by Dan Winter
April 2000
ImplosionGroup Website
served to enlighten humans in that age that they were
not the spawn of the
Nephilim, the fallen angels of
He revealed to them that although the Fallen Lords had
greatly tampered with their mortal bodies through eons
of genetic manipulation,
human kind
were still ’angels unaware.’" |
Talk about all done with mirrors.... Remember what they said about
the electron (’there is only ONE, it just GETS AROUND’), might be
true of Thoth..
= Pure Rigelean Orionian?
= the Illumined Enochian Master
= Quezlcoatel
= Hermes
= Enki’s Son
= Raismes of Aphra
= The Atlantean
= Tut!? (=Jesus?!)...
Built the Pyramid, Started the Calendar...
Superman changing capes... doesn’t hold a candle to this fellow. But
what have we learned about "Redeeming" our Genepool?
In addition to Simeon and Maia’s detailed "Temple Doors"
websites on
Thoth, (The
Temple of Thoth -
excerpted below)
Thoth is also the stated author/ inspirator of today’s modern Templar
Star-Mapping Time Fabric Repair /
Oritronic vs Metatronic Grid
We have long been trying to sort out the true intent behind the
Draconian and Reptilian cultures from the Orion sector, involvement
in cooking up our DNA. While particularly on this website, the Draco
stories of horror have gotten heavy press, in fact the simplistic
notion that the Draco and Dragon roots are all man eating and blood
thirsty (Firefights under Dulce?) is simply not true. Gardner
does forget to give us Draco Dragon’s misdeeds and downside, but he
does at least remind us that maybe our DNA needed to have its royal
(’grail’) families bred like showdogs for millennia.
While it is true
that the fallen or Nephite portion of that (what I consider parallel
to the Anunnaki) culture, have perpetrated some horrific deeds in
their babysitting of us as a petri dish (some true physics behind
the vampire myth for example). On the other hand some of the highest
forms of potential psychokinetics, star inhabiting, and faster than
light DNA -- seeds come to us precisely BECAUSE we have been sown
from such a potent (if sometimes literally God-awful) family tree.
Thoth is an educational case in point in this regard. Rarely do we
compare specific detailed information which explains that he (also
named Quetzlcoatel- THE subject of "Tutankhamon Prophecies"), was
the son of Enki, brother to Marduk / Ra - thus clearly the pride of
the human DNA defenders part of the Anunnaki fleet. And yet here (as
clearly below)---
Thoth states un-equivocally that he is of PURE ORION / Rigelian
descent. Putting these 2 notions together may give us new insight
into the Anunnaki Origins in the Orion sector, AND why for example
Thoth (as Hermes) built the Pyramid complex as a Golden Spiral starmap to Orion’s beltstars...
Quote from
Eldorado Analysis of
North American StarMaps:
Dolmen structures like Giza’s pyramids
(massive tuning symmetry with respect to oribital mechanics AND
charge embedding) modulate planetary spin to stabilize them thru
gravity effects like planet lineups, and such things as ".. severe
orbital problem due to a glancing blow from a passing meteorite.
This resulted in a rapidly decaying orbit..." see the ET Origin? of
THE EXPERIMENT in Interplanetary Stabilization.. (Includes more on
Thoth’s role.)
Job 38:31
"Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the
bands of Orion?"
In Sitchin’s "Calendar Tales" from "When Time Began".. he explains
to us in great detail that Thoth taught the Moon cycles based
calendar (which under his other name Quetzlcoatel became the Mayan
Calendar) partly because it needed to compete with his arch-enemy
brother Ra/Marduk’s Solar based Calendar’s. (Seems like
Arguelles battle with the Pope has a precedent).
The point here is the history of Thoth’s origins gives us a major
new clue. (reference Sitchin) Thoth was taught by his Dad Enki, how
to raise people from the dead. His brother Marduk / Ra was not.
(Another possible hint to his identity with the Jesus myth). The
resulting squabble lead to Ra’s booting Thoth out of Egypt
precipitating his MesoAmerican life as Quetzlcoatel etc. What I find
fascinating is if we combine Sitchin’s detailed scholarship
demonstrating Thoth is Son of Enki, brother of Ra.
And yet Thoth self proclaims (below excerpt) "I am pure Rigelian
blood from Orion"
SO... we may be getting a little bigger picture of our Anunnaki
genepool planetary origins.
The word Origin is rooted in the word Orion. We have long speculated
that Enki’s Dad AN, was of Orion blood. (Which the links here
may confirm)..
An’s son’s (Enki/Adonai versus Enlil/Yalweh) squabble over WHETHER
OR NOT TO EN-SOUL / EMPOWER our genepool, their experiment, became the root of almost every war in the history of our planet,
including and especially:
the Enlil nuclear blast desertifying
Enlil’s treachery to destroy Enki’s haven which was Atlantis
/ Thule,
and especially the Cain / Abel battle of brothers which is
today labeled the Arab /Israeli war.
