I am a consultant in the computer industry in
Johannesburg, South Africa. Some years ago I became interested in a very
strange old scientific idea first proposed by Sir Edmund Halley - the
Hollow Earth Theory. I was fascinated by this bizarre old idea
and read through various literature regarding it - most of it being rubbish.
Nevertheless, there was a certain underlying logic to it all, and it was
this which I set out to explore. I decided to do my own feasibility study of
this old idea using modern-day science as my basis. Is it possible that
planets could be hollow and that scientists might have somehow missed it?
This was a question I posed myself. My 5 year obsession with this idea
resulted in me
writing a book of almost 600 pages examining every
aspect of science imaginable and seeing if any of this might mean that the
planets of our Solar System are hollow.
The "Reader's Digest"
version of
Hollow Planets.