by Monseņor Dr. Rafael Rodriguez Guillen
from Scribd Website





  1. The Great Controversy

  2. 'O Vatican' of Paul Hofman 

  3. Personages of the Sacred Mafia of the Vatican 

  4. The Vatican's Mafia in the Catholic Churches 

  5. The Gangsters or the Vatican's Sacrilegious Mafia

  6. The connection of the Vatican in the Counterfeiting of Billions of Dollars

  7. The Vatican and her Connections With the Crime Syndicate

  8. The Archbishop Marcinkus and the Vatican's Mafia

  9. The Vatican's murderous Mafia

  10. The Vaticanist Historian Peter de Rosa

  11. The Vatican's Alliances with the International Mafia

  12. The Holy Mafia 

  13. The Intellectual, Political and Sacred.....Mafia

  14. The Sacred Mafia in the USA, Spain and Latin America

  15. The Terrorist Mafia of the Vatican

  16. The Vatican and her Roman Legions Connected with the Mafia 

  17. The Vatican Mafia's Efforts to Destroy Protestants

  18. The Lie of the Catholic Ecumenical Movement Organized by the Vatican's Mafia 

  19. Satan wants to Unite Catholics and Evangelicals in the Third Millennium

  20. The Holy Mafia or the Opus Dei

  21. Writers and Historians who Prove the Vatican's Mafia

  1. Richard Hammer's Book "The Vatican Connection with the Mafia"

  2. Vaticanist Historians not compromised with the Vatican's Mafia

  3. The Vaticanologist Ex-Jesuit Martin Malachi

  4. The Vatican USA De Nino Lo Bello 

  5. The Papacy's Journalist. Juan Arias

  6. Michael Walsh: Opus Dei by Jesuit

  7. The Fundamental Lies of the Catholic Church

  8. Pontifex Maximus, Millennial Dynasty of Witch Priests

  9. The Mexican Authors Who Write the Truth about the Vatican

  10. The Vaticanist Author Rapporport Documents the Vatican's Mafia 

  11. The Author Rius and the Vatican 

  12. The United Nations and the World Order

  13. The Mafia of the Vatican is Directed by the Antichrist 666 

  14. The Great Conflict between Christ and Antichrist or the Vatican's Mafia

  15. The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days 

  16. Satan has Covered With Smoke Screens the Minds of the Majority of Human Beings

  17. Satanic Practices of the Mafia

  18. Statistics which Prove the Sexual Abuse of the Vatican's Sect

  19. General Conclusions