the world believes it did. Like
John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, Elvis too, was removed by the Dark
Force, however, it was the time for each of them to go as they had
completed their respective work.
It has recently been admitted by China that they execute at
least 10,000 people each year, and it is easy to assume that the
real figure is far greater. China has always been an important
battleground between Light and Darkness, even though Darkness
seems to flourish there because China has always been a
stronghold for the Anunnaki Remnants. Since the Reptilian
Anunnaki Remnants have shifted their consciousnesses to China
the increase in executions in that country is no surprise. Likewise,
the increased interest in UFO activities amongst the people
of China is to be expected.
These days, there is a lot of talk about weapons of mass
destruction. The real danger of weapons of mass destruction comes
from the Anunnaki themselves. Many of these weapons were developed
because of the work and theories of Anunnaki scientists such
as Albert Einstein. These horrible weapons were developed so
the Anunnaki in power can use them to threaten, coerce and enslave
the people of the world.
This may sound like a very grim picture of the fate of humanity but
this time the Attas are here with a whole host of
reinforcements. They have come from the future and are amongst us
today. As I have stated before, the Anunnaki Remnants are running
out of time. Soon, they will be no more. In the meantime, each
of us must consciously strengthen our WILL and never give it over to
the oppressors.
I hope the energy contained in the following words I wrote a year
ago will give strength to those who embrace the Light. At the time
of publication, many mistakenly thought that the words dealt with
the invasion of Iraq. However, they are more current today than they
were a year ago. The words follow:
Other countries are going to join
in. Syria will be the first. The birthplace (country) of Jesus
will tremble.
Internal rebellion will occur in the number one on the top (Vulturite
side) which will eventually fall and will be humiliated and
The road to Damascus will lead to many places.
Bloodshed everywhere will cover the whole earth, streaming far
and long.
All heads will turn as they witness the horrific end of mankind.
Humanity in transit will not rest in peace.
The voice of Old will scream out and be heard for miles around.
Those who caused the grim will find no place to hide. They will
cringe in fear and be breathless. Their hearts will fly out in
fear and numbness. Their days of Old will catch up with them.
They will cry but no tears will come, they will scream but none
will hear them, they will cry for help and forgiveness but none
will be given to them. The gnashing of teeth and the tearing out
of their hair will signal the end of the bloodthirsty tribe of
"Mountains" will turn over to crush the evil ones. The mountain
of giants will advance in numbers never witnessed before and
march towards "Golgotha" and together the wind of fate will
gather strength and push eastwards, northwards, southwards and
even to the west. The land of Zion will cry and then will be no
more. Hosanna in the highest all will shout but there will be
none to hear or sing the song "Hosanna, Hosanna."
Here are more words of encouragement for
those who find comfort in them. I wrote and published this last
The crop of the serpent is
about to be cut down.
The meaning of the boulders is about to be known.
The purpose of the quest is about to be realized.
The meeting of the fortunates will soon commence.
Be not fearful of the events.
Be ever on the ready.
The serpent has ruled unjustly and unfairly.
The bell will toll.
The Light will shine.
I will soon gather all that are mine.
Best Wishes,
M 24
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