Gardner scholarship
"Genesis of the Grail Kings", on Enki’s babysitting of Cain/Cayin/King... to begin the grail bloodline.)
It would be natural for Thoth descending from the Enki side of the
war of the brothers (aka "East of Eden") to inherit the Adonai/Enki penchant for trying to slip some psychokinetic Muscle into us
as a DNA experiment.
This is very consistent with the Andromedan
rumor that the Sirian/Orion trading house paid by the Orion
culture to build Nibiru for gene splicing, was rebellious against
the Empire. As a result, EA’s more ingenious kids (Thoth) slips a mickey into the (N/H)-Ibiru genetic tea. The Andromedan’s called
Paa Taal or "11th Dimensional" DNA. This becomes the word
in Egypt who some (Helios for example) believe is identical with the
person Aleph Hyperion.
What may be more fascinating is WHY the AN/EA Orion trading house
who’s family became Thoth, wanted to rebel against the strict
Queen laws against spontaneous and psychokinetic and unregulated DNA
crossing. On the high side (if we are to believe "Inanna Returns"
and Anna Hayes "Voyagers") later the Orionian
Anunnaki were abashed
and apologetic about starting the fractionation of a genepool (here
on EArth) without providing the stellar magnetic environment to
re-embed that bloodline back into Star inhabiting, immortality, and
Solarian (able to navigate magnetically/ SHEManically thru Suns).
do this required millennia of planning to get soul family groups back
into the gravitic and familial pressures which could squirt them DNA
wise back into stars superluminally. (Anna Hayes discusses this in
detail in terms of DNA braids.) This is what Gardner describes as
the ’raising of the highward fire-stone’ or SHEM. (Basically the
symmetry of implosion -familialy, tectonically, architectureally, glandularly, genetically
see our grail animation).
Essentially in summary, if you split off a branch (SCION / jon) of a
DNA familial, without the responsibility to provide a sacred temple
format to re-integrate the memory of that bloodline back into
timelord star families, THEN YOU GET BAD KARMA. (Your hand gets
slapped by some Galactic Board).
In "Inanna Returns" this
translates into the Anunnaki being told (by the Guardian Alliance?)
that their present kin are stuck back on Earth till they help harvest
redeem the whole errant genepool they started! This becomes a
fearsome task. What I propose here is we become more cognizant of
what Temple like, well star- mapped, and astrologically embedded -
practices and rites for family groups WILL get their BLISS back into
the star wormholes (perSUNall-eye-tied).
A story Michael Heleus once suggested is that the Orion Syndicate
Terror driven rulership of Sirius (Anunnaki Outpost), produced
resentment there. The politics of fear eventually bred a kind of
rebellion inside the wealthy EA / AN trading house (Thoth’s
Grandpa). So the urge to slip some ’mickey’ to the same Borg cult
which had fostered the "Orion Wars" may have been brewing in Thoth’s
bloodline for sometime.
The combination of good gene splicing skills
in EA’s family, combined with the good fortune of having Orion
investment in
Nibiru as a gene splicing enterprise for Gold (powder)
mining on outpost EArth, may have been too tempting to resist some
uprising. Anunnaki and Nibiru/Hibiru being in many ways synonyms
here, probably the Hevree / Hiburu (ones of the ’crossing over’),
may have held a bit of resentment in the way their genes were
CROSSED OVER originally between reptilian and humanoid.
The passion
/ gland empowered side of the family line takes the high side in the
Enki against Enlil brothers, and similarly in the Marduk/Ra versus
Thoth brothers of the next generation. Interesting how the (Turgenov)
- Sins - or yearnings - of the fathers visited on the soul
directions of the sons. It took a fair amount of trickery to get
such radically self replicating DNA droids installed on the mining
planet, without arousing too much suspicion on the home star.
One interesting story was in the original story of Enoch. He was the
pride of the DNA’s droids of Enki’s fleet. He was the one submitted
back to the Orion council when they demanded a specimen of the
result of the genetic experiments on Earth, after they learned that
the Anunnaki had crossed in their OWN DNA!
And that is how the story
of Enoch/scribe began with his epoch tale of travel to Orion Star
home... (The word H’Ur-tak - author: "Keys of Enoch"
- means "Light from
This was all part of the Enki-Thoth subterfuge against Enlil and
later Marduk. (And why Enki & Thoth had to start Atlantis/Thule to
hide Cayin’s kids).
