About Jason Martell


Mr. Jason Martell is a world-renowned researcher and lecturer specializing in the ancient Sumerian culture, Sumer’s advanced technology, and how it relates to Planet X. Backed by leading scientists from the mainstream scientific community, Mr. Martell has been a guest on numerous television shows, radio programs and has given lectures throughout the world.

Mr. Martell has dedicated his studies to scientific research, factual data and supporting evidence. For almost a decade, Mr. Martell has researched NASA data of possible artificial structures on Mars, Ancient Astronauts, and the Sumerian culture.


Mr. Martell has based his findings in conjunction with principal ancient scholars such as Zecharia Sitchin, and scientists such as Dr. Robert Harrington. He has corresponded with top NASA scientists on the subject of Planet X, and the structures on Mars.
As one of the leading researchers in the field, he has created the world’s most popular website devoted to the subject of Planet X  www.xfacts.com  This non-profit venture features Mr. Martell’s research along with other leading scholar’s findings. Xfacts.com attracts over 1 million new visitors each year and ranks in the “Top 10” most visited paranormal websites on the Internet.

Looking forward, Mr. Martell is preparing to conduct several groundbreaking international research expeditions. His goal is to gain first hand access to ancient Sumerian artifacts, and other archeological relics not currently accessible to the public. By bringing worldwide attention to these hidden artifacts, Mr. Martell hopes to usher in a new era in the Ancient Astronaut theory.

Mr. Martell is a professional employed in the high tech industry. As senior interactive programmer and Internet designer, Mr. Martell has worked with leading technology companies including Intel, HP, Cisco, and Blue Martini, and resides in Los Angeles, California.