What I like is that eventually we - our genepool
- gets to be the bullet in the Draconian furnace. (Something Scorpio
in me likes sting...) The revolution against the E-LIZ-a beths
continues? The Archeo-Geometry of America’s Spiritual Destiny (
Individuation vs. ’new world order’ revolution - a microcosm of
galactic Orion wars... A true to life galactic sequel to the "Empire
Strikes Back")
In any case, very early on Thoth gets something of a reputation for
defending the naive DNA droids here (us), against the parasitism of
his more vampiric (Draconian) cousins. (Pics of
reptiles eating
humans in monument valley at
If we are interpreting the Thoth myths properly, perhaps his
education strategies still today put him at the forefront of those
who would protect our genetic dignity in the face of galactic
parasites quoted from link below here:
"...Thoth served to
enlighten humans in that age that they were not the spawn of
the Nephilim, the fallen angels of Lucifer. He revealed to them that
although the Fallen Lords had greatly tampered with their mortal
bodies through eons of genetic manipulation, human kind were still
’angels unaware’"
This whole plot gets much more thick if we take even slightly
seriously Maurice Cotterell’s book long scholarship ("Tutankhamon
insisting that Tut WAS Quezelcoatel (Thoth?). Then (and I am not so
sure of this but find it important to point out) there are more than
one whole book of scholarship insisting Tut WAS Jesus ("House of the
So let’s look the other names of Thoth.... Let’s
see, he is:
"I came within a vesica of Light, a merkabah of golden and
blue-white fire, from Rigel, through the ’Asefetas’
(the Belt of Orion), and descended unto ’Rastaru’ (Rastau), the etheric manifold
of the plain of Giza. With me, I brought the Enochian Table..."
The Historical and Mythical Thoth
(insert from Dan - not from link: Now as I recall, Michael Ash,
chief time empath of Montauk assured me personally that the Rigelian
crew at Montauk were some of the most arrogant and heartless ET
types to work with... however we probably should not generalize
here. Working with Earth’s primitives could probably try the
patience of a king.... Cayin...)
Thoth the Atlantean
Raismes of Aphra
"When I returned to Egypt, the priests of the Great Temple saw
beyond my physical body, into the auric veil which surrounded my
form, and they knew that He who is the Tat-tet, the Tehuti, had
returned. To those of my family and personal fold, I was known to
them as Shansi, ’The Beloved’."
’Thoth’, ’Toth’, Tat-tet and ’Tehuti’ are all forms of the same
root, which are titles meaning, ’one who gives breath to’, or the ’Grand Communicator’.
Toth-Mus-Zurud was known in Atlantis as the ’Sword of Orion’. His origin is Ultra-Terrestrial, from the
’Eighth Sphere of Heaven.’ He tells me that this denotes the
dimension of his realm, which is the eighth. In that dimension he
contains the genetics of the Light Races of Orion with the sun of
his creation being Rigel.
Thoth Hermes Trismesgistus
Thoth is known in mythos as a God of the Egyptians, later adopted by
the Greeks and re-named "Hermes." As a God-Being, he
was venerated in Egypt from at least 3000 BCE. He was given credit
for inventing hieroglyphic writing. He was known as the
"Scribe of the Gods," and as such, was the recorder of all human
deeds. It has also been said through the ages, that the Great
Thoth brought to mankind the sciences of law, astrology, anatomy,
medicine, chemistry, art, magic, alchemy and architecture.
There are certain learned scholars of the past who equated
with the biblical prophet Enoch, saying that they were one and
the same. Iamblichus declared Thoth to have been the author of
twenty thousand books, while Manetho credited him with having
written more than thirty-six thousand. The Greeks called Thoth
"Hermes Trismesgistus," the latter name meaning "Thrice
The ancient Egyptians often depicted Thoth as Ibis-headed, although
he was also portrayed at times with the head of a baboon.
There are ancient texts which claim that Thoth was the architect of
the Great Pyramid of Giza. The most famous books attributed
to him are "The Emerald Tablets" and "The Pymander."
Thoth, the Illumined Enochian Master
...Thoth served to enlighten humans in that age that they were not
the spawn of the Nephilim, the fallen angels of Lucifer. He revealed
to them that although the Fallen Lords had greatly tampered with
their mortal bodies through eons of genetic manipulation, human kind
were still ’angels unaware.’"
End quotes from Simeon and Maia.... (This last note could be quite
comforting after noting some of the manipulative nature of the
Mormon debacle -
Moroni’s Intent, Getting Genetic Immortality-Pure
Principles from Angels & Alphabets
In this regard, since we have been reviewing Angelic and ET intent,
to re-invent our planetary genetic origins.. in the process we do
keep tripping over this "Thoth" fellow..
The Secrets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch
"The lost Enochian
knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light". Known
to the ancients as HIBURU, it is the primal seed language,
introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Modern research
confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the
alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the
brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a
true language of light, coursing through our very nervous
system..... Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical
world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform
properties of light.
The "keys" Enoch speaks of, turn out to be
sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the
mythic "Power of the World". The Enochian knowledge describes sonic
equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable
of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect
of healing and higher consciousness states.... As the ancient texts
declare, "If you would speak with the gods you must first learn the
language of the gods."